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单元检测 一、单选(共1小题;共5分) 1.Is sai tht 11earold irl w UFO yesterday.A.n; anB. ;anCn; aD. ; a2.Weae alltired. Lts rest.A. to stophaingB top avn. to stop t have stpo have 3.Whata srpriseto ee you here!he you ak?. d;etB.i; eChae; otD. il; get4.I wettoth door nd ,ut int thesounof the nock.A.eard; listen. lteed; hear. herd; lstn oD. litee o; ear 5.Amy ets up erl now.Sh is larsool .no; ay reB no; any moreny; nmeD. any;not r - Tee re methins o the floor. Wil yu , Jck?- O, Ms.ang.A. pick hm p. piit up. pc up themDpick up t 7.-Wha dd th studet seeintepark?- Thy urne ut udote .A. aroud; tingB.rud; nohing.aound;anytinD. ound;smehig 8Th ol mnis o heaabou h stry i odaysnewsper. prsed; urprisdB. surprised; surpisngC. upriing; surprised surpisng;surriin 9.下列单词中“e”发音与其她三项不同的一项是: . enjydB.answedC danc. moed10.Rosefinse her stud in th unrsity and went t god oA. take afterB lok aftC.re forD. seachfor11- I met y aunt yesterday- You ut e very hapy to e each other.A. my wayhomeB.on y way to hme. n m wayomeD. n my wy to e12Coul yougieme and?I cnt complete theasko time yoelp.A wthoutB. urC.withD. fo13.- did youfnd th ittlecats?- ll, fllowedth sound sh mde. She ept miaowingA. n WherC hatD. How14- m, Ithnkthre is inodys newpap.You dnt ave to read i.- I Im lkngforward to it.A. nothig interesing; ontgreeB. smeting inestig; agreeC. intesting nhin; m nt agreeD. anythig insting;ont gree5- I lar aout a man He made a ppe bike.- . ut whoca ride it. hats OKB. Tha rell amazig.ot atl.D. ould heealy dts?二、完形填空(共10小题;共5分) Whn as a litle cil, Iwasafraid f ghosts.ne evenng, I 6 to see a film 17 myother. Whe the l as ovr,it ws aledy vey 18 . Whewe were 19 ur way hoe, mybrothewalkd in frnt of e. We httedbu te fi al te 20 . Whne alkdaong iver, suely, setn jupe into he rir and ae a bg 21 . h 2 ths, I wasvryfrighted nd hoght t us e agost. I tarted to run as fat 23 ould. Of course fogotmy brother. apen and wreis our brthr? my fther asked.I tld him verythingAt the ame ti my broter rived ome. laughd and said, 25 fast yu ran!ut ha s nl a ig stoe fallininto the iver.6. wenBo. ges.wll go1.Awithout. netto togeter.w.A. lateB leC. arlyD. eaier9A B. iC.byD o0. wayB. rute. road.pt2.whierB. shutC oicenis2 looke foundC eardD. listed2A. adB. tanC.lkeD as24.A. Wy htC. WherD We25.A. HowB. WhatC. How D.Wha a三、阅读理解(共15小题;共3分) Want toknow wh we cn dto helpmake or city a ber lace to lie i? Wh no take pn in C & Green weknd? Join u, and yoan ak nw fies ahlp prect te environt t theam tmePark Life o you leangingut n thepark with our frends? Ifso,whynt take te chnceto comewtus anidy upth r ayou go? To d sme fn, hreis agif for he perso whoollectth st rubbish!Metsath souh enrane to Toh Pk 9 a. next Saturdy if o nt to joinin. he irYou rahe grat wa oae air werate cleanrs byplann lots of ees! It i fact that tres sloy ilter(过滤) a lot of polltants rothe ir. So come ad lusplant om ew oes in Fenhe Park a 2 p.m x Snay ron Graffi(涂鸦) Some eople ik rffit s cool.We,it iso!The bet way t op buigs romemi otall vee i uly gaft to get r t ssn as posible Ad atis eactl hatwe ar gong to do.We re reaintig the col walls from1 p. on Saturda. have brng anytools, just remembr to weaome o cloths!26 Themain purpo of cen & een Weekend st .A. mae ur city mor bautiuB.ffer t cane to hvefuC.hel tents et old riends7 The suen o wnt to join i te bish collecting tivt mst me . at 1 .m. on aturyB. at 2 p.m. nextSundayC. 9 a.m. nxt audy28. Iwe going toepathe schol wall, weneed to .Adrw ptures welB. wer sme olcothes. bringome tos with us2. Aoding to thassag, we no A gffti can mae thbildngs lok colB.th pro o collects bbish ange giftC. we can pnttrees tmpov t envronmet0. Wht read h abv asag .A. in a fahio aiB. ona coolnotice boardC. in a nwsaper vetisemetB I read sme soi abut aming peopletoay.Hee dlike to sr somehingineresing wit oie Qiuing, a Chnse ma,hasth gst hir i teworl. Herhar s 5,085 meters lng!How amazig! eforeI got tknow this, I thouht my hir was qute lon.Itis nealy 50cmlong. Idont kow ow sh washs r hair. The tallest man in h wold ived in theU. H nme a Robe Pesidlow He was72 mr all.I ant t kno f he lied lat k e, hw could hgo ito the ro?The tallesan ded in 194. Thre is a man Fnce calledMihael otit. He eas suchitm as mtal(金属), glsand rubber. eenon at model plne! How stn! I ont thin tal is as tasty(美味的) as sweets or chocolates3.Where oes e oman ith the longest haico from?.FranceB. h SAC. Korea.hina2heallest a in t wrd die A.n thineteeth cenuyB. in te enieh centurC. itisentuD.abot tirt ers g3. ober erhingWadlow was the aninthe worl.A sortst. oldestC tallest. sallet34. OnceMicha Lotioate . Its so amai!A.som sweetsB mdelplanC. hairs. ro. oman amzng people e therein t pasage?e mn adw woen. Three men. Tw me an o wman Thre o I a sunny dy.lice inds a pir o shos in a soesop. Sudenlyte shoesmove tords Alic. Hey! Whats happenng? Aliehouts. Alouoie come f he se, Welcome, yrind. I a magic(魔法的) soes. Wul you littael wth me? oudgrat! Lts o,Alice ansrs hpily. irst thy ly ih p ntothesy and hey land ina junle(丛林). t is t an et bcase t i rnin.Thn e fl t he esert.Its very hta r tere. Ater ta he fy tothe ouh Pole. The i lots ofice. Eerwhr is whe, nd itsreall uiul. Then teyfl afostIts wind threAfter hl, they fo sla intheea.Ther i thndr and lightnin.Alie is sd. Ah! es home!she res. Finally , they fly khome. Teshes land in the so and Alie getsof. ow! What a wondel xperienc i i!she ay.36.Whn Ali idshehoes in hpt firs,they sudnl.A. fly into the syB. move toadsher. medirtyD. all off he self7. hatis he weter like inhe frest?. It tandwet.t is unnyC It windy.DIt is snow.3.How many pla otey? TreeB. FourC FiveD.Six How des Alice eldrin ths prience?A. Sheihappyal h tim. Se i cad al th teC She i cal th tim.D. hes happy at fit an hen scaed.40. Wats thebstileo tssag?A Thewathr nth ord. Alice and magsoesC. Amaic wethr reprtD.lices trpto he foret四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共3小题;共3分)4. (一切) is ready. Lebein our nglis prty 42. Thre ears (后),they ei uzu Ho hpy wre!43.In (事实上),ouears nevertop rowing五、根据句意完毕句子(共小题;共分)4. Yu shouldgtup (fst), or yull b ate for scoo.5. T (t plan thtwe live ) ove aroun the un.六、选词填空(句子选词填空)(共10小题;共0分)amaze suiseusullyhear 46. e boy ofen sayst , I oudntse hope.47 Thismorning, he t u ay s nlf in ahurry.4 I reall that hcan remembe ybithday.49. Isnit tthikthatmenhave aculy stdon te mo?50. Am s good student. She always des her hmework .Blpisscoepyon 5.Eeyoe nows fish wittheir ye pen. Hury up, om,or you thebeginig ofte lm.53. iten!The music wonderful.54. - Hi,Li called you thre time yeteray evenin,ut nbody Wh?-I sory. wn sopping wi y moth55.tught hewhispe fom the to abig tree七、翻译(根据中文提示完毕句子)(共5小题;共5分)56. 照例,她最后一种到。 , h arid las.57. 她不胆怯那些奇怪的动物了,她想要对它们理解更多。She trange animal. Swou like toen more bou them.58 昨天她没去上海旅行。她决定回家了。He didt rave to Sanghai yestrday. e hoe.9. 如果她发生什么意外,请打电话给我。I her, plea cll me.60. 鱼不能闭眼睡觉,由于它们没有眼睑。ish cant slee tir eyes cau e have yelids.八、阅读与体现(表格式)(共10小题;共0分) w cildn grow up withutknowing or aving at bear, bu how much o unw abut bears life? ow do ears get fod? Some lare beas hv w(瓜子)bout fiv nhs long. Thusth caw to igup rots(根) anda is. n h sno, apolar ba (北极熊) somets puts s witecaws ver ts seand outh. niay, it isnt esyfr other mal anialo find itTheit a g tho imalsorner easi. What d ea et? Mostbers et roond eavesf pnt. me bearsalo maten they c gt i easiy. Plr bearslikeating meatfrosea(海豹). What you o boaby bea? lck ears lie sleeping iwntr.And bb bearsare uually brn then. The abisaeon ehregrams(克) birh. B thyrw qickly wek latr, the babies can ope their eesnd hen rin comes, theyae bienouhto g up t trees for un!根据短文内容,完毕表格。bout Bears 61. ow o basget 62. ?claws of some ae easre about 63. ces long. The se he laws to dig p rts and atc 64. .Its . forthr sal animls tofndplarea enthy pu the claws over the osend os.66 do bear ts?oots,eavesflat and et.Wt d y ow abut 6. bears?Th ae aly 68 i wintr.Tygrow 6 and a nough t o ut tres n7. . 九、首字母填空(短文首字母)(共10小题;共10分) Ate-yearld oy iasml on w to be taindrive. ut h wabnwithut arms. etiedto us hi f ashads. He couldntgo toscoo s s te daywatchin tin comndoing bcause helved near hes . Hw he wished h culbe a rier! Onday, he awan emttrain an h cmbed i Hes twith his fel easiy. Snthetri nat tpedo kilomeen hr Nobodycoldse he boyand sto he rai. I reache a mal staion, itl faaway from the town he teoylied,an then the boy d it back When he wasnr tetow, aworkecugh up wih t ran a i. At irs h wa vea , ut en saw th oy,hewso s that he haly(几乎不) touht it wa re. I like trains ver muc,si heby quitly nd h .十、作文(共1小题;共5分)1. 说到蛇,人们也许都觉得蛇很可怕,其实否则汤姆读了一本有关蛇的书之后,对蛇有了全新的结识根据下面表格中的信息提示写一篇0词左右的短文。此前目前胆怯蛇喜欢蛇蛇均有毒有的有毒,有的无毒蛇都是有害的有的是有益的见到蛇应当打死应当保护蛇答案一、单选 . C 2.D3. B. B5. B 6.7. C 8. 9. C D11 12 A. D1. A5. 二、完形填空16.A1. 18. 1.A2. 21 D22.2. D24. B25三、阅读理解2. A27.289. C30.B31. 3.B33. C4. B35. C3. 3.C38.39. D40. B四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)1. Evrything42. lar43. fct五、根据句意完毕句子4. uickl45.rth六、选词填空(句子选词填空)46. himelf47. usual8. suprise9.mzig50. carfuly5. sleep52. wilmis53. sond4. rpled5 ame七、翻译(根据中文提示完毕句子)56. A usua57. is araid f5.decded to 9.anythg haensto6. with;closd; dont八、阅读与体现(表格式)1 le.o63. ive. fish. iult66.Wt67. baby68. bn69. quikl70. sprig九、首字母填空(短文首字母)71. wated.fet73.set74.staton5 ated76. dve. stoped78 ry9. surpris80 hapily十、作文 One osible rsio: Tomwas raid ofsakes whenhe as achl Ystery read on snaes. Teewe mnyinteresting thing butsnak.e toughtall snas we osonous nd hamfulbfoe hered te bok, but now he nows som r no.He one oht we should kl naes whn we aw thm. But now, this w hul protect hem becussnake are ourfrind nd re imortant in natur. o heis ot rid f snk aymoe He ls th.


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