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上海市新场中学高中英语学科一年级上册一、nit3:sing Enlish Poprly(学时)教学目的双向表学习类别学习内容(知识/技能)掌握水平检测措施识记(A)理解()简朴应用(C)综合应用()词汇stewardess,chairprson, onou, inular, lrl阅读理解中辨认horct, ri,cue-all, post(达到拼写限度)选词填空oen, aoid, attept, ephais, empasi, profssin, especful,impy, Respecfu,fleny, gener, atndn, ructur, wokplace单词拼写、中译英、选词填空pt emphasis n, chae ih me, call out, prefero, attemtto, nteadf, inst on,e oliged o中译英、看图说话、写作语法动名词的被动和否认形式选择题、翻译综合技能听力理解部分生词后,听懂一篇短文,理解英语的变化及导致变化的因素。课堂提问、判断题抓住有关细节,学习如何提出建议和劝告。WH选择题阅读把握文章大意,理解讲英语国家的文化。课堂提问、概括段落大意理解文章细节W-H选择题掌握文章中的动名词的被动和否认形式及putemhasio,v, imly等用法中译英、选词填空说话培养学生的语音语调等语言技巧朗读课文用英语转述课文大意复述课文能在学习课文的基本上,根据提示和已有知识进行对话能就某个话题给对方提建议和意见编演对话情景表演写作结识主题句,写好段落中的主题句。写段落阐明:掌握水平:识记。是指会读、会拼写。 :理解。是指能听懂、看懂。 C:简朴应用。是指在一般的语言环境中会应用。 D:综合应用。是指在一般应用的基本之上会综合运用所学语言知识二、ni3: sing nglish Properly(6学时)教学效果检测一、课内检测题(题目重要针对目的达到度设计)第一学时:1. The follwinalaaion o me of the rdsin the t Mt eh tem ithterigtwrd.(A)1)_to ake others napp oe gry (ofen)2)_an c f trig to o ehi, speciallywh it s difcu (attpt)3) sia or etra importce thai giv t somthg (emphasis)4) _a type f jo tatreqires specialtaininanthat brs a fay hghoial sts (profesion)5)_to g eyn on ecifi aea aninclude r afftothrras (exten)6)_bengit an hong respect toths (esptf)2. Fill achblnk wth an epresio rmbox n tsprfom (B)Put ephasi on ntr th prfessin referr er insao hngewithhetmes1) Lngue is a reflecton ofulture, and lnguage use oftn_2)_mmrzg wordsrom awrd lt, he uds up is vcbl pe y edn.3) Chieseeople _foren language eaing becaus the wl ike tokw orebout oher ulture.4)Shorned frmsof wods, su as“as.a.p.” or “a onas poibl,” r te_wiely ued byneeusrs.5) Teacingis no ppular wh ougop andany choseto _. Rdte textand fill out the ble bo.()aitina rs Prefrrdemerms elatigto gd1._._3_4._1._2_3. _._ emeaing toisse ther han edr1._ 1_ .Trslaion: (D))如果教师过于注重语法操练,学生也许会对英语学习失去爱好。( put mhss )2)她一天的工作时间一般延续到晚上。( exte)3)我小心行走以避开路上的水潭。( avoid)4)你的意思是想说我们没有说实话么?( pl)第二学时Filin ach banith theerbgivnints prer fms ()1).I amaaid of _(lo) my passport, sIdn usa carr i with m2).hom as n bee paine for yeas Ineeds _(pint)3).Im the oss I a ot d to _(tel) hat d.4).Please fgive me fo _(notwe) to you.2.Thr is emitakin eac of the oloig senteces.dh mstake and orrect t. (C)1)Whenhtolde ha evybdy had ad fun fhim, I couldnthelp to feel srry for him._.2) She s not lookngorward o dh examiation._3) Thattesn hradio eed b chnge._.4) would ike plying ten today._5) Whn yoseeom, remmbegivin him my regrds, on you?_.第三学时A.isteninpractc ChaninEngh (C)1Ln t thepssage and henfll in tel by ing he fcts yhve head theap.1) “Go mornng” ued o e _.2) No peop are moe lkey to gee each oter wit :_Fators cusgth hangs1) A worklac hat desnt _socil interctio.) Nghbourhoos a o counity_.3) At hoe,parts do nt encorae_4) ope are m nots _astheused t be.5)I ublic schos, chldren aret _to a“Goo moring” t their tacher. eakingEnlis outside the clssroom1.Look at the pitures.at are sme fte aysf eaniEngls otde school?ih ws are me helputo? h? Have a iscusio i grps Yo may chooe to talk but oneor t of thebov tivitisr abut me otherwysyo use.()2.Prctie followin ialogue t you partnerad try to ctt out第四学时Thingstreessupermarketsschoolsdepartment storesrestaurantskindergartenshotelsflowershousing estatesadvertisement boardsgardensfactoriespolice stationsswimming poolsgrassshopstemplesofficesbanksparksmarkets1. Topic sentence1)ndein th topicsentence (C):One of the most impoant uses fgoldi r money. d a bed to mering, earings,nd the things Goldisso useto make gold eaf, a very ft ribonofgl thatisoftenused onpicture frames. Cus adishes cn alob md fomgld. Goldh uses. B: ndgond sysesarealredy heread there. Many iiesav degound ar pks. n sme citis, such as Tokyo,Su aMnre,hreare rge undrrudsoping areasTe “Chunnel”,a unnl(隧道)conneing nga and ace, inow coplee. 2)Write a suile topicsenence(D):_.It s used no onyin caclations, bu as n enineeng prjt,esign ,languaeerning, etc. In toas ocety ,computers an be en workg fo us lmst eryhe ,in ho,bn ,pos offces ,scls ,hospials ,and s n Cptrs hae eve entered mo famiies .Chn n learnarios sbjects n comptr,d aens can njoy oe etetainentfrom th compu, too.B:_ith the elp ofadertisent, he manufactures(生产商) can rovie people wit fomation aou thir new proucts-teir ooquality, thrcheap icesand her poplaityA a result,they migt sl wel,which, in tun,may greatly benefit te manufactres. Addiin Readng)Qstins: Decid whtech of e folowing tatements s tre(T),false(F)or hardto sy(H). (B). A lt of poe write leters tomplain bout the d language in nwspaer.One ofe letter wrtrs in te passagewas no satised wih is soken nishc. Yu can fd a lo ofaswhch da ith the qestion f hoto imrv onesEnlshd.Listein to Egsh radio prgmmes ithe es y toimrove yorEnglish.) Fnd words r expsonrom th aricle fill he blank,aing ansi necssary. In oingasieiic xpeimnt, one_be_ cfulb Wh ewasyoung,h paenton ok him touseums, t _his love toart.c. Ii _o regret whthas alreay beenn.d. Asis pved, laws re not a _for all thime.2) eellte e (D)) Writig: wrie a topi seteceacrdingto thefolowing toic(D) (1)keep f (2) oputr (3) mmoter 二、课后练习题(题目侧重巩固、拓展与提高设计)(一)巩固题用所给词的对的形式填空。1I lker,t I dt le_(she,sing). .enddyou got Shnghai? Iremembe_(take)ther wn was aci. 3Sorr,but Ill have toke ouwatngforsome tie Thts all ht o mnd _(ep)wting. 4.msrry Imie_(see)you whieI s in eing latmonth. 5Se muste ookng fowrd asmuh as I t_(see)hi 6.We houl keep on_(pctie,spek)Eglsh evey day to improve or spokenEglih 7. el like_(take)a long wa.Woudyuike_()with ? 8Hewas in o spir and eeconsidered_(g)away9.I ouldnotimaginethat_(b)osile1Mosteple prefer_(pend)money t_(arn)it. 11Thi prm emads_(ok ito). 2. chid cantlean_(sell)thut_(be)hlped. 13.Ik youwill pardon_(I,say)o,bu yo keep_(iv)usmaywrds_(pl)n English. (二)拓展题Whe learningnlsh, peple tday ar begnnig to pay attntion no oly t in tcorecty aso roprly.UinEngis invove anuer of _.A very irtant one is ccernd wih(和有关)_.To avid gender discrntio(性别歧视), peple try to avoidsing_ hat tedto ffenpplofethr s, rtcula fmes, whohve triaybeenheaer ro Asa reslt, wr thatpt to mu_onthe dierncesbteen he sexere_ byoreeutral(中性)one suchas “flgt atant,”“eer,”nd “pce oficer.” Ote aeah aso reflettetr ofusng ngish properl include those f _ nd _. Te urpse ofding so is okeanue moe _tol people(三)提高题ind them f o c.Dearrs.Chen:Im riting express y graitde yur te ast tre year.Thn ou for your elpnpatience.In the pas, wa slent and unconfient I dnt he any rien xcept Gd. beliee inhim a he i th ndetoe in thwo. He told us to beriedlyto llthe mankndeen thn isan nningsaeman.But I ws to aaid to o o. hats wh ws elBtnowI am reshmanin th unesiy.veyth rnd meisferent adI an sat ew lfe.Now Ihae ver ood fried.H is te chairman of StudntUnion. Tough he is ftadshot,h i respecte y al the studens in ou scoo sill remember the orsyou tds.I not eoh f a stdn tocsalhstenton nstu. He shu soake more frie ndejolfeThi s the nlyay o bca truly cesf ma i the ftre.I wil o as yousaid. Thankyu,y ahe.Yur stentlzTh erhs stors a history of _4_ change. Parts f tearth h ere 42nde ae are now copetel dr. There have ben prods when arge areas o the eat were coered43ce Therehave bn pis whe the climte was muh warmerht is 45.Ther have been many 6hages. The thhs manyfetures(特性) thawr7by hman beings, sc a righned rve dshores, caas, a, and tunns 48mouns. -49oftese latter eaures r teresult of cangeshat are 50-.41. a. humanb. narac. ndstiald ariclt 42 one. us to bc.notd. never4.a in. rc ithd. from4a,parts b. rs. itd. earths 4.thnb.nowc. psd.in e futre46a. hrb anotherc. se. ots47.a.fondb.icoveedc see m48. a. ovrb. nc.throghd. ro4.a. nebAlc. Litl d Each50 anurl.unmportatc. unnecsard.unnaal eading Comension ()Oncehere w no eo. Twite theuber sitthre, epewrte 6. To rit hunreandthre, peopl rote 6. T spaceastee to ma “nt any” tn. Smetimes ele di not remberthe sace.Iwa rd trad.Later plused a dt (点)thold the space. Si hured ad three oked like thi .3. bu do was hrd to se. opople pu a circlearundit. hi 63. a ow. Thn peoplecoul see the do.Thy remembere thesace.At lst,nly he circlaround e dt wassed. t as lie zero. This is ne stoyof howteerocae to beus51. Long,logago,pple id kow ow to_.a.rteb.writeeroc.wie numberdsity-hee52. ng,on ago, if they rttwo nde and sve, pople wrote _.a.27b.2 7.27.2075 Late, _wa usedto mn spca“notanyb.lter “0”c.zeroa ot. oplsd cicles _.a.to rememberysbtorembr umberscnot fge th sacetoma thing. The story tells us _.a.o ro hpehw o rezrc.hatsthe ue of erod.tha ero means a dt, crcle r pace(B)hn will a 2,0-calorie(卡路里)almaefat? It dpnd o hat timeyou et i. Dr. Habery, a profesor t a niesity, made aesearho tiscre in a studyrriedut afew yearsago.Each day for awek, h ed six pern asingle meal, eaten atefat im, thtma of2,00-calore meal as iner for ek. As eult, all the irst si prss lost eigt. Bt on einnr arrageen, our sietwight. Evn the remining two los es than tho n th breakfast fod. Dralberysccluio isthta calieis no te m at eksts it is dinner.What i in e psge dcus?A. How a ers ca keep iB. The best ime to have alsC. Thlato betwenmeal tiean geting weigtD. The dctor itersted in mals57. Whe wil a 2,000-caloremal makefat?A. a si oclock in the moningB. befor siocck n thoniC. at hal ast seen in te morningD. at ev n he even58.Wat i thetaoun f cloiesudup n hetwee udy?A.168,00 B.8,00 .24,000 D12,00059 Whc of the ollonis not tru?A. l epople ave onal a daB. Eight peos lost weiht inthe stuyC. i stu was notrrdot ntilsvealyersagoby Dr.HlbeD. 2,0criee eal y may nt emak ft60. From the asgwe lernthat_A. dine is mor iportant nbrakfatB. D.lbry caried ou ma or sudiesC. Yu eon ,000calori at thebrakfas tme ifyou want l eight.D. Twohosads caloris da l ue perso o get weigh ()he king of ancintgypt planned stn tombs o keep thir boessafe afterde ad o hold ther tsre. TeGrePyraid wa ild hosa of ears fago or a kng ald Khf Itaonthe wes bnkofthile Rer,not fa fromCari. I fact, all he yramids alog he Nie ae on it wtbank.The cient Egytians cpar the isng oftsuno e begnni f life an the setng of thesute eo lie Tis is yheir dadbodie werebured nte west nk ofte Nil.The peple of Mexico als built pyramids hey inot bt for tomb They edto uil a pyrm an hen a tmpe on top fi.hpyramids of eico enoas hihas te pramids Egypt,buthe rebig.Each of tepyadshas wi starway(楼梯)tat goes fro hebttomto the topTy igestpymid in Mexc almst ,000yeaars l.Scientis thikit took 10,000 mn moe thn ten yars ouild i. n teo they ult temple osnTh templ ds o lge tee ut peoplesil cll t the Pyramid of he u. N it isanhe ueyraid, the Pramid e Mon.61. Allte prads long the Nilea n itswest a maly because _.A. poe sed to be nere hn thei d ws narB. the lad hre wsdry andi fr keingdead boies.C. The anent Egyptsthot fhe en of ther lves a the ettng of the sunD. I was utthe gt plceforhe ngs to hve ther bodie bried62. n nint Mexico raidswere buit_A. in honor o egodB. or the kigstobsC. to old the kig treasreD. aes ofinteet63Which prmd asuiltabot n 10B.CA. Te Grat PramdB. he Pyraid h SunC. one the PramidsD. The Pyaid o he Moon64.Whih ofthe following if te?A. Te prid Mexicoe so gasthose ofEgyptB. Th pras ofexioare less hgh tan toof EpC. The pramdso xic re just t sm thse f EgypD. Th pyramis oMio ar it diffret fro those of Egypt 1. ri _(epair) now i th one bugt t ea.2. Teeue _(hold) tomoro is on ow t learEngish3. Tonytoldme e _(tend) teeetin as soon as his work _(o).4. The sudnts ere ask tsop _(wrte)andgo o _(read) hext5. Th naughy by petendd_(fall) aleepwhe his mohr ce i.6. Do nk te brge _(complet) in a yer?7. then suggested thetient_(send) to the htl rig awy.8. Th puplfound t impoile _(wor) out thproblm nsuh shor time.


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