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北师大版高一英语词汇练习 Unit 1第一节:单句填空根据句子的结构或括号中所给的词在空格处填上合适的词或所给词的正确形式。1. You cant find Tom at home right now. He _ (swim) in the pool.2. I _(believe) he can pull through.3. Jim is busy these two months, because he _(write) his new novel, and he will finish it next week.4. I have got a holiday for 3 days. I _(take) my son to Hongkong.5. Flight A773 _(arrive) at 10:00. You dont need to go to the airport so early.6. The village is said _(be) one of the oldest one in this area.7. Because of his _(sick), he had to give up the chance of taking part in the activity.8. Walking on the beach in the morning is really _(relax). You feel totally _(relax) at that moment.9. After _(graduate), they plan to study abroad.10. I really like _(lie) on the beach and enjoying the sunshine.11. Not _ 10:30, we completed all the task.12. The foreign teacher asked the students to stand _ a circle and play a game.13. _ a student, its your duty to pay your attention _ your handwriting.14. _(Get) up early is good for your health. 15. I enjoy living in a _(peace) place like Gaoming.第二节:词汇基础 (期末佛山统考本题10题,满分15分,每空1.5分)根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母填或汉语提示。写出该单词的正确形式。1. There are still a lot of children who are out of school in r_ areas of China.2. When the fire breaks out, the fire a_ will ring.3. She had stomach trouble and had to follow a strict d_.4. He _ (抱怨) that nothing came out the way he had expected. 5Suddenly he received an _(紧急的)call from his parents.6.1 want to live in a place more p_ than here.7When I came back home at m_, I found my children asleep.8I have something _(私人的) to discuss with you. 9.This year he will g_ from the university.10. The d_ between Beijing and Guangzhou is 2,500 kilometers.11. Nowadays, young people each have a different l_12. My son always s_ on the TV set as soon as he comes back home.13. Each teacher in our school has a p_ computer.14.I have a lot of d_ to read today.15.He is busy o_(组织)an English party.16.There is a(n) _(正式的)agreement between the two large companies.17.Last year, the village s_ from flood18- My uncle is a famous e_ on physics.19. He felt r_ in mind and body.20. Are you b_ with your present job?21. More and more v_ will serve the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. 22. My mother is our of work, so my father works hard to s_ our family. 23.Having experienced many failures, I have the courage to meet all kinds of _ (挑战). 24. There are two _ (表演) of the musical show each night. 25. The rainy season is coming. We should be well _ (准备) to prevent the flood. 26.This kind of desk is _ (设计) for the children who are shortsighted.27. She feels too s_ in her work because there is always too much work to do.28. It was very c_ on the bus because there were too many people on it.29. There are too many _(社会) problems in that country.30. The Arctic _ (探险家) carried with them a lot of scientific instruments.第三节:句型结构1. The old couple _ (抱怨)always the loud noise from the next door. ( complain).2. I _(厌倦)work not equal to my abilities. ( bore)3. Looking after two babies _ (占据) most of her time. ( take)4. Yesterday a bomb _ (爆炸)( go) in a supermarket which _ people.( 挤满) (crowd).5. He _(换台) to TVB as soon as he _ TV.(开) ( switch)6. _ (比较) (compare)their parents, children _ (生活好多了)。7. Our government should _ (采取行动)( act)immediately to _ rivers _ further. (阻止-污染). 8. At the meeting, she _(提出) a solution to solve the problem.( come)9. A computer _ ( 起着重要的作用)in our daily life.(play)10. It is hard for her to _ without her parents help. ( decide).11. Students _(应该) be on time. ( suppose)12. Nobody _(忍受嘲笑) in public (stand)13.You are too fatter, you should follow the doctors advice to _ . (节食)( diet)14. Many teenagers are keen on playing games on computer _ . (目前)(moment)15. The old man _ (忍受痛苦) lung cancer now. ( suffer)16. Students _ (迫不及待) know the exam results. (wait)17. Everyone is ready to _ in the coming year.(迎接挑战)18. Please _ (确保) all children are healthy and_ (没有) illness. ( free)19. He has changed a lot _ ( 数年间)20. She spent more than half an hour _.(换衣服).Unit 1Answers:I1.is swimming 2.believe 3. is writing 4.am taking 5.arrives 6.to be 7.sickness8.relaxing,relaxed 9.graduation 10. lying 11.until 12. in 13.As, to 14.Getting 15.peacefulII1.remote 2. alarm 3. diet plained 5. urgent 6. peaceful 7. midnight 8. private 9.graduate 10. distance 11. lifestyle 12.switches 13. personal 14. documents 15.organizing 16. formal 17.suffered 18. expert 19. relaxed 20. bored 21.volunteers 22.support 23.challenges 24. presentations/ performances 25.prepared 26. designed 27.stressful 28. crowded 29.social30. explorers III1. are complaining about 2. was bored with 3. takes up. 4. went off, was crowded with 5. will switch over , switches / turns on 6. compared with , are living a better life. 7. take action , stop-being polluted 8. came up with 9. plays an important part 10. make a decision 11. are supposed to 12.can stand being laughed at 13.go on a diet 14. at the moment 15. is suffering from 16. cant wait to 17. meet the challenge 18. make sure , free of 19.over the years 20. getting changed Unit 2第一节:单句填空(期末佛山统考本题10题,满分15分,每空1.5分)根据句子的结构或括号中所给的词在空格处填上合适的词或所给词的正确形式。1. -Why didnt you answer my phone last night?-Oh, I am sorry, I _(take) a shower in the bath when you called me.2. I was reading a newspaper while my mother _(wash) the dishes.3. When the astronaut _(land) on the earth, everybody _(watch) him.4. It was strange that you _(call) me when I _(think, just) about you.5.-Oh, no. I _(lose) my computer. -When _ you last _(see) it? -Well, I _(use) it the whole morning, but it is not here now.6. -When _ he _(leave)? -He _(离开)for about 2 hours.7.So far, the police _(not find) out any evidence of the case yet.8.In the past 30 years, a lot of highways _(build) in China.9.The students would like to do some research _ their local history.10._ the flight in space, the astronauts sent a message to the earth.11._ the train came to a stop, all the passengers rushed out.12.I was drying my hair _ the accident happened. 13._ the progress in science, people can now live a more comfortable life.14.We are sure that Lily will win the music _(compete).15.Its really _(amaze) the little boy can write such a good poem.16.Its _(usual) that the weather is still so hot in autumn.17.He was born _(disable), so he cant walk _ his own.18.Sorry sir, this car is for _(person) use, not for the public.19.The president walked out of the plane, _(wave) to the citizens.20.No one expected us _(win), but we did at last.第二节:词汇基础 (期末佛山统考本题10题,满分15分,每空1.5分)根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母填或汉语提示。写出该单词的正确形式。1. Your father was very g_ to give you so much money.2. Yang Liwei, Chinas first a_,is considered to be a national hero.3. Columbus discovered America but did not _(探索)the new continent.4. There is a(n)_(气氛)of kindness in our school.5. My mother was bom in a small village in Guangdong p_6.We were on the same_(航班)to New York last month.7. Since her parents d_ , she has lived with her mother.8.I find all the _(人物)in the TV play amusing and interesting.9. Han Xiaopeng won a gold m_ in the 20th Winter Olympics.10.We shouldnt laugh at those d_ people.11. One hundred and twenty persons died in Chinas worst air d_ a few years ago.12.What_(品质)should a good friend have?13. Tom was p_ to general manager of the shoe company last year.14. She has a very close r _ with her sister.15.I didnt agree with him, but I a_ his courage.16.The industrial r_ had taken place in England first.17.This is one of the main _(事件)of this year.18.In my opinion, everyone in the world hopes to live p _ .19. Before she stepped onto the stage to make a speech, she gave me a _ _(自信的)smile.20.I often oversleep in the morning. F_ my roommates always wake me up.21.The Asia Art Festival has p_ understanding and friendship between Asian countries. 22.P_, I think this is a good book, but you may not agree. 23.In the past, black people didnt enjoy e_ rights with the white people. 24.I will never forget my _ (经历 ) in America. 25. He suffered serious i_ to the arms and legs.26. Too much v on TV may deeply influence young kids. Since most children show a lack of good judgment and moral standards , they tend to think v content on TV is cool and want to imitate it.27. Jack is very s_ in repairing cars. 28. As is known to all of us, theres intense c_ in employment for the graduates at present. 29. My neighbor treated the children with _ (慷慨)and thoughtfulness. 30. Even employed women did not achieve full e_ with men. 31. Its a_ that so many people came to the meeting. 32. You should keep c_ whenever you meet any emergency.第三节:句型结构(期末佛山统考本题5题,满分10分,每空2分)1. There are many Christmas cards to _(选择) in the store.(choose)2. Shenzhou VIII_(发射) on November 1, 2011. (lift)3. He _(恢复) the illness with the help of the doctors. (pull)4. In conclusion, we should first_(对自信)ourselves if we want to achieve anything.(confident)5. Please _ the big apples_ the small ones. (separate)6. Chinese people showed great courage when they_ SARS. (fight)7. They had to_ strong winds all the way. (struggle)8. The meeting_ at last. (end)9. He has _(取得很大进步) since he came here.(progress)10. Thomas Edison _(作为而闻名) an inventor.(famous)11. You neednt help him. He is old enough to get dressed _(独自)( own)12. As a disabled person, Helen never _(放弃) her study and finally succeeded.(give)13. Elizabeth Blackwell _(为而奋斗) womens rights all her life.(struggle)14. The eagle_ (升空)the sky.(soar)15. On Christmas Eve, the children put the stockings at the end of their beds, _(表达愿望) getting a present from Father Christmas. (express the wish)16. The girl suddenly_ (放出) a cry of surprise. (let)17. Thousands of people blocked the street, and _(抗议)the new president. (protest)18. Television_ (对有很大影响) people.(influence)19. When I_ (回顾the holiday spent in America, I feel very happy. (look)20. The stores have to _ customers in the Christmas season.(compete)21. Lang lang _(表现出兴趣) playing piano when he was 3 years old.( interest)22. More and more stars_(参与) the charity work. (involved)23. Three years later, the boy_(逐渐) understand the importance of study.( come)Answers:I.1.was taking 2.was washing 3.landed, was watching 4.called, was just thinking5.have lost, didsee, was using 6.didleave, has been away 7.havent found 8.have been built 9.on/into 10.During 11.When 12 when 13.With petition 15.amazing 16. unusual 17.disabled, on 18.personal 19.waving 20.to winII.1. generous 2.astronaut 3.explore 4.atmosphere 5.province 6.flight 7. divorced 8. characters 9.medal 10. disabled 11. disaster 12. qualities 13. promoted 14. relationship 15.admired 16.revolution 17. events 18. peacefully 19. confident 20. Fortunately 21.promoted 22. Personally 23. equal 24. experiences 25.injuries 26. violence; violent 27.skilful petition 29. generosity 30. equality 31. amazing 32. calmIII.1. choose from 2. lifted off 3. pulled through 4.be confident of 5. separate from 6. fought against 7. struggle against 8. came to an end 9. made much progress 10. is famous as 11.on his own 12. gave up 13. struggled for 14. soared into 15. expressing the wish of 16. let out 17. protested against 18. has a strong influence on 19. look back on pete for 21. expressed an interest in 22. get involved with 23. came toUnit 3第一节:单句填空(期末佛山统考本题10题,满分15分,每空1.5分)根据句子的结构或括号中所给的词在空格处填上合适的词或所给词的正确形式。1. Christmas _(celebrate) not only by western people but people in other countries as well.2. Many years ago, the church _(destroy) in a fire.3. The church _(destroy) many years ago will _(rebuild) soon.4. A new bridge _(build) over the Cangjiang River now, it _(say) that it _ (complete) next month.5. When the police arrived, the drowning students _(rescue) by some villagers, and the police joined them immediately.6. All the things _(arrange) well, you can begin the party anytime you like.7. All the children should _(include), so you had better count the presents again _ make sure that everyone _ get one.8. They congratulated me warmly _ my success.9. A big turkey _ all the vegetables _(follow) by Christmas pudding was served.10. _ Christmas Eve, people decorate houses _ balloons, and put _ the Christmas tree.11. As soon as I turn _ the lights, my baby fell _ a deep sleep.12. _ is known to all, China is a _(power) country.13. Turkey is served as a main dish at a _(tradition) Christmas dinner.14. The firefighter are trying to rescue the old woman from a _(burn) house, but the fire is too fierce. 15. We had a _(celebrate) for winning a champion.16. He can speak several kinds of foreign languages, English and French _(include).17. The car crashed and _ that it burst _ flames.18. In October, President Hu attended the ceremony of the 1911 Revolution, _(mark) the 100th anniversary of the Revolution.19. With many projects _(write), we have to work overtime tonight.20. If you are travelling _ the customs are really foreign to your own, please do as the Romance do.21. _ _ you take a taxi, youll miss your train.22. He was in great trouble, but he acted _ _ nothing had happened.23. An person or animal has physical damage to part of their body, usually as a result of an accident or fighting. (injure)24.The building was designed to be used as a library.(special)25. The (organize) now has over 2100 employees worldwide.26. As kids, Bill and I often (agree) but were still good friends.第二节:词汇基础 (期末佛山统考本题10题,满分15分,每空1.5分)根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母填或汉语提示。写出该单词的正确形式。1. There is a large party to c_ our National Day in our school every year.2. The hall is d_ with many red lanterns.3. The w_ of Tom and Mary will take place next Saturday.4. I met Mitchell on many _(场合) before.5. The flood d_ lots of farmland of my hometown last month.6. There was only one girl _(服务) customers in that shop.7. N_, more and more people get involved in charity. 8. It is one of our family t_ for the oldest son to succeed to the family business.9. We call the children between ten and nineteen years old t_.10. Mr. Smith is 60 years old and has reached the _ (retire) age.11. C_ on your success in this driving test !12. Kathy won a(n) _(奖学金) to study at Cambridge.13. My radio doesnt work because it needs a new b_.14. Most schools hold opening c_ on September lst every year.15. The famous volunteer Cong Fei c_ a lot of money to those who need help.16. In this way we can better a _theory to practice.17. Red wine usually contains about lo% a_ .18. Searching for one man in this big city is like looking for a n_ in the sea.19. Im sorry my job doesn t _ (包括) making coffee for the boss.20. Sitting out here, you really can feel the e_ of the sun.21. Chinese l_ is a small box made of thin paper that you put a light inside as a decoration. 22. 2009 is the 6th _( 周年 ) of the Anti-Japanese War. 23. After _ ( 参加 ) the lecture, the students became more and more active in class. 24. Nowadays, the _( 服务 ) in supermarkets is becoming better and better. 25. You must write your address on the e_ clearly, or your friend cant receive the letter. 26. The concert was held at the _ (invite) of the president. 27.1 cant imagine such a s_ dressed woman doing so dirty a thing. 28. Dont play jokes on her. She takes everything far too s_ .29. You can see many beautiful d_ in the shop. 30. At the e_ to the village, I met him. 31. She is so d a girl that once she has made up her mind, she will not give in to any difficulty32. There were f noises outside our ten so we pulled out our gun to protect ourselves.33. We thought that Paul was a (rely) man, but actually he only cares about himself.第三节:句型结构(期末佛山统考本题5题,满分10分,每题2分)满分10分,每小题2分) 1.As many as 80 people lost their lives in the fire , _ _ _(包括5名消防员)(include)As many as 80 people lost their lives in the fire , _ _ _(包括5名消防员)(include)2.They _ _ _ _(装饰房间) flowers and balloons . (decorate)3.We _ _ _ (祝贺你) your passing driving test . (congratulate)4.I have _ _ _ _ (收到请帖)their party . (invite)5.Lets join hands and _ _ _(做贡献) the 2012 Olympic Games . (contribute)6.The house _ _ _ (烧毁) in half an hour . (burn)7.A great number of students_ _ _(参加)the Hope Project last year . (take )8.Whether we go or not _ _(取决于)the weather . (depend )You are my trusted friend to _.(depend )9.The wine _ _ (由制成) grapes is tasty . The house _ _ (由制成) wood is warm in winter . 10.They decided to_ _ _(继续行走) in spite of the bad weather . (carry)11.There is a big tree _ _ _ _(在的入口出) the village . 12. He is doing some historical research _Chinese traditional festivals.(relate)13. If the mountain _snow, it will look more beautiful. (cover)14. The plane _in the air, which caused more than forty people to lose their lives. 15. I expect my son to _the family tradition. (carry)Answe


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