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Unit 4Unit 4 I want to be an actor 1重点:重点:1.词汇词汇:掌握职业名称。掌握职业名称。2语法语法:掌握谈论职业的句型掌握谈论职业的句型。3话题话题:职业理想职业理想。难点:难点:1认读短语,认读短语,shop assistant,bank clerk.2 第三人称单数的转化第三人称单数的转化。What does he do?Hes a director(导演)(导演).张新建 Director Zhang is arriving in Lanxi to make(拍摄)a new movie named 闯兰西.It needs many actors.If you are interested in(对-感兴趣)movies,Come and Join us!ActorsWanted5shop assistantdoctorstudentactoran actor reporter policemanpolicewoman policemenpolicewomen bank clerk waiter如果你想参加这部电影的拍摄,如果你想参加这部电影的拍摄,你需要接受五项能力测试。你需要接受五项能力测试。Lets go!测测你的辨别力测测你的辨别力Guess the job What does he or she do?a studenta doctora policemana reportera farmershop assistantwaiterstudentbank clerkactordoctorreporterpoliceman191.shop assistant2.doctor3.actor4.reporter5.policeman6.waiter7.bank clerk8.studentfbhcadeg才艺展示才艺展示 (show yourself)What does she/he do?She/He is a/anWhat do you do?I am a/anWhat do you do?Im a student.22What does he do?He is a student.23What does she/he do?She/He is a/an shop assistantwaiterstudentbank clerkactordoctorreporterpoliceman24policewoman-What does she do?-She is a shop assistant.-She is a policewoman.shop assistantWhat does she do?What is her job?What is she?25What other jobs do you know?cookpilothostpostmanworkdriveerr26What other jobs do you know?dancerDJfarmerrunnersinger27你有丰富的想象力吗?你有丰富的想象力吗?Try please!What does Yao Ming do?He is a basketball player.Whats Yao Mings job?What is Yao Ming?What does he want to be?想成为想成为He wants to be a policeman.展开你想象的翅膀展开你想象的翅膀What do you want to be?I want to be a/an测测你的记忆力测测你的记忆力 (Believe yourself!)He also wants to be a report.A:What do you do?B:Im a student.A:What do you want to be?B:I want to be a/an-.A:What does she/he do?C:She/He is a/an-.A:What does she/he want to be?C:She/He wants to be a/an-.Susans Susans brotherbrotherAnnas Annas mothermotherTonys Tonys fatherfather34甲甲 方方乙乙 方方I want to go to work at_oclock every morning.I want to get _yuan every day.I want to be a/an_ in the movie.1.You need to work from _ (周一)to_ (周 五).2.You should work hard.(努力工作).3.You need to study _(英语).35shop assistantdoctoractor reporterpoliceman waiterbank clerk studentWhat does he do?Hes a What does he want to be?He wants to be.What do you want to be?I want to be36Homework:Make a survey and reportAsk your partner:What do you do?What does your father/mother/uncle/aunt do?What does he/she want to be?Family memberWhat do/doesdo?What do/does want to be?your friendfathermotheruncleauntReport:My friend isHe/she is a student.He/she studies at No.3 Middle School.He/she wants to be a His/Her father is a 3738


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