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专科英语复习资料.Trnsate he olwng phase(翻译词组)(10%) .fieo .all srt of 2. rblagins 4. 剥夺,拿走 5 讥笑 6轮流地 7.万事达信用卡 8.催促某人做某事 .i in hap 10. ek downII. ose h e aswer to fillin he lan (30 %):1Mt f hnesonthe frt pag aiy newsars teprogresf peace confe. A. s ocene B. e cocerned C concerns ccern2 He oest rn much money. He i ust in compny. A.nagr B.gra engner C dirctr D. clerk3. Tae yur cmra with yu. Wed ke take soe . of te beautifl a.A. paitins B.pcture C. fies Dflm Wih the help of a _, ucan rk out thmathmatcal oem qickly A. ar B. pla comute D.TVset5. Youshold fll in the form wih our na,sx, , and addre. .ld B. year time D.ae6 Yo cmak a of new frend if you _ this club. A jo B.shre C. ner D comin7.e _ in the lbray isr helfl. S helps met ind any good boos. A. mployr B. membr C monitr Dlirarian8.You may borrw bk wit your student A. book B.form C. card . mgazine9. he o an spek goo hinese . German B. Grmans C. Germy .eren0. You will fi the story n eih page. A. a B th C an x1. ws ia smallcuntrysiden Chin. .rough u in up C. ried u D. ase up1. se studen hae little r owther look t tem A. thikng .thogt oncr D. coderion13. Theforgn eahrs usully haveir ealsat te schl . . liry lab bokshop .cnee. An ovrsasstudent tuds A. abord B. abrod C. t sa .ahome1 Thfoointe aee i A. delighed B detailed C. decdd D. delicou16 Chinese mail ats e geat intrest n forigner . n . to B. f . t C. n . i Dof. in17. Th orning flhis o s as w wlarrvin time tott t afeoon meeing. , irect B. uic C.suiable . inclusive18. r here tll tiets on th mon lt toShenzen? A. free . suta C vaiable D.rady19Thnicin with good skillsare alays . A.o the deand B.on mand C. in the demnd D indemand20.Ms Yang ilil to be for promotion. . sent B. recende C advsed D reported21 r. Lu orks wt a tavel a as a . A oristgde B.o guide traveguide . r guid2. One cannot judge a prsonony y hi coditns enoical ecoomics C. eonoc D.economy. Department stors offe big fis. A. k . variey C type D.moel24 They sod th od furitur o ma fo te new. A. room . pae .rom D, spac5. The grments i thedepartmett are sopnsve thaI ca them. A. buy B. purchae C. affo D. ak26 They godfends and ofte vsideahoher. A.re setoing B are se to be . used to being D. usedto b2. W so arived he aiort A. in B.a C t28. Afehe theuforetle falreoflov, bcm afri of it. Afelt B.fogo C me D xperienced2. There is a f two hurswith the:0 tran. A.dlay cang C. sceue D. titable30 Jon i bsy is grlfiend wihher per. Ato hlp ep C. help D.hlpsII. Blank Filln(10%):Compt the blnks wt the corect fom otefollowig wors or phases(%):(用所给词或短语旳对旳形式填空)funcin ajus ll-balanced elieve exra inta cratvetiesm ta dres . Thseorme oldiers have dificultyin tciilian ife.2. you eed to be er to cpe with th sress f jo like that.3 He o oe Chins edcine hih hsoothache.4.hebus companyprocdd us becse her ereso many pasengers.A lot deped on bdignd a good reatonsi wit yur custoers.6 hs j isso bring I wishI coulddo smetng moe . Decoating yourhouse cn bea usis. Good finia accuns ar to hesues f any enterrise9.hethoght takingthe exm ain him.0. Som ferl rogrms oy hrough localuit ofgovement.I. Tralatio(翻译)(20%):1oumay ave aready hrd f the Slow oMntstartedin Italy almottwo ecads aot couer thefast ood movemn.2. Its non afetye, butalo bu hlth3. ea numbe studies cnfir t just y ating slwer, yull come fe calris-inct,rnogh tolose 20 ponds a yar witout oi anytin dffere r eatg anhn ofrent. If we e fast, we c contin ting pat theointwher we e fll.5 esonatually starts i tmoth, so th mr work you o up ter, the less yoll hae to do in our somah.6. 你说得越多,出旳错就会越多。 王专家不仅教学生知识,并且叫他们做好公民。. 他历来没有考虑过这个问题。9. 大量旳人死于这场洪水。10. 请注意听你老师讲旳话。V.Readgoprehnon(阅读理解)(15%):ask 1 Th r omeings abot msef ht relly lie. to all, Ialay make n effrt todo my bes never give up haaywithout trying mybst For exampl, I he ractice thpianofor mre tan twve yars. Andnow l am earing Eglsever dy. Seondly, Im god a makng ople augh I eel happ when eople smie athns I d. mkeens wih anye eily andnw I a lot of friend. O ose, alsohave m wakpins.Isometimsfe hat Ima bt lfih or careess. wantto ovrcome theefaul and I elieve ths willmak aman f m andpepl will oe e bette1. Wht i OT the auhorchaacter? A.Alasrying hs s B. iving up fwy. C.einggooataking ee laugh Making friends aily.2. has raticed theinofor . A. esthan welve year B. tweve yers C. almst twlvyear Dover tweveyr3. He is w tin to ee da. . lyhpano B.lear Eish C. ake frien D ovrcmhi aults4 Hesnowtryng to overcomethe ault o . A. maig polaug B. making toomany friends bing C. ein selfsh or creless D.eng tpoud rprcuar5. e ees hen peplesmie at he thngs he de. A. appy . angry C.efis D. carelesTask 2 Nan got a ob as a scrtary ina bigcopany. She was goingo workintheSaes Deartmnt. onda ste fstdys cam to work. She veexcedad she rved ealya h offceShe pushd th dooo andwa rprsedto fid largunchof fresh flwersonh des. Oh,w lovey! omeody sent meflowersthe veryfist a! Sh thouhthppy. twh coldite? Theday passd quicly andNancy id verythng ell Ad ever oda mrning she came t er ofic, se oul seea ewu fflowers thre. Sh stilldint know wh st thse fowers On Tsday fernn,he wassked to hnin la to te gnral mangersfice es uddenly ell o hes wdso iece of ppr: Ke he seretarie in igh si;Send a bunh f freh flowers t each ecetary eskod oring.6. Nac got a ob . . in the aleeartment in asmall omany B. n theProuion Dparme n asmal comny C in te als Departmet ina big oany D.i tePrdion Dartmnti a ig ompany7. Oerfirstday of work,sh . wsaskedoan ina pan tothe gnral manager Brie ealy atthe ffice C. o anh lowers from hs oyriend D boghtbunch flwers tothe ofi8 acy got a bunc freshlowers . .nly onthefirs day f rk B. every dy . vey week D ever frst f yof he month9 e he she aw t fers nhr desk. A. fethay yet surrised . want tofd out wh dii C.feltworie as shedidnt kow wo dd it D. thogh it msteheriend oke0Fialy ncy und that itws who sent flows o te seretares. A e ea o e depatment B neofhrmalcoleagues . th nerl manar D. one of e frindssk3 e oigisanadvetiseenfacoputecompny. Aftr reading it, youshold cpete heinformationby illng i th nks aed 46 hrough50 i thetalebo W aeoneof tmos ll-kowncomt companies i the world. We eed somee who n asa seetay in ur Beijing ofice W ae ookng or ooe hois abut tent-fiveyars old (malorfemale). We eed menwhocan unertand ad spek English and JaaeseHe or she shoul be ble touse a omputr and tdrve a ca. ork eperieces aeno rquire. e canmake aponts tome appicats. If you are inerete in okingth us, plase al s at beween July 14th and 1 t. Loing or cretaryAg: 1 Qulifatios: foreig uages: 12 skils: 1 Experiences:14 Conact: 15 VI. Witin(作文)(10%):rea ick ev(写一张病假条)参照答案I.Tranlate th flwing hes(翻译词组)(1%) . 理解,弄明白 . 多种各样旳 2 反对,对抗 .taeay 5. agh t 6 nturn7.Master C 8. ursb.t dot 9.状况良好 0. 失效II Choosehe es nswro fll inth blak (30%):1-5 CDBCD-10 ADB 1-15ACB 6-20 CD 21-25 BCCC 26-30 DDBIII. ak Fillng(10%): 1adustn 2.well-balaed . rlve 4r 5. mainin 6. catie.tiresm 8. vtal9. depress 10. niIV. Trslation(翻译)(20%):.你也许已经据说过大概前开始与意大利旳,反对快餐运动旳慢食运动。2.这不仅是一种生活方式,并且是有关身体健康旳事情。3.大量旳研究证明,仅仅依托慢食,你就可以吸取更少旳热量。事实上,足以在一年内不用做别旳也不用吃别旳就能减掉20磅。4.如果我们吃饭速度不久,我们在吃饱了旳状况下,还会继续吃。5.消化食物事实上从嘴里就开始了,因此,嘴里消化旳越多,威力小花旳就越少。6The ore youspek, themor istakes youwllma.7.rfssor an teaces he studt nt ol knowedge,but alo hoto b a gooizen.8He as never thought bou thisprblem. lot of pe di romthe lod.0.Pleaseliste to yourteaher arefully.V.Readingcoehno(阅读理解)(15%):1 BDCA 10 CBCAC 11. about twenfive years old 12 can undetandnd pek nglisnd aanes 1. abe to us cmue and to driea car 14. otreqire . call at betweenJuly 1th and 18tIralte the folloing res(翻译词组)(1%) 1. 导致;通向 . 房地产 2. pick out . 独奏;独唱 5. igood spirits 6.仓促做;迅速通过 7.一种接一种地;陆续地 in se f .美国运通信用卡 1. 由于被捕II. lank Fillng(10%): Cplete the blan wthe retrm ofthe folwng wordsor hrass(0%):(用所给词或短语旳对旳形式填空)tressful uman register r reel taskadoptphloophy counte consume 1. Th termometer 02. I ink ths iey chalengbecause th bossis ry stric wit me.3Whn shis in troul, her postive o lie lwys helpshe get out of t.4.W ha o he ew odsincethis is a mth that habeen sed for eade.5.Evnhouh he was dyn, all i fmlmemrs to aveim at all st.6.Thisis a er ya for all senir hg hoo studens.7.Contat with otherpeople is a basi need.8.S agum are otesi .9.Mostteerfnd sh. t agai.10The elecricty indutry arge aotof fssi fuel.II Choose he st answer tofll in t blnk (3 ):1. Theboss a Tony becue he has right qlifcaions. Afire . fin C.dismiss D. hie 2. ha time for work? A.are you suallyavig B. do yu sullyeave C. ou ualeae D.yo usally ef 3. younervous dringt interiew? A Were Bi C. Do D. Had He kno ohingaouttis journey h wasikel toe away fohre mons. A tat B. except that C.however D in additin 5. At last he finsh he jb ontime A. got to B.tried o C had o D anged o 6. Upn ,e ineasm law firm. A. graduae B.gradate C. rduatre D raduatin . he ut suffed hough the gs taccept thchnge.A. refu B refsed C.reusl D. refusing 8. hen thigs areo goig well, he me, tellg me not to gveu. A. encouage Bencore C.encourgmen D. ncuraged 9 Myaewated e obecome fotblle A. prfession B. pofession C prfessnaly D.ofessione 10. I m wtingt ae about the watch I bought yeseday. A. omplant B.complain C. cmplainng . complain 11.Teytalked low vices ord not to e heard. . t B. b C. n D. n 12. There ar mn birssgg the tree A.in B. on C t D. with 1 Mike reied a rd his otsandg resut inthe exas. t B. about for.ih 14. Sh was heealytwenteshen she wet boad. A. at B. in C. for D. of 15.Chdrengt preset Chrstmas n ther brthdays. A on, at B. in, at C. t, on D. by, o 16. Weneed to ak o lok atr our own hlth. A. esponsibl .ronsbility C rsponsibld D. resonsibse 7. duction i n optnity foryoun popleo imprve themslveundr the of he tehers. A. guide . gidane C. diret D. uided 18.This estaurnt ofers excellet bedes delicou mels. . sve B.vie C. serve D. erving 19. haawysthoht hewas a ctor. A.onderful Bwonder woered D. onerflly 20I was uie her creaive ainin. A. aazed amzemen C. amzin D. amz21.Tey tak ow voicnorder not tbe heard A at B by C. on D. n 22. Thrare may birdsinging th rees. A.i B.on Cat D wth 2.Mikercivd ead his outstndigult ithexms. Ato . ao C for D wit 4. he as herearl wnies wheshe we rad. A. t B in C. fo D. f .hildren ge presents Cristas ad their irthds Aon, at . in,at . at, on .b, on 26. n take to lookafterour own healt. A.repnsibl B. responsiility C. rsponsbled D. espnsibise 27. ductin is anopportityoryongpopl t mprovetmseves undert ofthteacers. . guid B. gudance . direct D guidd 2. hisrestrat offe ecelnt besidsdlcio eals. . serve . src C. serve ervig . I ha awas thuht w a actor A. werf B.wner C. wodeed D. wonderfully 30. I was qute ther ceive paiting. A amaze B. amazemnt C. aazng . aazeIV. Traslatos(翻译)(2%):1. Whichniverity did you gduefrom?2. Howeer,nvionmta rttin prove a bg prolem.3. herer, weshould ia ul t o asforegners pvte uetions lke age andatal sat.4. It is terepnibiit oftheparets to ake surethat te childenreeie good eduction5. Ifyu aen eteleted yu couss, hy read ts ndbook?6. 你能告诉我你最喜欢旳科目是什么吗?7. 你们上大学已经两年了吗?是旳。我们目前正在学习高级英语。8. 这个公司旳职工均有较高旳个人素质。9. 为什么他被称作一本活词典呢?10. 出国旅游需要做相称多旳准备工作。V. Reaingcomrhnsin(阅读理解) (5):TasWh Dave Perki was yong he plaed a lot f ame, and he ws thin and st,.Bu whn he ws 4, he begn oge a and low .H was not beto beath as well as before, adwen he wled vry fast,hs hrt beatpainfy. He intdoanythig au this for a o time, but finll h beca xuss an wn tose ocor,nthe otor snt him toospital. nther yong dctor exmined hitee and sid, “ dot nt to misld you, Mr Perkins, you are vryill,an believe ou are uikly to liv much lngerWouldou likee o arageforanybody to coeande ou bfo you die?”Dave tughtfor wsecods and thennswrd,” Idlathrdctor ocoead see.” Toale?( )1.Da wa fat and sow until he was 45.( )2.As o as Davead rou n beathing n walkig, ewnt t ee docor( )3.ave was afad h wa ll.( )4.The youn doctor toght Dav was ng to die soon( )5Davedid not rut th you ocr asNow, peaseook at o handbook refuly. Thefirt itm on thelit is botthe studn ervce and hseon item i abo e specal activities oapus. ou may rete wo parts byuselvsafte the meting Let have a k t the fina on thlist. tishealth nsurce. Idlike o y a few ors out his em.If ou aet gotan insurancpoc, leas gtoe registat. Tn willbe coered foany emergency uring hsholy. tudets wh ar eeon clasip aeauomtcall coered by an nura plan. Studens whoay eir on tion ma urchase asuden oicy fom the universiy. ou afind stent insran appiati fors on theal er th doo. There s detled dscription of ost ndbenefiton pg 1 f your handook. fyou folw istctions carefully, rgirtion souldosmoothl. But iyudo runint n proems, yo will find e at te cenrale. wl be lad to elp you .Goodck!6.Who is th sakr?A. The niveriy psidet B.A stff ebert theregisaion C.A class ofie D. a profsor7.Whch f te olowing taemnt i T tru? Te firttem n th i i bout thespcl avie oncams. B. Thesecon itemiabou he speciactivites oncapus. CTh fna ie i aout e stdet isurance pic. D Ts is ten from aex ofnsuance.Wh is he speakrlkio? . Teacs of tenivesity B.Nw univeriy emplees C. Neuvrsty students D Higshoo tudents9.What s the benfit f a stuen sune pli? A. It wl


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