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南川三中初2018级下期第三学月定时作业英语试题 (满分150分 时间120分钟)I 听力 (30分)一.听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读两遍。(5分) 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._二.听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。(5分)( )6. A. Good idea.B. Thank you.C. Yes, Id love to.( )7. A. Yes, I do.B. No, thanks.C. Thanks.( )8. A. Yes, Id love to.B. No, Id like vegetables.C. Id like bread and milk.( )9. A. Here you are.B. No, I dont. C. Milk, please.( )10. A. Yes, Id love to.B. Some rice, please.C. Youre welcome.三.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话和问题读两遍。(5分)( )11. A. Some apple juice.B. Some milk.C. Some water.( )12. A. Sichuan food.B. Henan food.C. Hunan food.( )13. A. Yes, he does.B. No, he doesnt.C. We dont know.( )14. A. Eggs.B. Apples.C. Bread.( )15. A. Fish and chicken.B. Chicken and hamburgers.C. Fish and hamburgers.四.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)( )16. Lily comes from _.A. AmericaB. EnglandC. Canada( )17. Lilys parents are in _.A. BeijingB. ShenzhenC. Shanghai( )18. Lilys father is _.A. an English teacherB. a doctorC. a driver( )19. Lily likes _.A. jiaoziB. riceC. hamburgers( )20. Lilys family all like _.A. ChineseB. ChinaC. Chinese foodII.单项选择。(20分)( )21. _ is the letter from?Its from Mike, my pen pal.A.WhereB. HowC. WhoD. What( )22. Tom speaks English. _ Jane _ English, too?Yes, she does.A. Do; speaksB. Does; speakC. Do; speakD. Does; speaks( )23. I often help my mother cook _ in the morning.A. breakfastB. lunchC. dinnerD. juice( )24. Could you please _ me your name?Sure. My name is Kate.A. to sayB. sayC. to tellD. tell( )25. Does your uncle work _ a farm? No, he doesnt. He works _ a restaurant.A. on; onB. on; inC. in; inD. in; on( )26. Your brother is very cute. Yes, _ is. We all love _.A. he; himB. he; heC. him; heD. him; him( )27. Does Helen speak English _? Yes. Her English is very _.A. good; goodB. well; wellC. well; goodD. good; well( )28. What does your father do?_A. He is a teacher.B. He is from China.C. He is fine.D. He is 40.( )29. Is this a photo _ your family? Yes, it is.A. inB. withC. toD. of( )30. Is Mr. Brown a good teacher?Yes. He is kind _ us. We love him.A. forB. toC. fromD. with( )31. Youre thirsty(口渴). _ have a glass of milk?Good idea.A. Would you likeB. Would not youC. Why notD. Why( )32. Who is that young man _?Hes Jack, my brother.A. in blueB. on blueC. in the blueD. on the blue( )33. What would you like? Id like _ orange juice, please.A. aB. anC. two glass ofD. a glass of( )34. Help _ to the chicken, Tom and Jim.Thank you.A. youB. yourC. yourselfD. yourselves( )35. _Some chicken and a glass of apple juice, please.A. Help yourself to some fish.B. May I take your order?C. What would you like to drink?D. Why not eat out with us?( )36. My sister often has vegetables for dinner.T see ,they are good for her.A. much B. a little C. manyD. any( )37. Would you like to have some milk? A. No, thanks.B. Yes, I like.C. Yes, I like toD. Yes,I do.( )38. What would you like? Id like some fish _ vegetables, please.A. ofB. inC. with D. on( )39. Please _ the book him, Tom.OK.A. buy to B. show forC. give to D. visit on( )40. Mr Wei, I can it in English. Very good!.A. speak. B. say C. tell D. talkIII.完形填空。(15分)Look at the photo. Its my family. The old man and the old 41 are my grandparents. This is my father. He is next to his brother, my 42 . This woman is my mother. She is my English teacher. You can 43 three kids in the photo. The two girls are my 44 . The girl in a red dress is Nancy 45 the girl in a yellow dress is Susan. Who is the boy, do you know? Its me. My grandparents live in the USA. I live in Beijing 46 my parents now. My father is a 47 . He works in Beijing Hospital. He often has milk 48 breakfast. And he likes to eat 49 . My mother often has some eggs and 50 . I have a big and happy family.( )41. A. boyB. girlC. womanD. man( )42. A. auntB. uncleC. sisterD. brother( )43. A. seeB. takeC. helpD. spell( )44. A. sisterB. girlsC. sistersD. kids( )45. A. andB. butC. withD. so( )46. A. fromB. ofC. forD. with( )47. A. teacherB. doctorC. farmerD. driver( )48. A. forB. toC. inD. on( )49. A. a breadB. some breadsC. many breadD. bread( )50. A. a orangeB. an orange juiceC. two glass of orange juiceD. a glass of orange juiceIV.阅读理解。( 30分)(A)Ann comes from Canada. She lives in Beijing with her parents now. She is a student of No. 2 High School. She can speak a little Chinese. Her father works in a hospital. He is a doctor. Her mother is a teacher of English. She is a good teacher. She is very kind to her students and all the students love her. All of her family like to be in China and all of them like Chinese food very much.根据短文内容, 判断正(T)误(F)。( )51. Ann is in Canada with her parents now.( )52. Ann can speak Chinese, but a little. ( )53 Anns family like Chinese food a lot. (B)In many English homes, people have four meals(餐) a day: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea(茶) and dinner. People have breakfast from 7:00 to 9: 00 in the morning. They eat eggs or(或者) bread. English people drink tea or milk for breakfast, too. Lunch comes at about 13:00. Afternoon tea is from 16:00 to 17:00, and dinner is about 19:30. They often have soup(汤), and they have some chicken or fish with vegetables. Then they eat some bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people have meals like that. Some of them dont have their dinners in the evening(晚上).根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )54. Many English people have _ meals a day.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four( )55. Usually, people in English dont have _ for their breakfast.A. breadB. fishC. milkD. eggs( )56. People in English have lunch _.A. from 7:00 to 9:00B. at about 13:00C. at 19:30D. from 16:00 to 17:00( )57. Do all the English people eat in the same way(方式)?A. No, not all the English people eat in the same way.B. Yes, all the English people eat in the same way.C. No, some of them dont have lunch at all.D. Sorry, we dont know.(C)I am a junior high school student. Im in China now. My name is Kelly Smith. I live with my parents, two sisters and a brother in Beijing. My parents teach English in No.8 Junior High School. I am in the same school. I am happy here, because (因为) I like my new school and my classmates a lot. They are very kind to me. They like to play with me because I look different from them. I have blue eyes and long brown hair. They often say I look like a doll (洋娃娃). I speak English well, so lots of the students like to talk with me to improve (提高) their English.( ) 58. How many people are there (有) in Kellys family?A. Four.B. Five.C. Six.D. Seven.( ) 59. Kellys parents are _.A. teachersB. doctorsC. workersD.farmers( ) 60. Why does Kelly like her school?A. Because it is new.B. Because it is big.C. Because it is good.D. Because her classmates are kind to her.( ) 61. Why do students like to talk with Kelly?A. Because Kelly is cool.B. Because Kellys English is very good.C. Because Kelly looks like a doll.D. Because Kelly is tall.(D)Chen Kai is a Chinese boy. He is a student. He is 13 years old. He lives in Guangzhou. Chen Kai likes making friends. Now he receives(收到) a letter from Sam, his pen pal in America. The letter is in English. Sam is 14 and he is a student, too. He speaks English very well. In the letter, Sam says he wants to visit China and study(学习)some Chinese.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )62.“Making friends”means(意思是) _ in Chinese.A. 作朋友B. 找朋友C. 帮朋友D. 交朋友( )63. The letter is _.A. from Chen KaiB. from Sams pen palC. in EnglishD. in Chinese( )64. Sam is Chen Kais _.A. classmateB. pen palC. brotherD. teacher( )65. Sam wants to visit _.A. ChineseB. ChinaC. AmericaD. GuangzhouV.情景交际。(5分)从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。(5分)A: May I take your order?B: Wait a moment(等一下), please. Do you like some apple juice?C: No, I dont like apple juice. 66 B: OK. A glass of apple juice and a glass of milk.A: 67 B: Id like some hamburgers. 68 C: Let me see. 69 A: OK. A glass of apple juice, a glass of milk, some hamburgers and some chicken. Forty yuan, please.B: 70 A: Thanks a lot.A. And something to eat?B. Its my favorite food.C. Id like some milk.D. Yes, Id love to.E. Here you are.F. Oh, Id like some chicken.G. What about you?66._ 67._68._ 69._ 70._VI任务型阅读:(共8分)根据材料信息,回答后面的问题。Dear David,How are you? Im in Beijing now. I like Beijing a lot. I have two good friends here. They are Bill and Wang Xin. Bill is from Canada and Wang Xin is from China. We are in the same class. Wang Xin often helps me with my Chinese. I can speak a little Chinese now. All the teachers are kind to me.I like Chinese food, like Guangdong food, Sichuan food and Hunan food. They are nice. Sometimes we eat out. Jiaozi is my favorite food. I often have jiaozi for lunch and have noodles(面条) for dinner. I have milk and bread for breakfast. What about you?Yours,Bob71. Is the letter from David? 72. Where is Bill from? 73. Who can speak a little Chinese now? 74. What is Bobs favorite food?. VII完成句子。(10分)75. He wants to visit Beijing.(变为一般疑问句) He to visit Beijing?76.They like apples and oranges.(变为否定句)They like apples oranges.77.My father is a teacher.(对划线部分提问) your father do?78Would you like something to drink? (变为同义句) drink something?79.他经常帮梅梅学英语。(翻译句子)。He often _ Meimei_ her English.VIII、短文填空。(共16分,每题2分)Dear Mary, Im David. Im 80 England. I want to tell you about my 81 . Four 82 are in my family. Theyre my mother, my father, my sister and I. My father is 83 English teacher. He likes fish very much. My mother is a doctor. She 84 cooking. Chicken is her favorite 85 . My sister Julia and I are in the 86 school. We dont like eating vegetables. But my parents tell us to eat vegetables. They are good for us. Look! We 87 a happy family.Yours, David 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 IX.书面表达。(16分)用所给提示写一篇60词左右的短文。提示: 假如你是Bill, 来自英国, 现在在北京学(study)汉语。你和父母在一起住,他们也在北京工作。你在这儿有很多朋友, 常与他们一起吃饭, 中国的食物很好吃, 你很喜欢。_班级 姓名 考号 成绩 初一英语三学月定时作业英语答题卡I.听力1. 2 .3. 4. 5. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. II单选21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 3 0. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. III完形填空41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. IV阅读理解51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. V情景交际66. 67. 68. 69. 70. VI任务型阅读 8分71. 72. 73. 74. VII完成句子 10分75. 76. 77. 78. 79. VIII.短文填空 16分 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 IX书面表达16分_


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