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Lets Review!时间的表达:1.如何提问?What time is it?Its.What time/When is your.?Its at.2.怎么回答?直接读法 间接读法Happy new year 的调子黄色黄色(yellow)是暖色,是太阳的颜色,在英语和汉语中的引申是暖色,是太阳的颜色,在英语和汉语中的引申含义差别比较大,在英语中,含义差别比较大,在英语中,yellow可以表示可以表示“胆小、卑怯、胆小、卑怯、卑鄙卑鄙“等意思等意思 a yellow dog卑鄙的人卑鄙的人a yellow liver胆小鬼胆小鬼红色红色(red)在英语和汉语中,红色有时在英语和汉语中,红色有时可以完全对应,有时却大相径庭可以完全对应,有时却大相径庭red wine 红酒 red flag红旗red battle 血战 red sky 彩霞 绿色green在英语中可以表示“嫉妒、眼红”,汉语中表示“嫉妒”意义的“眼红”,应该翻译为green-eyed而不能翻译为red-eyed。green hand新手 green meat鲜肉 Blue-what is blue?蓝色(blue)象征着平静,在汉语中引申义较少,而在英语中blue是一个含义十分丰富的颜色词。英语的blue常用来喻指人的“情绪低落”、“心情沮丧”、“忧愁苦闷”holiday blue假期忧郁症 a blue Monday倒霉的星期一 Blues蓝调音乐蓝调音乐Breakfast blues 早餐忧郁Chinese breakfastWestern breakfast 早早 餐餐 忧忧 郁郁train/trein/v.训练训练n.火车火车/stmk/stomachemptyon an空腹/frid/fridge电冰箱/pt/pot 壶canteen/knti:n/餐厅,食堂餐厅,食堂 yoghurt/jgt/酸奶morning/m:ni/n.早晨早晨/terbl/terrible糟糕的,极坏的,可怕的I have got an apple.Have you got an apple?Yes,I have.No,I havent.v.动词I want an apple.I want to go shopping.How much+不可数名词How much rice do you want?much 多少多少 fruit 水果水果 chocolate 巧克力巧克力 beer 啤酒啤酒 paper 纸纸 string 细绳细绳 money 金钱金钱 spare 空闲的空闲的 Good morning!早上好!早上好!Challenge your eyes wantbreakfastNot reallysomethingtrainstomachHave gotpotstartmorningyoghurtterriblecanteenHow many chocolatebeerpaperstringGood morning sparefruitdo Can paul train on an empty stomach?No,he cant.Have they got any orange juice?Yes,they have.Can paul eat at 6:00 in the moring?No,he cant.Is there any yoghurt on the table?No,there isnt.Must Paul eat something?-Yes,he must.Can he train on an empty stomach?-Have they got any orange juice?-Is there any coffee?-Have they got any tea?-Can Paul eat at six oclock in the morning?-Is there any yoghurt in the fridge?-Can Paul take it with him?-1.Can he have it at the gym?-No,he cant.Yes,they have.Yes,there is.Yes,they have.No,he cant.Yes,there is.Yes,he can.Yes,he can.Grammer:have got关于关于have got 用法用法 Have got句型句型:它表示某物归某人所有,它表示某物归某人所有,是一种所属关系是一种所属关系,主语为人。主语为人。have got的意思是:有,用于主语是第一人称,第二人称,的意思是:有,用于主语是第一人称,第二人称,或者第三人称复数。或者第三人称复数。have got 可以和主语缩写为可以和主语缩写为ve got.如如 we have got=weve got 如如 I have got many good friends.=Ive got many good friends.We have got some books.=We ve got some books.They have got a lot of apples.=They ve got a lot of apples.Tom and Jerry have got some books.exercise请用has got或have got填空。I _ _ a bike.He _ _ a bike.You _ _ a bike.Your sister _ _ a bike.We_ _ some books.Our teacher_ _ some books.7.Tony _ _ many friends.Has got Has got 用于主语是单数第三人称的时候,缩写为s got,即 has got=s got He has got a nice camera.Amy has got a beautiful dress.否定形式:has not got Tony has not got an umbrella.否定形式缩写:has not got=hasnt gotTony hasnt got an umbrella.Exercise缩写 we have got _ I have got _ He has got _ Tom has got _ You have got _ My mother has got _Have got 否定句 否定句:在have后加not,缩写为havent.some 改为any.例如:I have got a pen.I have not got a pen.We have got some books.we havent got any books.We have got some books.we havent got any books.请把下列句子改为否定句1、I have got some books.I _ got _ books.2、She has got some books.She _ got _ books.3、We have got some fish.We _ got _ fish.4、He has got a dog.He _ got a dog.Have got/has 改疑问句 疑问句:把have/has提前,some改为any.例如:1.I have got a pen.Have you got a pen?Yes,I have./No,I havent.2.We have got some water.Have you got any water?Yes,we have./No,we havent.3.She has got some grapes.Has she got any grapes?Yes,she has./No,she hasnt.exercise请把下列句子改为一般疑问句并做回答:I have got some books._ you got _ books?Yes,_ _./No,_ _.2.She has got some apples._ she got _ apples?Yes,_ _./No,_ _.3.We have got some fish._you got _ fish?Yes,_ _./No,_ _.There be/have got 区别 There be 表示 存在存在 关系,即某地存在某人或某物。Have/has got 表示 所属所属 关系,即某人有某物。There is some salad in the fridge.We have got some salad in the fridge.Do 引导的一般疑问句结构:do+主语+动词.?Do you want any breakfast?Yes,I do./No,I dont.Do you want any coffee?Yes,I do./No,I dont.How muchHow much表示询问数量多少,用来修饰不可数名词。结构:How much+不可数名词+一般疑问句例如:How much coffee do you want?How much water do you need?How much is your pen?1 How many bananas do we need?We need three bananas.2How much apple juice do we need?We need one cup of apple juice.3How much are the apples?Two dollars.注意:how much 后接be动词,be动词的单复数由how much后名词的单复数决定。How many/how much 区别区别 相同点:都用来询问数量多少 不同点:修饰的名词不同How many+可数名词可数名词How many peaches do you want?How much+不可数名词不可数名词How much water do you want?记忆口诀记忆口诀how many问问“多少多少”,复数名词后面跑;,复数名词后面跑;how much问问“多少多少”,名词决定,名词决定is/are。前者答语用基数词,后者答语用数量关系。前者答语用基数词,后者答语用数量关系。练习 (1)_ is your watch?It seventy dollars.AHow much B.What C.How D.What color (2)How much _do you have?Asocks B.water C.pear D.shirt D oranges (3)_socks does she want?A.How much B.What C.How D.How manyexercise一一.用some或any填空;Do you want _ breakfast?2.Theres _ juice in the fridge.3.Ive got _ yogurt in the fridge.4.They havent got _ milk in the canteen.1.5.I dont want _tea,thank you.exercise二.请给下列一般疑问句作出肯定和否定回答:Have you got any tea?_2.Have they got any sugar?_3.Is there any milk in the bottle?_4.Are there any books on the desk?_5.Is the food in the canteen terrible?_课外小知识white elephant虚有其表的人 black sheep害群之马 green eyes 红了眼 green house 温室 in the pink 身体健康 black tea 红茶 white man 正直的人 black and blue 青一块紫一块Must Paul eat something?-Yes,he must.Have they got any orange juice?-Is there any coffee?-Have they got any tea?-Can Paul eat at six oclock in the morning?Is there any yoghurt in the fridge?-Can Paul take it with him?-1.Can he have it at the gym?-Yes,they have.Yes,there is.Yes,they have.No,he cant.Yes,there is.Yes,he can.Yes,he can.Page 45 b:Is there any tea in Pauls cup?Is it a very late start?Is there any yoghurt on the table?1.Is the food at the academy good?No,there isnt.Theres some in the pot.No,it isnt.Its a very early start.No,there isnt.Theres some in the fridge.No,it isnt.Its terrible.Pronunciation a an Karen student husband neighbour famous mother bird early girl thirteen thirty word shirt dirty a an Karen student husband neighbour famous mother bird early girl thirteen thirty word shirt dirty I have got=Ive got you have got=youve got We have got=Weve got they have got=theyve got He has got=hes got she has got=shes got it has got=its got Paul has got=Pauls gotRevisionRevision做肯定和否定回答做肯定和否定回答1.Do you want any juice?Yes,I do.No,I dont.2.Do they want any milk?Yes,they do.No,they dont.3.Have you got any cake?Yes,I have.No,I havent.4.Have they got any food?Yes,they have.No,they havent.变为一般疑问句变为一般疑问句1.I want some juice.Do you want any juice?2.They want some rice.Do they want any rice?3.I have got some juice.Have you got any juice?4.They have got some tea.Have they got any tea?5.He has got some milk.Has he got any milk?6.She has got some water.Has she got any water?变为否定句变为否定句1.I want some tea.I dont want any tea.2.They want some water.I dont want any water.3.He has got some juice.He hasnt got any juice.4.She has got some coffee.She hasnt got any coffee.5.I have got some milk.I havent got any milk.就划线部分提问就划线部分提问1.I want some tea.What do you want?2.We want some tea.What do you want?3.He has got some juice.What has he got?4.She has got some coffee.What has she got?chocolatepaper stringfruit beermoneygood morning 早上好!早上好!spare 空闲的空闲的 1.A:Have you got any coffee?B:Yes,I have.A:Have you got any tea?B:No,I havent.1.A:Have you got any coffee?B:Yes,I have.A:Have you got any tea?B:No,I havent.1.A:Have you got any coffee?B:Yes,I have.A:Have you got any tea?B:No,I havent.2.A:Have we/they got any coffee?B:Yes,we/they have.Weve/Theyve got some coffee,but we/they havent got any tea.2.A:Have we/they got any coffee?B:Yes,we/they have.Weve/Theyve got some coffee,but we/they havent got any tea.2.A:Have we/they got any coffee?B:Yes,we/they have.Weve/Theyve got some coffee,but we/they havent got any tea.2.A:Have we/they got any coffee?B:Yes,we/they have.Weve/Theyve got some coffee,but we/they havent got any tea.3.A:How much coffee have we got?B:We havent got much.Or Weve got lots.Help yourself!3.A:How much coffee have we got?B:We havent got much.Or Weve got lots.Help yourself!3.A:How much coffee have we got?B:We havent got much.Or Weve got lots.Help yourself!3.A:How much coffee have we got?B:We havent got much.Or Weve got lots.Help yourself!4.A:Do you want any coffee?B:Yes,please.Or No,thank you.I dont want any coffee.4.A:Do you want any coffee?B:Yes,please.Or No,thank you.I dont want any coffee.4.A:Do you want any coffee?B:Yes,please.Or No,thank you.I dont want any coffee.4.A:Do you want any coffee?B:Yes,please.Or No,thank you.I dont want any coffee.5.A:Do you want any coffee?B:No,I dont want any coffee,but I want some tea.A:Im sorry,we havent got any tea.5.A:Do you want any coffee?B:No,I dont want any coffee,but I want some tea.A:Im sorry,we havent got any tea.5.A:Do you want any coffee?B:No,I dont want any coffee,but I want some tea.A:Im sorry,we havent got any tea.5.A:Do you want any coffee?B:No,I dont want any coffee,but I want some tea.A:Im sorry,we havent got any tea.


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