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安徽职业对口高考模拟试卷英语(三)第一部分 英语知识运用(共三大题,满分60分)第一节单词释义(共0小题;每题1.5分,满分1分)根据II栏的解释,从栏中找出相应的单词。 I栏 II栏. rogn2. peit3. fai 4. qit5.ransfer 6. al. puzle8. injue.essial0.advedA. retell, tello mak kno beforeandB. te and faithfulC. to moe soehin o sebodyfro one lce tootheD. eig, casE. far on inlif in prgssF ut or damag. ake confed ardo undsndH. no omoorsometing again. nt t succed eessay, most imporn第二节 单项填空(共0小题;每题分,满分30分). He aid that he_ Canda a ew r go.A. beenoB. hav been toC. wentD go1Cnt you stopmin so muchoise? I really ca _ tI eilsrr forving oumuhtroule.A. kep. saC. haD.make13. Tees can sto he sd _ towards te rih flandin te suth.A. movng t oveC. from movingD. ove14.Dot give up_u illnver suced.A andB. btChil. or1. There re fiveeopleinhe ro, bt I knw _.Abth oftem.none ofhmC.all of themD. neiter f t16. o long hve you lived iths on?_ .SicB. InC ToD.Until1.hat can w students do _ the environmt?A. to proectBprotectC. procing. rects18Do you no im?I ure Iv see him_, bu I ct emer the ight placeA anywheB oweeC. evewerD. smewee.Its a good sog, _ e lycs(歌词)ae no oo nogh. which. alhoughC. ad.2. Shefinihd thwrk _ s sooas posi. Shs ey hppy now.ucceed.sucssfullC. sccesD. uccssful21 Thee sa aio yesterd. he lod_ te old brid over thesmal ie.A. ahe awaB. wtyC. ewaay.p aw2me m ecer _Iwaswalking n hestreet, u I ddnt a hlo o im.A.eore. aerC. untlD. hil23.His clo fid _ fotwo yes.A. diedB has diedC beendeaD. hsbeen ie24. Te book cotso_ tat he ddnt by it.maB. much. big pensive25.Se prefersofermre money fora btrress_ pay less frhis oneA.rathr than. iead ofC.not orther.The Geens _ Cia fo sven years ha come toB. have ben toC. haveome iDhaebeein2 Cou yotell me _?Sr, Idont know.Awhreare sockB. were canInd myscksC. her y ocs reD.were my soks ut2. It neesrfor you_exerise evry day.A. kng t tkeC.take. taks29 _ yo _ yu mworket?e, I _t ten mnuts ago.A. Did; do; nd Hve; de; hav inisedC. Hae; one;fiishedD Will;do; fiish0. Xian s a city iman aes f nerest a _ turit coe heeeery year.tousand ofhousandC.thosadDhusansof3. Thi s h mst beatiful arkI have _ visited.A. everB. eC nve. ledy2. Canyou wrie nureght-ive thousnd,sixhundan twetsi?es, is _.A. 85,626B 56,620C. ,662D5,63 ow most famiis have only one hild _r ountysonecild picy.A. so.ecase. cuse forD. bcuseof34Dav has agreat rogress recntl._, nd_. h ha; so yo hveB So he has; ohave youC. So sh; se youD. So hs h; syouhave5 Chia hs he_ populatin in the worldA smlesB. mstlrgestD. lrge36. Compaedwith lat yea,our py _ bot ¥500eer month.A.has increased yB. has ncreasdC. increasd bD.irasd to37. seems _ yu liketoworkwth chidenYes,theyareso lely. tatB watCo. a. Iourclass _of te stdens _ gis.A thid fifh;ishird fif; arC three fifh; s. three ifths; 9. ur teachr td us t ligt _ uch fasterth ud.AtrveleB. rvelsC. s raveingD. wstrveling40. In he olddays, mst teager hd to work forth landlrd (地主)i the ieltohlp _te falies, because thei amlies coldnt _ edcationfo themWat iy!.spport; suplyB. afo; suportC. supor; ffr. ffr; gv第三节完形填空(共10小题;每题.5分,满分15分)Whe people talk abotai pollin, they aresuallythikig aout oudoor ir 41 .But o ouko t there is also i ollutionide hom, ffis, hls and oer buiding? hirn y homecan e 2 t 100 ti morepolute thanth ai outdoos!I act,some American doctossay hat 50% o ilnssesve 42 to do witholluted ndor air.lot ofpoutin comes fro door atiities4 min ancooin. A mst peole 44 about -90% of heir time inie buildings,t i mportantto ake indor air poutionserious,tor olltion inflences our health 45Whenthe aii pllt, not oly ung hlrn and ldople 46 fro it, 47 peplithhealthproblemssffr as ell. Indoor ipolltin can 4 peopleys, nosesand rat. irpllutio,both nor nd odoor,can ao 9 t lung cancerad heat isease!I the great Londo fogin 195, 4, 000 eopl died n afew days 50 the polutin! Ii sid hat hf a milonyoun hildrn and oen dieach ear n na becase of indoo a poutio!41. . plltiB. poluteC. ollungD.pllute42. .othingB. eeyhingC. somthinDanytn43 A a we s. sh aC. stedo. oa44.A. tae. cost.pedD. giv4. A i an ways inmanythinsC. inmany hous.ian yer46. . endreB.berC. stndD. suffer7 A ad. butC oD. whie48 A. hB. hurtC. ollutD. bea9. . cuseB. geC.iveD. led50. A bcas ofB. thas tCrelaed toD. cuse第二部分 阅读理解(共小题;每题2分,满分0分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、四个选项中选出最佳选项。(A) Henrywasan ofice workerin ag ty. Henas an ofie rerin big cit. Hewrkdver hrd njoyed taveligin his hldas. usal went o th esid, but oe yea h swa advertementn a nesaper. “njoy coutrylife. Spend a feweks atWes Farm.Good food. Fes air. Hseidin Wag. Fising.Cea ad trestin.” “hisods a d da,” hthogh. “Il sed a mt Wet Hil Farm. thin can en hrseriding,alin and fishing Teyll makea changrom sttig by t seside and imming” Hewrote to te armer Itheleer es tha he woul leto spend llof July tee. hen on thefirf Jly, hleft for West ill Farm But u ys later, he etuned home. “Wht wawrong wih Wt HillFarm?”his bes friend, , asked hm “Didn you enjoycounry le?” “Country ifewas vry go,”Henryaid “Buttee was oter probe.” “O hat?” “el,” e said, “he first yI was there a see ded, an wehad rostmto fo dinner.” “ats rong wi that?” ske. “Fresh meat i teest.” “Iknw, buo th secod ay acow dd, anweadroast beeffo dinne”“Lckyyo!” “Yo dont unersad,” enry ad“Onthe thirdy a pig dedand e a roast pk for inner.” “A iere mea eveday,” Ed sad louly, “ nd ou a cmlinng!” “Let e finih,”Henr sad. “On the urh day the farmdied, and didntdare (敢)sty fr dinner!”51. How Heny find o aboutth farm? A.Hea it in newsae adrisent. B.is stfriend oldhim C Hwo oh frmer. . Mbe he ler t from t rdio.52.eny camek ho sevral as latbecause _ . hed l the counylife tall B.thefamrwsnt iendy to hi C. his holiday wasover e though i ae t ea te farmer53. “and yoare omplaining!”, te wrd“complain”meas_.A.夸奖 B.解释 C.抱怨 .故弄玄虚54.Wic of h following sentncs is rue? .Ed culd ea a differnt kind omeat evey dyB.Henrthouthe could njoy ace.Henr cln hink of anything else to d,o heentto hefam.D. h famer die bcas of te bad ma hete.5.Wch i bst ttle or te passage? A. Wh beauiful f! B.Hve a god tme. C A short holday . Henand te frmr.(B)A fame had a co.A far hada cow He took veygoocre ots cow anoedaywen i as ll,e wsvryworried. H elephone ev.“ttheprobl?”he ve askd him when e arrive. “M cows ill,” the arersaid. “I dont knowhats th matrith her Shs lying down ad wnt at. Shesmanga strangenoie.” hetloked ovr te.Secertainly ll,h sai, a eeds to tak omry strong mediine. Hetok a ottleut fhi bo, put twopillsintois hand andaid, Give hhese. The pilsshould mak her bett. “How shod ivehe to her?” the farme asedTevet gve hm atbe(管子)and aid, t this tu n hr out, hen pu h pills n the tube nd blow. Thatll make it. Te next ay the et came to h frm again. h farer itnoutside hs ouse ndlookd oreworried. “Hwsyourcow?” h v askd.“No chage,” t famersa, “an Im feln ver stragemelf.”“Oh?” the ve a, Why? “Ididwhat you i,” te farmer nswee “I put the tbe in th cwot d thput tw pis downit” “And?” the aked “Th co blew frs,” frmrsid.6In the story,thevet mu_. A. tefamers fiend .a mil acryCa hspital for w D. a docor f animals57.h armer ased theve fr hep whenhs cow _A. ouldnle don B.didt ea th pll C. coldnake ny nse D. wa ll8 What ediie didh ve giv te fame?.Bttle o pils. B.A long tube. C. T ps. D. small b59. e vettaugh hefarmer how_. A tbl the tue . tomaehecow takthe plsC. ke themedicine D.tpt the tube i hi muth60. Whic of thfolling true?. The frmer te the pillshself . T owgot beteratrtanthe meicin.C. The vet came to hep th farmer chng e cowth next .D Tefrmerwaitfor thevet otde is house the xt day.()llnarker wa oried boutherheal.ElePr was woribout her heath. he ld not wal vey quiclan it s dffult forhrt cmbsars S a soot f breath (气喘吁吁). “supps had bette goo th doctor,” he thogh. he wt to th octor an td him he pobem. “Imnt surprisedt al,” he said. “Its obious ayou olem i.” Heloederve thngaveer some ic “f yu nt o hat Isay, Ms.arker,” he sai, “ouwillvea hear atk.It could kil ou.” EllenParkerws vr wored she tthe docoseknew hat hehad to t his dvice but tht ul not be easy n tld ta time. The net day hewentopping. Teirst shop she w into was a butcerssho(肉铺). “d ike en ounds o steak (牛排), pleae,” sheaid. “Ceany,madam,” the bucerrpledad wn into cd oma fond a largeiec f tak. H rout the uepie of meat akino teshop and putt on te sale (秤) “ht jutunder ten pounds,” id. “Tht big enough,”rs. Parkersaid Te utcherwokedot te pric. “At$ 499 pund, hatwil $49.0, peae. old yolike me o cut itup itosmallerpiece foryou?” “O, I dot wan tou te meat,” Mr. Pker s “ yu dt wan o by i,” te buche reld angily, “w did ou skme to et i oyou?” “My dotor toldetat I m oe-igh n haeto losten pounds. wnted to ee whatten pouds of maloe ike.”61. Why did EllnParker vsitedoctor? A. She h d a har ttck. .Se aa problmwither health . She as unappabout her weiht. D. She couldt slep wll.62. What did te dt advse her to d? A. o los weight. B. To eatmo mt.C. To com an see im a. . T ok after herhear.63. hy didEe Paker askforenpod o stek?A.Shetd to buy somfor dnner B. Se want o loseweigh. Her dotr a old erto ea steak . he wanted see wh ten pounds f meat looked ik. Wha s Ellen arkers a po? A. he teoo muc tea. .Sh weigedto uh .The dotr dd not know. . Sh could no walk vey qiy.5 Wha did thedotor thinkmightappen o Ellen? A.e might put on oeweih. B. She might sopeating to much. C. hemighthave hert ttc . e mih go o anotheroctor.(D)Several ars ago, television reorter wstalkingto thre o thet mportateoeinAerca. O wasavery rc aker, anhr ownedone o the lagest comaie n theworld, ad th thir wnedany budinsi the entr f Nw Yo. The orte was talkintohem abut beig imprtt “o d eknowif smene s real otnt?” thprte ased th ber. The bkerthough for afew mensand theni, “I thinanybod whoi invited t thh Houe to meet the Psidn of tenedStats is raly mporant.” Thereporthen tur o the oer o th ery lage cmany. “D ou gee with that?” seaskd. The man shook hiead, “No tink the reidet iies alotof poe to the Wieose. Yo onlbe importan i wle you were vsiti th eidet, terewas aelehecal from the resident of aotecoutr,nd PresidentofthUSsaid h was too bus o aswer it” Th reortr tuedo thehrd mn “Dothnk so?” “No, don.” he said “Idont thnthat makes he viitr importan T makethe Preside important” “hen hat woud ma the visitr ipotnt?”t repoter d th oter two mn aske. “Oh, tink f the stortoh it ouse wastlkg o te Preidt and th phone ran, andheresient piked up herceiv, listendandthenaid, tsfor you.”6This story hapend n _. A. Egland . Americ C. Jan D. ustrali7. rea_ ti pasag. A two me n w women B thre mn an oe womn C. hre won nd e man D. our wmen 68 The anr thoht _. A. he was eymporan bcaus as a ri bnke B.e vstor to heWhitous was realy important C.he st whomet th Psen of he UnieStaesinthe iteouse was eally imortant. .herepot wsrely imortan 9. Thewn of the ryage coany thuht_.A. se was rely imotant ecae e owned ne o elarge copnis. he aker wsrely importt . the onerof man budn in th eter ofw Yok was really imtantD.te vsitorwldb really iportant if whil he asisiting the resdent,t Presden woud no nsranyphone cl70. Theowner ofman uildngs thought _.A. he ws ray portnt beue e owned manybuldings inhe centr of NYork. the owe of the are cmpanywa rllyimortantC. hvitor waseally importanif hetlkg to thPresent anth rsident rcive a teleoe cal frhe visito. the person whworked inhhituseasreal iptant()Oneof theitbe larnt i afregn langaigessig ll te tiwat kndo thing o cmehn lsteng somo alkg.Peol do hs ll thti inhei own languag,sit is cessar (必要的) to d thi n a forign lagua,too. He ae some exampls:1 “Whtsthemtr?” “I wen o paryast night, so I”. “I el o tre ths dys. ”“ I think youd ete”3“f core, shenever sps talin.Sh s nef he most”Youan serm tebovethree mples thatteontext (上下文) eps lt nndestandig hs big lked aout. So “guessing” isr impornt i undesading Eih, especily (特别)sokenEnglsh.1. Thisssage tells u ainy bu_.A the importance of “gessing”n learinga foreign lanagehow ge hat on i goingttkaout C. sme exmpso righgessingD.how ipotant it ito guesl he tim. From the cotext, e aee mabe te finished answer in EALEI is _. A. “ s I dinhe a good time.” “oI wet to bed vyle”C.“ s felt unap.” D. “ s I got uver early.”73.Mbe tfinshednsernXAMPL 2 _.A. “I thi oudbetter have a god rs ad tke go cre of yoursef.”B. “I thin youd better have somethig o dri.”C. “I hinkyud better get ome helfom your frieds.”D. “ tik od ettr be more careu.”74. Maye te fiished nswer inEXAPL 3 i _.A. “ eisoof the most famous fim strs.”B.“shes ne of e otbafulmn”C. “h s oneo the mst famo spaks.”D. “ she s oe o themst talkaie oen.”75. Fo th passage we an infer(推断) tt gusing is _i enn afoeignangae.A. th olwayB. re importantin spk Eglish hn in writtn Engli.ore mpottthan a other way. moe impotnt written Enlishthn in oken Engish第三部分 写和译(共两节,满分4分)第一节:汉译英(共小题;每题5分, 满分5分). 这台电脑目前必须修理。77 妈妈常常劝爸爸戒烟。7.保持校园整洁是我们人们的责任。第二节:英译汉(共小题;每题分, 满分25分)79.Tes ne ar ae madeinChina0. I goo for yout drin moe watreveyda.81.The re late foscol cauf thehevy traffic yeerda. ter asortes, hewent on readnElh ewpaper.83. erdayvening I was busy gttig ry for the examinatn.职业对口高考模拟试卷英语答题卡姓名_分数_第一部分 英语知识运用256810112131415671221223226728293031323343533738394042444546484950第二部分 阅读理解51553545657585960126364656668697077273475第三部分 写和译76 _77 _78. _9 _80. _1. _8._8 _


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