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中国某某某某学校学生毕业设计(论文)题 目: 关于中美家庭教育的差异 姓 名 : 0000000 班级、学号 : 0000000000000 系 (部) : 经济管理系 专 业 : 商务英语 指导教师 : 0000000 开题时间: 2009-4-10 完成时间: 2009-10-29 2009 年 10月 29 日18目 录毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-5正文6-19答辩委员会表决意见20答辩过程记录表21课 题 关于中美家庭教育的差异 一、 课题(论文)提纲关于中美家庭教育的差异引言1两种不同的家庭教育观念 1.1美国的家庭教育观念 1.2中国的家庭教育观念2两种不同的家庭教育方式 2.1在培养孩子独立性上的差异 2.2在培养孩子兴趣方面的差异 2.3在培养孩子价值观上的差异 2.4在培养孩子创造能力上的差异3 两种不同的家庭教育观念产生的不同结果 结语二、内容摘要年轻一代是民族的希望,家庭教育是培养孩子的基础。中国家庭教育和美国家庭教育是世界上两种主要的家庭教育观念,同时它们都显示了自己的独特之处。它们在家庭教育观念,教育方式,和教育结果上都存在着极大的差异。美国的家庭教育里,父母更加注重孩子能力和人格的培养与塑造,而在中国父母相对传统,更加注重自己的主观想法.这篇文章将重点讨论在培养孩子的创造能力,兴趣爱好,独立性和其价值观上的差异。通过比较这两种家庭教育来找到一种更好的教育方式,获得一些有益的启示。Abstract The young are the hope of a nation. Family education is the elementary education for the young. Chinese family education and American family education are the two main education concepts in the world, and each of them shows its distinctive features. There are great differences in the concepts of education, methods of education and result of education between American family education and Chinese family education .At American parents pay more attention to the ability of their children, and the cultivation of their personality. However Chinese parents are more tradition and more focus on their own subjective ideas.This paper will mainly discuss the differences on cultivating childrens creativity, interests , independence, and their value between the two kinds of family education .Through comparing the differences between American family education and Chinese family education to find a better way of family education and get some good suggestions from the paper.二、 参考文献1里克纳 .美国家庭教育M.海南出版社. 2004.2海姆.G吉诺特.孩子把你的手给我M.京华出版社.2004.3 陈鹤琴.家庭教育M.华东师范大学出版社.2004.4 高芸香.我的家庭课堂:培养出三位英美博士的中国母亲谈家庭教育M. 中国人民大学出版社. 2006.An Analysis of the Differences of Family Education Between China and America 000000摘要:年轻一代是民族的希望,家庭教育是培养孩子的基础。中国家庭教育和美国家庭教育是世界上两种主要的家庭教育观念,同时它们都显示了自己的独特之处。它们在家庭教育观念,教育方式,和教育结果上都存在着极大的差异.在美国的家庭教育里,父母更加注重孩子能力和人格的培养与塑造,而在中国父母相对传统,更加注重自己的主观想法,这篇文章将重点讨论在培养孩子的创造能力,兴趣爱好,独立性和其价值观上的差异。通过比较这两种家庭教育来找到一种更好的教育方式,获得一些有益的启示。关键词:家庭教育;差异;培养;能力IntroductionEducation is the key to development of talents .Family education is not only an important component of education but also the first lesson to a child which will be remember forever. Family education has a direct influence on the qualities of talents.Nowdays international competition is becoming fierce ,and it is a competition for the talents fundamentally. so ,every country should pay more attention to family education in the education projects.However, there are many problems in our education concepts even from education system. Maybe some people usually think schools and teachers should be responsible for these problems which appeared in education in recent years .If schools and teachers are to be blamed ,but their parents are more to be blamed .In order to find a more scientific way to educate our children .We should learn other countries experiences ,Eventhough they are all kinds of family education in the world ,but American family education is the most famous one .So it is necessary to make a comparison of the differences of family education between American and China.This thesis is to comparing American family education and Chinese education superficially, which may offer some good suggestions to family education.1. Two Concepts of Family Education1.1. American Family EducationIn America, parents aims are to train their children to have the ability of adapting to environmental variety and the ability of living independently. Based on this concept, most American parents emphasize more to train their childrens ability of independence once they are born. They generally believe that childrens growth must rely on their own experiences, because they think that children should form a self-supporting will and the capacity to live independently since their childhood. And the capacity comes from the training in the early age. The so-called training contains many aspects, such as work, temper will, patience, the spirit of hard work, etc. However, the most fundamental training is the ability of adapting to hard conditions. Through the process of work, children will form the labor sense, learn some work skills and form a habit of labor. Besides, children can learn how to overcome difficulties, temper their willpower, develop their talents and skills, rich their knowledge, and form a habit of hard work and thrifty by working in hard conditions. It is just in the unconsciously process that children will obtain the independent survivability and take the responsibilities for the society.1.2. Chinese Family EducationCompared with American, Chinese parents have a very different concept of childrens education. Some parents in China only care about whether the children have a promising future, a good job, a good life or not. Based on these expectations, the majority of parents feel that their responsibility for their children is to create as good conditions as possible they can so that the children will not worry about anything in the future.2. Two Different Ways of Family Education2.1. Differences in Cultivation of Childrens IndependenceBecause of a fundamental difference on parental concept, there are two completely different ways on cultivating their own childrens independence.First and foremost, Chinese family education and American family education vary in the attitude towards independence. Most American parents think that the child is an independent individual since he is born, who has his own will and characteristic. Neither the parents nor teachers have priorities to determine and restrict their childrens behaviors. The Declaration of Independence says: “All the people are born equally; they are endowed with holy rights including life, freedom and pursuit of happiness. In order to let the children recognize that they are the masters of themselves, American parents will give their children enough freedom and will not make decisions for them in most cases. American parents are willing to respect and understand their childrens feelings, thus, they always think carefully about their words and choose the appropriate time to educate their children. The famous basketball star, Michael Jordan once said, “I admit that our children will inherit some good traditions, but I dont think we should make rules to teach them what they can do, because I think even if they do, they will not be happy. His words may represent the thoughts and attitude of most American people in family education.In order to cultivate the childrens ability to enjoy independent life, American parents take the measures as follows. Firstly, they try to give them enough opportunities and conditions which allow them to be fully trained in various settings since they were born. The common way the parents used is to let the children do some self-service work according to childrens ability in different ages, because this method will develop their childrens love of working and talents. For example, “There are three children, which are primary school students, in an American family. All of them have their own roles and abilities. The10 year -old boy helped his father to mow, water flowers and clean court; the 8-year-old little girl can weave cup mat in various colors.” This is the result of practices from their childhood. It is not an isolated phenomenon in America. This kind of examples, such as primary and middle school students doing part-time job, are too numerous to cite. According to the America Newspaper Stands Selling Federations convey, there are thousands of newsboys in America. The phenomenon of elder students working in society can be seen here and there, and they are supported by their parents. An American said: “ parents should encourage their children to work and earn money in their free time, this will save some expenses, and more importantly, it will develop childrens self-awareness at an early age.” Children will understand the meaning of treasure and know that treasure can only be gained through working, and then, they will know why we should cultivate saving and other good habits.Secondly, American parents would like to see their children experience all kinds of difficulties rather than to live in an over- comfortable environment. They pay great attention to train their childrens mental ability so that the children can face all kinds of setbacks and can survive hard circumstances. So, we can see the following example, in a cold winter morning, the American children get up to deliver newspapers while our children are still sleeping in the warm blanket. Many Chinese parents probably think that it is unacceptable, or even think that is “cruel” to children. Thirdly, American parents have requirements and regulations on childrens pocket money, although their economic conditions are better than the majority of Chinese families. How much money they should give their children as pocket money depends on childrens ages and actual demands and the income of the family. What American parents do is to cultivate childrens awareness of frugality. Moreover, they do not award their children by giving them pocket money, and they let their children understand that the purpose of study is to help them to become a valuable person in the future. According to a survey, it is found that “About 54 percent young students have no pocket money in America, and there are fewer chances to get money from their parents as their ages increase. It is also found that 68 percent American students earn pocket money through doing part-time job in their spare time. Rockefeller was one of the richest men in the United States and the first man earned one billion dollars in the world, but his children have little pocket money according to the regulations which printed on the title page in his family book. “The pocket money of the 7-8years old children is 30 cents per week; that of the 11-12years old children is one dollar per week; that of the over 12 years old is three dollars per week. The most important thing is that the children were asked to record every expenditure. If the account is clear and their expenditure is used for legitimate purpose, they will receive additional 5 cents in the next week. Rockefeller said: Too much wealth will bring disaster to their generation. ” His words contains a profound philosophy, it is worth of thinking carefully. 2.2Differences in the Cultivation of Childrens InterestsIn the United States, children are encouraged and induced to develop their interest and do the things what they are interested in. American parents will not prevent their children from doing what they like to do, and they will not enforce their children to do what they do not like either. For instance, Jefferson, a fifteen-year-old child of a common family, likes to play basketball, I wanted to make him become a lawyer, but he became interested in playing ball when he was young. We dont like him to give up his study, but after a long talk with him, I felt that he had his own idea of life, perhaps he should become independent, and so I gave up my mind.” His father said. Maybe at the beginning the parents have requirements for their children, but at last their own choices are the most important, in United States.But in China, many parents never consider or respect their childrens interests. Because of historical and traditional reason, almost everyone thinks that scholars should be respected without any doubts and have high status in the society. So they pay great attention on their childrens studies because they believe that knowledge can change ones fate. In fact, scholars are respected by people in most time. Hence, the parents hope that their children can obtain the same honor like the scholars in the future. Without thinking carefully and researching, we can conclude from practices in daily life that some Chinese parents, if not many, have been strangling their childrens interests in a way that is elusive to American. To be concrete, under the current Chinese family education, most children are arranged with assorted extracurricular classes where they are taught to learn playing piano, drawing, singing, etc., partly because parents wish their children to develop in all-round way and have a head-start in studies than other children. The fact, however, is that children may show the least interest in these classes that seem dull and boring in their minds. In this way, children are deprived of the freedom to dip into things what they are interested in and children are bereft of ebullience and creativity in studying. We also can find that Chinese parents do not care about childrens interests from a survey. According to the survey made by Womens Federation of Tangshan Municipal, in Hebei province, we find that “About 10 percents parents absolutely agree that everything is not important if their children study well. And most parents agree this view thoroughly. There is only 27 percents of parents do not think so. As for the other opinions, that the children have a healthy body and a good spirit is more important than study well, only 5 percents of parents agree with it completely, but there are more than 32 percents of parents said they dont agree with it completely.” All of these reflect that most Chinese parents are more concern about childrens study than their interests. In other words, most Chinese parents do not care about their childrens interest.2.3 Differences in the cultivation of childrens value In china our parents hope their children become a rich man or a great man ,when they grow up .In their opinion these people regarded as the symbol of success and can win respect from others so during the process of their childrens growth they always require their children do the things that may beyond their ability or against their dream. So many children are eager to be attend top university and neglect their origin ideas .However American parents always respect their children own ideas ,no matter whoever he or she will be in the future ,they usually hope their children can live freely .they dont concered about whether their children future would be but offer the best environment for their children to live independently and can face various challenges 2.4 Differences in Cultivation of Childrens CreativityAs for cultivating childrens creativity, there are also great differences between China and America. American parents encourage their children to innovate and surpass their predecessors in all fields. They think that children, like adults, have the independent ability of study, and they hold a tolerant attitude to their childrens creativity. They encourage children to explore and provide very different views on some problems and let children solve these problems through their own efforts. Even if children cannot get a positive effect, the parents would not to interfere their childrens work; instead, they would let their children to aware of the problems gradually in the process of developing and then correct their faults by themselvesimitate others. They always hold a negative attitude on childrens exploration activities, and these activities are always stopped by their parents. For example, the children who demolished an alarm clock in the United States families will not be blamed by their parents. Sometimes, they will work with their children to repair the clock when the children cannot do it. They will even encourage children to demolish the clock again and reinstall it. But, if the same things happened in Chinese families there would nobody dares to tell their parents what they did even though they have installed it back. The childrens creativity is usually ruined by their parents strict supervision in the early age3. Two kinds of family education resulted in different fruits For the sake of the concept and way of family education are different .So it shows some obvious differences. American school do not teach reading writing and mathics ,but rather skills such as persistence concentration and their ability functions as a member of group.There is diversity in American family education. Some parents have specific aims such as early musical training or potential development.Thus their ability of independence is very strong,they dont need to depend on their family from 18 years old .They usually do some part time jobs to supply their daily life expense,and then they are very familiar with market.When they are young ,they begin to mange the finance, which let themeselves deeply understand that it is not easy to earn money and also have the ability to earn extra money,Except the abilities above they have the ability adapting to social environment because they have experienced the life through their work .They can get along well with others and face difficulties calmly with people around them .They always have the enough confidence and courage of being independent as a member of the society.These valuable qualities are closely related to their family education.It is estimated that half of the Nobel prize winner are form America of each year .On the contary ,Only a few Chinese people get it . Although we have enough kids who can get a high score in school,although their schoolwork is better than that of American students.In china many parents are willing to do everything for their children ,only they can get a high score in school, because teenagers in china strongly rely on other people and are passive in doing things .By analyzing the different family education we do find which kind of education is better . ConclusionIt is very obvious that the future of a nation depends on the quality of young people, and family education cant be substituted by other forms of education.According to our countrys special circumstances, the number of one-child family is becoming larger, so family education must be combined with school education .Therefore, it is necessary to change traditional family ideas. First, parents should educate their children in social environment, in other words, they should not only teach their children the knowledge of survival, but also the responsibilities for the society. Secondly, they must cultivate their childrens consciousness of independence, self-support, cooperation and the spirit of caring for others. And requires parents, especially the families with one child, to completely change the wrong ways which they used in the past. Therefore, much can be learned from the ways of family education in United States.参考文献:1里克纳 .美国家庭教育M.海南出版社. 2004.2海姆.G吉诺特.孩子把你的手给我M.京华出版社.2004.3 陈鹤琴.家庭教育M.华东师范大学出版社.2004.4 高芸香.我的家庭课堂:培养出三位英美博士的中国母亲谈家庭教育M. 中国人民大学出版社. 2006.


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