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七年级英语(下)t 3检测卷满分:120分听力部分(25分)听句子,选择符合题意的图片。每个句子听一遍。(分)1. 2. 3. 4 5. 听句子,选择恰当的答语。每个句子听两遍。(分)( )6.He isfin. B.e is eleven yars od. C. waks.( )7.A.Fivedollas .Evy week. .Ten klometers.( )8.A. 6 oclock. B.Every dy. .n a shool.( ).oBeij. B.In Beii. Com Bejig.( )10.A.Abut tn le. B.Two kiomters an our. .Abothirt mnute.听对话及问题,选择对的的答案。每段对话听两遍。(5分)( )11A.B car By bus. C.n foot.( )12.AFten minutes. B.ent miutes. C.Thirty minute( )3.Awo ml. .Si mile .Eigh mles.( )14.Tooshot. .To log. C.ergo.( )15.A.40. B.55. C.听短文,完毕表格信息。短文听两遍。(10分)笔试部分(95分)单选。(15分)( )2.I oftn go to wk _A.ridemybike B ike C.y a bke D.o ike( )22.Can hir dam_?A.come i ge to C.cmetr D.th f( )23_ doyou get tBejing? ytain.AH BWhat hen D.e( )4._ is it fromyour heo scho? Itnly about two _.A.How fa;meter BHow log;kieesC.Howlog;iloeter .How fa;kiloeters( )25. is _ Oad Q.A.ne .like C.eten D.nr( )2.owlong doitke? It take _A.haf an hou .a hour Cwo hour D.hf ahour( )27. _dos i teyou oget homefrm sco? ir mnus.owo B.ow anyC.ow mch DHowod( )28.hre is a rie btwen hisshol nd ho, so he takes _ tscol every da.A.bus B.sbway C.boa D.ain( )29.Jingjing ofte takesa ot _ t riveA.rss Bto acss C.o ross D.trog( )30_is it fromhere to thV sain? Aouttwenty mnutes walAHwuh B.How ar C.How lng D.How many( )31.o ou o school y bus or by train? _.AYes, I gtschool bus.No,I ont go toschool b tranCI g tochobybusD.N,I dnt( )3.It tks about 10 mtes _nd 15 minute by busAwalk .walks C.o walk D.walkn( )3.M.Black is _. e aan _ son.Afrty ears old;iht-yrld.fort-yearold;eigh-yer-old.frty yearso;eght-yerod.ortyas ld;eght yeaso( )4.here aeninetee _ students in Sonias shool.A.hundrd Bunre C.hudred of D.hundrds f( )35._ easy _ me to paythpianA.;r B.Its;or C.It;o D.Its;o完形填空。(1分)Dea e,How ae you? 36 yo lt email. Yoattokow 37 I eto shool, riht? W, yhomifar 38 shoo Its abo 15 kilomeers. I ust getupvery 39 evry oning. Frs I wlk t he 40 .tks me abo fimnutes.ecau I hve 4 tie t eat rfast omIalwyea it 2 the bus top. en Itke th bu. The s ride aways 43 a teny miute. And hen tkenoter(另一辆) busor te suay. I tes m minutes b bus 4 10 mnute by sbway I hard vr(很少) akthe subwy45 h subw stationis roshool.Whabuto?o doyou gett schol?ou,Jack( )36.Ahanfo Bhans u for C.hn for( )3.A.wat B.h where( ).A.of Bfor C.from( ).early .late Cquick( )0.A.bus B.bustop C.subway ttion( )41Ano .uch Cn( )42.A.at B.in C.of( )43.A.ake Bta C.tas( )44A.or and .for( )45.A.o B.cue CBut.阅读理解。(20分)AinFei is my bet fied. e is very us onsholays. Hs home i about 10 kilomeers from schol.Hegesuptsx ocock,tn hasa ibakas. leaves f sool at abosixirty. irst, heide bie tothebu stao. Thatake abou ten miues. Ten early utakeshm oschoo. Thbsride usualy taesabot25 inute. Afer hat, helkto sool fromte bustop. Wn he gets to schol, its always u een tiry.It orning,e h fourclases. Lunch is om lveocloc ooe clockHe alwayseas frut advegeabl o luch, bae he likes tem.In the afternoo,he as two cass. Hiclasse fiish at four lock. Usalplays basketball frf anouraferscholnd the get homeatbutveocock. Whn he s hom, alys doe is homer ft. He hasdier abot sevnoclck. ftr dnner, hethr atchesor playscmpute a or nhou.At nineocok, he goe t bed.How ab ou?Are youbsy nsool ays?( )46Wattie oes Lin Fei get up?A. A sxhrty. B.At sixa.m. .Asix p.m( )4Ho lon doe it tkeLin Fe t get tsch?A.About al n hour.About oe hourC.utwo hous( )4How ma clase oe Lin Fei have every da?.Sixclasss. B.our clss. C.evenses.( )49.Does e like ruit ndvegetbles?.es,he does. B.o,hdesnt. C.Idont know.( )50.Whi o the folowig i true(对的的)?.In the mrnin, in Fi usul wals tohebus statinB.Lin Fe alys does hshoeok afe dnnr.Linei pasbasketball orhalf ahour afte schoo. B( )5.Toms homeis _his schoo. Hesally_ o chool wit Jack.A.near;alk B.f from;tae a sC.nea;tks a bus D.farfro;rdehibie( )52_ suall goescol bbus.AT B.ak ucy .a( )53It tkes ay abut_ minutes ad Lucy aou _ minutes get t schol.A.;0 B30; C30;45 5;30( )54.L usual goe o chool by _, but on ai days egoesby _.A.bike;e b;bus bke;u D.bus;bie( )55. ont li far frtheir schol.Tm and Mry B. and ucyCJack and ary D.Luy nd Tom.根据句意及提示写单词。(5分)5Therei a ew_(桥) in or vilage.57.M. ohn fn_(开车) acar work.58.Itis th _(公里) fom ysco o youroe.Tebu _(路程) is ever bringome60.egirloftn esthere by _(自行车)句型转换。(1分)1.The od man rieto theparkevery y.(改为同义句)The omangoes to te par_ _ eer dy.M ather ge work bs eerya.(对画线部分提问) _or father go owok very day?3.I hin he ubway is ry quic.(对画线部分提问)Wht_ yu _ _ the subway?4.Ittaes me 2mnutsto get t schooby ie.(对画线部分提问) _ _ _ itte you o gt to school by bike?65.ri,their,bikes,do,schol,fri,yor,to(?)(连词成句)_.任务型阅读。(0分)Theba chrt(长条图) hosteways(方式) students n Mr. Wag class ow to go to scool.提示词:howmany多少;diffrnt不同的;stopula最流行的根据表格内容,简略回答问题。66.wany diferentws to go o choodo te gls hae?_67.Hmay tdents go o chool by bike?_68.at is themot popr way to go shoo?_69h ae iv students going school in esameway. Hwy f them ae bos?_70.ow mnytudent rerein M. ags clss?_.从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。(10分).How long does ae yot ge to schol?B.Whatd yu think f thewa you goto hol?.here doyo ive?D.It aout 0 klometer.E.ow o ou usually g toschol?A:, Jack. 71._B:I e i te mounainA:72._B:I suallgt chooln foot.:H faris it romyour hom to scool?B:73._A:74_B:It tas bout two hou.A:7._B:ts god for m hlth a I lie t书面体现。(1分)如果你是刘明,你们班英语课上正在以“我的交通方式”为话题展开讨论。请你根据如下信息,写一篇英语小短文,向人们简介你的状况。词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。Nw lt mtell you ometingabot howIgo to schol._


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