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好用的初二英语作文锦集九篇 在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?以下是我帮大家整理的初二英语作文9篇,欢迎大家共享。初二英语作文 篇1 M ngh Teache iss ngism Engliseachr. h looks vry young.Shesaou thirty yeas old, sh has log hir,twoigeyes andsmal outh. She s uny ,but sh rictwt u.Sheatss t tuy had, He essons re nrestg.We are verhpp in hrlass an we l lie her lssons.Sh s a o eac, we l le her. 王老师是我的英语老师。她看起来很年轻.她大约三十岁,她有一头长发,一双大眼睛和一个小嘴巴。她很好玩,不过,她严格要求我们。她要我们努力学习,她的课很有意思。上她的课我们特别兴奋,我们都喜爱她的课。她是一位好老师,我们都喜爱她。初二英语作文 篇2 Ce, lea hundred floes bloo,lk the rdof lwes, it is autfu n theumer,teeare al ind of flwr, tres, and bids, h dd color tote summr, to e summer mor butiul bellishment. umr fow are very god - lookng,with red xiaoaohong,yellowdandlion,pink Rosa ultlo attrctd nbee uterflies ny. Tei rees nthe umr aefurishing,grandparent, uncles, unt, ucle, ad chlren al cm to theshade Eecially the irds in te summer, theymakethernestsin he bgrees,baby, and singinth big trees! I like umer,like is beautfu clor,like it forpeopl to conribut o thecarace. 来了,百花齐放,犹如花的世界一样,真美。 在夏天里,有各种各样的花、树,还有小鸟,它们给夏天增加了色调,给夏天点缀得更加漂亮。 夏天里的花很好看,有红色的小桃红、黄色的蒲公英、粉色的蔷薇花引来了很多蜜蜂蝴蝶采蜜。 夏天里的大树很茂密,爷爷奶奶叔叔阿姨和小挚友们都来树下乘凉。 特殊是夏天里的小鸟,它们在大树上做窝、生小宝宝,还在大树上唱歌呢! 我喜爱夏天,喜爱它那漂亮的色调,喜爱它为人们作出贡献的品德。初二英语作文 篇3 e al kn tht teiant ana,its vyute,ut I often rad in mny olefor thei o eco intests to il it,Ifeevery ad.The gnt pana is our outry pecal produc,iis the uqu face has become th WWF ign. Thgan d is liea be,bt notear,at abu 1. ts,eihs 160 kilograms,laka whtthe aperace o body hr s their haracteristic Tian pandaemperment sgentle,ostuamvemen ae patiulay lve ll oer teorl inthe zo,the iat padis the ms opuar pet toursts. Te gint pnda tis animlor reprenative otherem acientnil,bou100 rethante thusa yers go,the ian ana wllive o the erth,sohey havea lvin fossilsi hgint pada th loelyd rare animals in an incrasinglyeduce,the world iles th 100 oly add upDot let hislvely n re amals i th face f he earth?It is po uso potec ovely ad rare anials-he int pan!初二英语作文篇4elcome t ur shoo, Mr. Here e some ou schol ruls. L me tell yu: We cant arrive lat fr cass. We cat tlk loudy in clss. We hae to be quit in clas,an we e to kee r cls clea.When we et he tacr te way, we mu ree tm. W cat et orrnk in th clsrom Bu e can eat utside. We cantiten to msc or lygmes iclass, eithr.We can pik flower or cimb rees 欢迎来到我们学校,玛丽。以下是我们学校的一些规则。让我告知你:我们上课不能迟到。我们不能在课堂上大声说话。在课堂上我们必需保持宁静,我们必需保持课堂清洁。当我们在路上遇到老师时,我们必需问候他们。我们不能在教室里吃或喝。但我们可以吃外面。我们不能在课堂上听音乐或玩嬉戏。我们不能摘花或爬树。初二英语作文 篇5 Tasting of reading in English I often reawste novels, and f courseit hs alredy beenranlaed nto Chinse. Ididt thnk tee wrao differences betwen Eglisholand Cheseves. But urgti intr hlday read oenovels iEnglis an found thm eryineesting.Why d ot Ifind tha before? I di ot wnt openda lot ime in tuyin- alway thugt eadng inEglish i an ofstdyng - when Iwat to ed menovels fr ngld Iwuld preer o read thenes taated to Chine. As w all knw, rasaing an nevere per,iwoul brngse miakeand the tanslaors own eelis. o wen I read a oelin lish, I oundit atriic andI ould clear no ediferee btn h o wriing sills. As t mst of te Enlis noves, th pf o telle rult fit. Even i sme prarphs hat deibe hsce,thywould us theskil. This sitat wol neverbet ireadn Che novel. We Cnselike to mk ttractive plo: atr t eaders he ben brouginotsry therit wouldsy“Ifyo wat t what wll hapen in t enread te nextchpter ae.” hen e ead he nos i Enlih, we wuld be td the scene describing hre i a reat umrofscn desribigin Englinoels. Theyuse tis skil to ma he reders knwowh chaactes eelat te momen. herefer to decribe the situationusng spei rammaracombiewos. It dosnotgo wtthe langage usgean tisdifficul for tansato to ranlate ntoChinse witholsing th feliswhich thrit wtt know. orexal, in the book “JnEyre” hee we grat many situatos tllingow Janeflat time.Itan e felteasiywhenw rad thebook n Engishbut it wsterrible hen we ead th Chinee edton It ws t y ng ut also cn telhingto usabo he cracterelng Tat was becauf te frn lguage customsThetranlaor n only tranlat te wor adthy canottransat th special grammar ad thenaon of sntne. For empl, thre is anlih snce “Iear the aghtr, I taste the ar” hen w eadthe senncewcouldve a rng feeling abt wha thewrter we totel s utnone of s could ranslate it into Cse withot osingt feeling hs tme wen ra vels Eglish Ifound i as nos erible to ea he long decibigThe nolsd n chngebut I id. nd fid n atter how car I knw the vels whI red iihese enexttim wh rea Egis it wll eaiffrent feelig. On languas differentfromanothr. The rsult this is tht e hve sbeautil a orld.初二英语作文 篇6 英语作文题目要求 将来 机器人将会给我们生活带来巨大的改变 将来人们的生活钟的许多事情将有机器人完成如做一些家务 购物 做饭以及不出家门就可以看医生等请依据 TheLifn the Ftre写一篇文章 大家帮忙下80词左右 不用太多 记住要初二 读得懂的Hav you ever thoh bot the fwihrobot i henext 50or 100 yar? We can imagine tat l th hosework, inclng washing dihesad cleaning twdows ny ndof thigslike this, wil be on easlyand utmail I s jut becausewehave oots.As ong s thyre at hme, will n need ogoshppn and oking y ouselvs ay mre afily eber et ill,wecan stil stay n orapartment ecuhe rbot is hoctor. Ys, bts may beeveything exct huans in the utre.初二英语作文 篇7oday,morend mor ue cell pon, if te aotie, we an findno matwheretey re, ope alwaysw own heir head,ty are lking tthir ll phone all hetimWe shoul o bectrolle bythehih-echproducts, ut takealookat theold, itimuch mor beaifulthanthtwork.今日,越来越多的人运用手机,假如我们稍加留意,就可以发觉无论在哪里,人们总是低下他们的头,始终看着手机。我们不应当被高科技产品限制,抬头看看世界,这比网络世界漂亮多了。初二英语作文篇8 I am Jack. Mfavoriespor is oobl.Iotn la footbal ihmy iends. like Ra very mch I to be a cints in th ftre.This i y dream. Stv isyclssma. e is gd at simmng. H emmin twce a eek H oriteplayr sSn Yan. His dreamjo is tobe great swimrWhat aoutMr? ennsser favrite sport. She play teniseryay Hr avrite layeris L Na. Bt her eamisto be a ancer.初二英语作文 篇ear frend: anks for youraskin. B I mrelyvery bu. D yoo? Monda,I m levi y twn or nohe ow. So I tnkI do ae tmforu. O Tesdy, I hve daing lesn acings very nterestng I ca give upthat.S I cant pla wih yo. Fo Wededa, Oh! I go hikng wh mamily. Icanse ome bird, tes ad a lotf grslad. sntit vey beautfl? O Turday, I avetoouc homeork. Thatshorible. cantsandmath. Bu amlys a udnt, so I av to stuy.本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第12页 共12页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页


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