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读后感英文作文读后感英文作文 读后感英文作文 hasee (rog spelling) created Hamlet- ma it wisdoadcourgeIn order to revnge on h uncle forkiligis ftr, he pretented(sein mstak) o b d ansuffereda serieof misy.ntecnrar, ca ao sy tt Hamltis rueandselfih for he did not ink wce befr hsrevnge . (Caitalize uot;f" ince t is the beginnin orothe sentence) acountry h no i, owca outr ealiv(You need a quetion markhe ince iti aquetio) So, ee thinghas t ses, hehtsid nd adumbral se. verytime we ake a ecision we hve tothin wi. Coment: ecarefuwith yourspei, gramr, anpncuonToo many uncessarymistaet is go at you loed atbothe dark a brit sid o amet. Thats quiteojctive and covicing.读后感英文作文 y pple simpl eard Pride and Prejudice a a le story, ut n my opinion, thisbook i n illustratiof he socet at tatime. Sh prfetlyreflecedthe relationetwen myand mrriag at hertimedgav te peop n her workvivd harter. The charaters avte ownpeonaliies Ms Benetis a womn ho maes geat ffrt toarry ff heraughte. Mr.ingley is afrenlyyong ,ut is riend, Mr Dary, i a ery pou mn who seems to wasfee sero. ven e five auhters in Bnnet famly are ve iffret. an s il,inncentandeespeaksil fothes. lizbeth is cever girl who alwhas r own opiin. ry liksradnclassic boos (Auall she is a peda) ity dsnrqu;t have wn opnion buiketo folow hesister,Lydi. ydiais a girwhollowseotithings, hadsme man, nd is somehow a ttlergte Whn read he bok,Icanawasid the sme persoalies in te oie now. Thats hy inthisb is need therrettve o he societ in Br in he 18h ntr. Te fami f gnleann the outysiis Je Auste&rsqo; sfvortetopic But h little toic a rlect big prblms. It conudes he strtum situationndeconomc elatioships inBrita n her ntr You can fi these fom e ry beinnin of is oo. h first sentce i thi book i impreiveI eads: ;It ia tuth wl wn o ll th wold that an nima i ession of large oun mt be n eedof a wfe;. The unrte is ery cer: thfounatn of thariage t ta time isno emotion bu possesin. Pople lays thika Austn was n er at llinglvesrie.n ac, th arriagein er oo isnot the eult of lve,but th resul of eonmicneed. After reading tisb, I knwthe tru sta a por wommus in nedf huband, aealth man I couldn&r;tfogeho ger Ms.Bennet wantsto marry off hrdauger If yowant okowh sh iso ay aout tesethin, Imut mention t situaion Brtain atthattime. Onye elssn d hepivlge ofnhng hisfther’psssio Younge sns nd dahtswho ar use to uxrioslvs hae o choic but mrrya n or oan in possesion of rge orune to coinue heir cofortableive. Thus, weans that etingrried is a ayo become weahier,prtiuarl orwomen hot an psessions. Janeusten odus ht oyan posession deermned evrything, incing marrag a lov nhercetu. n ;Prid nd Predice;, te sste of M Bilestrglyosd h pla ofmarryng ae becethe Bennet dorqo;t hamasessisnd thir soial positions muchlower thn hem. Frm s, w can e therare lot ofobsaces fo a not vey ic omantomry a wealth hbnd. Thesociety, thrtves woudnot ao hem tget marrid n odensocie,lhogh he marriag economic neds hae decread rapidly,th concept f ;moey deermneverthin; s still rod i s people□s nd.A o f aret try had to interfere hei hldren&rsqu;sariags Educan bckgrond,psseios, jobs mains the main reasn ttmay inlun e&rs;s arriae Maryformoe s sll big prolem n urociey.e can’t hp hiing: an mny eteme evryhig? Auste eft hs pobem forus tthink he genis of Jane utn lie n ti perfect simplicity, the sipiitythat flet bgprobem. Although uste wasoly 21 when he ro ;rde n Pejudie;, er harp bservation f cilies makes the style of is book suprisigy mtue d iv. he plots n erwore alwayvr naura. The develmeto theplo is as inevitabl asa proble inmathemaic. Ihk theepofre andrejudice is h rason hat makes this bo rominenandlassc. day, herbostil ca b the gui tling s henomic relatiships bothat her ti and n odern tie.本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第7页 共7页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页


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