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义务教育阶段六年级英语(下)第一单元达标检测卷Ut1 How tl are yu?班级 姓名 题号书写与卷面总分得分听力测试(共0分)、听单词,选出你所听到的单词,并将其序号填入题前括号内,每个单词读三遍。(10分)( )1A.tllrBtlC.tale( )2.A.heayB.heChair( )3.A.earByougrC.ou( )4.A.onB.ltlC.leg( ).AshorerB.zeCre、听句子,选择对的的图片并在其序号下打“”,每个句子读三遍。(10分)、听句子,选择择对的的选项,并将其序号填入题前括号内,每个问句读三遍。(10分)( )1.Hw_reo? A. tall B. heavy C. ol( )2.Thedinois _meter lo. A. 4 B 51 C.62( )3.Myfeet re bggr tan_. A yu B. ours i( ).H is _a me. . hinn nd sorte B.taler and taller C.hinne d taller( )5What sizeae or_? A. shrt soes C. hrt、听问句,选择对的的应答语,并将其序号填入题前括号内,每个问句读三遍。(0分)( )1.Im4kg.Im12 yeas old.C.I 1c tl.( ).A.I wea z M.She ears ie M.C.He wars siz M.( ).I lke t elowone.B.He lik he ron monkeyC.Te ylw monkey i igge.( )4.A.Yes, it is.Bo, it oesnt.CYs, I am.( )5A.he girafeB.h der.C.Me oo.书面测试(共50分)、将下列单词加变为比较级,并照例子将相对的词连起来。(0分)tall tllr tin _havy_ sor hoterold_ any_ig_ oung_happy_ d_hot_ mal_、单选(分)( )1- ar ur shoes? Sze 3.AWhhizeB.HowsizeC.Wat ize( )2-ow ar? heis 1 years ld. AalBl.hev( )3.Howlng s yor arm?A.90cmB.0cm.159cm( )How tallis Mary?.he is .She i 9.C.Sh is 1cm( ).Johs kg and Zhang eg i 48g.John i han Zhag eng.A.2kg heer.g hoterC.2k heay、照例子,写句子。(10分)、选择合适的选项,补全对话。(10分)A.Hi, how heavy are you?B.Im 150 cm. Im taller than you.C.Yes, but my head is smaller than his.D.How long are your arms?E.How big are his feet?.A:Hllo, Lucy!H tll ar y?: 2.: B: 3My arms ar lone than your.A: B: He warssze 16.4A: B: Im 70kg. Imheaver than yo.5.:s yur brother tinnrthan you?B: 、读短文,选择对的答案(1分)ave to petats,Cco andCci,Coo is yea d ,a Cc is 3.Cco white ad Cici i bron Cco is 0.5k and Cii i . D yu kno? Thy are mohr ad dghter So, you nowwhoi igge, dotyo?( )1Coc ad iciare both .A.tsB.cat.dg( ).Cciis ear ld.theeB.tw.ne( )3.at olor is oco?.browB.teCyello( )4.Cic 5k than Cc.A.hevierB.biggeC.smaller( )5 Cici i the ofCoco.otherBsstC.daughte义务教育阶段六年级英语(下)第二单元达标检测卷it2 Lstweked班级 姓名 题号书写与卷面总分得分听力测试(共40分)、听单词,选择你听到的单词,并将其序号填入题前括号内。每个单词读三遍。(10分)( )1. rin B ran C.driks( )2.A. h .wha .wtc( )3.A ast B nt . hi( )4A. fas B bter . lowr( )5.A. fore B. besde C. ehind、听句子,选出你所听到的内容,并将其序号填入题前括号内,每个句子读三遍。(10分)( )1. uslly on the ekd.A.wtch TVB.d my homerkC.playftball( )Wht id you o st ?A.nghteekndC.uday( ).ld aswekndA.fobalBe anC.baebll( )4.Ddyu go in he mrning?Afishing.swimig.hiing( )5.I ent o Mke oeby .AbikeB.busC.ta、听句子,根据所听顺序将下面图片排5的序号。每个句子读三遍。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )、听问句,选择对的的应答语并将其序号填入题前括号内。每个问句读三遍。(0分)( ).Adrew ctures. water flowers.planted tres.( ).A.I atched V yeerda venin. Mei eireadbook yserday eenng. Hel i oomesterdavnng.( ).I is gd. B was goo. C.I was fine.( ).A.Yes,I am.Ye, doN, Idit.( )5. playd the pino. lay foot.C. plabasketall.书面测试(共50分)、请把下面动词变为过去式。(10分)tak_ say_ watch_ sud_ stop_is_ v_ see_ read_ seep_、下面是Mike一家人昨天做的事情,试着将这些短语补充完整。(注意动词用过去式)(10分) _ the roo _th lothes _ film went_ _ t usic、单选(10分)( )1.at yo olasteeend? arB.oC.d( )2.t a wnd day yteayAiB.wsCam( )3.ha did he d ysty? H at home.A.steB.stieC.sty( )Latweend, m oer.A.vist.viiedvisitin( )5.he usual clothes on heweekn.asesB.washeduy( ). yo lay footbal o Sunays?Ye, I .Ai.reCDo( )7.Did you wth ikeerd?A.waB.siC.swimmn( )8Her other cookd dner_A.oftenB.tomorowst unday( )9.Ho_ yor weekend? It as god.reB.wsC.is( )10Di you ge u t si oclock? .es,Io.N, didntC.No,Idont、请根据图表,用五个英语句子体现Joh上周的某些活动。 (10分)星期一练武术星期二感冒星期三看电影星期四看英语书星期五喝茶1. . 3. . 5 、下面是Zhgen的一篇日记,仔细阅读,然后完毕文后各题。(共分)1.用完整句回答问题。(9分)(1)Whtwa the eah l? (2)Did he study Engls ih Mike? (3)How didh to park? 2勇敢的狗是如何救风筝的?在文中找出三个相应的短语,并在其下面划横线。(1分)义务教育阶段六年级英语(下)第三单元达标检测卷Unt3 Were did you g?班级 姓名 题号书写与卷面总分得分听力测试(共0分)、听单词,选择你听到的单词,并将其序号填入题前括号内。每个单词读三遍。(10分)( )1.A. fal . fell C all( )2A. hurt B rig C. Agus( )3.mle B. mik C inter( )4.A for B. floer C. feh( )5.A ba B g C fod、听短语,选择相应的汉语,并将其序号填入题前括号内,每个短语读三遍。(10分)( )1.骑自行车 B骑马 C骑摩托车( )2A.上周六 B.上周一 .上周五( )3.劳动节 B.小朋友节 C.植树节( )A.去野营 .去钓鱼 .去游泳( ).A.买礼物 B.买鱼 C.买书包、听句子,选择你听到的句子,并将其序号填入题前括号内,每个句子读三遍。(10分)( )1.A.Wh haned? BWh will happen? C.Whatis appei?( )2 A.Tats tod B.hts great! CSondgreat!( )3. AIs f ro hre. BI s wam. Cts vrall.( )4 .Did you go toTrpn? .Des gto Tran? C. Do yo go Tupa?( )5 AWe went thee byane. B.owwas th bac? .tok t o picture.、听句子,选择对的的应答语,并将其序号填入题前括号内,每个句子读三遍。(10分)( )1.AAt :0. B.Snya. C.( )2.A.Yes, do. .No, ddnt C., sed.( )3.Aybs. .Ia beautiful. C.Su. ( )A.I OK o B.ts hot. CTank yu( )5.A.I fell off the orse nd hrt myfoo. B.It wa godC. ike verymuch.第二部分 书面测试(共50分)、下面是Mk和她的同窗们上周的活动,请译为英语。(动词用过去式)(20分)去野营 去游泳 吃好吃的食物 骑马 买礼物 照相 去公园 去北京 踢足球 看电影 、单选(10分)( ) ijings_anya .nea Bfar rm C. next o( )._u g ee by ke?AWe B.Ar .Did( )3.My siter ate badood_she dintfee wll.a B.u C.beue( ).hat did o do_?A.now Btmro C.yestrday( )5reyouall ight?(划线词意思)A.OK .right .eft( )_wasyo summerliay? t s god.AWhat B.Whre C.How( ).Today s a _ day. W camak snowman.A.sunny Bsnowy . rainy( )8. -What_? lostmkeys.A.happed .happs C.happen( )9Th ule_a ho.A.loos B.loo lke C.ook like( )10.i holiay_fnA.wa Bis .a、请在方框内选择合适的一项补全对话。(只写序号)(10分) Am: Hi, Tm.How aryou? om: i,my._. Am: _m: Iwn tothe countrsidAy: _Tom: By tran.Amy: Ii fr from he?To: _y: hat did od thee?Tm: _my: Really? Can I hae alook?Tom: Sre . ow id ougothere?B Iclmd mntins and tok ma beauifulpicture. Im in,thank you.D. Yes, it is.Whreid you go ltweeknd?、阅读理解(10分) Ysterday waSuday,Mr Greetookh w chilren o the r y car.Theysaw mny eopl in the park. Sme old people id kun fu Soe yug peple rowe bots on thlakeand omehildrn a fast It w nn. 根据短文完毕下列各题。1Wa dy s toda? 2Ho dd they go o the park? 3Wht did te old peopl do? 4Where did the on pel wboats? 5圈出文中的过去式。义务教育阶段六年级英语(下)期中达标检测卷班级 姓名 题 号书写与卷面总 分得 分第一部分 听力测试(共40分)、听单词,选出你听到的单词,并将其序号填入题前括号内,每个单词读三遍。(10分)( )1.alB.fthotel( )2AurtB.brokenChavir( )3.wchB.ashwht( )4AasteBtter .gger( )5AdeBroe .an、听短语,选择相应的汉语,并将其序号填入题前括号内,每个短语读三遍。(10分)( )1A.2岁B2厘米长 C.公斤( )2A昨天 .上周末 上周三( )3A感冒B.吃早饭 C去购物( )A看医生看电影 C看大象( ).去公园B.看书 C.打扫房间、听句子,选择相应的图片,并将其序号填入题前括号内,每个句子读三遍。(10分)( )1 A B C( )2A B C( )3.A B CA B C( )4A B C( )5.、听句子,选择对的的应答语,并将其序号填入题前括号内,每个句子读三遍。(1分)( )1Im hapy.Bm 3 yers od. Cm f( )2.A.Ica se 18 kts.Its ¥18. C.I 50 g.( )3A.I wet tt oo.BLs Suna. .Is smal.( )4AI go hiingwethkn C.Iging iki( )5., I d.BYe, I did. Co, I amhot第二部分 书面测试(共0分)、按规定完毕下列各题。(共20分)1将下面形容词变为比较级。(1分) tl hin eavy big shrt 2.将下面动词变为过去式。(10分)isi wash stud lay do go rad see rde clen 、单选(10分)( )1.ow is yur siste? She is49kg .igBlongChea( )Tois sixyears thanMike. A.old.olderCbigger( )3.ow is o? Heis 180m. A.all BmnC.mu( )4hathappned? I fell off he bik ad _y m. Afeel.show hr( )5.hath waek today? . A.I have coldB.ImacodCIts wam()stye t oe a_. A.sleptB.sle C.clan theoom( )7 was our weekend? A.WhereB.HoC.at( )Jon Vyeserdayevenng. Awt.aches C.atched( )9hat yo often don te eekend? I do my hoewrk. AdoB.d Cdoes( )1 ou ra bos lst weend? es, I . Did ;dBD ;doCAre ; a、根据图意写出你最想说的一句话。(1分)1 . . 4 5. 、阅读短文,补全句子。(分)The ae three moeys in te zo.he bron monke is rongertanh yellow mnkey.Th ylw monky ite tan thbrwn n.The litle mone i blk Itsth youngst. Is tail i3 cm long. t i onl38 cm tl. Te yellow moyis 50 c l. The rownmokyis 1 ll Theyarelov. like temvery uch.The ellowokeyis th he bow one.2. The brwn onkey is tha th ellow oe3. Th ittle onkey s ny tall.4. etl monkyis .5. can see mokys in theoo.义务教育阶段六年级英语(下)第四单元达标检测卷Uni Then annw班级 姓名 题号书写与卷面总分得分听力测试(共40分)、听单词,选择你听到的单词,并将其序号填入题前括号内,每个单词读三遍。(0分)( ).A. no B. ow C. sno( )2.Alibar dining C. gt( )3A. star Bmoo C. sun( ).A. quiet B. ativ C funy( ). bmintn Bbasktball C. tbal、听句子,选择你所听到的句子,并将其序号填入题前括号内,每个句子读三遍。(0分)( ).A.Coud yu see stars at nght?B Cany see aheeah ?C. Ca I help yo?( ).There wa only onesmall builig o a hillB eeia smal bea on hllC. There wrenocomputes or Itret then.( )3.A. m going o visi themon somtime. Im g ohe mon oned. Imgoing o th pak eday( ). I ouldnt go yclin.B eope ddnt tral by tainC Popedinttravel by la.( ). I ws tin n yeaag. I was thin hen I as ten arsold.C. ws hn last yea、听句子,选择相应的图片,并将其序号填入题前括号内。每个句子读三遍。(10分)( )1. A B C( )2A B C( )3A B CA B C( ).A B C( )5、听句子,判断所听内容与否与句子相符,每个句子读三遍。(10分) ( )1.T fourten eas ld o.( )He didnt ike smer before ( ).Tere wre maynialsthee. ( ).Shes shor o se coudnt ride her ike wel. ( )5.Thereas nolbar eithr.书面测试(共50分)、英汉连线。(10分)yesteda 两年前lastweked 昨天上午lt yea 去年夏天ast month 前天bre 昨天two years ao 上个月yeterdaymonng 上周末i 在lat summr 去年teybeforeyesteday 此前、请将下列动词的过去式变为原形;动词原形变为过去式(10分)a buy et see rde st re tok hut daned 、单选(10分)( )1.here_nogmtenyes ago. A.i B.wsC.wre( )2.Thr_bies bfre.A.ar.wC.were( )3.e idn_he lothesserday. washBwasheC.wased( )4Befr I_quit NowI _active i classAam;asB.was;aCws; s( )5.-What id you do ast weeken? - .A.I climb a hl.Ie god fod.I tk some pcturs( ).Alleculdn_.A.rd a hse.ode bieC.rides abik( )7._, the was n pan.A.wTomrwAt ht tme( )8.H lovst_ n th snoA.pay B.layedC.pla( ). diou go yor olda? Haian.AWhereWaCWhe( )10.ha diJohn ?He aacketA.by;ghB.boght;bughC.by;buy、根据图片提示完毕句子。(10分)1. t as ny ytrday. No it_ _. 2. The bir s it tee eore Now hbird_ _ _ _. Bef T couldnt_. No he can _ _ _.4. Befor henJi_. Now she_食堂体育馆5. Borethere was _ Nw there_ _.、阅读短文,判断正()误()。(10分)My nam is Sarah.t s lon hody e ef Shanghai on Oct. 1s ngo t Sany the afteoo.Onthe frst a o my hoiday,Ien t te each ih myparen.Wewam in th sea emade asnd pada. I asso vel. We a an jmped on theeac. n the secod dayI wt shpping. bought many prsentsory friend. he thirddy, sited the ends o theeart. I ws so iterestin.On furth day, w e ood fod. h are o many fruits in anya. I ik coconut(椰子)ad manos(芒果). On the thday, e went bacyplaeo hlast y of myhy, I di my homwok, reaed and prped to oback toschool.( )1. Sarh amly ot oSnya inthe monig.( )2.arahentto the bah wth er parnts on th frstda.( ). Sahbugt any preetsfoh indsothe eon dy( )4 re re so many ruits nnya.


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