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The United Queendom 英国女王简史英国女王简史 By 蔡娉婷蔡娉婷 黄丽庭黄丽庭 卢亭均卢亭均 玛丽一世 MaryI 伊莉莎白一世 ElizabethI 玛丽二世Mary II 安妮女王 AnneofGreat Britain维多利亚女王 AlexandrinaVictoria伊莉莎白二世 ElizabethIIThefourthrulerofTudortju:dDynasty.TheQueenofEngland and Scotland.Queen Mary I was a devout Catholicklik天 主 教 的 .In 1555,she executed nearly 300 herprotesters.So she was also known as“Bloody Mary.Sincethen,BloodyMaryinEnglishbecamethesynonymoussnnmswiththewitch.注:都铎王朝(1485年1603年)是英国从封建主义向资本主义过渡时期,被认为是英国君主专制历史上的黄金时期。Mary IMary I 玛丽一世玛丽一世 u玛玛丽丽一一世世是是都都铎铎王王朝朝的的第第四四任任君君主主,英英格格兰兰与与苏苏格格兰兰的的女女王王,同同时时还还是是个个虔虔诚诚的的天天主主教教。在在15551555年年,她她处处决决了了300300名名她她的的政政权权的的反反抗抗者者。因因此此她她被被称称为为“血血腥腥玛玛丽丽”。在在这这之之后后,英英语语中的中的Bloody Mary Bloody Mary 变成了女巫的代名词。变成了女巫的代名词。历史上的玛丽一世历史上的玛丽一世 美美剧剧都铎王朝都铎王朝中中Sarah BolgerSarah Bolger扮演玛丽公主扮演玛丽公主 The The The The Queen Queen Queen Queen of of of of England England England England and and and and Ireland.The Ireland.The Ireland.The Ireland.The fifth fifth fifth fifth also also also also the the the the last last last last ruler ruler ruler ruler of of of of Tudor Tudor Tudor Tudor Dynasty.She Dynasty.She Dynasty.She Dynasty.She earned earned earned earned the the the the nicknamme nicknamme nicknamme nicknamme“The“The“The“The Virgin Virgin Virgin Virgin QueenQueenQueenQueen ,because,because,because,because she she she she never never never never married.Elizabeths married.Elizabeths married.Elizabeths married.Elizabeths reign reign reign reign(统治)is is is is known known known known as as as as the the the the Elizabeths Elizabeths Elizabeths Elizabeths era era era era 时代,famous,famous,famous,famous for for for for the the the the flourishing flourishing flourishing flourishing of of of of English English English English dramas,led dramas,led dramas,led dramas,led by by by by playwrightsplaywrightsplaywrightsplaywrights(剧作家)such such such such as as as as Willian Willian Willian Willian Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe.Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe.Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe.Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe.伊丽莎白一世伊丽莎白一世 Elizabeth I Elizabeth Iu伊伊丽丽莎莎白白一一世世是是英英格格兰兰与与爱爱尔尔兰兰的的女女王王。都都铎铎王王朝朝第第五五任任同同时时也也是是最最后后一一任任统统治治者者。她她享享有有“童童贞贞女女王王”的的称称号号,因因为为她她终终身身未未嫁嫁。伊伊丽丽莎莎白白的的统统治治时时期期,或或者者说说伊伊丽丽莎莎白白时时代代,闻闻名名于于由由威威廉廉莎莎士士比比亚亚,克克里里斯斯托托佛佛马洛等戏剧家为代表所创作的英文戏剧的兴盛马洛等戏剧家为代表所创作的英文戏剧的兴盛 历史上的伊丽莎白一世历史上的伊丽莎白一世影视作品中伊丽莎白一世影视作品中伊丽莎白一世玛丽二世玛丽二世 Mary II Mary II Mary II was joint Sovereign of England,Scotland,and Ireland with her husband(who was also her first cousin),William III,from 1689 until her eath.Popular histories(通史)usually refer to their joint reign as that of William and Mary.However,she contracted smallpox and died shortly.u 玛玛丽丽二二世世与与丈丈夫夫(也也是是她她的的堂堂哥哥)威威廉廉三三世世联联合合统统治治英英格格兰兰 、苏苏格格兰兰、爱爱尔尔兰兰的的领领地地。史史上上称称通通常常他他们们的的联联合合统统治治为为 威威廉廉与与玛玛丽丽时时代代。然然而而,玛玛丽丽二二世世因因感感染染天天花花,不不久久就就去世。去世。安妮女王安妮女王 Anne of Great Britain Anne of Great Britain Queen Queen Anne Anne ascended ascended the the thrones thrones of of England,Scoland England,Scoland and and Ireland Ireland on on 8 8 March March 1702.In 1702.In 1707,under 1707,under the the Act Act of of UnionUnion(联合法),two,two of of her her realmsrealmsrelm领 域,the,the Kingdoms Kingdoms of of England England and and Scotland,united Scotland,united as as a a single single sovereignsovereignsvrn 具有主权的state:the state:the united united Kingdom Kingdom of of great great Britain.Britain.安安妮妮女女王王17021702年年8 8月月继继承承了了英英格格兰兰、苏苏格格兰兰和和爱爱尔尔兰兰的的王王位位。17071707年年,在在联联合合法法的的通通过过下下,她她旗旗下下的的领领土土英英格格兰兰与与苏苏格格兰兰合合并并成成一一个个最最高高统统治治国国,也也就是大不列颠王国。就是大不列颠王国。Alexandrina VictoriAlexandrina Victoria a 维多利亚女王维多利亚女王u 维维多多利利亚亚从从18371837年年开开始始继继承承大大不不列列颠颠及及爱爱尔尔兰兰联联合合王王国国的的女女王王,直直到到去去世世。在在18401840,她她嫁嫁给给了了她她的的堂堂兄兄艾艾伯伯特特王王子子。18611861年年艾艾伯伯特特的的去去世世使使维维多多利利亚亚陷陷入入了了深深深深的的悲悲痛痛并并且且避避开开公公开开露露面面。统统治治了了6363年年零零七七个个月月大大英英帝帝国国的的维维多多利利亚亚是是历历史史上上任任期期最最长长的的君君主主,同同时时也也是是任任期期最最长长的的女女性性君君主主。称称她她所所统统治治的的时代为维多利亚时代。时代为维多利亚时代。u Victoria Victoria was was Queen Queen of of the the United United Kingdom Kingdom of of Great Great Britain Britain and and Ireland Ireland from from 20 20 June June 1837 1837 until until her her death.death.SheShe married married her her first first cousin,cousin,Prince Prince Albert Albert in in 1840.After 1840.After Alberts Alberts death death in in 1861,1861,Victoria Victoria plunged plunged into into deep deep mourningmourning(悲痛)and and avoided avoided public public appearances.Her appearances.Her reign reign of of 63 63 years years and and seven seven months,months,which which is is longer longer than than that that of of any any other other British British monarch monarch mnk君主and and the the longest longest of of any any female female monarch monarch in in history,history,is is known known as as the the Victorian era.Victorian era.历史上的维多利亚女历史上的维多利亚女王王英国电影英国电影年轻的维多利亚年轻的维多利亚日本动画日本动画黑执事黑执事中的维多利亚女王中的维多利亚女王形象形象伊丽莎白二世伊丽莎白二世 Elizabeth IIElizabeth II u u Elizabeth Elizabeth II II is is the the Queen Queen of of the the 53 53 member member states states in in the the Commonwealth Commonwealth of of NationsNations(英 联 邦).She She is is Head Head of of the the Commonwealth Commonwealth and and Supreme Supreme(至 高 无 上 的)Governor Governor of of the the Church Church of of EnglandEngland(英国国教会).Elizabeth.Elizabeth has has held held many many titles titles and and honoraryhonorary(荣 誉 的)military military positions positions throughout throughout the the Commonwealth,Commonwealth,is is Sovereign Sovereign of of many many orders orders in in her her own own countries,countries,and and has has received received honours honours and and awards awards from from around around the the world.world.u 伊伊丽丽莎莎白白二二世世是是英英联联邦邦5353个个成成员员国国的的女女王王,英英联联邦邦的的首首领领,英英国国国国教教会会的的最最高高统统治治者者。伊伊丽丽莎莎白白拥拥有有的的头头衔衔和和享享有有盛盛誉誉的的军军事事阵阵地地遍遍布布整整个个英英联联邦邦。即即使使作作为为一一位位在在自自己己国国家家手手握握大大权权的君主,她还获得过世界级的荣誉与奖励。的君主,她还获得过世界级的荣誉与奖励。年轻的年轻的伊丽莎白二世伊丽莎白二世 现在的女王现在的女王


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