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Module 8 Sports life Unit 2He was invited to competitions around the world.Warming upWhen was the 29th Olympic Games held?How many golden medals did we get?Who is your favourite player?Why?Do you feel proud about China?Liu XiangWho is the boy?Talk something about Liu XiangName:Sex:Place of birth:Birthday:Height:Body weight:Project:ShanghaiLiu XiangMale1983.7.13188 cm74 kgthe high jump,110 m hurdles How did he become a hero?He became famous as a sporting hero because he won the first Olympic gold medal of 110m hurdles event for China in Athens,Greece.New words sportsman sportswoman ability hurdling hurdles race record method(男男)运动员运动员女运动员女运动员能力能力跨栏比赛跨栏比赛跨栏赛跑跨栏赛跑赛跑赛跑记录记录方法方法日本日本打破(记录),打碎打破(记录),打碎亚洲的;亚洲人的亚洲的;亚洲人的 患有(疾病等);经患有(疾病等);经受受第一名第一名勇气勇气自豪感自豪感 骄傲骄傲阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事Japan break Asian sufferfirst placecouragepridestop sb(from)doing Read the passage and choose the sentence which best expresses the main idea.Liu Xiang _.a)was helped by his sports school to become a gold medal winner b)will be encouraged to be a star and not a sporting hero c)has trained for many years,and will continue to win medalsC 2.How many parts are there in the passage according to the time?1.Is the passage written in a time order or a place order(顺序顺序)?In a time order.Three parts.Read the passage and answer the following questions Read the passage again and then finish Activity3.11Check your answers2012200820042001199819931983a.won his first international 110m hurdules raceb.hurdling ability noticed c.born in Shanghaid.won Olympic gold medale.started training at a sports school f.returned to first place g.suffered from foot problemegbcfad12a.He won his first international 110m hurdles race b.He.c.He.d.He.e.He.Rewrite the notes in Activity 3 in full sentences.Activity41.pride2.ability3.methods4.races5.Asian6.courageLook at the sentences.A special programme helped Liu Xiang.Liu Xiang was helped by a special programme.His skill at hurdling was noticed by his coach Sun Haiping.His coach Sun Haiping noticed his skill at hurdling.Grammar:Past simple passive主语主语+be(was/were)+动词过去分词:动词过去分词:曾经被曾经被/过去被过去被如:如:He was invited to competitions around the world.他曾经被邀请去全世界比赛。他曾经被邀请去全世界比赛。Language points1.Liu was encouraged at first to train for the high jump.起初,刘翔被鼓励进行跳高训练。起初,刘翔被鼓励进行跳高训练。encourage 用作及物动词,表示用作及物动词,表示“鼓励;鼓励;促进等促进等”。常用于。常用于:encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事鼓励某人做某事encourage sb.in 在在方面助长(鼓励)方面助长(鼓励)某人某人The coach encourages the players to try their best to win the football game.教练鼓励教练鼓励球员们要尽力赢得这场足球赛。球员们要尽力赢得这场足球赛。2.It was set up in 2001 to help young sportsmen and sportswomen.它它(特殊项目特殊项目)建立于建立于2001年年,用来帮助用来帮助 年轻运动员。年轻运动员。set up 表示建立,设立;创办表示建立,设立;创办(组织,企业组织,企业);制定;制定(计划等计划等)。如如:She plans to set up her own business.她计划企业办自己的企业。她计划企业办自己的企业。We need to set a meeting to discuss the plan.我们需要开个会来讨论这个计划。我们需要开个会来讨论这个计划。3.It is a pity that his foot problem stopped him from completing the 2012 Olympic Games.很遗憾,他的脚伤使他未能完成很遗憾,他的脚伤使他未能完成2012年的伦年的伦敦奥运会。敦奥运会。stop sb.from doing 表示阻止某人做某事表示阻止某人做某事 如如:The heavy snow stopped him from coming to our party.这场大雪使他未能前来参加我们的聚会。这场大雪使他未能前来参加我们的聚会。4.His races were recorded,and he was compared with the worlds best sports stars.他的比赛被记录下来,并与世界上最好的运他的比赛被记录下来,并与世界上最好的运动明星进行比较。他动明星进行比较。他record 做动词,意为做动词,意为“记录记录”,如,如:Remember to use the camera to record the sunrise.记得用照相机记录日出的过程。记得用照相机记录日出的过程。record做可数名词,意为做可数名词,意为“记录记录”,如:,如:set a record 创造记录创造记录,break the record 打打破记录破记录Important phrases起初起初邀请某人做某事邀请某人做某事全世界全世界的象征的象征同时同时事实上事实上如此如此以至于以至于at firstinvite sb to do stharound/all over the worldthe symbol of at the same timein factso that 鼓励某人做某事鼓励某人做某事创建,成立创建,成立和和比较比较遭受遭受阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事为某人骄傲为某人骄傲encourage sb to do sthset upcompare A with Bbe compared withsuffer from stop sb.from doingtake pride inRewrite the notes in Activity 3 in full sentences.Liu Xiang was born in Shanghai in 1983.Writing A special programme helped Liu Xiang.Liu Xiang was helped by a special programme.Look at the sentences.His ability at hurdling was noticed by his coach Sun Haiping.His coach Sun Haiping noticed his ability at hurdling.Coach Wang Bilin noticed Zhang Yining.Zhang Yining.Now write sentences about Zhang Yinings training.Wang Bilin asked Zhang Yining to go to Shichahai Sports School.Zhang Yining.Zhang Yinings training programme took up a lot of her time.A lot of Zhang Yinings time.Zhang Yinings mother advised her to study as well as train.Zhang Yining.Join the sentences you wrote in Activity 6 to write a paragraph about Zhang Yining.Practice:Zhang YiningZhang Yining was noticed by Coach Wang Biling.She Example:HomeworkFinish the exercises in the workbook.Finish the passage about Zhang Yining.


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