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What does he like for breakfast?What does he like for lunch?What does he like for dinner?We should eat healthy food and have .(饮食习惯饮食习惯)a healthy eating habitCindy SmithShe is a sports star.DavidHe is a reporter.(记者)记者)Listen and choose(选择)选择)1.For breakfast,Cindy likes _.A eggs B bananas C oranges and apples2.For lunch,She likes _.A salad B hamburgers C eggs D tomatoes 3.For dinner,she has _.A ice cream B hamburgers C carrots D chicken ADCSports star eats well!Read the magazine article and circle the food words.2b David asks about the volleyball star,Cindy Smith,about her eating habits.David:Hello,Cindy.What do you like for breakfast?Cindy:I love fruit.I think its healthy.David:OK.So what fruit do you like?Do you like bananas?Cindy:Well,I dont like bananas.But I likeoranges and apples.David:What about lunch?Do you like salad?Cindy:Yes,I really like it.David:Hmm and do you like hamburgers for dinner?Cindy:Oh,no,theyre not healthy.I like chicken for dinner.David:OK.well,one last question do you eat ice-cream after dinner?Cindy:Err I like ice-cream but I dont eat it.I dont want to be fat.Read and tell“T”or“F”3.Cindy likes fruit for breakfast.4.She likes bananas very much.5.She doesnt like ice cream.6.She likes hamburgers for dinner.7.She always eat ice-cream after dinner.TFFFF1.Cindy is a volleyball star.2.She likes healthy food.TTlikesdoesnt like bananas.chickendoesnt Cindy likes healthy food.1.Cindy _2.She _3.She _4.Cindy doesnt _5.She doesnt _2cloves fruit.eat ice-cream after dinner.likes oranges and apples.likes salad for lunch.like hamburgers for dinner.Write five sentences about Cindys eating habits.Complete the article about Yao Ming.Yao Ming is_.He plays basketball very _.He has_._,he likes a bottle of_,some fruit and bread.He often has rice and vegetables_.And he loves salad,meat and rice _.He doesnt want to be _.So he plays sports _.a basketball stara healthy eating habitFor breakfastmilkfor lunchfor dinner every dayfatwella basketball star,for breakfast,for lunch,for dinner,fat,well,every day,a healthy eating habitWrite a short passage to introduceyour eating habit.(写一篇小短文来介绍一下写一篇小短文来介绍一下你自己的饮食习惯。你自己的饮食习惯。)Do you have a healthy eating habit?What do you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner?Do you like fruit?Do you like vegetables?Do you like junk food?Do you want to be fat?(垃圾食品垃圾食品)
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