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中考第一次模拟测试卷英 语注意事项:1.本试卷共12页。全卷满分0分。考试时间为分钟。试题涉及选择题和非选择题。考生答题所有答在答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效。.请将自己的姓名、考试证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡上。3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上相应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答非选择题必须用0毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效。选择题(共40分)一、单项填空(共15小题;每题1分,满分5分)从A、B、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Good nes! Jiangsu Grnd Thetre ill be ptto s ugust,.A. a. C. D. b . Ihr th yu o plenty f foreig coins. Ihve l? e. Let e showyouA houl B Nee C. ust D. ay . The populaTV rgamReaers popl toadlu thir avorte poems,esy and ookst their ovenes.prvens B. nvtes C. egets D. ers.WhneingEngl,whihd yu think is _, pnuniatio rgrammar?Gramma, d really riese.A. moedifficulB. lssdificultC.the ost dfficultD.thelat difficult5. i, Andy! Where is im?Isahim _lefles t ak more stdens t take artin he atvit ice of iny.A. breakngutB. hadin uC. puttingoutD. worng out6.arthqukes alwaysappen _so u sould knwome ways to prott yorsves once thecome. A. silentl B.hopefull C. suddey D. relesl7I cn belve Jac taled ohisgrandaheliketha jstnow. _ boy he s! gre.He not upped to do that ow oliteB HowimliteC. hatpolteD. hatn ipit8Excse , here is e nearet shoppin mal? Go alg heroad, n ou itsoo.A.se B. saw .hve seen D. wll ee 9.in i the Nanjing Marathon (马拉松)race, I cont run s fstas a reaathlete.Thats relly reat! You remyhero!A. thoughB utiC. unles. if0. A peec onIdan culture in r hool hal yesrda afternoon.Wat a pit! misse it. gves B. gaveC. wa give D. willegiven1.Whchof thefollowng wordsmatches he sond /pert/? A. presen B an C. perd D epar2. will ourg coe ak? Prabl in twoday. H a lot ofhings to eal ith. owa . How often C. Hw long D.Hw soon 3. Mie,an you eplain ?Imsory, mum I wa listenngt music ad dnt her it. A.why verythingin hhous n mess . wh nob aweed heon hen called yu C how you a finiht howork in suh shorttieD ow oucan makehe rob wr sice hreis no batry1. Sorry,drector. Iforgot to ringthe script ! Yuhaeeouh ie to e itbecaue the ator are stl a t rpotA. Ntngseriou B.Hurry p Exacty D. Youar welcome1 ind yoursep! So ell oer bease o te wet flor tray. _. A. No ayB. Forge it C ont eninitD Thank yu o tlling me二、完形填空(共10小题,每题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。istoryof Aftenon Tearnoo tea bcame opla durin he earyninetet century.Arod this tie, te 7th Duches(公爵夫人) fdfor, Anna,s ad te gr about “haingtha ingfeelin” during h late 16 .At thattme itassafo peopleotake only 17 main els aday, breakast,and dinneat around oclckin teeveng. The stion forhe Duches s a p of tea ad some light 18 , take t her rom durng the afternoo.Later, friedsould joi hr in hr rms and hi summer tie proved o opulrht te Duches 1 twhen sh retured to Lonon.She sentcrds t rfriens an sk thm to n he for “eaan a walk” n Hye arkOhesoialhostesseqickly 20 te idea an h racice becme rspecabl ouhto move intothe rawiom.After ht, allo fshinabl oieybegan drinngta and et sandie 21 in he ie f the aftenoon.Smetimes yullse htels 22 a“hihea”. Taditnly,t rihpepl wold haan fternoote aroud fou clc, just beorehe 3 inHy Pr,wie th4 people uldhave ta laterthe day, tve or si cock. It is lle “hig ”.Th ame osfomth 25 f h tbles wih te eal reerv. Hg ea s serve t thdner tbe whihis sally ery hgh1. A. mornng B.no C.afternoon D. eenng17. . two. heeCfour Div18. A.snas B.crd C. flr D.souvenr19A startd B. cotinued . finis D. soppd 20 . ave u B. heered upC. tugt ofD. ha of2. AanrilyB. ppily C. oslyD.dy22. A.buying B. usn. srvngDfdg 23. . walkB.run C cat D. meet24. . walthy B orC lckyD. uck25. spacB. weightC.lnth D. heigt三、阅读理解(共15小题;每题分,满分15分)阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、D)中,选出最佳选项。ords Tp Tallest Buildings .234BuidgNamrj halfaShanghaToerAbrajl Tpe101Shangha Word FinncieterLcatinDubaiChinaSudi AaaCinaCinHeiht(eet)27222073971711614ors163211011101Yearbl2 Ho mny lor doe hnghai ower ave?A. 1 B.120C. 11 D. 137. Wic buildin s te ldsto heivebuldngs? A. VurKhalfa BShangai rld Fiancialenter C. Abraj Al a D. aipe 10BThe suni hnig, hewetr prc, ad the pol i radyfor gets.ts mportant hyour swimmin pol eets all afety guielin to rotet gests better. N mtter what youmgthave herd r ben told before,th pol owr must proviafe nviomefor ochiden and aduts whouse the pool, aswll as for eolewo le nery.ifrn rom wa we uually tink, mst accidntal drowni(溺水) cases happen en e pol ntatiely s. Thas terrbe a, butthe od nws istha yo catakea few steps to cetethsaest eironntpss, whther your theor away lean up hpo afr pol timeProe on-lp(防滑的) rfaces aroun the poo areaInstallnd fx a poolcover when the pol is nt in useequirethat cidre st oolle upeisd(监管)Shw proper pool inwith ules, keNo ifeurd on dutNo dng in 4-inch tte (fr ools lagthan 200 square feet)Poos: _ a.m. to _ p.thing ld: _ psons28Wo sould provide ap sign withrues?.adltsB. childrenC l owers .lifuards2hat ca ar om the pssage?A Th pooer i no necessary. B.e ca lea u te poo any tim. C. Cild ct si inhepoollne.D. Mst ts hae wenthe ol s. t i te assag ay abou? wmmin imeB swiing afety . here to imD. o to swmSCENE I (Faher an Mothr are at hm.wejust ges home)wn: Im h, Mom,Dad.Mom: Hows u da, Gwen?Gwen:Not ad I tird o taingbuses to schooevr ay.Fahe: Why?Gn: The bus is so croded evy orng.m: dn understand.has you pont?Gwen:I nt to b a motoccle-a Haey.Father: What!! Hrle! Are youcray?Mom:(t fther)Calmdon. (toen) Idstan or situatio Iwld agree you wat tbuy anoral motorcyce, butarley! Fge iGwen: uI wat i somuh. Ive alays wntedonFther: OK I ontrit somefr the motorcyce, bu ou have t ay therst yoefom: I agre wih ou dad. Gen: Oh! Ye! Ae o sre? ButI ot hav any money to pay for t!ather:ocan uyorNewYears ckt ony r find ar-tim obGwen: ey, it sounds ke grea de to gt a part-t .Mm:Yo haeto eep you ys pe whe you ook for parttie job.Gwn: ntwor. Ill be arful.Father: I can gvu som advc an xprenceWhen aa eenager, I nceound jobto cary havy thing It ws ery had, but Ilearnehw to work wi others and hwto e tim. S ily.(changof tone) I emm Inearlylos feone da Gwn: Thaks, a.I tink cn handle it. Il e carfu. 1. Wy eswnwan to bu a otrcyle?A.ecuse the buioo crwded. BBca he can rie it to th wrkplae.CBecae hehs eough mey tbyi.ecaus it tkes to much time to take b32How ds Gwens ater fe whn he hears at Gwen ans tobuy a mtrcycl?A exctedBspisedC. erusD.apy3ha dos the udelinedword “t” rfr t? . avic. teeagrC. jo . time34. h des Gwes ate shre he woin epeinc wit hi?. H wa to shwoff.He likes tcry eav ngs.C. H desn wan Gwn to buy hemoocyle.D. h experince a hlp Genfind suiabl part-time jo35 How il wenbu emotrcycle?A.Hsfathr will pay for itB.He wil ue New Yars pcket money. His fa will pay so ad wen wll a for he rest.D. Heldo partimejob and ean mon t buy t byhimslf.D Mon slandi n amazg place totak vaatin.Someof theamals livg re nt beoun anywheeels i th orld. here arebeauf bac and caestoxploe.The a aroud eisland haoloful fies. hyIs Mona Isand Unuul?MnaIsld i verymall. Te goverme of Puer icoaes car of the sladadas me ianatul reerv.Tht eans he isan animls and plnt re tet frm ein hrmd bypeopl. Monaslnd s irent from mos las beause ppl are not alowed to v her. Only a few rk rngersre able o tay The prk ager jo istokeep Mna Islsafe and eauifl Tey insist at rules e folle.One ue i tatonly 100 eole at a timeca vsitthe sland.Tt ay, tpark ragers aesure the lanand amals remain safe.WhatIs Teret See n Mna Iand?e tig tht mst people enjoy i gtin t see te Mona IslandiguanaThistyp of eple(爬行动物) livs nly on Mo Isn. lot ,00 of hese iguanslve on oaIsland.Peole alo coe to teindtge clep vew omany kind ffih and otesef. Tey can swi far below he urface. They us spcal qipment to be al to breahe unerater Thear is almst ranspaen.Throug the ca wate,diers nsee hebht olor of heish.isitors can alo exp av. ome ofh ces even have pintigs ad drwing n e walls Thi artwok smade bythe Araak and TanIndianswhive n theisaunredso year agAftr a full day of fn tivites,visitors c settle in, lisen the night uds, and iew te stars in the hge ky. ecause theisland i fa aa from oher place, is surod by daknss,a the star areasier to see Visitosy thawchingte star saman. Is hefct ed o a perfect day.36 What doparkrangers o Mona Islan?. Pot th lad adnimalsB Offeso help t vsitor.C. eed nimalso MonaIslan.D.Dr a boat te Puero Rico an Mna Iland37. hi of telln est xlins thword “tansparet”?. odifficult tha you cantfiishB. so lear tha ou cn e thrugC. too deo b eced D. to brght to be seen38. Whrcn artworkeseen on Mona Isnd?A. theaces.B. In usum.I teves.DOn the wal of the ol.3.Whic nce a e filed in telank?cause effc(成果) ? Stars areeasier tsee nMona slandA.ona slnd is vy slB. Watchig the stars o Moa Isand ismazin.C. Visitor can stleafter a ull day n MnIsand.Mna Iadi farfm oher plcs ad dakness is all aroundit. What is the mostpossb es te athowrte this aricle?A. To xplain h animal lie onhe islan. To show red wherethe islad is ocad. To tll aout a plce thatsom peoplemit enjoy.D. o give fts about pol ho wrk o he in非选择题(共0分)四、填空(共1小题;每题1分,满分5分)A) 根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整对的,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为4的相应位置上。4. Sme stuentsusully (睡觉) lateonSund2. Let openthe winow and avsm (新鲜的) ir.43.Nanjng, a butifu (都市),s thecpial o Jiangsu Prve.44. Lil, why doyou likecassicl musc so much? Buset an always e m (放松)wh I eel tresd.5. umns ar veryintrt Mars,hovr, wstil dont kowhetherthe is fe on thi (行星).B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的合适形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为4650的相应位置上。4. yn (chne) te plansincethe in is so hevy?47. om became te s of thisompayi hi (tweny).48. She elt ery (prde)when maazine agee t hav her novel publhed.49. Canada wansto choose t untrys (atn) bir n its15th birtda in .50Itis repordtt all rk wil e ope to citzn forf.Yes.But cagrnmnt (ntcnfir)yet. ets just wait and seeC)根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择合适的单词或短语填空,使对话内容完整对的,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为555的相应位置上。por ll over setup yl hl A:Do you know ina Cilren and Teenaers und? B: rIm fraid not.Isit a chaiy orgniaion n Cn?:Ye, yourert. Lie it nam, ts purpos i to 51 cilrnand teengrs wth ter euction.B: hen wst 52 ? A: In 198 Iharr udifeent ojcts 53 Cin. Doyou knw theprig B Projct?B:Oh, Inw t. tmanly elp gr i 54 ares. Sor, i has elpe over 900,000 gir oakto sholA: W, tht it a lo. Iso wnt to evot 5 to charitywork in e future.B: M oo. Th wod be vry meningful.五、阅读短文(共20小题;每题1分,满分20分) ) 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后第65小题的空格里填入一种最恰当的单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为56的相应位置上。 注意:每个空格只填1个单词。We bruor teeth every ay but f peopeow hw wel wererus. Today,aFrenccompnyhas ntrduced an eeri toothbush,hic cawok relessly(无线地) wit asrphone. Its caled the Kolre totbuh. I hsdifeet odels, anwillst $99 to $20User wnldan aandconc vi Butoot, andt Kolbee will reor 1) the tie yo spet rushg eth,2)wheheal areaof or muh are reachd, 3)whethr yorshup ad dow ised of jt se to sie. henitwillsend t infrmatinoamile phonvia Bluetooth, telling yuwhether o have brushdin a per w. T Klibree ap rcordsour proges and sre ur busingwto hep oimprove brushinghitsThe othrus ll also be able to talktothr apon yorhone, soeveoer cud create agame cnrolled by your tothbruh. Tt woul be ver nteestig.h Klibe tootuswsinvented by ThomasSevl.e says the ea ofnetig it came from is eerence as a father. woldcoe ho fromwordsk hs kis theyadushed heir teeth.ey always ansered “es” , buTmasued fnd ther toohbrshhes dry He deied tha a kindo brushwaneed to t hm hw wlthy rushed heir teeth.hma sas hat on d, tllbe posible t ue a brshing unitwith a camer. Te camer aeve exam hs i your et le ou bush.Kolibree totbrushIntroductin Its 56 is bre tothh.tcn orkwirelessly itha smrtpon.h ost ll 7 on mols and ll be from $99 o $200.yit ksDwloa anapp nconnect viaBuetoth.Te Kolibree wil rcod how 58 youbrhteth. hether y rush ll 5 ofyumou. ether o brsh yourteeth 6 or rgess wilb 61 and your bruhing way wll bscordIt ca 62 cue ou c paya gamewhie busig th.Rason o 63 tTomasdece dig aterdbig ha ichildr 64 o hiabou wthe herushed their tehutur 65 A mer il be n brusin unit andnamine holen our teth.B) 根据短文内容和首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为67的相应位置上。Howdoyou emaincfidententhe wrd tresou baly? oe 6 itses, ut traresome wayto hel ou i slf-confenc.You shud t 67 not to b infuncd by othesopinions out w to ucee. Insea eeli angy bout terssesseven if u hnk theyrentas 68 s youll yure ou n o i too, and go or it.Bodylanguae islsoveri 69 . Yo my thinitonly inluences t ay otersse yu, t thre is a lt mr thanth. Sndtll, mile nd wlk sraight,ad yoillind y 70 mre aive ely.L 7 body lnguage, se als hs omthig to d with your confidence.Y should practice speaking c 72 n lud eough tbe er wihout shtig!f ou ae d 73 spaing upamong clssmae,pie wht youn o say i frontof a mirror fr few inutes.Someo us ae good e 74 otherndre geneu wit prase, u somtime ar too strih oureles. fyouel youself youenot oodnough ooo 5 , w ll you expect eel?Solat telyself “ay t go”, “Go wor” and“Nice oe”, star buiding self-nidence.六、书面体现(满分15分)如果你是南京市阳光中学九年级的李明,来自加拿大的互换生Jny将来你校学习,她发邮件向你征询初中的学习与生活状况。请根据Jeny邮件的内容,用英语给她回一封邮件。Dear Li Ming,How are you doing? Im going to study in your school this September. Id like to know something about your school life. What subjects and activities do you often have at school? Can you share some learning experience with me? How can I get on well with Chinese students?Hope to hear from you soon.Best wishes, Jenny注意:. 文中不得浮现你的真实姓名和学校名称; 语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清晰,书写规范;3. 词数80左右,邮件的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。De Jenny, ks fr your lttr. Im gl hat youll coe toti school. Yors, Li ing中考第一次模拟测试卷英语参照答案一、单项填空(共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)-5 AB 6-10 CDDC 11-1 BDBAD二、完形填空(共小题;每题1分,满分10分)62 AABD 21-5 BCAD三、阅读理解(共5小题;每题1分,满分15分)2-30 DCC 1-5ABCD 36-4BDC四、填空(共15小题;每题1分,满分5分)A)根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整对的。41. slee 42 frh 43. cty 44 rl 4.platB) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的合适形式填空。46. change. twenties 4 rud49.naonal5 ant onfired)根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择合适的单词或短语填空,使对话内容完整对的。51ep 52. et up 5. l oe 5. por 55. msef五、阅读填空(共0小题;每题分,满分0分)A) 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在第56-5小题的空格里填入一种合适的单词。注意:每个空格只填一种单词56. nam 7depend 58. ong 9. ares60. proerlcorectly61. recordd 6. inrtin/fun 63.iventin/cretg64.lied65. deopetplan)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。


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