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3937国开电大人文英语2历年期末考试(第一题交际用语)题库_2019年1月试题 I need to look for some papers to add to my research report. A. Do you like the library in our school? B. How many papers have you read so far? C. Why not comfortably stay at home to log onto the Web? 答案C Are you thinking of a domestic trip or going abroad? 2018年7月试题 _ A. Ive never been to those cities. B. Maybe somewhere in Europe. C. Im traveling in the summer. 答案B Can I take your order,madam?2018年1月试题 Can I take your order, madam?2020年9月试题 _ A. Yes. Id like an Italian soup to start with. B. Yes, its as quiet as we expected. C. No, the prices reasonable. 答案A Do you often surf on the Internet?2018年1月试题 _ A.Yes.I surf on the internet. B.Yes.I use it a lot nowadays. C.Yes.I seldom do so. 答案B Do you think you are the suitable person for this position? 2019年1月试题 _ A. Im not sure if I will be here for the task. B. I dont think Xiao Ming is the right person to count on. C. Yes Im hard working and I think I am suitable for this position. 答案C Hey Peter.Can you_?2020年1月试题 Hey Peter.Can you_?2020年7月试题 Sure, what is it? A.dome a favor B.do something good C.do anything for me 答案A Hey, what are you doing in that room?2019年7月试题 Hey, what are you doing in that room?2020年9月试题 _ A. Nothing else. B. Fine. Thank you. C. I am preparing for the test next week. 答案C Honey. would you like to have a talk with me? 2018年7月试题 _ A. Talk with you? What for? B. Im not interested in the talk. C. About the situations we are having these days. 答案A How can l get legal advice for free?2018年7月试题 _ A. You can get nothing for free. B. To be frank, dont care abou1 that. C. You can go to a law firm and ask about that. 答案C Id like to invite you to my birthday party an Saturday evening.2020年9月试题 _ A. Thank you for your invitation. B. I dont want to join your party. C. I did not go to the party that night. 答案A Okay.Calm down, please.What happened?2018年1月试题 _ A.We were shopping in the cosmetic section on the ground floor. B.About half an hour.Ive been looking for her everywhere. C.We were in the shop and I turned around and she was gone. 答案C Our city is getting safer and safer.2018年1月试题 _ A.I hope there will be no crimes anymore. B.Crimes are sometimes good. C.I dont want to discuss this with you. 答案A The Internet is magic. Can we get everything from it?2019年7月试题 _ A. Yes, you ate absolutely right. B. Yes, I totally agree with you. C. Well, it is impossible. 答案C There are so many strange phone calls nowadays. Im fed up with those calls.2019年1月试题 There are so many strange phone calls nowadays. Im fed up with those calls.2019年7月试题 Speaking of strange phone calls,_ A. who are these nasty people? B. youd better be careful of the telecommunication frauds. C. there may be some information you can get from them. 答案B There was a gunshot in the cinema last night.2019年1月试题 I heard about it, and_. A. I felt into sleep immediately after that. B. I hope nobody was hurt in the cinema. C. do you know what movie was on last night? 答案B Tom,_you to my birthday party.2020年1月试题 Tom,_you to my birthday party.2020年7月试题 Im very happy to join the party.When will it be? A.Id like to invite B.I have to invite C.I should invite 答案A Whats your plan for the summer vacation? 2019年1月试题 Whats your plan for the summer vacation?2020年1月试题 Whats your plan for the summer vacation?2020年7月试题 _ A.I have a good plan. B.Im shopping now. C.Im planning to go to Italy. 答案C Why do you want to leave your previous job?2018年1月试题 Why do you want to leave your previous job?2018年7月试题 Why do you want to leave your previous job?2019年7月试题 _ A. Im hoping to have a better position. B. I dont want to work at all. C. You wont understand it 答案A Would you be interested incoming to the cinema with me tonight?2020年1月试题 Would you be interested incoming to the cinema with me tonight?2020年7月试题 _ A. No, I have no ideas. B. No, I dont like being with you. C. Yes, thats very kind of you, thanks. 答案C Would you like me to help you make a plan for the summer vacation?2018年7月试题 _ A. No, I already have plans. B. Id love to, but Im busy right now. C. Im ill, sol shouldnt go out. 答案B You blame me for that, dont you?2020年9月试题 No,_ A. of course not. B. I dont want to. C. I do think you are to blame. 答案A You seem a little blue today. Whats the matter? 2019年7月试题 You seem a little blue today. Whats the matter?2020年1月试题 You seem a little blue today. Whats the matter?2020年7月试题 You seem a little blue today. Whats the matter? 2020年9月试题 _ A. I am a little sad. B. It doesnt matter. C. Its been a difficult day. 答案C


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