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Uni eme tomy ne home!LESON1A:Hll, i Yan!B: Hi, Kt! Welcome tomy nwhoe.A: Look at edromB: O! Therei new bd.: Andtherea ew esk and a new ca.SSON2A: Look a theiving oom.: Wow! here nw TV.B: Oh! here are two sofas d o mcairs.A: And terearethre kite and four alloosLSN3A:Look tthe ktche,ate.B: ow! her is a ne frige.A: Lo! Heres ewtable.B:Ad ter arefor n cir.LESSON : llo, Ka!B: Hi, Li Yn!Wcoe to my ome.B: Look! hats in my sdy?A: Wow! Thee is new oper.ESSO 5A: Thissthe lvng room.hts thebroom.B: Wt i h n room?A: Cme d see. B: O, thees a newDV player.A: And theeab clokUnit er refort studens i or clas.SSN7A:God fteroon, boys and gir! TissMrao, or new PEteah.B: o aftrn,Mr Gao!A: How many udnts aehein your las?B: Tweynine.A: Lts contro 1o 29!B: One, to, thre. Tentegt, twent-nie.SSON 8A:Goodmrnng, s an grls!This is issGren, u ew Eih eace.: God mningMisGre. Wme to ur clss!C: ood morning,ls! Howmny tudnts are er n yorlas?:Ther are ory Thyboys.And nly ten girls.LSSON9: ello, Miss Whte! Wcome toourhool!B: Thnk yo! How any ecrsae tere n yu scool?:There areiftyB:Hw bout your schol?: Thee aesxty teacersin our col.LESSON 10: Hllo, eveyone! ets elp chldren in need!: H n bags douhav?: We havseenty bag: Howmanyb d youav?C: Whave eghty boos.LESSN 11A: H my pend yu v?B: We hve iet pens.B:o y pncils do ou hve?A: We have onehunded pecls.Unit 3 Whsubjtdo ou like bt?LESON 13A: How manylsons d youhve tday?B:We ae i.: Hwmanylessos dou have in th morning?B: e hv for.A: What arhe?: Tey r maths, Chines, Engish ad PE.LSSON 14A: How many lessndo yohave inh aftroon?: We havewo.A: hat ar the?B:They ar muic an art.A:o you e music?B: e, I do. Iike ivry mu.ESON 15A: What subec do yu lie best?B: I like arbetA:D ouie music?B:No, Iot.ESN A: o you study scien?B: es, we Ad I ike scece best.: D yu like Englih?C:Ys, I d. like it best.LESON 7A:Whto you do n aEglish cla?: We listen and do.C:Wespeak nd sig.D: We payandact.E: al kindo thins n Egish.A: hs gret!Unit herre sven days in wek.ESON1A:Hi eeron! Gie me uick aswer,please.B:OK!A: w may ds ae there in eek?B:Seven.A: hatsthefirt dayof th ek?B: s Sudy.A: Excelent!LESON 2A: elcome oouschool! y name Gao Wei.B: Glad to met you,Gaoei. Do ou lie ports?A: es, Io. I like PE vermuh.B:Whn do youhave PElesso?A: We have PElessn n ModayanTesda.LSSON 21: hat day is today?B: Its Wednesay.A: rBlck llmetoourschol od.C: Goodmorning os and irls!D: Good orning! Welcoet ourclass!C: How many nglis lessons do yhave n a week?D: W have tree.C: W o have Eglih?D: We ha English nMonay, ensd nd Thursd.LESSN 22A:Hl, everone! Lts pla game!:Great!A: Howmayas are tere in awee?B: Thee ae sveasin a week.A: Wt ar ty?B: Thyre Sundy,ona, Tesda, Wednesda, husday, Fdayan Saurday.A: Ecellent!LESON 2A: Wtdo uusally do on eend?B:I salgoto the thee pak nSaturdaysC: I usuall go t see y radpa and gradmn undays: I uually gtothe pak onSunays.: sullhe music lesons oauras.Uit 5What ill ou doths eeknd?LSSON 2A: Mum,itsSunday tay.Shall we hae a pcnic?B: Ye,Lets go and ask our .A: Wow, e hve so any thigsfororpicnc!B: What would you like, Lsa?A: d lik a hambuger and ake, leseHow butyou,Mund Dad?C: Id lie m bread an auges.: Id like ome cake andhickn.LSSON 26A: H, L Yan! Les g to s yor gra.B: , le o!C: Coe nd have luh, Li Ya!B:m comig!: at oul u like, ea?B: Idie some chcken n bee.:Wuld u like some pk?B: , thanks, Gradma.LESSON 2A: Il ava pay witfriedsthisSndayHw aboutyu, Li a?B:Ill got my musiclesn What aout you,Kt?C: ll o o myart lesson.: Do you like dawin?C: Yes, I do. How outyu?:I like ingn.LESSN 28A: What wilyou d Suny?B:Il rad a w stoybok: Il wath TV athome.Ho but yu, Yang Ming?D: l play outer gaes a hme.ESS9A:H, im! Thisis Pet.:Helo, Pter!A: Tmorow isSunday oud yu ike tgo wimming ime?: S, cantwith you.: Wall you dotooow?B: Il go shppng with y um. hell buy e ew jcket.A: Thats great! Godbye!: y!Uit6 Woud yu e to tk a tr?LESS31A: School isou i twodays.B:Hooy!: Woldyou like t take a trp?B:ertany! er shall weg?:nieas?B:I wnt o teheme park:We wanto goto a farm.D:W nto ooh zoo.: Good iea! How abotth zooa he farm?: Co!LESSO 2A: Come alg, bs d gis!B: Wow! Whattis inEnlsh?A: I graff.B: ook! The irafe is tl!: s, i hasa long neck.: ok! Mis . Wats isi English?A: tsa cae.B: O, he ael is so big!LESON 33: Lk! Whatstht nEnish?B: Its a sal.A: Good!: Guess, Lisa! Whas thtin Enlish?B: Its adolphnC:Look! The dlpn s acing!LESSN 34A:Heres te farm,oys andgirls!B: Oh,Whatabigfarm!C: Look here! hr these in Enis?D: Theyare hrseC: at re hese iEnlish?: hey e cos.LSO A:Hello, by an grlsLoo there!: Wat arethose in lish?C: They are heep.D: Ar hoe sheep, too?E:No,tey rent. Theye oa


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