传染病学 PPT课件.ppt

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SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV和SARS-CoV-2的发病机制流行病学病毒学特征入侵部位检测手段 MERS-CoV的流行病学特征Figure. Summary of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus transmission pathways. Solid lines indicate known transmission pathways; dashed lines indicate possible transmission pathways for which supporting evidence is limited or unknown. MERS-CoV的流行病学特征 SARS-CoV、SARS-CoV-2比较 关于SARS-CoV-2流行病学最近研究进展 Figure 3. Evolutionary relationships and geographical distribution of 58 haplotypes of SARS-CoV-2(A, B). Evolutionary paths (C) of haplotypes and possible transmission and spreading routes (D) were also inferred based on evolutionary analyses and epidemiologic research. Sampling size of haplotypes and regions were annotated in the circles 基因组学特征u Figure 1. Betacoronavirus genome organization. Coronavirus genome comprises of 5 untranslated region (5UTR) including 5 leader sequence, open reading frame (orf) 1a/b (yellow box) encoding non-structural proteins (nsp) for replication, structural proteins including envelop (orange box), membrane (red) and nucleoprotein (cyan box), accessory proteins (purple boxes) such as orf 3, 6,7a, 7b 8 and 9b of 2019-nCoV (HKU-SZ-005b) genome, and 3 untranslated region (3UTR). u Examples of each betacoronavirus lineage are human coronavirus (HCoV) HKU1 (lineage A), 2019-nCoV (HKU-SZ-005b) and SARS-CoV (lineage B), Human MERS-CoV and bat CoV HKU9 (lineage C) and Bat CoV HKU4 (lineage D). The length of nsps and orfs are not drawn in scale. SARS-CoV和MERS-CoV作用于宿主细胞的机制 Fig. 2. Comparison of the known structures SARS-CoV RBD and its ACE2 complex with the deduced molecular models of 2019-nCoV RBD. Some structure segments and key amino acid residues are indicated. 检测方法实验室检测:病毒分离金标准分子诊断技术基因测序技术:二代测序宏基因组学技术、第3代测序仪(纳米孔测序仪MinION) 、低输入元基因组测序(mNGS)方法 、Tn5转座酶的转录组测序 PCR技术基因编辑技术 以CRISPR/Cas系统为代表 其他分子诊断技术 环介导等温扩增(LAMP):核酸扩增技术中应用最为广泛。设备简单,检测性能与实时荧光RT-PCR相近,检测时间短,但技术难度和对设备要求较高 核酸POCT技术: 短时间内完成核酸扩增、信号收集与结果分析,可有效防止交叉污染 。核酸质谱技术:新型软电离生物质谱分析技术。高灵敏度、高通量、操作简单,可同时检测多种病原体,适用于呼吸系统感染性疾病病原体的鉴定。 检测方法血清免疫学检测技术胶体金技术:优点:操作方便快速,实用性强。基层医疗单位、现场检测等使用广泛。不足:敏感度和特异性会较核酸检测弱,假阳性率、假阴性率出现的概率会更高。 化学发光技术:特异性高、线性范围宽、速度快。临床应用广泛。 ELISA:进展期和恢复期,血清病毒抗体检测。检测速度慢,步骤繁琐,使用较少。 谢谢观看!


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