《大学英语B》12月统考练习题 交际英语

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交际英语、- Ho areyou, Bob?-_A.Hoae you?BIm fine. ThankyC.How o youdo?D.ice to met yo.答案:2、- Ho, Hr Potter. - Helo, y nae isCharl en, u _.Aall y CharlsBcallm at CaleC.cal meChares.ca Carles me答案:C3、- Pul, _? - Oh, ats m fther!Anbesie him, my othe.A.t is he peron over tereB.wos tingor thereC.wat are tey doinD.wichi that答案:B4、- ts rather col in he. Do you mind if I cloe hwnow?-_ .e, please.N, plase.C.Sur, ples.D.I dont lieit.答案:B5、- May I see youticket,peae?- _ Aure.B., yu cantCN,the are mi.D.s,youcn.答案:A6、- Isorry. Ia l du to t avy fic. - _AWell,ts .B.No,itsall rght.CYou ae welcmeD.ou are wron.答案:A、-Col y lp me th my physc, pease?- _ A.o, no ay.No, Icolt.C.o, Ian.D.Sorry I cant. I hve to go oa mt rigt ow.答案:、-Thankyou evr so much for yur lovely it. _ ANeve mindB.m glad you ike t.Ples dn say o.D.No, Is nots god.答案:B、- Cold I borrow you r fewa?- _ A.es, yo m brow.Yes, oon.C.Sure,ere is the key. njo yor jorneyDt oesntmatter.答案:C10、 CouldI e t Dn Wtkn, plse?- _ .pekin, plaseB, how a ou?C.Im istenig.D.I Don.答案:A1、- Excus me, how mch s he jake?- I 49uan. _A.Oh, no. hats O!B.How do youlike it?CWioyou rer?Wuldou lie t tyin?答案:D2、 What desTs if o fo a livi?- _.e isa docorTm e iswf.C.She has hapy lfe.D.hele far romher.答案:A1、- I didn men tdo tht. Pleaefrgive me. - _ ANot toobad.B.ts allrih.It a plasure.Tkyou答案:B4、- ood mring, JohnHow re ou oig?_m please.Bod ngh.C.No so ba. Anyou?D.How doyou ?答案:C1、- Whats the pmwith your bike?- _ Nt atllB.od, thank u.CNohg eius.Sure答案:C、- Whats wro wih yu, der? _. didn go to school.B. vea errbl headace.C.I tok th kids hoppi tdy.D.It i abautul s.答案:B17、- Whas the mater, Jo?- _A.Ifaid y French est.B.It doest mater.C.ohins wrong wthhim.D.I dt thik can.答案:18、- at dyou thnk thi nov?-_A.verea itBIsl-writtenC.I as written my uncl.D.I bouht iteserday答案:19、- How tal sur sister?-_ ASheisot vey well.She is 28 yeas old.C.She is verynice.D.She is a as a.答案:0、- Let go t th lbaythis afteroo._.Yes,thats rgh.B.No. I cnt.C.Wht ou you?D.Ts a god dea答案:21、 owuch is tis nclace? _ .Its ver nce.BIts a irthdy ese from my parntsCtcotsfifty pounds.Is abargain.答案:22、- Hcan I get to te cne?- _ A.Its very fr.B.Yes, ther a c near here.C.t wellkow.D.ow his stetand turnleft.答案:D3、- Thank youo alling._Aont entionitB.hatfie.C.ice alkig o oD.llak aain.答案:C24、- ow your family? _ A.Tns ll the ame.Than forcallig.C.ott bd.D.Don menion it答案:C25、- Are yougoin on oliday fr a ong tie?-_ .It was alon time.BTwo weks ago.C.o Only a cople f as.D.N lon tm ago.答案:C26、- What yu mjoring i?- _A.In a uniersity.B.ey ha.C.aheatc.D.Anin in th mornig.答案:27、-s Joh thee?_ AeakigBIm nt ary.C.Whoaeyou?D.Mary i well toda.答案:28、-s that sat tak?- _A.Ple dont ory.I nt tk oCWhot?It vry ice.答案:B29、- hat day is ody?- _ A.ts March 6ts a fne day oayCIt Marh.D.Is day.答案:3、-Ho a you etti on oda?-_AVer wlB.How doou do?C.Im a dcorDic to have kown y.答案:A3、 _- Oh, wl,Ill seak litt lowrA.How lon do yospea?Howdo o likmy peech?C.Do youseak Engih?D.Im srryIant undrstand ou.答案:D32、-Whereis Miss Sit?- _A.Shs fom Enlad.Shes t ome.C.he ot back.D.Shesvey well.答案:33、- Im srry Ime._ erlir nt ime.A.Sre.o arewecmeC.It dosntmatter.D.I ont kno.答案:C4、- Howdo ou like s re?- _A.amfne, thk you.BIs vr pretty.C.Ibough this ds at a sale.DIt my sisers.答案:3、-Tom told me thatyou collectstamps. - _A.Wht do you ean? B.Ion hin so. C.Why idh ell y?DYs, do. Do you?答案:6、 Hmny student do ou th?- _Quite a bit.B.More boysthan irls.C.About0.DTeemrnins.答案:C、- Whydd Ms. Green go o he travl geny?-_A.B car.B.stray aternoon.C.InNe Yor.For omeiformti bout trl答案:D38、D yo mind f ra he text loud her? _.e,you ed it.BNo, I dntC.Ys, dot D.No, I nt ike o read.答案:B39、-Letsgo or adrv. _AImbusy.B.It dries me m.C.l right. ets gD.I dont sayanythng.答案:C0、- Mut w comrletomoow?- _ANo, you nednt., u snt.C.ill you?D.o problem答案:A41、Thak a ot. Youve gone trough somuc roube- _A.Its trouble atall.B.ThtsgooC.I dn hink oDTats e ind f you.答案:A4、 Coud yu tell me where theneaest arknlo ?- _A.Dontask me.B.Paringis very dificultC.Srr,Imgerhee.D.Sorry, o can prk hre.答案:C43、 ome andee m youhave tim.- _A.I antIl think it ove.C.Thank you.D.I will.答案:4、- wsh yosess i yur crer.- _AYou ae wlcome.B. ink so.C.Yes, ples.D.The same to ou答案:D45、- t me help you carryh suitcase.- _A.Is O. I cn maage.B.Is no ve light.C.I canhelp youwith i.Puit don on the ground答案:A46、 e, m. Hws erythig? _A.us s-sB.Thats riht.C.How r ou?D.Good to se ou.答案:A47、- elo, cold Ispeak o Mike pls? _.Wh ae you?B.Wo s speki?C.Whtswrng?.?答案:B48、- Did you se he ad o tbulti board? _A. Whats i aout?YeWhtsbut?.Its silhee.D.hts goo idea.答案:A49、- msry brk you glass.- Oh, really? _.A.Its OK wit eBItdentmateC.Dob sorrD.Idnt are答案:B、- has thweterike tday?- _.It vey ho an umd.BI is Saurday and col.C.It s6th July.D.I is vey srios.答案:A51、 hall whveother cup oftea? _. yu like ta?Why not?C.Good tea.Im thirsty.答案:B52、 ow wlyoik yur hair d?-_ACn you d i?Cut own.C.Fe ownDCt shrt.答案:53、- uhvent pid ori ye. _,I reay very sory.B.hnkyouCNotat al.D.f cuse, I know.答案:A54、- el, Id lie to peak o Ma, pleas. _.Y, Ir. B.Thii Mrk pakng.CIs me he. D.is i me答案:B、- Im sorry I lot he ky to yur bik- _AWat do you mea?B.Dont worry.hi Iv gt anorCYu e que rigt.D.Of ours, I know yo will.答案:B56、-ie to see yu gain,Mr.mith w ae you?- _A.Imis you.BFie Thank oAd you?Ar you O?D.Ti ay, please.答案:B57、 Woul you rter com on Frid or Satuay? _.A.Ys, of ous.No, thanksC.It dt attrD.Fridy答案:D5、- atibly rr! I broke thevas. - _A.dont want i.DontworyYou ent d D.You by one for me. 答案:B59、- I hear you gotthrogh your exam. Congratultion!- _.o. I didnt doweenough.B.Who told you at?CThks.D.s, I got a good mak.答案:C0、- I be weveet soewher bore- o, _. A.itint thesme.it cant beriht.I dont think sD.d rt not答案:C61、 aktepills treetimes a day Come bckan see me in we.-_A.Thnk yu ery muchneed.BI camke t.C.I haventdecide yet. .Goide!答案:A62、-hatsti gli? -_ AIt a m .h s ap.CYs, its mpDN, it isnt. 答案:A6、-Wh not nd have inern a restar?_.Is to expesve.Wyno.Iree.I afinoD.Im sre答案:C64、- Helo,Im Dav Ce.Nic o mee yu.- _A.Are yo?icto e youtoo.Ys.D.Ve nce.答案:B65、-Howdo yo d? -_ .ow re you?Bo fternon. C. fine.D.How do you do?答案:D6、- M.Joe, ts iSen, nEnglishteh from th Unied tte.- _.Wh can If you?.Nitoeet ou.Peaekep inouchDHavensen you or ag.答案:7、-Wouldyouleae pss e thealt? -_.AGiv yuNo saltC.Here they are.ertinly. Her you re答案:D6、 You spkEnlis._.hank forsayin oB. nthnk oC.No, Idnt seak el eougD.Certainl答案:A69、-How are yur paents?-_.I O, thanksBShe is well,thaks.The are boh i, thanksD.e ell, thnks答案:C70、- Im oi tegishevnin no._.AIts goodfo yo.Have a gd ime.Id of yoD.u are hapy答案:B1、-Imoing to ake y ntranctstmorrow.- _!A.God lckCheer.Ce onD.Conatultons答案:72、-Woulyo mind ifI us your ca?-Ofcournot _.A.m sorry I cntB.I fraidot.ts overtereDI hve no cr答案:73、- Coud yo ek me loudly?- _.A.ts a good leB.he line ibaI an hearyouDYou cat 答案:B7、- Happy eaches Day t you, Wng!- _.A.han ouB.Al the seC.Me,tooThe ame to ou答案:A75、-ay Imve you bg litleand te thi seat?-_.I ont ndB.t esnt mtrC.Youd it peaseD.Goaead答案:7、- Could I ask you therpersonal usti? O cous, _.A.good ideaB.thatsrgtC.neer dD.gahead答案:D7、 leas help yourslfto the fish -_.Tns,bu I don ke he fsh.BSrry, Ican helpCWell, ish ot suime.No, cat.答案:78、- Can I havalok at yu ltter, pleae?- _.AExcs , yu antB.fraidyu can.I cn aree thouYs, than you答案:B9、- _?-Do you aa to horse?A.What oyou ant tsellB.hall helpy.hatca I for yoD.D you ikeatoore答案:80、Do hveany fresh fi tody? - _ A.No, I stil h a fwB.N, Istll avea ittle.Yes, Iave some.Ys, I hvemny.答案:、-h ae Johnsons family ke? _.A.His amy is just like minB.Tey al lke spot d travelC.Oh, t reallya big nD.hey are allam-harted nd helpfl答案:82、-Wuld yolketo see il with me ongh?- _Not atall.No, I ontCYs, d lv D.Tatsright答案:83、- llo, oul Ispeak tMissang, pleae?-_ll et her f yu.A.Hold n,plese.B.Im i g.C.ho ae yo?D.h sat work.答案:A84、-Oh, dr!Ie just broken a win- _t cant hledA.Dt orryB.llightC.Thats fine.Nt a all答案:5、-Hello. Isa r.White o Mrmith spaing? Sorry, _Awoeyou?B.dont sk me.dont kow.D.wd youes ing th p this afteroon?答案:D86、- od u lik sommore? - _Imfl.As, plaeB.I love oC.No, IouldnD.o, thk答案:D8、- _? Im fomMeio A.Where re yo fromB.ow d ou com heC.Whatour namDHw far isit答案:A88、-err Chritas and A Hapy New ear! - _.A.I r nie youB.You wecme.Thnk yD.The sme o you答案:D


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