牛津小学英语5B Unit 8 At the weekends(Part A)

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牛津小学英 5B Unit 8 At the weekends(Part A)Period 1一、教学内容Unit 8 At the weekends(A read and say)二、教学目 1. 知目 (1) 能听、 、 、写 和 :talk, weekend, spend, very,learnfrom,sport,often,catch,talkabout,attheweekends.(2) 能听、 、 和 :ofcourse,cartoon,watch cartoons,butterfly, catch butterflies, play on the swings.(3) 能听、 、 、写句型: How do you spend your weekends? I often Sometimes I How does he/she spend his/her weekends?He/She often(4) 能初步理解 内容并能朗 和初步表演 。2能力目 :学生能用英 行生活交 ,了解同学和家人的周末活 。同 通 学生体会合作的重要性。3. 情感目 (1) 通 活 、游 等使学生 生学 英 的 趣, 极参与交流, 立学好英 的信心。(2) 通 学 本 ,使学生能丰富自己的 余生活,快 地度周末。三、教学重、 点重点: 1. 能掌握四会 、 ,能用四会句型 行交 2. 能初步理解 内容并能朗 和初步表演 点:通 第一人称的 化到第三人称 数。四、教学准 多媒体 件, 卡,教学 片卡, 表, 五、教学 程:Step 1 Warming up1.Free talkT: Good morning / afternoon, boys and girls.S: Good morning / afternoon, Miss Jiang.T: What day is it today?S: It s T: How many days are there in a week?S: Seven.T: What are they?S: Theyre Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.T:Let s play a game, unneeded is needed. Please find out the unneeded letter in each word.S: T:We can use these unneeded letters to make up a new word-Weekend.T: What do you usually do from Monday to Friday?on Saturdays/Sundays S: I usually2.Lead inT: Oh, I see. You can . You can do all things you like at the weekends.(PPT1:Saturday + Sunday =weekend)教学: weekend (PPT2引 学生自己 ,pen ten end weekend)指名 ,开火 Today, we ll learn Unit 8 At the weekends. (齐读课题 )Step2 presentation1.T: Magic eyes.First,speak out the opposite phrase of eachpicture.(复 以前学 的各种活 )2.T:Look at these four pictures, they are all sport.教学: sport.T:Do you like sport? Of course, we do.教学: Of course.3.Let s guess. T:How do I spend my weekends?S: T:I will show you my weekends.T:I often go to the park and I like playing on the swings.教学: spend. often. play on the swings.T:Sometimes I surf the internet.(PPT呈 上网的 片)T:So I learn a lot from it.教学: learn from.4.Let s talk. T:Disguss with your deskmates,one ask and oneanswer.( 操 句型 )5.T: Howdoes ( 回答 的同学) spend his / her weekends?S: He / She often Sometimes he / she( PPT呈 tips ,着重注意人称 第三人称 数 , 的 化)6.T: Look at the picture. Try to get the information byyourselves.1).Who are they? 2)Where are they? 3)What are they doing? S:They are talking.7.Listen to the tape and answer the questions1) What are the students talking? S:They are talking about their weekends.教学: talk about.8.Read in groups and complete the forms.教学: watch cartonns. Catch butterflies.Step3 Practice Progress1. Listen and repeat.2.Role play.Step4 Production1.Fill in the blanks.2.Let s talk.Choose one scene to do a play.Step5 Homework


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