七年级英语下册 Unit 2 Neighbours课件1 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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Unit 2 Neighbo urs Introduc e Here are some people who are Simons nighourhood. They have problems. How can they get help from the community centre? Mr. Greens computer doesnt work well. Lilys bicycle is broken. Little Tom has problems with his homework. Grandma Chen is sick these days. Help the students answer these questions from the text. Words shall l modal v. 将,将会 eg: We shall hold a birthday party for Amy. 我们将会为艾米丼行一个生日聚会。 Shall we all go to the film tonight? 我们今晚都去看电影吗 ? 小练习:翻译句子。 下个月我将去伦敦。 _. I shall go to London next month. Words the day after tomorrow 后天 eg: Your film will be processed the day after tomorrow. 你的胶卷后天就可以冲洗出来。 小练习:翻译句子。 他们后天有空吗 ?_? Will they be free the day after tomorrow Words make a fire 生火 eg: Gathering sticks, we made a fire. 我们收集枯枝生火。 My brother is chopping logs for the fire. 我哥哥正在为生火劈柴。 小练习:翻译句子。 咱们找些树枝来生火吧。 _. Lets find some sticks to make a fire 一、基本概念:一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态 ,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态。 二、时间状语:常常和表示将来的时间状语连用。如: tomorrow、 next week、 in the future、 this year 、 tomorrow、 tomorrow morning、 next month、 from now on、 in the future 、 in an hour 等。 Grammar 一般将来时 三、一般将来时基本句型 肯定句: I/We shall/will go. You/ He/ She/They Will go. 否定句: I/We shall/will not go. You/He /She/They Will not go. 疑问句: Shall I/we go? Will you/he/she/they go? 简略回答:(肯) Yes,主语 shall/will. ( 否 ) No,主语 shall/will not. Grammar Grammar 四、一般将来时的各种结构 1、 will / shall 动词原形。这种方法一般单纯地表示将来某个时 间将要发生的动作或存在的状态。 will用亍各种人称 ;shall只用 亍第一人称。 例如 : I will / shall go to visit him next week. 下周我将去拜访他 。 2、 be going to 动词原形。用来表示近期将要发生的动作或存 在的状态 ,以及计划、安排、打算要做的事。 例如 : There is going to be a football match this afternoon.今天下 午将有一场足球赛。 Dialogue Mr Lin: Hello, Simon. Do you need any help? 林先生: 你好,西蒙。你需要帮助吗? Simon: Yes, Mr Lin. Theres something wrong with my computer. 西蒙: 是的,林先生。我的电脑有毛病了。 Mr Lin: OK. We will/shall ask an engineer to check it for you. 林先生:好的。我们将请一个工程师来为你检查一下。 Simon: When will the engineer be free? 西蒙: 什么时候工程师空闲? Dialogue Mr Lin: Well, we will/shall call him first. Will you wait for us to call back? 林先生:噢,我们将先给他打个电话。你等我们回电好吗? Simon: All right. I will/shall wait for your call. Thanks. 西蒙: 好的。我将等你们的电话。谢谢。 Mr Lin: Youre welcome. 林先生:不客气。 Summar y shall fire It will rain this afternoon. I will take an umbrella. I am going to visit our new neighbor. She is going to watch the film next Friday. It is nine oclock. We are going to be late. It is so cloudy. I think it is going to rain. Exercise 1. Do you think grandpa and grandma_ late? No, the train is usually on time. A. were B. will be C. was D. have been 2. Robots _ more heavy work for us in the future. A. will do B. did C. have done D. were doing B A Exercise 3. Im busy now. I _ to you after school this afternoon. A. talk B. talked C. will talk D. have talked 4. Hurry up! The sky is covered with black clouds. Im afraid it _ . A. rains B. is going to rain C. rained D. was raining C B Homewor k Remember the usage of the Simple future tense.


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