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【5.1 Arts of China】 【中国的艺术】5.1.1 Traditional Chinese ArchitectureI. Features1. Architectural Bilateral Symmetry2. Enclosure3. Hierarchical4. Horizontal Emphasis5. Cosmological Concepts II. Classification by StructureChinese classifications for architecture include:Chinese pavilions (ting亭)terraces (tai台)Multistory buildings (lou楼)Two-story pavilions (ge阁)Verandas with windows (xuan轩)Chinese pagodas (ta塔)Pavilions or houses on terraces (xie榭)Rooms along roofed corridors (wu屋)dougong interlocking wooden brackets, often used in clusters to support roofs and add ornamentation. (dougong斗拱)Caisson domed or coffered ceiling (zaojing藻井)5.1.1 Traditional Chinese Architecture III. Architectural Types1.Commoner2.Imperial3.Religious Temple5.1.1 Traditional Chinese Architecture The Chinese painting is a characteristic art form of China. Aside from thecharacteristic painting brush that is different from those used in Western painting, theChinese painting sets a high value on the painters expression through the brush strokes.In that sense it is quite similar to Chinese calligraphy, and there is a saying“Chinesecalligraphy and Chinese painting share one origin.”5.1.2 Chinese Paintings In the burgeoning stage of the Chinese calligraphy (the Shang Dynasty to the Warring States Period, from the l7th century BC to the 3rd century BC), the Chinese characters experienced several evolutionary changes from the oracle bone script and the bronze inscription script to the large seal script. After a long development of calligraphy, when China was unified in the Qin Dynasty (221206 BC), the Chinese characters used in the entire country were made uniform too, and the Qin seal script (or the small seal script) and the Qin clerical script were created. A milestone in the history of the Chinese Calligraphy, the creation of these two scripts laid a solid foundation for the development of the Chinese calligraphy as an independent art form and opened up new roads for the later variations such as the Han clerical script, the regular script, the cursive script and the running hand script.5.1.3 Chinese Calligraphy Chinese Music has been made since the dawn of Chinese civilization with documents and artifacts providing evidence of a well-developed musical culture as early as the Zhou Dynasty (1122 BC256 BC). Today, the music continues a rich traditional heritage in one aspect, while emerging into a more contemporary form at the same time.5.1.4 Music of China The cinema of China is one of three distinct historical threads of Chinese-language cinema together with the cinema of Hong Kong and the cinema of Taiwan. Since 1949 the cinema of mainland China has operated under restrictions imposed by the Chinas State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television and the Publicity Department. China also restricts the showing of foreign-made films in Chinese cinemas to 20 each year. Currently, the vast majority of the Mainland-produced movies uses Mandarin. Chinese mainland films are often dubbed into Cantonese when they are shown in Chinas Hong Kong for theatrical runs. As of 2010 Chinese cinema is the third largest film industry by number of feature films produced annually, with 526. In 2011 Chinese films earned 54% of a total box office of US$2.06 billion.5.1.5 Cinema of China 【5.2 Arts of the United States】 【美国的艺术】5.2.1 Architecture of the United StatesI. Pre-Columbian PeriodII. Colonial Period1.Spanish Colonial Architecture2. English Influences3. Georgian Architecture4. Federal ArchitectureIII. Neoclassical ArchitectureNew Capital City1. Early buildings of the U.S. Federal Government in Washington, D.C.2. Greek Revival3. Gothic Revival IV. Victorian ArchitectureV. Late Victorian ArchitectureVI. Beaux-Arts and the American Renaissance 5.2.2 Paintings of the United StatesI. Eighteenth CenturyII. Nineteenth CenturyIII. Twentieth CenturyIV. The American SouthwestV. Harlem RenaissanceVI. New Deal ArtVII. Abstract ExpressionismVIII. After Abstract ExpressionismIX. Other Modern American Movements 5.2.3 Music of the United States The music of the United States reflects the countrys multi-ethnic population through a diverse array of styles. Among the countrys most internationally-renowned genres are hip hop, blues, country, rhythm and blues, jazz, barbershop, pop, techno, and rock and roll. The United States has the worlds largest music industry and its music is heard around the world. Since the beginning of the 20th century, some forms of American popular music have gained a near global audience.I. Folk MusicII. Blues and SpiritualsIII. Other Immigrant CommunitiesIV. Classical Music V. Popular Music 5.2.4 Cinema of the United States The cinema of the United States, also known as Hollywood, has had a profound effect on cinema across the world since the early 20th century. Its history is sometimes separated into four main periods: the silent film era, classical Hollywood cinema, New Hollywood, and the contemporary period. While the Lumiere Brothers are generally credited with the birth of modern cinema, it is undisputably American cinema that soon became the most dominant force in an emerging industry. Since the 1920s, the American film industry has grossed more money every year than that of any other country.I. OriginsII. Rise of HollywoodSilent Film EraIII. Portrait of Golden Age of Hollywood (late 1920s-early 1960s) Classical Hollywood IV. New Hollywood and post-classical cinema (1950s-1980s)V. Rise of the Home Video Market (1980s-1990s)VI. Modern CinemaVII. Spread to World Markets 【5.3 Arts of the United Kingdom】 【英国的艺术】5.3.1 Architecture of the United KingdomI. The Middle Ages1066 and all thatII. The TudorsStately and Curious WorkmanshipIII. Styles of the 17th Centurya World Turned Upside DownIV. Styles of the 18th CenturyRules Cramp the GeniusV. Victorian TimesMerry EnglandVI. Styles of the 20th CenturyConservatism and Change 5.3.2 Paintings of the United Kingdom The Art of the United Kingdom refers to all forms of visual art in or associated with the United Kingdom since its formation in 1707. It is part of Western art history, and during the 18th century began once again to take the leading place it had had in European art during the Middle Ages, being especially strong in portraiture and landscape art. Increasing British prosperity led to a greatly increased production of both fine art and the decorative arts, the latter often being exported. 5.3.3 Music of the United KingdomI. Early Music Music in the British Isles, from the earliest recorded times until the Baroque and the rise of recognizably modern classical music, was a diverse and rich culture, including sacred and secular music and ranging from the popular to the elite. Each of the major nations of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales retained unique forms of music and of instrumentation, but British music was highly influenced by continental developments, while British composers made an important contribution to many of the major movements in early music in Europe and laid some of the foundations of later national and international classical music. 5.3.3 Music of the United KingdomII. Baroque Music The Baroque era in music, between the early music of the Medieval and Renaissance periods and the development of fully fledged and formalized orchestral classical music in the second half of the eighteenth century, was characterized by more elaborate musical ornamentation, changes in musical notation, new instrumental playing techniques and the rise of new genres such as opera. 5.3.3 Music of the United KingdomIII. Classical Music Musical composition,performance and training in the United Kingdom inherited the European classical traditions of the eighteenth century and saw a great expansion during the nineteenth century. Romantic nationalism encouraged clear national identities and sensibilities within the countries of the United Kingdom towards the end of the nineteenth century, producing many composers and musicians of note and drawing on the folk tradition. These traditions, including the cultural strands drawn from the United Kingdoms constituent nations and provinces, have continued to evolve in distinctive ways. 5.3.3 Music of the United KingdomIV. Folk Music Each of the four countries of the United Kingdom has its own diverse and distinctive folk music forms. In addition, there are numerous distinct and semi-distinct folk traditions brought by immigrants from Jamaica, India and other parts of the world. Folk music flourished until the era of industrialization when it began to be replaced by new forms of popular music, including music hall and brass bands. Realization of this led to two folk revivals, one in the late19th century and the other in the mid-20th century, which kept folk music as an important sub-culture within society. 5.3.3 Music of the United KingdomV. Early British Popular Music In the sense of commercial music enjoyed by the people, British popular music can be seen to originate in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries with the arrival of the broadside ballad, which were sold cheaply and in great numbers until the nineteenth century. Further technological, economic and social changes led to new forms of music in the nineteenth century, including the brass band, which produced a popular and communal form of classical music. Similarly, the music hall sprang up to cater for the entertainment of new urban societies, adapting existing forms of music to produce popular songs and acts. In the 1930s the influence of American Jazz led to the creation of British dance bands, who provided a social and popular music that began to dominate social occasions and the radio airwaves. 5.3.3 Music of the United KingdomVI. Modern British Popular Music Forms of popular music, including folk music, jazz, pop and rock music, have particularly flourished in Britain since the twentieth century. Britain has had an impact on popular music disproportionate to its size, due to its linguistic and cultural links with many countries, particularly the United States and many of its former colonies like Australia, South Africa, and Canada, and its capacity for invention, innovation and fusion, which has led to the development of, or participation in, many of the major trends in popular music. 5.3.4 Cinema of the United Kingdom The United Kingdom has had a major influence on modern cinema. The first moving pictures developed on celluloid film were made in Hyde Park, London in 1889 by William Friese Greene, a British inventor, who patented the process in 1890. It is generally regarded that the British film industry enjoyed a “golden age” in the 1940s, led by the studios of J. Arthur Rank and Alexander Korda. Despite a history of important and successful productions, the industry has often been characterized by a debate about its identity and the level of American and European influence. Many British films are co-productions with American producers, often using both British and American actors, and British actors feature regularly in Hollywood films. Many successful Hollywood films have been based on British people, stories or events, including Titanic, The Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean and the “English Cycle” of Disney animated films. 【5.4 Arts of France】 【法国的艺术】5.4.1 Architecture of FranceI. Different Periods The architecture of Ancient Rome at first adopted the external Greek architecture, and by the late Republic, the architectural style developed its own highly distinctive style by introducing the previously little-used arches, vaults and domes. A crucial factor in this development, coined the Roman Architectural Revolution, was the invention of concrete. Social elements such as wealth and high population densities in cities forced the ancient Romans to discover new architectural solutions of their own. The use of vaults and arches together with a sound knowledge of building materials, for example, enabled them to achieve unprecedented successes in the construction of imposing structures for public use.Notable examples in France during the period are Alyscamps in Arles and Maison Carre in Nmes. The Alyscamps is a large Roman necropolis, which is a short distance outside the walls of the old town of Arles. It was one of the most famous necropolises of the ancient world. 5.4.1 Architecture of FranceII. Different Styles French style can vary from being very modern to rustic and antique in appearance.1.French Provincial2. French Normandy3. Second Empire4. Beaux Arts5. Creole 5.4.2 Paintings of France Painting is a mode of creative expression, and the forms are numerous. Drawing, composition or abstraction and other aesthetics may serve to manifest the expressive and conceptual intention of the practitioner. Paintings can be naturalistic and representational (as in a still life or landscape painting), photographic, abstract, be loaded with narrative content, symbolism, emotion or be political in nature. Famous French painters have been a dominant influence in art. Like other great artists they transform the way we look at life. I. Baroque EraII. Rococo EraIII. NeoclassicismIV. RomanticismV. Impressionism VI. Post-ImpressionismVII. FauvismVIII. Cubism 5.4.3 Music of France France has a wide variety of indigenous folk music, as well as styles played by immigrants from Africa, Latin America and Asia. In the field of classical music, France has produced a number of legendary composers, while modern pop music has seen the rise of popular French hip hop, techno/funk, zouk, and pop performers. French music history dates back to organum in the 10th century, followed by the Notre Dame School, an organum composition style. Troubadour songs of chivalry and courtly love were composed in the Occitan language between the 10th and 13th centuries, and the Trouvre poet-composers flourished in Northern France during this period. By the end of the 12th century, a form of song called the motet arose, accompanied by traveling musicians called jongleurs. In the 14th century, France produced two notable styles of music, Ars Nova and Ars Subtilior. During the Renaissance, Burgundy became a major center for musical development. This was followed by the rise of chansons and the Burgundian School. France is a very musical country. 5.4.4 Cinema of France The Cinema of France comprises the art of film and creative movies made within the nation of France or by French filmmakers abroad. France is the birthplace of cinema and was responsible for many of its early significant contributions. Several important cinematic movements, including the Nouvelle Vague, began in the country. It is noted for having a particularly strong film industry, due in part to protections afforded by the French government.I. Government SupportII. Co-production 【5.5 Arts of Germany】 【德国的艺术】5.5.1 Architecture of Germany The architecture of Germany has a long, rich and diverse history. It is characterized by a high degree of regional diversity, caused by centuries of fragmentation of Germany into principalities and kingdoms. This made for a heterogeneous and diverse architectural style, with architectural differences even from town to town. This makes Germany today a rich historical heritage site. 5.5.2 Paintings of Germany German art has a long and distinguished tradition in the visual arts, from the earliest known work of figurative art to its current output of contemporary art. Germany has only been united into a single state since the 19th century, and defining its borders has been a notoriously difficult and painful process. For earlier periods German art often effectively includes that produced in German-speaking regions including Austria, Alsace and much of Switzerland, as well as largely German-speaking cities or regions to the east of the modern German borders.I. Renaissance Painting and PrintsII. 17th to 19th Century PaintingIII. Paintings in the 20th Century 5.5.3 Music of Germany German classical is among the most performed in the world; German composers include some of the most accomplished and popular in history, among them Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Schubert, Johannes Brahms, and Richard Wagner. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, born in Salzburg (now in Austria), was among many opera composers who created the field of German opera.I. Minnesingers and MeistersingersII. ChoraleIII. OperaIV. Baroque PeriodV. Classical EraVI. Romantic Era VII. 20thCenturyVIII. Popular Music from Reunified Germany 5.5.4 Literaturein the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Cinema in Germany can be traced back to the late 19th century. German cinema has made major technical and artistic contributions to film. Unlike any other national cinemas, which developed in the context of relatively continuous and stable political systems, Germany witnesses major changes to its identity during the 20th Century. That changes determined the periodization of national cinema into a succession of distinct eras and movements. 本章参考文献及内容出处:1. 陶黎铭.全景中国.上海:上海外语教育出版社,2011.2. www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/architecture_01.shtml3. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architecture_of_the_United_States4. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_architecture5. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_art6. countrystudies.us/china/7. www.bbfc.co.uk/8. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_of_the_United_States9. countrystudies.us/germany/10. countrystudies.us/united-states/11. http:/www.french-culture-


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