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2023年英语复试自我介绍准备 早上好,教授们: 很荣幸我能来到这儿面试。 我的名字叫。,22岁,毕业于中南财经政法大学日语专业。此外,我来自美丽的荆州古城。 我是有决心的女孩,总是朝着更高的目标奋斗。当我决心做一件事的时候,我就会立刻行动并且坚持下去。另外,我也非常乐观,开朗,总是能和周围的同学朋友相处融洽。有时,我也喜欢独处,但我并不感到孤独。 和很多年轻人一样,我也有自己的兴趣爱好,并且不断培养发展健康积极的爱好,譬如关注时事,每天阅读新闻,实现自己与时代同步,与世界接轨的“全球化”。从小我就喜欢阅读,从杂志到小说散文。我最喜欢的作家是三毛,在我心中,她是一个传奇。运动方面的话,我最喜欢跑步和羽毛球,常常在操场练习长跑。同时,音乐和电影我最大的娱乐爱好。 在我四年的大学生活中,一方面我努力学习,另一方面,积极各种体育和学术的校园活动,比如日语配音比赛。 最后,真心希望我有幸在母校继续更深层次的学习。 非常感谢您的聆听。 Good morning ,dear profeors, It is my great honor to be here for this interview. My name is Zhangmao,22 years-old,graduated from ZHONGNA University OfEconomics and Law.I come from Jinzhou,which is a beautiful and historical city in Hubei. I am a determined person ,always willing to achive higher goals.Once I decide to do something,I will take action immediatelyand stick to it。In addition,I am an optimistic and open-minded girl,getting well along with my friendsand clamates.Sometimes,I prefer staying alone,but I do not feel lonely. Like many other yongers ,I also have many intrests and pay attention to developing healthy and positive hobbies.I focus on the current affairs by reading news every day to make myself keep up with the times.Since I was a little girl, I love reading books,ranging from magazines and fictions.SanMao is my favorite writer,who lives in my heart as a lengend.In terms of sports,I like running and playing badminton.Frenquently I practice the long-distance running on playgronds.Meanwhile,music and movies are my favorite entertainments., During my four-year collage life in this University,on one hand,I have been studied hard.On the other hand,I have taken an active part in all kinds of sports and academic activities,just like the Japanese dubbin. Finally,I sincerely hope that there will be an opportunity for me to continue the further study at my alma mater。 That is all.Thank you very much for your listening. 英语复试自我介绍准备 考研英语复试准备资料(自我介绍 考研复试英语自我介绍复习及准备 复试英语自我介绍 英语复试自我介绍 英语复试自我介绍 复试英语自我介绍 复试英语自我介绍 英语复试自我介绍 复试英语自我介绍


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