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nt1art IBSpeer1 no embe vey much about hidhod / not vey cl otalvrymuchSpeakr get onvey ell with um/ alk veyopenySpeke 3 (mu) lways tel me do thi andotha/(ahr)let meo hat IwantSeaker 4 d emoies o childhod/seemingly sol usTcript:1.Idont eember very uc bout myhdhood, atuay. wifesalays kng me Whenuwere a boy, di youse to. and rpy I ont kow, catreeer.We idn . edit usetalk ery uch, we weren vry cls, orifwe we, wedint shw it.I rmember I usd to havm haircevey Fiday. Myfaer and I would go together. I had th shoest hi intheshol When hey finihe cutting , thyd burn theedswith asor cadle OIllne frget tha smel2. I got onvery wel it y mother. used to tel er everthi- rnay evrything - and hed talk e ve pnly too. Soets shed ay t m Don gotscholoa Sty with me. And we go ou shoppig or somthing liketat3. I nt a vertidy prson, u mymohervery houe-pod, so hsalws tlingme tpik hng up and t themawa,an othi an dotht. She goes nforhous botCanlinesis next to godliess.M aer islikethat at ll.e les do ht I a I nk hes larn ot opyatenion. he ve fondmmris f y childhod. Toe t eresend secrity We use odo a lttogether a famly ember aks,d picncs, nd goingfor ids a Sundy aroon ery Friay, whn y fater cme home fromwok, e hd treat for ah ofus. Mmother used to sa h wasspiing u, but whynot? It idnt u y hrm.Prt III FamilyA.T FmilyI Functios f familyA. Proiinnecesitis of li. Offerngafctitjoys isngchldrto adulthodD. Giving rotectin inimes oeergencyII PttrnoffamilyA.Exdeamiy - uncle, auns, cousins andinasB.uclar fmly - hbad, wfe and tei chilrnC Polygaous househld- a husa,sver ives nd ther chidrD.Diidd residece- husand nd wife ling septly wit chilren rasedy mtersohrE ayarway ofliving - brother ad sitesand iteschilrnF. Comunal livin roup rons not bilogay rltedII Factorsifuennfamily trucueA. Eooic ditione.o i frosciety ostate -eee ami. Istialization andurtioneg.Ceation f any specialize jobs nuleaaiyC. Initace ctmse.g. 1. Poery inerited beldests2.Prrtynherid y alf snsTescipt:Throughout hitthe sic ntof lmostevery human socityas been tefamily. Te membrs of he familyve tgth underthe same roof,tey hare he onomicbrdesflifeaswell s afecinajy, and i th family wihhasprimary responsiiiy fo he iprt tsk f riig childen t dlthooTheailsnot a nfr oncptna sietie. I many places it is anende group which ce uncles, aunt,cosns ad n-laws. The mily hea usual csiderale ifluence in angng mriges,seletg caeers and dermining al impornt moves and purasesby ny memer o the amily. articulalyin conditio where sociey o the stat does not gve aid andhere cnseqentlthe repsilties of he familyaregreate, thi lrger goup proide beer prtection in ties of economic orothe megency.In man ote societies,nclding motindustiliedone, he nucea faiis te basic socia ni. Thserm reers tohsband ad wf nit thghmariage and teir depenent cildren, wheth aral r adpte ndstializatin nd urbniion create many specialize jobs whch tn toscater family meers amngiffeenmpyers andthst epartesdecs asson as they beomeage erers. The small fai, hichas only on- or f thwifworksalo, two -employe members,isbeter able t adap to rapichange an o move when h jb moves.Thenucear mily almot universalan th nuea group offther, mher d teir chlren is recognzeeve we it i aroan extendd familThee r ses, howver, h strainh deintio.Poygamy, fr examle,bringsseverl ives and theirhildre ito he pictue.But olygamo hosos arenot ommo i any ocety Morediffil oexplinare the cases of iiddresidce. Amon eAshanti popl f Afra, wee the wf ad hsbnd o not reside tgeter, the childgets rainn and affetifro he mters brther nd larns that hs ohe hsandis notis family. An vn rne sitatn xisd wit te Naar o dia befre big hanged boutide influene. her housld cnsited of bothersan sistes n he sisterschildren. T sisersweenot mie the brotes simply too crf whaevercilentheir sisterhad.Inhernce cstoms also have n nfluence on he stcture o the family. I nnd th farm ws pad on to the eldest son n oder tkeep the ilyd intact Yonersonsadto go out nd st new famor oin the amy roe t tow and take up aae. Teyprovdda larg pofthe aborsuppl during glad industializationprce n ma raof h Euroeanctnent all of the sshared eqully i he eritace and more eene houeholdswere common.Alhougheexct fomvaries from laeto paeand tmt ie,we canythat te ailyi he origil and the most natrl ocialgup. T ties we develo y lg tim ssociaton t he sall group of peons wo are biolgialyreated o u cnnotbe matced n any th form of commnl livg ic aretrid ery no and thn.nit art Wrmng upAapesip:1 ranizd activit ehf o wom rightbean in hmid800s, hen boh by law an y cust, woenwere considerednon-peros. In h earlytg0s, impoanhnges occurred in the ocia andplitical clmate in Aeic as a rult o orl W I.3. In 920 ftr rld a t,Ameic woen gainedthe rght o ve.4.Dung WlWar II, lage numer of womn entred th jobmareto d he jobs of te en who hdbee dafted inomili srvce.5 Tdy, omen mae up 1.5% of th 20,000 rofessional frfighters inthU. S., a the ke up 4% of airline pilots an nvigaors.6. Th mllBsiess Amistratinpredcts tat wnwl own earl 40% (oherSay hlf) o l mallbusiesses in th U. bythe ya. Fro1980 o 1988,theuberof uss menad women- erpreneu- icease 56%oera, ut uringtht prd, the number of eale erpreneurs grew2%.8.In 1969 i te U ., nl 4%of the tatwmakes wer omen.By 193, this umberadgrwnby 500%, nd 0.4%ofste leisars ere women.9. oday, only 1% f meria families hav thetraditoal woring faer and te moter wostys hm t take are h childrn10. he e of womnsparicatin in theworfoc osfm7%in 10 to 44 n 985.B.Skers y wodsnnefred child-free / resetfor their cc / not yopnion / d to ha children ontknow when dugter t a ger /get marid / havchildren/ hink about 8 r yars old / observe me as ater / othr mthrsBraa Ye,thas oIwasTapescrp.L- LnnI- Iee B-barL. I hav many, many rind wh have opted for a child-f ife. I av a ea deal of reect fo heir chce. But terein ies he ky. Iwa theichice. Ifertilty was notmy choice. Isoan les fa womntht chilre? bsolutly notn m oon,ut I hd t hae chidren. dnt kn why eplehaaed us,ykow, ell wht ws tat jst mae you so bsessead oele ad driv? don now Id. I o knw that Ill er know. Al I ko s I hd thave children.IWl, m auge, interestingly enough,i te sae ay. es r eager as soon as seinies lw sool t t rried and havechildren. nd wtalked aout his nhe sai, Mom,u dnundernd Ieeenthinkng aou aving children sie was eh or nine yar old.C1. e dfferencbween me adwome whnth sutIntret accrdin to the study conducted by Meia Marics nd Jtr Comunicatin:ome: sa toolMen: tend ed more e playng round2Thedffrent reaos whwomen use th we:ceck mil/hat lokfor infmation /reourc / studyin searpescript:For the first tim eer numbrf en n te wb ha spasse te nmb omen, pushgte huge groth of femas bween he es o 1and 17.Music wbsieslk nyncco aratractig ee girs and so are tes focsdo shion n shoppinAn ncientiic surveof teen,moslygirls tteningOkl Technicl igh choo in land, Cliforna,sow teensaresnthe ol WideWfr man rasons.F.yamii and Im 16. I check m emailonthe net a I cat soti. Thats all I di: Mnme s on F Pips. Im1 yrs old. Most uste nteret for, uh, loo(ing) uo y cllegenformatin r hec my mal or ca. I ue,stlyuse or resuend udyigbecase I dn vime f play n stuff.M:My nae isLucin Morrion Im17. An I useth Intrneto haton, to getodes for plystaigaes,to heck myemail and to playgame oM:IMeeha. Im14 yasod. I usally us srh on ewb, just nythin Ilookngfor o just earh becaus m bore or aything ik that.Sumer schl students teingakanecncal Hig School in Oaland, Calforia.Te Intene tuy relesd today onduct by Mediatricks ndJpiter Commuicatosshows that me an ome us he eb difeetly mnuseits tool. Me end o se ore ti nlin paying around.ong th othr most popular itespord fo women othe web? oraes35to44: arke-day.cmand brthdayepres.co;fr ge 5 nd up theyve een posting the secon bigst mp n usage: arp.og n genagy, com.Pat I Wrkng mothrs1 coringto Bth, whchdo o andmore en hoos, to wo oro hve child? bo /nbe sperom2. Acodi o om rearc, h ortan s ohes ole?mor impantin omregrds thwe ad hoght/ ondin roe /sts lngr3.at happen to childrn if teyre spraed too erl fom tir pents?often on sok. hy do people ee conce ppot o cnit? pents not clo y/ brote and sistersin othestat orcontry5. DoesBh thinisnessary fr oter sa home full me to betogeh wi herchildren? impotantbut ot nesay / if otinclned6.What is thwonderf trait t som kn mothers have?a. the ability be attenve o mutpl dmandsb.the blty thnk b mre tha on thg aa meTapescrpt:B - BtI - IeeB. Is bi chllegefor mtrstoay,beause oftetims mote feel le i iter / r propostn tat they have o o or hv a cild. Athe realiy is more an orewomn ahoosin to ooth, and alnot besuperme, o its a tricky., is a ticy line to balnce.Bu do hve a uo that sy, Tchoose thave a child is tohoose forever to hveyor hear walkousde of yu by, which means, t as weve ee lkng aou, hato aecostantlyataced urhild, o atter howl theyge, ut yu ill lean towalk hse ine An ol earn oetebnc an hrmonin yor life, ad youll ealize tht t everyhing ou do isoing tosend yohid ta therast nhatswonerfl.Yes, yes. Iveu awasfel hat if u edthem hard enogh, nd thayua ou heart kid of i he ritplae, whch obvly i utside yo own body, tt theewas vry little that . tha youcold owrn. I ean ou .B.Ye.I hink hats true. Ihik if yo bld a lid oundationithyour chi, spcialy i th earlyyears, .Howr rwe lkngeayyeas? Iean, byhatpoint i t child eronaliy formed alay?B. Wel,y knowhees a lo finfoaonon that that definitey i conitig.But tere aew tudies cingout tat are usfscitng abuthimprnt, extemely mpott it is or achid to beith hi /her ther unl theyre closetofour years l. Now, tt dosn mean consstently. Imno docating tat moher say ome full ime fshes ot so inlin. ut theres dfiie reearhtts coig ou ying tha, yknow, a others roe smore imprtant ise rards than we hadthough, and hat the boding process las quite a bit longer.In ct,cilrgo n sc oftetimes i they are sepate to ery. thts why I tink a lo of us are fightng for paental av and fiyleve, hatlows bothmoterand fatherto have timeith theichildn hoeflly winh frs twoears,no jut the firstfew mnhs.Peol needoncete supor, ndeseialy oaday,i rit noheeia about eoplenedig he spot f omunty bcusenowaay w oftntime donave or paents close by, rbrothers ad sster liv in anote stae r vn n nthe cuntr. And especiall wheu coe hme forte f ew mnts r he fis feyes, youmay feel etemelyiolaedif yo ant oo u with a co-op, a bysittig co-op, or mohrs group.And ts s jst wonderfuy emnd mes thae hv at MaryCaherine Bso alls peperl viio:the ailityto be attentive omultple demads nd otikabouore han oe thiga a time. nd I nk thatsa very vlube rat that thes d hav. And sometims wethinkof ouevs as ingcattred nd airhds ecase of t, dtts been oime ow weveeprtryed, thss awonel,wondeu trait thtmother eelo epecial i te frs f yearsI: ll, weav ee h bacs o or heds, rigt?B. actI.But are so ble keep los of balloosi te air, ich meansthat wha we do i,you ge p ithe ornin and youay, nee o o ths,this, t, this, nd I ned goto ork,and has fodineresdes.”B.Ety.I, You gt it all in oder b you leaethe ouse i the mrning. Rigt, adyoucan take yourneeds nto aunt aswel a te nedso many other nivdus, ch is extreml iprnt n t da nd ge I mea we o lonean ffordecologall to ave a otrk mid. We an olger or it in th family, in the worplac,and hink tats somethin thtwmen ery much ha to offer.I. I thin thate me enraonis ver.ntPart IWarmingup AJoey rdsSpaer 1 Pschogislistning / tal poblem / paiets/prress / tur life ndSpakr Ca cuslkids/ problems / wintrut/ openu/develconfdee el-wor/ srSpeaer Firefighter unng / oke /gt eople ut /erousTapecipt:1 PychooistMyete bggehaengefor me is senngo pope l abut ll teirproblems.Ate end fth dy,m usull pretty orut t tes, i aedepressngas l. Onthe her hnd, I do see paten mkig eal proess. Is grat t se omeon re turn thir life aoud and ge oto a robletha hey thoug hey eecould del wit. Camp couselorA a campcselor, tsdifictt fd a ay o get hruht kiswithrolms a win th tst. Somtmesids e vey ssico andnd i ard t trusnadult- evn a yung adult. S etting e o open pi te hardest art ceyuvedoetht,they almost bome iffeent ppe. Oe of t hings I fidmostrewrdingis eng kids developconfdencenda see o self-orth Isespeciallyrat tse that appenin kd whstartedout the sumer wih lwelf-esteem.3.FirefigheI sus pett obio, but iny job, thebiggstchalleges going intoa burning ulding thas flof me when yo canbaely e ew ches ifrono It relly diffcul - spell wh you now thear peoe i thre, and it our jb to get them ou. Once youdo gt soeone outsafe,thenou fee ralygretand u frget abot ho dagerous h ork .peaker 1 (Jutin)foring hi owmusic groprecoding abu / maki muic veobrakinginto usic scee in a big waSpeker (ia) beng octoworking first overseas then bck homn a hospitalSer 3 (Rachel)bing a esartin her wmdling ageTaescrpt:.JtnWhat doI hope Il have ahiveby te im Im 30?Wel, hope Il hv ade a ucceful areer ithe msicindustry. Righ no, I lyin a anandId ove tobe ae todoha prfesionally I lant fom a group om o in a wyers. One we get knon, well rcord an bum- anmak usicvides,o cue adtry to brak ntmus scene in a bi way.2. Sophi lan obea docor. When ve gauatedfrom ed shool and ished th m intering, I antt woroereas for few yarsl poaly ork in a dveloigcountry h anranzation likeUNICE. After that,Il cme back om and wo in hpit. I dont rally care if Iake a lot of mney o not, bu I o wnt t wok somhere where el Ican makeadffee.3. Rchlmplaning tobe a mdl. Ive ready had some odeling epeience, and ae I gradut, Im oing to e Ian get a job wianagency n NewYk r Los Angees. Il robablork as a modelfor teyer or so, and hen hope strta modling agencyof my ow.rt ericas at WorkAmericanatWkI.ItrouctioI Amricn workforA. istribtionsB. Worng women1. Wokig femalaged 16 andover - 58%2.Moterswith chilren ndr18 - %III. Work ehicA. Dinion o sto wok etcB Mot Ameicas- ith a sto wo eicCason r notoringarder- not feeling thewil bnefit from the wokTapescrpt.Thetpic of work in te niedStates an nteresin oebecause te sicsdonotalwaysagee thpopar enal mresosaboutAmerican workrs and the Amineoomy. I will try to ecocie thesemprsins wih whwe n msom recenstatsics. oget ou waed up, letme gve youaew qustins thin abotbefoI stat the firt pointur lecture ay:Do yo n mosmicswork n factoes hat produce goods rdmesic us andpoaon? oou thin mot Amran o are sewves, or domst of hem work utsid them? oyu hink peplein the Unitedtasworkard?If time permits, l deaith ech of thee ons in tdays lcue.S,hen, whee do most epe in he Unte Sae wrk? If you toug in theanfaturng se, i oherrdsn fctore, you wer wrong.It is true atte Uniedttesi, and i sen as, a strong ndustral poer, bttesatistics rvea th aohrbanhof h ecnomy isevenrongeth muctuing. Istad ofdealng witte arge igues reure when isssn tal U.S. workorceof 125 illio peopl, le ae alook a 10yphetic workers and Sewhere teyreemployed.Ofthse 10 wrkes, 16 wk anufurin,


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