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Triangular trade(三角贸易)Capitalistic bloodiness From the late 1 6 th to early 1 9 th centuries, European slave traders carrying salts, cloth, rum(朗姆酒)and so on set out for Africa. Then they would change their goods into slaves and went across the Atlantic alone the so-called middle passage(中央航路). In America, they would change slaves into sugar, tobacco and rice and return to European. That indicates the trade among three ports or regions. Why was Africa vulnerable to the Slave Trade? Political Fragmentation Sailing Routes Availability of People (high birth rate) Civilizations and Skills(metalworking, farming, herding) No diplomatic repercussions Slave trade started in the 1 5 th century, European settlers sold the black Africans to America as slaves, a large number of black africans arrived in America. Modern western colonial expansion started from Africa, Portugal and Spain was the first country to colonial activities, Portugal was the first country to slave trade. Britain is the worlds largest country of slave trade. A classic example would be the trade of sugar (often in its liquid form, molasses) from the Caribbean to Europe or New England, where it was distilled into rum. The profits from the sale of sugar were used to purchase manufactured goods, which were then shipped to West Africa, where they were bartered for slaves. The slaves were then brought back to the Caribbean to be sold to sugar planters. The profits from the sale of the slaves were then used to buy more sugar, which was shipped to Europe, etc. The trip itself took five to twelve weeks. How to prevent the slave trade? Firstly, I think European colonists should treat the human nature correctly, every one,No matter which nation he is, has the right of freedom, they shouldnt limit their rights. Secondly, the government should be responsible for this cruel incident, they should guide the citizens thinging and aviod this cruel incident happening again. Thirdly, African slaves need to fight for their rights, they need to get together to against the European colonist cruel behavior .Only they have the determination to resist this Unfair treating, can they get rid of their miserable destiny. by-Sandara How to prevent this kind of ruthless event? In my view, people should know that all men are created equal. No one can deprive other people of the rights just for their commercial profit. So we all realize how vital it is to develop education. Children should be well educated. The government should guide more correctly. If everyone is a kind soul at heart, no ruthless event will happen. By Jane


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