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新目的人教版九年级英语被动语态专项练习题一、选择题:( )1._ an ibrar _ ior shoo l year? A. Is; bilt B. Was; uil C. Ds; buid D Dd ;bid( )2.An acidet _ thilastwk. A has been apened . was happene C. is appne . ppeed ( )3.Cttn(棉花)_in the outhast f Chin. A.is grown . are grown . gows D. grow ( )4.So ar,th moon _ y man alrady. A. is isited B. will bevsiteC. hs bn isite . was vsited ( ).Atalk oninsehistory _ in hechool all next wek. . sgven B. ha een gven C. will begiven gives ( )6.Hw ntrees _hs yar? A a planted B will lant . ha been pland D.plated ( )7.A tofthns_b people tosve the little girl ow. A. e ng . areeing one . as ee ne D. wille o ( )8.Wen _his ind of cuer_? -s ar. A. dd; use . was; use . is; used Dre; used ( )9h Grat Wal _all over the world. know .new . is known D.waknown ( )10Who _ ts bok _? A. did; write B. ws;writte by C. d; writn . was;wien( )11.A stor_ by Grannstrday. .was told s B. ld to us C. i todus D. ld us( )12.he onkey seen _ of three A jmp B. ups C jumped . ojup ()3.hscholag _ ehid thehair. . pus . an e put Ccan b ute D. cn ut ( )14.Older people _ well. loks ter B. mu ledafter .must ook after look after ( )15.r eaher _ crelly. A.hold lisend t B.hd be isten C be litened D. is litened( )6. ubis _ into therier in ordr to protectthe enironen.A. muthrow B.must b tho . cat e town .ma be ton ( )7. Aftee ighs_, we lef the cassroomA. uned o B. is turnedoff C. ereturned . were turndof( )8 Whn t cdent _,e wer goin byte oital. Atake ple B. ere tepace C wrehapn D. appene( )19.A nif _cut things, likeapl,ater ens. .is use to B i used for C. se to Dst( ) 20 Mr. Zhang_ ating Shanogfood now A.wased . is se o C.use o . il be use fr ( )1.u nw Tom was see _with Jams.A.tofight. B. ightig C figh . fuht. ( ) 22. hebro cars n_ aonc A. epaired t berepae C. bengrepaire D. rar ( ) 23_ mV _ he ? A. Can, be repired B. Is , cn reaidC Can,repared . an, repair ( ) 24 Whe _ the bide _ ? A.d,bild B as, buil C. , se D.s, build( ) . _ any poluedthings _ oto thecity yet? A.Are, bein movd .He, bee moved C Hav, moved D. Did,oe( ) 26 _ th for _y th tdnon d the momen? A. Are , lned B. I, swp . Is, ben swept D. Doe, swee 二、用括号内所给动词的对的形式填空:(请注意时态和语态两个方面噢)1.It id(据说)hatte long bridge_(ild)in two moths.2.hee o haeth metig_ (duss)n 3.Wich ngge _the mt dey_(peak)in the worl?4.Th lotoy_(ot find)o far. .Ls year alrgenmb f tres_(c)do Th studens _ofe _(tll) to take car o hir dss and ca. Theoldman is il He _ (must sen) to espital. Veel, gg andis_ (sell) ithisop. 9. Wat _ knies _ (ae) o? They_(k) o meta(金属)and wood. 10an e magzin _ (take) tf h library?11 e oom _(cl) bme evr dy 1. esarst _ (se)i the dayim.1.So lors _ (ater)by Li Mg already.1. Tisind fshos _ (ell)ell.15.Hw ong _ ou ucle _(be) i he ct? 6. hefo _ (mell)dlicio.17. Look! Somen _(an).三. 1.将下列句子变为被动语态: 1) We plantree evry ping. _ _ by _ vry sprin.2) y wil buil a w brdg t te stat oheCgjiag ier in . _ _ _ _ _ t tart he hngjiag Rier in . ) We should gow millonsotrees n Chna. Mllions oftre_ _ _ in China 4) The tuents picked mny ppes on the hllthat tie Man appl _ _ the students o the hl ta tm. 5) I didn hear hem tl i lass.They _ _ _ by m nclss 6) She aseenhe fil alrdy. The ilm_ _ _by h alredy2.用动词的正取形式填空: 1) A all _ (hould giv )o e s oon ou _ ( arrie) in Biing 2) Wo _( e )frmking pper. 3) Don wory. Al hechidre _ (take ) ood areofhre. 4) he n _( usgive ) ato e on. I need i. ) Gatchnge _( ake ) plae in h last 3 eas in Chia. 6) he _( appn) to findhr ho _ (steal) lat ght. 7) d eter _( not talk) ow because h metn istrting in minute8)Th _(nsh) riay.) Jut nw Mran_( ask )t ive a tlk tomorw afternoo. 10) Many bildigs _(uld)in terent yars 四、按规定改写下列句子,一空一词:Itaown n South China?(改为积极语态) _ eo_ ta inSout hin? . m gen irthdy pesb my ents every year.(同义句转换)A birthda resent _ _ _ _ymy parents ever yea 3.Te ork is going o be finihed intwo days (对划线提问)ow_ _ the wok going to be finsd ? 4. Thecildren will sing an gish ong. (改为被动语态) An Egish sg _ _ _ bthe cildn. 5. You nednt o itnow. (改为被动语态) It _ _ _y yu o. 6. Polese metl formking anes (改为被动语态) Metal _ _ _mkingmaines.7. He maem o that forh.(改为被动语态) I_ _ _ _ that orhim 8.Thyare wachi e fotball mtcTh foobalatch_ _ _ ythem.Did they build a rige hee a yearago? (改为被动语态) _ a bige _ here by them a year ao? 10.Tey h sold ot the iht green dresse (改为被动语态) Thligh green dreses _ _ _ou1.We cl the “Lianlianan”. (改为被动语态)he gae _ _ “Liaiaan” by us五、根据所给汉语完毕句子,一空一词:Th n bi _ _ _ _ (买给我)by mparents a prsent astweek _ yur be phone_ _ _(是国产的吗)?Te hole mouti i_ _(覆盖) hsnow.h hal_ _ (布满)thmany pep.Bmboo _ _ (用来) o m er.六、下列各句均有一处错误,请找出并改正过来:I have alot ofhmewor t be dne tniht. _Is your hisory techr istereuli lass? _Lei Fen name emembere by llChinse people. _The sic isndedbauiful. _By who wtis eucatinal CD-ROMdesigne ? _新目的人教版九年级英语被动语态专项练习题答案一、选择题:. 2. D 3.A 4. C 5.C 6C 7. .B C 10. B 1B 12.D 13B4.B 15A 17D 1. 19.A0B 1A 22.B 23.A 4B 5. 26.C二、用括号内所给动词的对的形式填空:(请注意时态和语态两个方面噢).wl be buil 2. is eing iscussed 3. issken 4. hast bee fund 5wre ct 6are told 7.must be sent ae sl 9.are made ,ar md 10btken 11isceand 12. be see 13. have be watered14.sels 15 ha en 16. els7i danig 三、1.1.将下列句子变为被动语态:1)Trees re planted, s 2 ) nwbidg w be built 3 )shold e rown 4 )were pied 5 )weren heard to alk )as eenee . 用动词的正取形式填空:1)should be given,rrive 2) sed )are taen 4)must be gen5)ha takn 6)haened,was stolen 7)not talk 8)should befinihed 9)wasaked 10)have ben ult四、按规定改写下列句子,一空一词: 1.o,grow 2. s iven to me 3sois wil be sng 5.ndnt be one 6. isued fo 7.was maeo do s bengwaced 9 w built 10ve bensold 1 is clled五、根据所给汉语完毕句子,一空一词: was bought orm Idein Chin core t as illed s se 六、下列各句均有一处错误,请找出并改正过来:be oe改为 dlistened改为 lied to remmbere 改为 wsremembered issoune改为souds By who 改为 whom


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