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2023年第二届中国北京国际羊绒交易会上的致辞时间 2023年第二届中国北京国际羊绒交易会上的致辞时间:2023-03-27 12:10来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1138次 商务部长助理仇鸿在2023年第二届中国北京国际羊绒交易会上的致辞 Aistant Minister Qiu Hongs Speech at the Import & Export of Foodstuffs, Native produce & Animal By-Products (2023年11月12日) 尊敬的黄孟复副主席: 各位来宾、各位朋友: Honorable Vice Chairman Huang Mengfu, Ladies and gentlemen, 很高兴参加由中国食品土畜进出口商会举办的第二届中国北京国际羊绒交易会。我代表中国商务部对本次交易会的召开表示热烈的祝贺!向参加交易会的各位来宾、各位朋友表示衷心的欢迎! Im delighted to join you here at the second China Cashmere Fair in Beijing sponsored by the China Chamber of Commerce for Import & Export of Foodstuffs, Native produce & Animal By-Products (CFNA).On behalf of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, Id like to congratulate on the opening of the fair and sincerely thank you all for coming to the fair. 羊绒素有“软黄金”、“纤维钻石”的美誉,中国是世界上最大的羊绒生产国和出口国,全球3/4的羊绒制品产自中国。中国羊绒品质优秀,竞争力强。中国北京国际羊绒交易会是目前中国唯一的全产业链羊绒专业展会。交易会以“打造品牌,引领时尚”为主题,充分显示了中国羊绒界对品牌建设的高度重视。提高自主创新能力、转变发展方式是科学发展观的重要内容。品牌建设是转变经济发展方式的重要途径,也是科学发展观的具体实践。自主品牌建设是中国羊绒产业以自身形象真正走上国际市场的必由之路,也是中国羊绒产品跻身世界羊绒高端市场的必备条件。 Cashmere is known as the “soft gold” and “fiber diamond.Being the largest cashmere producer and exporter in the world, China accounts for three quarters of the worlds cashmere production.Chinese cashmere is very competitive for its excellent quality.The China Cashmere Fair is the nations only specialized cashmere fair that brings together cashmere businees throughout the industry chain.It carries the theme of “building brands and leading fashion”, which fully shows the brand-building awarene of the cashmere industry as a whole.Enhancing indigenous innovation and transforming the dynamics of economic growth are important elements of the scientific outlook on development.Brand-building is an important means for achieving such transformation and a way of substantiating the scientific outlook on development.Building indigenous brands is a must for marketing Chinese cashmere in its original light in the international marketplace.It is also a precondition for moving Chinese cashmere products toward the higher-end of the global market. 今年是中国改革开放30周年,30年来,中国经济取得了举世瞩目的巨大成就。中国经济保持了年均9.8%以上的快速增长,远高于世界经济年均3.3%的增速,经济总量跃居世界第四;进出口总额从206亿美元提高到21738亿美元,上升为世界第三,占全球的比重由不足1%上升到约8%;外汇储备从1.67亿美元增长到目前的1.9万多亿美元,跃居世界第一;中国累计实际使用外资超过7800亿美元,吸引外资总额居发展中国家第一。中国经济对世界经济增长的贡献率超过10%,对国际贸易增长的贡献率超过12%。城乡居民收入大幅度增长,扣除物价因素,城镇居民人均可支配收入和农村人均纯收入都增长了约5.7倍。 This year marks the 30th anniversary of Chinas reform and opening-up.In these 30 years, China has made remarkable economic achievements.Its economy has been growing at an annualized rate of 9.8%, far higher than the world average.Its economic aggregate ranks No.4 in the world; its total import and export rose to the third place from 2.1738 trillion USD from 20.6 billion USD and its share of global trade from le than 1% to about 8%.Its foreign exchange reserves have gone up from 167 million USD to the current world-topping level of 1.9 trillion USD.Having accumulatively utilized over 780 billion USD of FDI, China now stands as the largest developing-country recipient.China accounts for over 10% of world economic growth and over 12% of international trade increment.Chinas rural and urban resident incomes have increased substantially.CPI-adjusted per-capita net income has grown by 5.7 times for both urban and rural residents. 当然,我们也清醒地认识到,作为最大的发展中国家,中国人均GDP仍然很低,中国的现代化道路上还面临诸多挑战。特别是当前,国际金融危机不断蔓延加剧,对世界经济增长和稳定造成严重冲击。羊绒企业置身于国际经济环境中,将不可避免地受到压力和挑战。希望羊绒企业增强信心,积极应对,更加注重市场培育和自身形象的打造,推进以创新、质量、品牌为主要内容的发展模式。充分利用羊绒交易会这个平台广泛交流,探讨合作途径,共同提升全球市场对羊绒产品的认知程度,让世界了解中国羊绒产品,也让中国消费者了解国外羊绒的优秀品牌,使交易会真正成为世界羊绒业的专业盛会。相信在党和政府的领导下,我们定能战胜外部经济形势变化所带来的挑战。团结一致,实现中国羊绒产业的可持续发展。 Having said that, we remain sober-minded that China as the worlds largest developing country still has a low level of per-capita GDP and many challenges are still ahead on the way to modernization.In particular, the further spillover of the global financial crisis has dealt a heavy blow on world economic growth and stability.Such an international economic climate will inevitably put preure and challenges on cashmere businees.I hope cashmere businees could reinforce confidence and respond proactively by focusing on market and image building and by adopting a development model based on innovation, quality and brand equity.We should fully capitalize on this fair for discuion, cooperation and brand enhancement so that the world gets to know Chinese cashmere products better and Chinese consumers get more acquainted with foreign cashmere name-brands.In this way, the Fair can truly become an international flagship gathering in the cashmere industry.Im confident that under the capable leadership of the party and government, we will surely weather the challenging international economic situation and realize the sustainable development of Chinas cashmere industry through coordinated efforts. 最后,预祝第二届中国北京国际羊绒交易会圆满成功!祝各位来宾、各位朋友身体健康、事业通达! To conclude, I wish the 2nd China International Cashmere Fair a complete succe.I wish all of you good health and prosperous busine. 谢谢大家。 Thank you. 原文链接: 第二届中国北京国际羊绒交易会上的致辞时间 第二届中国(深圳)国际文化产业博览交易会 第二届中国国际游戏交易会将迎来全球重量级嘉宾 第二届中国太原汽车配件交易会活动方案 第二届国际海运(中国)年会 中国第二届西北音乐致辞 第二届国际高校毕业设计交易展 第二届国际车展总结 第二届中国特色商品博览交易会宣传标语内容 第二届国际材料论坛(IMF)


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