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Guided Writing如何写劝说性建议信 如何算是一篇好文章?覆盖了所有的要点应用了较多的语法结构和词汇有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑,行文连贯,条理清楚。要点全词汇,句型 (高级)和语法多样化(较复杂)语言地道连接词 假如你是李华, 请根据下表内容给中国野生动物保护协会CWCA(China Wildlife Conservation Association)的会长写一封建议信。 问 题 1990年 藏 羚 羊 的 数 量 大 约 为 100万 只 , 现 在 只剩 下 不 到 10万 只 , 数 量 急 剧 减 少 原 因 1为 了 获 取 藏 羚 羊 的 皮 毛 , 牟 取 暴 利 , 非 法 捕杀 藏 羚 羊 仍 然 时 有 发 生 。2 栖 息 地 的 破 坏 ; 食 物 缺 乏 。3.法 律 不 够 严 厉 , 公 众 缺 乏 保 护 意 识 。 建 议 1加 大 对 藏 羚 羊 的 保 护 的 宣 传 力 度 , 提 高 人 们对 野 生 动 植 物 的 保 护 意 识 。2 增 加 藏 羚 羊 的 保 护 的 资 金 , 建 立 保 护 区 等 。3 政 府 制 定 相 关 法 律 , 相 关 政 策 。 第一步:审题养成重视审题的习惯。虽然基础写作题是半封闭性的,但审题仍然十分重要。现以样题为例,谈谈如何审题:思考的问题样题分析第几人称?(person)文章的题材是什么?要写的文章主题是什么 (topic)怎样安排信息点的顺序? (order)动作是什么时候发生的?(时态) (when)第一人称一封信建议采取措施保护羚羊说理逻辑性一般现在时 formal informalstartsending Dear,Yours sincerely,Sincerely yours,Sincerely,Yours truly,Yours faithfully Dear,Yours,Love, Dear Sir/ President, I am Li Hua, a student from Class 1,Senior 1. I am writing to draw your attention to the matter that I would highly/much appreciate it if you could take my suggestions into consideration/ account. Looking forward to your reply./ Best wishes. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 假如你是李华, 请根据下表内容给中国野生动物保护协会CWCA(China Wildlife Conservation Association)的会长写一封建议信。 问 题 1990年 藏 羚 羊 的 数 量 大 约 为 100万 只 , 现 在 只剩 下 不 到 10万 只 , 数 量 急 剧 减 少 原 因 1为 了 获 取 藏 羚 羊 的 皮 毛 , 牟 取 暴 利 , 非 法 捕杀 藏 羚 羊 仍 然 时 有 发 生 。2 栖 息 地 的 破 坏 ; 食 物 缺 乏 。3.法 律 不 够 严 厉 , 公 众 缺 乏 保 护 意 识 。 建 议 1加 大 对 藏 羚 羊 的 保 护 的 宣 传 力 度 , 提 高 人 们对 野 生 动 植 物 的 保 护 意 识 。2 增 加 藏 羚 羊 的 保 护 的 资 金 , 建 立 保 护 区 等 。3 政 府 制 定 相 关 法 律 , 相 关 政 策 。 Dear Sir/ President, I am Li Hua, a student from Class 1,Senior 1. I am writing to draw your attention to the matter that I would highly/much appreciate it if you could take my suggestions into consideration/ account. Looking forward to your reply./ Best wishes. Yours sincerely, Li Hua Para.1 raise the issue: 提出问题Para.2 analyze the issue: 分析问题Para.3 solve the issue: 解决问题 1990年藏羚羊的数量大约为100万只,现在只剩下不到10万只,数量急剧减少 Para.1 raise the issue: 提出问题There were about 1 million antelopes in 1990.The number of antelopes in 1990 was about 1 million.Now there are less than 100,000.At present only about 100.000 are left/remained.The number of them has decreased rapidly.At present left. dramatically 急剧地 1990年藏羚羊的数量大约为100万只,现在只剩下不到10万只,数量急剧减少 Para.1 raise the issue: 提出问题There were about 1 million antelopes in 1990.The number of antelopes in 1990 was about 1 million.Now there are less than 100,000.At present only about 100.000 are left/remained.The number of them has decreased rapidly.At present left. dramatically, 急剧地 from 1,000,000 in 1990 to 100,000 at present.Tibetan antelopes Para.2 analyze the issue: 分析问题 1为 了 获 取 藏 羚 羊 的 皮 毛 , 牟 取 暴 利 , 捕 杀 藏 羚 羊 仍 然 时有 发 生 。2 栖 息 地 的 破 坏 ; 食 物 缺 乏 。3.法 律 不 够 严 厉 , 公 众 缺 乏 保 护 意 识 。 1.To make great profits, the hunters kill Tibetan antelopes without mercy.2. Their habitats are destroyed .3. They are lack/short of food=they lack food.4. The law is not severe enough.5. The public still lack the awareness of wildlife protection. P ra.2 nalyze the issue: 分析问题 To make great profits, the hunters kill Tibetan antelopes without mercy. Their habitats are destroyed . They lack food. The law is not severe enough. The public still lack the awareness of wildlife protection. 要点多,简介概况,不深入,不透彻。要点之间缺乏顺序、程度衔接词,不流畅。句式单调,简单,没有复杂句润饰。 复杂句,高级词汇 是点睛。 Para.2 analyze the issue: 分析问题1.To m ke gr at profits, the hunters kill Tibetan antelopes without mercy.2. Their habitats are destroyed .3. They are lack/short of food=they lack food. To make great profits, the hunters kill/ murder Tibetan antelopes for their fur without mercy. =,definitely resulting in/leading to their lack of food. Their habitats are being destroyed illegally, which definitely results in/leads to their food shortage. Para.2 analyze the issue: 分析问题4. The law is not severe enough.5. The public still lack the awareness of wildlife protection. The related laws are not severe enough so that over hunting cant be banned completely. Meanwhile, the lack of awareness on wildlife protectionalso contributes a lot to this endangered species. Para.2 analyze the issue: 分析问题 Tibetan antelopes are being murdered for their fur without mercy by the hunters to satisfy their selfless desire of making great profits. Their habitats are being destroyed illegally, which definitely results in/leads to their food shortage. The related laws are not severe enough so that over hunting cant be banned completely. Meanwhile, the lack of awareness on wildlife protectionalso contributes a lot to the endangered species. Above all,To make matters worse, tBesides , the thoroughl . To make great profits, the hunters kill Tibetan antelopes without mercy. Their habitats are destroyed . They lack food. The law is not severe enough. The public still lack the awareness of wildlife protection. 要点多,简介概况,不深入,不透彻。要点之间缺乏顺序、程度衔接词,不流畅。句式单调,简单,没有复杂句润饰。 复杂句,高级词汇 是点睛。 1加 大 对 藏 羚 羊 的 保 护 的 宣 传 力 度 , 提 高 人 们 对 野 生 动 植物 的 保 护 意 识 。2 增 加 藏 羚 羊 的 保 护 的 资 金 , 建 立 保 护 区 等 。3 政 府 制 定 相 关 法 律 , 相 关 政 策 ,严 惩 非 法 捕 杀 。1. Wed better make the importance of wildlife protection known to all and raise the publics awareness of it.2. we should set up more nature reserves. 3.The government should make laws to punish the illegal hunters. Para.3 solve the issue: 解决问题 1加 大 对 藏 羚 羊 的 保 护 的 宣 传 力 度 , 提 高 人 们 对 野 生 动 植物 的 保 护 意 识 。Wed better make the importance of wildlife protection known to all and raise the publics awareness of it.1.We should advocate提倡,主张 /publicize宣传/ stress/ emphasize the importance of wildlife protection and raise the publics awareness of it.2. Its high time to pay much attention to /attach great importance/ significance to the wildlife protection and arouse the publics concern over it. 2 增 加 藏 羚 羊 的 保 护 的 资 金 , 建 立 保 护 区 等 。 We should set up more nature reserves. 1.Its of great significance to set up more nature reserves to make sure the Tibetan antelopes have enough living space . 2. Its widely advised/ suggested/ advocated that more money (should) be spent in order to set up nature reserves. Para.3 solve the issue: 解决问题 3 政 府 制 定 相 关 法 律 , 相 关 政 策 ,严 惩 非 法 捕 杀 。1. The government should make laws to punish the illegal hunters. Para.3 solve the issue: 解决问题The government is expected/ supposed to make severe laws to punish those who threaten the survival of Tibetan antelopes./to protect the from dying out/disappearance/ disappearing/ extinction.Its of great importance / significance to raise the publics awareness of wildlife protection.=to arouse the publics concern over wildlife protection.= develop the publics sense of wildlife protection. Para.3 solve the issue: 解决问题 Its high time to pay much attention to the wildlife protection and arouse the publics concern over it. Make sure the Tibetan antelopes have enough living space. Its of great significance to set up more nature reserves. The government is expected/ supposed to make severe laws to punish those who threaten the survival of Tibetan antelopes.Therefore , its In addition, Dear Sir/ President, I am Li Hua, a student from Class 1,Senior 1. I am writing to draw your attention to the matter that the number of Tibetan antelopes has decreased dramatically, fromtoat present. Above all, Tibetan antelopes are being murdered for their fur without mercy by the hunters to satisfy their selfless desire of making great profits. To make matters worse, their habitats are being destroyed illegally, which definitely results in/leads to their food shortage. Besides , the related laws are not severe enough so that the illegal hunting cant be banned thoroughly. Meanwhile, the lack of awareness on wildlife protection also contributes a lot to this endangered species. Its high time to pay much attention to the wildlife protection and arouse the publics concern over it. Make sure the Tibetan antelopes have enough living space. Therefore, its of great significance to set up more nature reserves. In addition, the government is expected/ supposed to make severe laws to punish those who threaten the survival of Tibetan antelopes. I would highly appreciate it if you could take my suggestions into consideration. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 158There are three major factors/ reasons accounting for it. Immediate measures/actions must be taken to improve/better the present situation. Dear Sir/ President, I am Li Hua, a student from Class 1,Senior 1. I am writing to draw your attention to the matter that the number of Tibetan antelopes has decreased dramatically, fromtoat present. Above all, Tibetan antelopes are being murdered for their fur without mercy by the hunters to satisfy their selfless desire of making great profits. To make matters worse, their habitats are being destroyed illegally, which definitely results in/leads to their food shortage. Besides , the related laws are not severe enough so that the illegal hunting cant be banned thoroughly. Its high time to pay much attention to the wildlife protection and arouse the publics concern over it. Make sure the Tibetan antelopes have enough living space. In addition, the government is expected/ supposed to make severe laws to punish those who threaten the survival of Tibetan antelopes. I would highly appreciate it if you could take my suggestions into consideration. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 131There are three major factors/ reasons accounting for it. Lets draw a conclusion.Step1 make up basic sentences.Step 2 improve/better/polish your sentences. advanced words/ phrases impressive sentence patterns.Step 3 make each paragraph smooth and logicalStep 4 make the passage organized and coherent


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