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用所给词的合适形式填空。) here_ (e) hey dung te Chrstmasholays last ear?Thy_( be) at home.2) _ (be) etr at the cinema yesteray afteroo? Ys, e_ (b).3)The stuets_ (o hae) a Eglish prtyt ay befoeesrday.4)Lily_(do) tsks ust no,but no sh _(be o d) tasks.5)_sh_(watch)TastSturday?Yes, h _.) Desyour sis enoy _in ejing?(sunbathe) 7) February is the _month of the yer. (two)8) ou_ (e) thiteenyer old lstyer.9) _ (be)oulte for shool yesteraymonng? N, I _0) We_ (gi)t la som Enlish sgs ast ek.11) How _you _(get) thr yesterdy? I_(go) thre b pane2) M paes are itersted in o Enlsh.Se fen _(ask) us to pratis _(listen). 1) Nocan_(ply) gams n _(d) xerises nEnglh.14) you (go) to eethe nwtwer lst Suna?15) I wan (make) my hoemoeeautifu.6) You an () wn this sreet.17) here (be)soeoange jice in he bttle.8)There (be)a lot resi the park.) She_(visit) te scienceuseum next wek.2)Dont (o)your homewornw. Itim or iner.21) I (se)him at the hoping enter lat nay.2) TheGreatwlis (lng)wallin he world.23) Woud yu lke (sm)wihs?2)he nimals aga _(met).25) Ty (play) fotbal nex Sunday.26)Thnkyou fr (invite) me to ou house.27) !The oy (ive) acar28) The caitacity of Amrica is (call)WashitonD.C2) I (b) at home ysteday veig30) T pana wnt to enjoy _(she)aDisneyn.31) The CNTower is oneofhetalt _(tower) i the wold.32) Lisa wns o all_(tat) famus pacs3)ineylndin Ameria is te _ (famou) oe in e wrd34. Myfteris fmous_(rt).35Februr is he _ (to) monto theyear36. _(e)vey busy next yea.7. The udent oten lern Eglis y _(chant).38. _(visit) he science musum next wee.Te reawalis th _(ong) walin e wod40.suesin _(acive).41 neer_(wach)Vtillveye.42 _(spek) Engsh is my ho3. In winer is often col and _(snw).44 Heo Thi i MissLu _(spak).45.d youik (im) wthus?4 -_he_ (g) sopping last atury? N, she _(tudy)English t home. I hpeyu illget _(god)oon.48 Wh rn with _(e)?9. Bo as_(wory) abohis lsos. 50Look! he boy (die) a car51. Listn toe tap _ (crful).52. You must ake od cae ofyoung _(hld)3. _(hat)pineapples mel s od.54. -Isi _(ow)? -Ys, ti. Its a bigird.5.an hasome _ (jelly) ?5 studets_ (t have) anEnglsh arty the dafore yeseray.57. I (se )him a t shppingcene yesterda.58 Than you for (invite) m to yorous.59.No _(spit). The tues are busy_(patse)or their Englih perfances1. Te_(woma) tehs aelyingvleybal62. W _(isit) Chiat i Sngapetomrrow. 63. Dont go no.The crs andbuses _(moe) s6. Beijin iso of the _(bg) citesin the orld.65.The (child) r cleaning up the foests.66. I fl much _ ( god) ha ystedy7Wak ino the room_ (quiet). 四、根据所给情景填空,一空一词。1 你想问问Kate, 她假期做了什么,你这样问:hat _ you _ durin you hlidys? 她说去三亚了这样体现:I _ to Sa.om想体现她们对英语很感爱好,这样说:We _ veryinersed i _ 我们学习了许多单词,这样体现: We hv eaned _ _ _Enis words. 你想懂得L Hong如何学英语,你这样问她:_ _ yoarn Eglih? L Hg说她们通过做事情学英语,她这样回答你:We_ Englisy _ this. 她还补充:“我们互相学习。Welearned f_ _.4Tom说她们在过去的三年用英语据说读写, 她这样体现: W _, _,_ and wrote nEnlih.5.你想向别人体现在银行的右侧是医院, 你说: hopita on the o theank.6.你想向别人体现在楼前有许多树, 你说:Ter an tees t bilin.7你这样向小明询问银行在哪: he ? 小明告诉你顺着这条街走就可以找到银行,她说: this . 你问小明如何能到那家银行,你问: cn hebnk?小明建议你步行去, 她说: Yu cango there 8. 你这样向别人体现饭店与邮局之间是一家超市, 你说:There a supermaket th hoel ndthe otoffie. 我们常常在那里买水果、蔬菜和其她健康的食品,这样体现:W ofnbuy fuit, _an other _ _tre.10.isa打算坐船去大连旅行,别人会这样告诉你:sa is gongto_ _ to Dalian11. 你想邀请好友去澳大利亚,你这样说:_yo to o Atali with me?12.你的同窗Tom 常常步行去上学,但今天却骑自行车去的,你这样告诉其他的同窗说:Tom oten t cool foot.But today h chol _ bke.13朋友们想问你与否懂得美国的迪士尼乐园是世界上最佳的游乐园之一,这样问到:IsDsneyland ofhe gretet thee in te wold?14.彼得告诉我们她们一家要在中国待上两周,这样说:Weare goin to inChin two eeks15. 你想询问导游什么时候参观颐和园,你会这样体现: _ we going tvit te _?导游告诉你明天早上去,这样说:_ _.6. 觉得她们可以在学校学到诸多有关中国的历史,她这样说:Ithink wellearna lot the hstory_hina1.你想向别人体现在银行的右侧是医院, 你说: _ ahospitl on te _of th bank 1.你这样向小明询问银行在哪: _ s te _ ? 小明告诉你顺着这条街走就可以找到银行, 她说: _ _thi _.19你这样向别人体现饭店与邮局之间是一家超市, 你说: Tere _ sraret _ hehotl anthe pos ofi.20.Ke上课又迟到了,你告诫她不能再这样了:_ b late or clagin 看见Bb在公园里摘花,你这样劝告她: ou_ _ he floers.22.妈妈看见你把书桌搞得很脏乱,她会对你说: t _ ms o ourdsk Keepi_ nd tidy.23.你想告诉人们你来自中国,这样体现: Hello, veryon Im _ _4.你这样告诉人们五月是一年中的第五个月,妈妈节在这个月里: _ isthe _moth of ya. _ _ is _ tis month.2. 你想懂得Tm今天感觉怎么样,你这样问她: _ _yo feeling today?如果Tom感觉见好诸多,她这样回答你: _.26. 在商店,售货员见到顾客,她(她)会说:_cn _ for you?顾客想要买一种球,她这样回答售货员:I _o _a all7.Tom想懂得那条裤子的价格,这样问售货员: _ _ are he trous?2 你想懂得这条狗狗是谁的,这样问别人:_dois ts? 如果是Kte的,别人这样回答你:I_ 29. 你想懂得 Ptr 怎么了,你这样问别人:_ _ with Peter? Petr 患了严重的感冒,别人这样告诉你:He aa _ _ 你建议说带她去医院,这样体现:Lets _h othe _.30. 你想要些芒果,这样向妈妈提出祈求:_I _soe_? 妈妈表达固然可以,这样说:_. 你想懂得Kat假期做了什么,你这样问她:What_ yu _ duringorholds? 她去三亚了,她这样体现:I _to Sanya.32. 说她们在过去的三年用英语据说读写, 她这样体现: We _, _, _adrte in English3. 你想向别人体现在楼前有许多树, 你说:Thre manyte the buildig.34.我们常常在那里买水果、蔬菜和其她健康的食品,这样体现: We oten_ frut,vgtabes and o _ _ er3. 你想邀请好友去澳大利亚,你这样说: _yo o go to utala ih ?3一位外国朋友想懂得明十三陵与否在北京北部,这样问你: the Mingms th nt of eiing?37朋友想懂得美国的迪士尼乐园与否是世界上最佳的游乐园之一,这样问你: IsDiseyland ne o he _them rk in he wrd?8.红灯亮了,Per还要过马路,你会这样制止她: You _.3. 一辆公交车来了,小明没看见,还往前走,你会立即对她喊道: _ _!Abs iomn40.为了避免人们乱扔纸屑,你会做这样一种告示牌:_ltering.41. 你建议你的弟弟不要吃太多的快餐食品,你这样体现: You_ eat to _ fa fod


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