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Module 9 English for you and meUnit 1 Im proud of what Ive learnt.根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词1 We can aanything by working hard.2. The mountain is 8000 feet above sea l.3. The bboy worked out the difficult math problem.4. No mhow hard math is, I will learn it well.5.My best friend says that wI am, he will stay with me.6.Whose his the best in your class?.用括号里的词的适当形式填空。1. _( learn ) a foreign language requires our effort.2.Tom is good at _( recite ) Tang Poem.3.I hope that you can continue _( make) progress next year.4.I know those people _( who)levels are very high.5.I m sure there will soon be more people _(speak ) Chinese.6.You must drive _( care ) when it s snowing heavily.7.Our classroom is bigger than _( you ) .8. It s good _ ( practise )_( speak )English. even if the other person is better than you at English.9.I know him _( fair)well.10.It s a language which looks _( simple ) than it actually is.介词填空。1 How much progress _ English do you think you ve made this year?2 English corners are _people _ a low level _ English.3 I m proud _ what Ive learnt.4 It s good to practise even if the other person is better than you are _English.5 Do you have difficulties _ your handwriting?.中译英1 几年后,或许将有更多的人说汉语。_ _ _ _, there may be more people who speakChinese.2. 无论天气多么冷,他从未放弃过游泳。He never _ _ swimming, _ _ _ cold the weather is.3我想知道后天汤姆是否将动身前往上海。I _ _ Tom will leave _ Shanghai the day after tomorrow.Unit 2 We all own English.单词填空1 The _ (重要性) of English will last.用心爱心专心- 1 -2.Do you think your _(口语) English has reached Level Five?3.Everyone who uses English _(拥有) English.4.Fifteen minutes is a _(一刻钟) of an hour.5.As we know, Singapore is famous for its _(旅游) in the world.6. More and more _ (工业) prod ucts have been sold all over the world since China joined WTO.7. Chinese will be in _ (代替) of English to be the most popular language in the world.8. We should practice speaking _(日常的) English with our classmates.9. English is _( 极其重要的 ) for international business and Internet becauseit s used so widely.10. This is a _(近来的) period in history. 介词填空1 Even though thereare differences_ grammar, vocabulary,pronunciationandspelling, we all belong _ the international English speaking world.2. English is used _ business between countries.3. Chinese will be taught _ a second language in many courtries. 单项选择1.The boys _ made progress got good results.A. whoB. whoseC. whomD. which2.Those shops _ I do some shopping are very far.A. whenB. whereC. whenD. who3.No matter _ the weather is like, you can always find surfers out riding thewaves.A. howB. whatC. whenD. where4._ you work, _ result you will get.A. the better, the harderB. the harder, the betterC. the hard, the betterD. the harder, the good5.It s good to meet a foreigner _ English is quite good.A. thatB. whichC. whoD. whose6.Tom doesn t come today. The reason is _ he s ill at home.A. becauseB. whyC. which D. that7. My mother forgot _.A. where she first meet John.B. where did she first meet John.C. where she first met John.D. where does she first meet John.Unit 3 Language in use. 单词填空1 Are there many _(印度人) in your city?2.My teacher told me that to be successful requires _(某种) efforts.3.Which _ (时期) of history would you most like to live in?4._ (不管多么) difficult itwas he d try to help us.5.Do you know the _(发言者) at the meeting?用心爱心专心- 2 -6. I cant _ (表达) my opinion in English because I am not good at it.改成同 句。1. Kate can t work out the math problem, I think.I _ think Kate _ work out the math problem.2. He doesn t know either Russian or French. He knows _ Russian _ French.3. To talk loudly in public is rude._ _ _ talk loudly in public.4. “ You ca n t smoke any more, ” the doctor said to him. He was _ _ _ _ smoking.5. Students go to English clubs. They want to practice their English.Students _ want to practice _ English go to English clubs.6.“ Did you water the trees?” his wife said to him.His wife asked him _ _ _ the trees. 英 .1. 在全世界正 得越来越重要.Chinese is becoming _ _ _ _ in the world.2. 我就是走也要走到那儿 .I ll get there, _ _ I have to walk.3. 我邀 了 , 而没邀 托尼 , 因 他生病了 .I invited Joe _ _ _ Tony, who was ill.4. 你 什么想学英 ?_ do you want to learn English _ ?5. 去年 , 在英 学 方面我有些困 .Last year, I had some _ _ my English.根据你的学 英 口 提高提出几条建 . How to improve spoken English1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _Module 9 同步 卷一 . 翻 (20%)1.取得 步6. industrial products2.更有甚者7. be proud of3.通 播8. at least4.代替9. belong to5.一些努力10.no matter二 拼写 (10%)1 I can write well, so my _( 法) is beautiful.2.I have a dream to be a teacher. I must work hard to _(达到 ) it.3.Rosa is a _( 明的) child. She could do well at school.4.The country depends on _(旅游 ) for most of its income.用心爱心专心- 3 -5.In _(近来的) years, terrorism has become a great threat.6.You can use English _(无论在哪里) you go in the world.7.My English level is _(相当) low.8.Some students havent realized the _(重要性) of learning English wellso far.9.Do you know the meaning of _(四分之一)?10 New Delhi is the capital of _(印度) .三单项选择 (10%)1.China is a developing country, _ to the third world.A. belongB. to belongC. belongingD. is belonging2.A readerasked theshopkeeper_ who MovedMy Cheese was an interestingbook.A. thatB. howC. whatD. if3.Be careful! Don t break the bottles. Do you hear _ I said, Davel?A. whatB. thatC. whyD. if4.In _ time, she will graduate from an American college.A. few yearsB. afew year s C. a few yearD. a few years5.Look at the lady _ name is Dochi.A. whoB. thatC. whomD. whose6.At that time we lived in houses which _ old, cold and unsafe.A. areB. wereC. isD. was7.Here s a film ticket, either you or he _ allowed to go to the cinema.A. isB. areC. willD. can8._ is spoken by the largest number of people in the world.A. EnglishB. ChineseC. GermanD. French9.He got up _ late that he missed the first train to his work place.A. veryB. tooC. muchD. so10. What should I do to improve my _ English?A. speakingB. spokenC. spokeD. speak四完形填空(10%)Manyanimalsuse some kind of“ language” They use singalsthathave meanings.For example,when a bee hasfound some food,itgoes1itshome. It s 2fora bee to tell3bees where the food is by speaking to4, but it can do a little dancing.This tells the bees where the food is and5it is. Some animals show how theyfeelby makingsounds. Its notdifficultto tellifa dog isangry6 itbarks.Birds made several different sounds and7has its own meaning. Sometimes wehuman make sounds8wemake sounds like“Oh! ” or“ Ouch! ” toshow how we feelabout something or when we 9something on our feet.Wehumans have languages.We have words.These words have themeaning ofthings.actions, feelings or ideas. We10 give each other information. By writing downwords, we can remember what has happened or send messages to people far away.()1. A. out ofB. on withC. away fromD. back to()2. A. importantB. difficultC. necessaryD. impossible用心爱心专心- 4 -()3. A. each otherB. anotherC. the otherD. others()4. A. itB. himC. themD. themselves( )5. A. how longB. how far away C. how manyD. how old()6. A. so thatB. beforeC. untilD. because()7. A. eachB. everyC. allD. some()8. A. in the same soundB. by the different soundC. in the same wayD. by the different way()9. A. putB. dropC. fallD. set()10. A. able toB. are able toC. are ableD. be able to五阅读理解(10%)NEW YOUR MUSEUMTHE CITY FLOWER SHOWThe largest specializing (专业研究)in8 APPRIL TO 17 APRILAmerican history.Price: ¥ 50 for adults (成年人)Open: Mon. to Fri: 9:00a.m. -5:00p.m.¥ 25 forchildrenSat: 9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.mAddress:112KendalWayChestertonAddress:1100 Chesnut St. New YorkCambridge CB4 1LTTelephone:77364431Telephone: 55539561ENGLISH SUMMER CAMP(夏令营)POP MUSIC WEEKHowwillyouspendyoursummer?Bands fromhome and abroad willEnglish Summer Camp 2006 at University ofgiveperformances in Chaoyang Park,Toronto, Canada!Beijing.Ages: 13 to 18Chinese singers like Liu Huan will alsoFor more Information,share(分享) music with fans.Call CEE/DCCIEE at (010) 6606-2607Price: 30-50yuan.Time:9:00a.m-9:00 p.m( )1. New York Museum is closed on _.A. MondayB. FridayC. SaturdayD. Sunday( )2.Ifyou want to get more informationaboutEnglishSummerCamp, you can _.A. go to CanndaB. write to CEE/CCIEEC. call at (010) 6606-2607D. send an e-mail to University of Toronto( )3. _ will give performances in Pop Music Week in Chaoyang Park.A. BandsB. DancersC. StudentsD. Both A and C( )4.Linda isa seven-year-oldgirl.She wants to watch the CityFlowerShow withher parents. How much school they pay?A. ¥ 125B.¥ 150C.¥ 75D.¥ 50六句型转换(20%)1“ You can t smoke any more” , the doctor. said to him.(改间接引语)_2 We should water the flowers every four hours.(改被动语态 )_用心爱心专心- 5 -3 I was cooking. My mother came back home.( when 连成一句 )_4 The book is very old. Its cover is red.( whose 连句)_5. He was ill yesterday. He went on working as usual.(though连句 )_6 Mrs Morison can sing very well. Mrs Morison is very _ singing.7.Jim doesn t have to do the housework. Mary doesn t, either._ Jim _ Mary _ to do the housework.8.She had nothing for supper, _ _?(反意问句)9.He s worked in the shop for two years?(提问)_ has he worked in the shop?10. How many people are there in India? _ _ _ of India?七作文。请你以“ How Do I Study English? ”为题,写一篇作文,不得少于8 句话 (20%)答案 Module 9Unit 1 . 1. achieve2. level3. bright4. matter 5. wherever6.handwriting. 1. Learning2.reciting3.to make4.whose5.speaking 6.carefully7. yours8. to practice speaking9. fairly10. simpler. 1. in/with2. for at of3. of4. at5. with. 1.Ina few years time2.givesup no matterhow3.wonderifforUnit 2. 1. importance2. spoken3. owns4. quarter5. tourism6. industrial7. place8. everyday9.essential10. recent. 1. in, to2. for3. as. 1 5A B B B D6 7 D CUnit 3. 1. Indians2.certain3.period4.However5.speak6.express. 1. don t, can2. neither, nor3. It s rude to4. told/asked to give up5. who, their6. if he watered. 1. more and more important2. even though/if3. in place of4. what for5. difficulties with . 1. Make friends with English people2. Join a club or go to an English corner3. See English films and sing English songs4. Listen carefully in class and recite some important parts.用心爱心专心- 6 -Module 9同步 一 1 make progress2.what s more3.spread through4.in placeof5. certain efforts6.工 品7.以而自豪8.至少9属于10.无 二 1 handwriting2. achieve3. bright4. tourism5. recent6. wherever7.fairly8.importance9.quarter10.India三 1 5 C D A D D6 10 B A B D B四 1 5 D D C C B6 10 D A C B B五 1 5 D C A A D六 1 The doctor said to him that he couldn t smoke any more.2. The flowers should be watered every four hours3. I was cooking when my mother came back home.4. Th book whose cover is red is very old.5. He went on working as usual though he was ill yesterday.6. good at7. Neither, nor, has8. did she9. How long10. What s the population七 How Do I Study English?First, I think an interest in English is very important, When I was in Gradeone, we have a new subject-English.I was interestedin it.So I worked hard at it.Soon we had an English exam and I got a good mark. How happy I was! After that Ilearnt English harder and harder. Our English teacher often teaches us English songs, and the songs sound nice. I often think how interesting studying English is !用心爱心专心- 7 -


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