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九年级英语复习动词不定式人教朗文版【同步教育信息 】一 . 本周教学内容:复习动词不定式动词不定式( The Infinitive )是英语非限定动词( Nonfinite Verbs)中的一种。它不像限定动词( Finite Verbs )那样受到主语的人称和数的限制,不需要和主语的人称和数一致,没有人称和数的变化,所以称它为不定式。动词不定式的基本形式是“to动词原形”,有时可以不带to。这里的to 只是动词不定式的标记或符号,本身没有词义。动词不定式,由动词原形构成,就仍然有动词的特点,可以有自己的宾语和状语。e.g. to borrow a book , a book作 to borrow 的宾语, to go quickly ,quickly 副词作 to go 的状语,上述短语由动词不定式和它的宾语或状语组成,称为不定式短语( Infinitive phrases )。动词不定式在句子中除了不能用作谓语外,可以作主语、表语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语和状语等句子成分,可以说它具有名词、形容词和副词的特征。e.g. To use English well is not easy.(作主语)用好英语不容易。Mary s wish isto become a doctor. (作表语)玛丽的希望是成为一名医生。I want to go shopping.(作宾语)我想去购物。Mr Smith taught me to use the machine.(作宾补)史密斯先生教我使用这台机器。Would you like anything to eat ?(作定语)你愿意吃点东西吗?The students went to help the farmers. (作状语)学生们去帮助农民。与汉语不同的是,在英语中两个实义动词不能连用。第二个动词需要用不定式,作第一个动词的表语、宾语、宾语补足语或状语。最早在初一我们就遇到过动词不定式的出现(Nice to meet you见到你很高兴)我们已经遇到的句子有近200 句左右。1. 动词不定式作宾语的用法。动词不定式可以在动词 want , like , love , need , try , ask , learn , begin , start , forget , remember , hope , wish , agree , choose 等后面作宾语。eg. What do you want to buy ?你想买什么?He doesn t want to see this film again.他不想再看这部电影了。She likes to swim in rivers.她喜欢在河里游泳。I don telikto trouble you.我不喜欢打扰你。Tom said he d love to stay.汤姆说他愿意留下。用心爱心专心Lily loves to sing popular songs.莉莉说她爱唱流行歌曲。You need to wear warm clothes in winter.冬天你需要穿暖和的衣服。Does anybody need to have a rest ?有人需要休息一下吗?Let s try to learn this English song.让我们试唱这首英语歌。I tried to see him.我尝试要见到他。Mr Green asked to see the headmaster.格林先生请求见校长。She didn t ask to go to the cinema with us.她没要求和我们一起去电影院。Linda is learning to do morning exercises.琳达正在学做早操。How can we learn to use the machine ?我们该怎样学习使用这台机器?It s beginning to rain.天开始下雨。Everything begins to grow in spring.春天万物开始生长。I was starting to do my homework when someone knocked at the door.我正要开始做作业,突然有人敲门。She started to run as soon as she saw the bus.她一看到汽车就开始跑起来。He has forgotten to phone me.他已经忘记要给我打电话。I forgot to tell Mrs Li about the news.我忘记告诉李太太这个消息。We hope to see you soon.我们希望不久见到你。They hope to visit the Summer Palace next year.他们希望明年参观颐和园。We wish to visit the Palace Museum tomorrow.我们希望明天参观故宫。I don t wish to be impolite.我不希望没有礼貌。Does he agree to go with us ?他同意和我们一起去吗?Peter has agreed to lend her some money.彼得已同意借给她一些钱。Wang chose to stay in the country.王选择留在农村。用心爱心专心She didn t choose to work here.她不选择在这里工作。动词不定式还可用在一些表示感情的形容词的后面,作原因状语。e.g. I m glad to see you.见到你很高兴。He s very happy to see his wife.他见到妻子十分高兴。They re pleased to meet us.他们遇到我们很高兴。I m sorry to trouble you.对不起,打扰你了。He was sad to see her go .看到她走,他很伤心。Are people afraid to go out at night now ?人们现在害怕在晚上出去吗?2. 用作宾语补足语的动词不定式有下列三种情况:( 1)作动词 ask , like , tell , want 等的宾补时,动词不定式要带to.e.g. I didn t ask you to pay for the meal.我没有请你付饭费。Could you ask her to call me , please ?请你告诉她给我打电话好吗?People usually don t like to ask questions.人们通常不喜欢问问题。Would you like me to get something for you ?你想要我给你取东西吗?Please tell her to come to the teacher s office as soon as possible.请告诉她尽快到老师办公室来。I told my daughter to study harder.我告诉女儿要更加努力学习。We want Tim to be happy.我们想要蒂姆高兴。She didntwant me to go with her.她不想让我跟她一起去。( 2)作动词let , make , feel , hear , see , watch 等的宾补时,动词不定式不带to。e.g. Let me see . Let s go and ask our teacher.让我想一想。咱们去问我们的老师吧。My parents don t let Sarah swim in the river.我父母不让萨拉在河里游泳。The teacher made the students read the new words several times.老师让学生们读了好几次生词。He made them give him the money back.他迫使他们还给他钱。I felt the train move.用心爱心专心我感觉到火车在移动。I heard the rain fall all night.我听到雨下了一夜。Did you hear her say that she was hungry ?你听到她说她饿了吗?I didn t see you come in .我没有见到你进来。Did Dad see Victor leave the house ?父亲看见维克多离开房子了吗?I watch my teacher do the exercise first.我第一个看到老师做这个练习。Did Sam watch the woman get on the bus ?山姆看见 /观察到那个妇女上公共汽车了吗?( 3)作动词help 的宾语补足语时,动词不定式可带to,也可以不带to.e.g. This machine helps the farmers(to) put rice in bags.这台机器帮助农民把稻子装入袋子里。Could you help me( to) do the cooking this afternoon ?今天下午你能帮助我做饭吗?He didn t helpem( to)mend the bike.他没有帮助我修理自行车。当然动词不定式省略to 的场合还有以下三种情况。A. 在助动词和一些情态动词如will , would , shall , should , can , could , may , might ,must 和 do , does , did 等的后面,用动词原形,实际上是动词不定式不带to.e.g.Will you help me ?你愿意帮助我吗?It might rain.天可能下雨。I must go now.我现在得走了。He doesn t live here他.不住在这里。She would like to have a word with you.她愿意和你谈一谈。B. 在 had better , would rather等的后面也跟不带to 的动词不定式。e.g. You had better go home now before the snow starts.你最好在下雪前回家。I would rather go early and get home before it gets dark .我宁愿在天黑之前早点走早到家。C. 在第二个不定式前一般不带to。e.g. I d like to lie down and go to sleep.我想躺下睡觉。Do you want to eat now or wait till tomorrow ?你想现在吃还是等到明天吃呢?3. 动词不定式用作副词作状语。( 1)表示目的e.g. Len came to see me last night.兰昨天晚上来看我。用心爱心专心The boy went to playground to play football.那个男孩去操 踢足球。( 2)表示原因:e.g. I m sorry to trouble you. 不起打 你了。He s happy to get the first prize.拿到一等 他很高 。( 3)表示 果。The old man is too old to climb the mountain.老 年 太大,以致于不能爬山了。He is lucky enough to have a chance to go to England.他 幸运的,能有机会去英格 。4. 不定式用作形容 ,起定 作用,放在名 或代 之后。e.g. Are there many places of interest in Beijing ?北京有 多名 古迹 ?Is there anything to eat in the bag ?包里有吃的 西 ?5. 不定式作主 的两种形式。( 1)起名 作用担任句子的成份。e.g. To see is to believe.百 不如一 To surf in the sea is a lot of fun.在海中冲浪非常有趣。( 2)用 It is 不定式句型来代替不定式。It 作形式主 ,真正的主 是 不定式,而不定式被 是第三人称 数,所以 要用is( 在 ),was( 去 )e.g. It is a lot of fun to surf in the sea.It is not easy for us to work out the problem.算出 道 我 来 很不容易。6. 不定式可以放在be 后面作表 。e.g. My work is to teach the students English.我的工作是教学生英 。Her dream is to be a scientist.她的梦想是当个科学家。7. 不定式的否定形式是在 不定式前面加not。e.g. Tell him not to shout in the classroom.告 他不要在教室里大喊大叫。I asked Mary not to turn off TV.我 不要关 。8. 不定式与疑 代 或疑 副 一起构成不定式短 ,在句子中起主 、 、表 、 作用。e.g. What to do is an important problem.做什么是一个重要的 。(作主 )Can you show me how to use the beeper ?你能 我演示怎么 使用BP 机 ?(作 足 )用心爱心专心We don t knowwhen to start .我们不知道什么时候出发。(作宾语)The question is where to get a mobile phone.问题是从哪弄到一部手机。(作表语)【模拟试题】I. 单项选择:1.Lee _ New York for twenty years.A. has goneB. has beenC. has gone toD. has been in2.Have you visited the history museum ?_.A. No , I didn t.B. Yes , I have.C. Yes , I doD. No , I don t.3._ May _ Ben are going to take part in the sports meet.A. Either , orB. Neither , norC. Both , andD. Not only , but also4.This road _ very clean . Now it s getting dirtier and dirtier.A. used beB. used beingC. used to beD. is used to be5.A number of tools _ gone and the number of lost tools _ growing.A. has , isB. has , areC. have , isD. have , are6. My friend will show me _.A. how to search the InternetB. what to search the InternetC. what to search itD. how to search7. There is a worker _ the car near the building.A. repairB. repairedC. to repairD. repairing8. They kept _ for a long time _ the cold weather.A. running , because ofB. to run , because ofC. running , becauseD. to run , because9. Could you tell me _.A. where the Smiths live.B. where the Smiths livesC. where do the Smiths liveD. where does the Smiths live10. No one knows if he _ to the meeting next week.A. comesB. will comeC. comeD. to come用心爱心专心II. 根据文章内容和所给的首字母,填入适当的词。Jescus Christ was b_ about 6 BC. His mother was engaged to be m_ to acarpenter named Joseph when she suddenly became pregnant without having r_ with a man .Joseph was going to q_ divorce Mary , but God told him to marry her , because the c_she was carrying was God sson . Jescus was born in a s_ town called Bethleham . AsJescus grew older he seemed to have great insight i_ mankind and the teachings about Godthat were taught . At t_ he was able to match wits with the best teachers . At the a_ of30 he started teaching about how God loved everyone and thatGod w_ everyone to be inHeaven with him . He healed many people and d_ many miracles . God showed everyone thatJescus w_ his son who came to e_ to tell p_ how much God loved them . Jescuspredicted his own death at the age o_ 33 , but said that he would come b_ to life 3 daysafter he died. This i_ happened and Jescus showed hisf_ and followersthat he wasalive , and that there was l_ after death , but o_ for people who believedhe was God ss_ . This belief is the b_ of the Christian faith.III. 根据中文意思和英文提示,完成下列句子。1. 你需要喝水,是吗?You need something _ _ , don t you ?2. 你最好留在医院里。You had better _ _ the hospital.3. 林不知道该做什么。Lin d oesn t know _ _ _.4. 你愿意和我们一起看电影吗?Would you _ _ _ the film with us ?5. 请记住不要在课上讲话。Please remember _ _ talk in class.IV.阅读理解:Fish hear sounds , though they have no ears outside their bodies . However , fish do have ears inside their bodies , near the brain , and they hear very well with them . Some fish have been taught to recognize the difference between sounds better than some human beings do .Many underwater animals make noises only by chance while they are doing something else . Other sounds are real communications of a simple sort , telling one fish of the presence (存在) and direction of another . A few noises may be warning messages or discovery of food , etc. The earliest scientist report on fish sounds referred to one of these.A new field in science is learning to recognize and use underwater sounds . It relies on the same skill that man has shown in recognizing birds and other land creatures by their calls . But this method (方法) is a great challenge than bird watching , for many of the animals of the sea can not be followed in any other known way . Their vocies cry for attention . Yet we still have too little knowledge about many of the call makers . Perhaps the meaning of the calls and what the call makers are will some day be made known are fully . It is as though the great oceans were for daring man to invade (涌入)them and to learn the secrets of the place from which has forefathers came so long ago.用心爱心专心1. After reading the passage , we can conclude that _.A. many fish often make meaningless noisesB. sound cannot pass through some fish bodiesC. sound waves can easily be felt by fish bodiesD. some fish can easily be felt by fish bodies2. Which of the following is true of the noises made by underwater animals ?A. some are meaningless.B. None of them is meaninglessC. They are all actual communicationsD. They can not be heard by human beings3. Recognizing underwater animal _.A. is totally different from recognizing land creatures by their callsB. is more difficult than recognizing land creatures by their calls.C. will change people s knowledge of fishD. is more or less a battle4. One of the earliest scientific reports on fish sounds was about _.A. noises made occasionally by underwater animalsB. some sort of communication between fishC. the difference between soundsD. what sort of fish the call maker was5. From the last sentence , we can learn that _.A. the human beings have invaded the oceans for longB. more secrets of the great oceans are to be found outC. only very brave people can make use of the great oceanD. people are fighting each other to become the masters of the great oceans V. 完形填空:Five years ago George Frank brothers lefta medicalcollege . The young man workedin1now . He had a lot of knowledge on medicine and often2sick people Of course he waspaid3and lived a happy life.Frank envied (羡慕)his brother very much and hoped to be a good4, too . His father ,an importantperson intheir city, agreed to Frank choices , buthe knew the young man5in the middle school . He had to help him6college and told him to put his heart into hisstudies.At first Frank worked hard at his lessons and listened to the teachers carefully . But severalmonths later he7because he couldn t catch what his teachers said in class . So he couldnfinish his homework . He8the exams and at last he dropped9 of his subjects . As heliked anatomy(解剖学) , sometimes he went to listen to it.One day , Mrs Grace asked Frank10questions , but he could answer neither of them .Theanatomy teacher felt sorryand said , “ How manyteeth does a person have ? It theseasiest ! ”“ Twentyfour. ” Frank answered . Hisclassmates began to laugh , and Mrs Grace said11, “ You are the most foolish student I ve” ever seen.Frank s facernedtu red . He stood up and said , “ I m 12, Mrs Grace , but your words用心爱心专心really13 my heart. ”“ It s not true , class! He doesn t know14 where!”said Mrs Grance.1.A. a collegeB. a cityC. a hospitalD. a school2.A. operated onB. worked onC. studied withD. got on well with3. A. a lotB. a littleC. as much as he wantedD. as much as he could4.A. teacherB. personC. studentD. doctor5.A. learned a lotB. worked hardC. didn t learn much D. didn t listen to him6.A. enteredB. entersC. enteringD. enter7. A. caught up with his classmatesB. fell behindC. followed his fatherD. enjoyed himself8. A. took part inB. kept busy withC. failed inD. passed9. A. mostB. allC. eachD. both10. A. fiveB. fourC. threeD. two11. A. to all the studentsB. to herselfC. happilyD. angrily12.A. gladB. sorryC. luckyD. well13.A. hurtB. changedC. lostD. woke14. A. his teeth areB. his heart isC. his father isD. his brother is用心爱心专心【试题答案】I. 1. D2. B3. C4. C5. C6. A7. D8. A9. B10. BII. born , married , relations , quietly , child , small , into , twelve , age , wanted , with , did , was , earth , people , of , back , indeed , friends , life , only , son , basisIII. 1. to drink2. stay in3. what to do4. like to see5. not toIV. 1. C2. A3. B4. B5. BV. 1. C2. A3. A4. D5. C6. D7. B8. C9. A10. D11. D12. B13. A14. B用心爱心专心


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