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初中英语倒装句 英语句子一般有两种语序:一种主语在前,谓语在后,称为自然语序,另一种谓语在前,主语在后,称为倒装语序,按“主语 谓语” 这种顺序排列的句子是陈述语序。如果排列顺序变为“谓语( 或谓语一部分)主语”,就是倒装。之因此浮现倒装,一方面是由于语法构造的需要,另一方面为了强调,有时两种因素兼有之。倒装句分为部分倒装和所有倒装。如下就分别讲述这两种倒装的用法。如果遇到一句,不懂得使用所有倒装还是部分倒装的话,我们重要重要看其标志性的词语。一、部分倒装就是把谓语中的b动词、助动词或情态动词置于主语前面。常用于下列几种状况:(一). on所修饰的副词,介词短语或状语从句放在句首时,要用: onl 状语 be助动词情态动词主语及其她Olwhen heolde the newd know whaha happeed.nlyin tswaycan ymke prgrss n yur Enlish.lyhoughcatocan we ise i the worl.注意:only修饰主语时,不需要倒装。1.nl in is way_take imprvmentin teperansytm.A. ou canhoe B.youid hope . can yu hope D. id you hope2Amgall th pel, ly you know te tt.(二).具有否认意义的副词或连词放在句首时。如:nevr, ittl, ldom,ot, not oy,o unil, o son (thn), hly (whe), rarel, scrcely,in no way等。W seld get at four inemornig=Selo do we up atfour in e moring.ot a singler fm him could xpress h feelgs.Rarey he I heard f sch a ilythin.(1) hrdlywhe; scacelyen; no sonertha 可以用正常语序 ad hardy dne hndi 或用倒装句式Hrdly ha 主语 dne hendi 句式。ary所在的句子用过去完毕时。he el hadlyhad rung whethe cass bgan. Harl ad the bell rung hen the clas bgn. soer a harived in Beijing than hebean tork.()noonly bualso 如连接两个成分时,不用倒装;连接句子时, 前面的句子要用倒装。Nony was everythingat hehad tken ay from im,but l hi Grmancizenhip.ot ny he uy, but lso I hve a ltof worko Notnly doehepeak nglih ry wel, bt als he speaksFrch ell.I fay ot te wokI drmd about Nve nall yf_ so happy! A did Ifeel I fet. hadelt D.had felt2.Ntuti I bgat wr_how m timeha astd. A.didnt I ralize . i Irealize C. Ididnt ealize . I alizdNo soner_ than it began to raiheil.A the gamebean segame begunC di thgme begin D. had te ambegun (三)在othat,suchh句型中,若把s, sch引导的构造放在句首时。So frihteedwas he tat hdid ntdar omoe an nch.So ifficult _ittoleinn Engis-speakingcony that as determine toar English el. A. Ive felt B have I felt C. dd eel D. id Ife(四)省略了i的虚拟条件句中,把wee, ad或shoud放在句首时。f I we you, Iwolt hejob. =WereI yu,wol take tejob.6_itrinomorrow,we uld he toput f thvisitto gpu ridge.A. ere B. Should C. ould D. ill(五).把副词so放在句首,表达前面所说的状况也合用于另一种人或物。Iliereading Engs, doeshe. (六).把neiher,nor放在句首,表达前面的否认内容也合用于另一种人或物。 If you wont o,neihrwil I.7-I nt think can walk a furter -_,lessto he for arest. A. Niter nI .Neithecn I dont hink o .Ithik so(七)用于形容词/副词/名词动词+ (thog)引导的让步状语从句中。注意:当表语为名词时,则名词前不加任何冠词;主谓并不倒装。Tryhard he wl,e ever seem able o o theor satisfctori.Childas hes, h knowsa lot8_,I hae nevr seen yone whs as capabes John A. s lon as havetaveled BNwthat Ihav travldso chC. Much as ha raveld . As I aeraveld so mu(八).由oweer, no mter how引导的让步状语从句中,把hoeve+形容词/副词,noat hw+形容词/副词放在句首时。9._, othewil wit for him tohae dinnr togehr. A.However lae i he B. Howver e ate .Howevr is he le D. Hweve le e is always often prtiularly mny times mny atime放在句首时,句子进行部分倒装。 Alwasm Iamaed whn Ihear people saintatcmpuers a relaceteachers.二、所有倒装就是把整个谓语部分放在主语之前。注意:谓语动词的数要与背面的主语保持一致。常用于几种状况:(一).用于地点副词ere, hre,方位副词out, in,p, down及时间副词nw,hen等开头的句子里,以示强调。Thereoes the bll. Lo! Hee theyco. 这种倒装规定:主语必须是名词。主语是人称代词时,主语和谓语语序不变。Herit s.Aayhewent.Here wego此类倒装句式一般只用一般目前时和一般过去时。 comes theus.Ou rshd thebys(二)当表达地点的介词短语放句首时。注意:谓语多为b,l, st,tand, oe,walk等不及物动词;倒装时不需要助动词。Under the tablearethe hi s. In ron o e ower fls a team.10r big tree _,half aleep.A. didsa afat manB. fat mansaC did ftman satD sa aatmn(三)he放在句首时,要用倒装句式。在“there +be”构造中的谓语动词有时不用be,而用表达类似“存在”观念的其她不及物动词。如:v, tand,come,li, low, et,re和apear等。Thre cshouts f hp from te rverT is a larg weat fiel ont ofthe oue.Mny yersago the v an d an hewooenhoue.(四)表语置于句首时,倒装构造为表语系动词+主语。(1)形容词+系动词主语Pretatth meein ws r.Gree,aeadaster. ()过去分词+系动词主语Hid ehin the oor er some aughty chidrn. Goe foeer r he days wh the Cineepeoplehad to ue foreign oi.(3)介词短语+系动词+主语nrot of helygound is a nwly-but ouse (五).有时由于主语较长,谓语很短,为保持句子平衡,或为了强调表语或状语,或使上下文紧密衔接时。They rrivat a ue, ifron ofwch at an old mn(六).在某些表达祝愿的句子里。Long ie he ComunistPaty oina!ay you lbe pp.巩固练习11._ an caught the mous.A. Upthecatmpe . hecapjmpedC. p jmp the c Jumed upthe ct2_and he ess begn.A n e MrBwn B. M Brow in meC. In camee D. came i Mr rown. Ove_,dad.A. lling t goat B. oledh gotC. ddthe gat oll D thgoat rold4.Wer is t,mu? _A. Thre isit. he itisC.Ther sD. Hre is itWher is urfahr?h, _. e he comes.he hee cmesC. hreoee com D herecme he. The door peneddthere _ .A. ters anol mn B. entereda old C did and man eter D. n oldn ntered7Nw _ yururn torecit he text.A. will coe. oesC hascoeD tr is. Ofe _ tm n to smoe ere()A.we adied B advsed . did eaiseD. hwe advised9_playig oders.A Insie the oo were tw boysB. Insid the roo wobsC. ere tw bs nsidethe oomD nside the ro was o bs1. On the wall _ tw arge prtaisA arhanging B. hged. hag D.hangs 1._ o waswouninhe toach. Amon hem erea sodi .ng them a a oldierC. Amog tea sldie was D. mng they was a sodir2. Noor to ours _ ,whis n lss thaneightyA. hative anold ma B d anold maliveC.lvs anoldn D whee live nod man13.Sh lays the piano vryell, _A. so every on of s oes B. every eousdos s oesevry one of usD. so do evry one of s14.u a he wrkshard, _, _. so he does; d . so edoes; sodo ouso ehe;o doyou o oe h; soyu do1 hought wonere peset att eeting._A.So we were B So e didC. S wre weD. diwe. dont thnk Jck wil omtody, _.A nor will Mry B. and ry on .May ill eiter D or Mary dos1 She ifdo coing, _I. o am. nor am . eithr doD. nor do1Max was orn in Germny nd Gran washisnaive langSo ws with AnglesB. So wast ith AnglesCSo was ngles D. Sodi Ag19A ih neds aer and witou watr it wl die._A. So os a mn B.wil manotis ithanD.Si it wiamn Sabsored _ ork ta she en fogt to _hermals.A. dsh been in; d Bshwas in;akeC. wa she i;tae . he ha bn in;have1.Sooly_ thateery one f th class coul e himA.id he spea B. d hespkeC. ske he D he soke2._ his apee that nooe udrogizeh.A Sra sowas B. o srane wasCWs o tangeD. wastan3.Ntonce _ thir pla.A. dd the chage B. e chnge.cged tey D.they idhng4. ev_ suh wonderful pace sangzhou.A a seeing B.haI senC. I ve sen D. haveI en2.Seom _ V duing t ayA.hy wc . re theachig. hvethywached D. o they watch26.Nwhere_ as in m grde.A. efler weresobeautifulB. weethe floers so beutiuC. so bautifu were te fwrsDso beutifu h foers e27. Hady _hs homewkwhenhe wet ut. finishe he B. e hd fnidC dide inish D. hadhe fnished8.carel _ nhd thr hoer _ I came into te cssoo. ad y; than B.tyh;henC. had y;when D hey;when2Not onl _ a prms, ut ao he kept t.A. has he madeB. does hemakeC.e de D. ddhe make30Not untl his rdes cticied hi _ to admt hs istae. had e bguB. bgan h. id h beginD. does he beg答案 15 CABB 610 BBDA 115 BCCA 1620AAACC 225 ABD 2630 BDDC练习2 1.Ntuntl I bean to r _ ho ch time I had wasd. A. didn realizeB. i ealieC. I didnt realieD. realized 2. Onl y pacicin a fwhour every da _ be bl t ater the lanuage. A. you cB. an yo C.yo will . will u 3. yodontgo, nter _ A. shl I B.do I . I doD. shl 4. o sooner _ othe stao_ he tnlef. AhadIgo, wh B had got, tan C. ad I ,thanD. id get,hn 5 You father is veytrct with you. _. Heeve letoff a igltakef ors. A. o sB. So is he C. e is so D.Sodo he6. _ tday, he woud gt thre bySunday. A. old heleae . Wahe laving C. Wee he to leavDIf heea 7 Neve inm lie _ such a thi. A.I hae er or a sen B. have I hear o see C. I havhard or sen . diI earor se 8. Hee _! hreis ia? here _. A coes the us, is he B cmes thbus, es . t bus coms,i he D. the bus omes,h i 9 _ , I l ot uy t. A Muchas li it B. As uchIlike it C. uh asI like D.As like t muh 10. IliefotlI ontie volleal _. A. o do B Nither doI C So i withm D. is it with me 1. _ eexpens, _ to Itay A. I it eeno, go B. ere it otfo, woug . Werent i for, wl o D. If t adn been, wuld hve one 2 So _ t darknes tathe dt dae to mv n inc A. he as ighened B. he frihtend C. rightenedh as D. figheed washe 1 In modem times, girs le betiu lohes. Yes, _ and_ .After all, our lifeha reatly imrovd. A so do the, soo ou B. s thy do, s yo do . so do tey, s ou do .so the do, do ou 14. You hve anEnglsh clas eveday eept Sunay. _. A. Se hve B So w do C. So have we D So dwe 15. wod if yur wewl goto te all fyour wfe _,s_min. A.os,will B. will, des C. will,woud D do,d 1. Only fter I read thetextoveragan _its mn ide. . hatI kwBdid I kew .1cul nw. I did nw 1. You seem o hav leaed l heEnglishd byhart. _ A. ldoB. o do . So he .Shave 18. sedom wat TV, bu liste to adio lo. _ . . So d I B. Neter do. I m thsme .S i s wth me 19. Soecitd _ tha e ouldn ay a od. A. he semdB. ddhe seem . was h seeming D.h did look 2 Jiy aso nervu ot a singlewrd_don n th dictatio. . herote B. hwswritenC id i Dwahe wrtte .Little _hen 1 tok t tip here it wul lead me A ae I know .had I kno C. d kno D.id know 22 ve youevr senanting liketha befo? - _.A. No, Ievr have sen anyhng lik that eore . N, ver Ihae sn nhig iketat bfore C o,never hve 1seen nythng liketatboe D., I hv e anying lie that before neer 2. _ ,1ouldaccp the ivittionngoto the part. A. ereyu BW Iou C. been you D. old1 e ou 2. You sould wrk le _. A adeither shoul B. and houlI .n nor hodI.and o Ishold 25._ nd caght the mouse. A Up te catped B. he caumpd C. Up umpete ca . Jpd up the ct 2. Not only_aromi, bt lso he ketit A.didhe mak B. hmaeC oes emae D ha mae 7.Hi ucle is a worke nd han orking in th facory or moa tnyears _. o i his untB Sohasunt C. hs atdes D oit is w isaun 8 Ntnce _ heiplan. A. did they hge B. they canged C. chage he. thy dd chg 2. oynow J quarred with is rthe? I ont knw, nd _ . . nor dont I care . nor dI car CIdnt cr neither D.I nare lso 0. Notuntle arivedhome _ ind tht hs walet had beenolen. A.id B.old C.wen D.tht 3. This isoe f thedsttres in the world. _cha bigtre A.Never I hasee B. I han nve seen C. Never av Iseen D. have seennever 3. Nowre ese the wrl_ cheaper tiorig(裁缝业, 成衣业)th in HongKong. . ourstc fi B. can tourist find C. a turtwilfind D tourist hfoun 33._uccee i doing anythig A. Onlbywrg hard we canB By ony woknghad w c . Only w can by wornghd . Only y orking had an w 4. _ tat we ll t out, lying nte un. . o fie was tethr BS ws the iewathe C. e weaher was s fnwa D. So th ae as ine3. _ nicmn_ that e ll ievm. A. o, di he se B. So, eeemd C Such,he seed D. Suc,didh em 36.Yo eem t e aacor._. I have pled many ps in aoof flms A.S do B. Som C.So Ido . S I am 37.No _woknghard, but also _ veryplit. te boy , hes B. sth by, h C. he boy is, s e D. is te y, is he _, he never semable t do he wok beatifull. A. Try a doesB. As etrie C. Try a oeheD. As try he does 39. Icnnot see pitue ell from hee. - _. Aeith ca IB. either I can C. cat neiherD. Neithr I 0. You ough o hve iven the someadvie - _, butwo cared what I aked? . So oght you B.So oghtCSo it ws. So I i 4. ocaly_ tha he lost kile hielf. A. he drves B. oe he dive C.id he ive . he drve 4. itle_ abou his n helh though hwas er ll. A. e cared . dihe care C. hecre does he cre 43. Wel _ know hm andell_ knw m. A did, e did B.did , he diC d I, dd D Iid,die 44.No son _heyrushe otint te stret.A. did ey hear e ews taB.di he hear he ewwhC hd they heardth ews thanD. had the hea the ne wh 4. Littl wonder _ up ther hands i dismay. Ahvesome hown soehav thown thro me ae D. have hron some _,he wud v pased the exa. A. f he were tostudy B. If estdi ard C.Had h stuied hrd D.Shold he tuyrd 47. ewereky noug, fo o soner _ me _ i rain. we reune, and .e d etrned, en C. ddwe return, whn D. dwe reuned,than 48. Solittle _ gree o thela tht theyould nosettle ther difnce. A. di the B do t C.theydd . te diot49. _ h realize t wsto late to rturn hoe. A. o sooner i re ark ta B. Hary idit gro drken C.t wa ot untl dark ha D. t a until dark ht 参照答案 5 BDCA 610BCC 15 BDDB 160BABC 21 CABC 63 AAB 313 CBDAD 40BDD 4145CBCCB 4649 CDC


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