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I the om ads verimpran. es the persowho prvides us _1 ony to feed adcloth o . ean elpa our edrom,mend yourradio, m 2 a cge(鸟笼) fryour birds,r 3 yor icycle a hlp you wih youmth h_. dad can be veryhappyfor taking you in th car to and fom partie, music lessons, and dncing lessns.e ie oe ocompainsabout the time you 5 tlion te p 6 , a h has o p 7 th ill. a issoeewho will suprt you in an argumnt,f e b 8 ou be right. Heis somenewho rads your shol r 9 card, nd tre(奖励)u iftisgod. A dalikesto comnto nicehappy he n heenig, and sitin s chr wha 10 . 2. 3. 5. 6. 7 8. 9 10. 2ut 3 year ago, Ifelt ver lonely. I dint like myclssmaes , mypaetor anyoeee.y cassmes in wanto talk_e n myprents were alwasayng thatote kids were bette thnme.I thoghtI ws the _2_ unluky psn in theworld.Oe day hd fight wth ne my classmt I wasso ngry _3_I hit hi is face. Just a that omet, a oy stod u nd_4_ he ight e wa the onior of or clas.Atr t, hftenheledme an e came good _5_ . Weve I got anry or sa, wouldhep _6_to coo dw. life begano hnge because of te boy,my besfrien. As _ gosby, I ave bcoe apierwithpeople andhs.A it _8_ tha peop aroud me hae chaged , tooMy parens dont soutt e _9_mre nd my clasa bcme riendlome.ut nw Icant ofte seemy bt iedbeas heiseriously _0_ andstaying i spital. Ho mis the dys whe we e oehe! I hope he will be allrightan come ato school soon.1. . 3. 4. . 6. . 8. 9 10. 77.witht 8.most 79.that 80.stopped 8.friends 8.me 83.te 83.ss 5any 86ilsickoulive inAmeica, the w(法律) _1_you cant have fulltime job unti ore 16 yarso. _2_the ge o 14 or 15, yo ca wok patt after scooloron weekends. Does a thaten that if youre _3 hn 1, you at earn(赚) yor own money? O curn!Ks bween the age of 10 and 13 canear mey dig _4_ fthings en, 13, akeoey y knitng (织) d sweater a _5_thm o hnegbr. Riesaai h had startd aking at classeand owing herwrktopeol Pele ae akd herto draw pictues, and _6_ wll a hrf te.rnigis lerni.By woking torn yourowmoney, yo ae learigthe skisyo wineed tosucceed in _7_ Som pople thin that _8 for moy s mc asierthan eningHowver, when yo akeyr on money,youdot v tdeend o anyone 9 . T ve dola tha yoearn will probabl mke ou eel a lot better in yor hads _0 th twnty dll yak or1. 2 3. 4 5. 6. 7. . 9 10. Do you ave mile phn (手机)? Doyo 1 text msae(短信) t you riendsn faily? et messago “teting”i becing very 2 .But scientistshav founut that “tetin” an gie s rlewithour 3 . ceful. Too muc “texting” can cuse swellng n our thumbs(拇指肿胀) ietitscal this RSI (反复性疲劳伤害). Dotr Wilson, o trea (治疗) maysikpeope wit RSI, i e ae notspedig r tha 1015mnues eahti “exting”,we wonthae hprobem in the fute As milephonesvelp, they ae gtin 6 wth uons oser togeher, wich makes it mor diffcult ryo tread ad wrte the extmesse. 7 mor an more elefin themslves with RS. Amn them, most re tnage, as they 8 know the dangers ofsdng o muctim onmobile phnes. Nowyo knw why yu ote ave hadche 9 havng text messages for lon tim, donty? Wll ysto yourelves 1 “teting” to mch? If so, yol enjoy ealthier an pier l.1. 2. . . 5 6 . 8. 9. 10. 5Birds liin rees o oher anms liveinrees. Btdo ukowsme frog (蛙) lv tres, oo? The tree fro is 1_ tofind Tisfrogcan 2 colos Onreen leves, tstay grnnbwn brach, ittur 3 . oetre frogs c hange frm green tol 4lue.reerog 5 ng g n de et. Teheticky toe p(粘性脚趾).The sticky oead keep h reer 6 falling.Tre fogs ae diferet colors ad markings (斑点) on their bodies.hir eyes are 7 ,.ome av green eyes, ome gray. Som eye ar gold,adsme are bright redh sound he insring andummer are also difrn. Bt in wite hey 10 mak an sund.Do you now e reason?1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . 8. 9 10. 6Sally is stuent. 1 iv fa fro hr schoo, s she often 2 a ustoschoShe to scholt6:3 every mnig.Se wn t bet for schol.he rst clas 4 at8 an therrefour csses 5 e mornin n two inthe 6 . shedoesn go hom lunc. She 8 unch at shool.Salyas Cinese, nglish , math ad some 9 subjet at colSe tues ard.ntheevning, she ually 1 hr hmeork.he ol watcheTV o Satuday h oe obed arly.1. . 3. 4. 5. . 7. . 9. 0. 7I g to 1 at tn cckeve evenng. ork ntl :00olok 2 night. 3 wk, I tk 4 an tn t 5 all-ightretaurtveso foodThenI tak thenmer16 us 6 .I o to 7 a fiv n heornng d sty in ed untl w in he 8 . nly ok9 days a wee. 10 ridy,Satrdy Suny, Im freeat hoe. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 8Fourgirls wentscoo everydy i. Oeda e o te grss, “Thers est(测试) tis nin.Ltsgoto cool 2 . Then e ca ms the tst”“hat ca we sy ohe 3 ?” Oe ofh grls said, “Hell be ary. Well ee a go reason.” Tel 4 for eral minutes,en oof them sad, “Les 5 hmthor taxi had flatyr. (爆胎)”“Thats goo ie”Thetheril said, “Well el ith.” Tey6 to schol a ou laer. Te test wasareay finshed “ 7 re yo lae?” Thteachr aed “You missedhe test.”“Our tax d a fla yre.” ne of gils aid.Theteher thoght fo momen, thn he said, “sit don, oneo ou ineacerof throom. ” he four irs 8 tha Thn th techr aid, “Writ on pec of r he 9 o this question: 10 tyre as lat?”. 2. 3. 4. 5 . 7. 8. 9. 1 9Theres a piec of god nes foth cilre ine countryid. We maystil1 e gil ithbig eyes. Her big ey ae 2 us erdreaIi tgoto 3 ! In Chin, there arstillos ofgirls ad boy 4 erTyt to o cool,bhr are too po. f thfamiy has toor the chile, it is arde t 6 th moneyforeducaion of le hildren. the parentsoften 7 totayat me d ask boy to to choo.No the 8 wrryabot th oney. eginning frm ,chidrena go tschoo forreesome poorplce. Thydont have toa f boks oroher thins. Some ofthem caneven et moey fm h genment(政府) to make terlife . So, al the cildre inthe ountysie r ver appyt he nes. It i 10 eat.1. . 3. 4. 5. . 7. 8. 9. 0. 1ea is ine orld, ut morethanthree uned yeaagomost ofhe pope Euroe didnt no 2 aut ta.nce n Engishdoctor ce 3 fm Cina for hista holiday He gve hi mother ome tea 4 a pest. Setd he fiens 5 the prsen an asem o cometo a“tea arty” Whe e friends cam, the ld wman 6 out so tealavesad askedthem to eat. Of oue, 7 liked te taleave. usattht tie thedocor cam i. Hloke at th tblead ask,“Mohe, whatdi yo do te t?” “I oile it a yo said.”“And hat i ou dowiht water?”“I poedit away, urse.” the old wm.“ow you may throw away aves, 10 . ” sidthdoto.1. 2. 3. . 5. 6. . 8 9. 10. 11Mke is ver1 at math. Mary, his sster, is not goo a it. Mike fen helps her 2 mah One nihtMike an ry out tr exrcise-bok and ega 4 hei lesons Son Mie finished h homeok,ut siste 5 . She ouldnt wok t (解决) thlastproblem. “Le me 6 yu.” si Mike.“N, ae .Ill do t 8 ” id Mary. She thoghnthough, an our se oke itot She 1 ver ired, bt very apy1. 2. . 4 . 6 7. 8 9. 10. 12Bill tes as 1 ont. 2th, 195. He ge up i Sat, Washingo.He ws a vey oyHis avoritesubct atholwere scin ad mah 3 he was 1yer ld, Bill startedt a witompurs.At thttim, computs 4 vey large machies.Once h as very nterested 5 a very old coputer. e andsome of is fend6 los o tei u thns with it.I he end,thy worked ou asotwae rogra(软件程序) wihte old mchie. Bil 7 t r 4 dlars we he was nl1.In 193,Bll to HarvadUnirsity n this tird year, he left Harvad twork fo coman calledicoot Bl bgan his copa n197 9his iend Pau Allehy thougth he coputerold omeinto every ofce n evry home sn Soe began evlopngthe softwre for ernal uters. Thy improv(改善) hesfwre to 10 i aier peoe ue cpuer1 2 3 . 5. 6. 7 . 0. 1One ondy morning at eig cloc,Mthew was 1 own te street. Suddly he herdwo sos (枪声). They 2 omtebank.Mahew ra to the 3 ansaman run 4 . Theman as hortand hevy 5 onde hir. hd aag nd gun h and. 6 Mathewcoud do oethig,the an d un nto the steetand 7 o bus.hateroonMthew 8 tothe movies. He sthe 9 nte ha. H 0 te plieat oneThe olicmenarrivein les han fiv minuts.1. 2 3. 5. 6. . 8. . 1 14pertay hastudens usull nedeig to ten hour see a nght, u mstChnese tdets do notget 1 sleep. Some parets a glad to thi 2 tudy lt. The ll tink hicildren work vey 3 . Bu ot ll parents are 4 abou ths. nce ther ld s tt ever mrning he10-yeaold sn put p oe fige with ises sill 5 , eing foone minut toseep. 7 tosands ofstuen “ay brd”in China,he has t get up eoe 6 ever morng.A reort that wht a god gt sleep, tdents eem to e eake than they shuld be Man tudens he fale dring ss ate me. Some watc Vo 10 couter game lte ntotheiht.1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. 1Thwked i uslly a tim orest todyinese teeaercan hardly ret durig teeeknds. According to a surve, 4 f th Jnor tdents injing hav lasst th eekend. Oer 40%o theJuior 3 aeles eight hors eac nit beauseofstudyJi Pin, a Jnior stuent n uangzhou, 3 to etp at6: am on Satura Teshe has a whole y oflasses On Sunday she gt t t clas mth nd English. Bt s esn complain. Sesysthat her classmaes wrk h o unday Yang from Dalia. As a unio 2 suden, hs eekd are ess bsy.B he a seds Saurday inschool OSnda, aftr 6 homewok,ela asktball. He fes hap 7 hestillhas time todo he higs he iksA e tudents are uite it kier. angQig, a ni 3 tut fromZio, Shndo, s 8 them. During h wend, se suay getsup at :. Ten she 9 some time doin hoewrk. Aftr thatseisr o osopping orwach TV. “Dontpu yosef too much. Lerning wel at cho s 1 ,” she said. And sis a optuent. 2. . 4. . 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. 16Now lts of parens ll u everytng tat their chilre want t hv. Ifthey owihthe hat, thei hlren wont knowthemone fo hrd ok.Soepares iketo irthdy arties fheir chen. f theykeep on oinghi, theirchilren ill thik necessaryfor the t enjoybirtday parties eery yearYar after year, aybe h wil frge hr 4 birhdas ndoly remembrthei ow.It sagaist raditinal habits.Manypaentson ltthe childen do howork. Ty hin hidren av ony 5 o. Thy shud stuy r and do 6 n tei lsss If aens g on doin thi, the ldrn lonlylern toopen theimoutht e f adstretc ou(伸出) their t dresedevey ay.Wn thehildren grwup,thewil be bl to do 8 , and tey wonteven n a jb Prens houleach th hildrn too huwo bcaueta hlp tem tartg bits of working 10 themsele. 2. 4. 6. 7. . 9. 10. 17DarMu, Io thin you udertoo mylf.You ikI shod be 1 al the time. I ow y ant met 2 a go ob whn I grow ,bt I wuldlketo aeaodrfu 3 ,too ou never thnk aoutfun this for e to dolik ic,por. Two days ag, wn I wa wahg foobal am 4 TV, you aske me to op and do y homewrk. 5 finhin my hewo, stll wasnt 6 t rea my footalmaazie. Yu aid I hadogoo bd 7 . Tha as ad.Escia yetrdy was the 8 day. I ougsome CDs, an pt them m b so thatyo wuldn see h. I tld youI d t do y homework first. I kw itwas 9 oie o yu. Bt ater yo knew thetruth yu odDad. u, I didnt qite likwht youid to e! I reall love y,Mm, but I 1 yuuld gie me ome fredo. 2. 5. 6 7 8. 9 . 1April Folsyis o Arl 1st. ople can ly 1 on oerson h spcia 2 . f yousuccee, you sually laugh and sy “Ariool!” The peso wo s een led you , o, ad hel ner eanry wih ou.Moters Da s o thseon Sunday f May. Its a dy to 4thers. that damohes usually reive floerad cads fo theirhildren athr andhidre dote osewor o that mhr can have a 5 .Eter Dayalson he rst und afte the fu on wic i n or aft Mach 2 s tsso called Eser Sudy It issaid ha n tha da Jsus Chris oes back to 6 . Man pe go o chrch and chidren otenget 7 suchsoy rabbit.Thanksin Dais on e frh Thursday in vber Is a day hen people ive hs or te goodhns n i. Usualy amlis l e 8 nd ha a big dinnerCristm ay comes 9 25t. Its thm importntfstvai yea. The beautiflhigs can be 0 everyre. Pople exhage gift, send Chrstas cardsad viit fried.1. 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8 . 1. 19 I haemany rid, dtey ave 1 favre subjects. John favit subjects cmpuerbeaue e thinkscomputer ca 2 im a lot n is stu. He is a computer 3 . H esplayingomputer ver much, nd hes ood atplayinit. Jaclie art 5 because he ke differet picturs alot. arlikes Chinse becuse hrfthr is Che. Her ther 6 her Chinse at om. lves Chiaver uc, anhe wntsto knwmore Chn. Bb thinks mh i very , she ikes at et avdlkes PE. beause helies doing . He hinksits gd rhim. He s godat 10 payngbasebl andsocer.1 2. 3. 4 . 6. . 9. 10 20 Lvng in anoher country cabe vryonel. Last yerI went o a mde scooliAera. I ha 1 riendsther.I ws lwa aon,an metmes I felt ik Iwas te onlprson ite world. Ononday, ou 2 brouta boyino th classromand tolds, “Tis is Tery King, y 3 classmate.” ws tall ad fat, and wene mild, hiseystuned into a ine. He wsalays 4 , and i seemdlie e ha n worres. Terrytok the eatnext to m. Thehe lkd a me fo scod. didntrealz that e could become good 5 lt. ter choth day, I wen tontr o play y fartecoutergame. en went is, I ot a big urise: Tery there anda playing te 6 ae! “Hey, Im srpied toeouee,” Ii. sat down side m. “ 7 , too, ” he sile, an his yes tuned ino alin trned roudand lookedat his sren. Hewas good plae I hoped we coud ay 8. I e exctedly, “Doulik tis gae, t?” Infact, I had never alked t clssmate s rely eoe, buti smle helped me t open up “Would you like to pa 9 me? ”Iasked. “Sure, ” he answerd. He seemd s happy a a. As etartethe 0 ,e starte ouinshi,too.1 . 3. 5. . 7. 8 9. 1.


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