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新视野大学英语第三第二册课文语法讲解Uni新视野三版 读写 B2 U8 Text A Animals or children? A scientists choice 1 I am the enemy! I am one of those cursed, cruel physician scientists involved in animal research. These rumors sting, for I have never thought of myself as an evil person. I became a childrens doctor because of my love for children and my supreme desire to keep them healthy. During medical school and residency, I saw many children die of cancer and bloodshed from injury circumstances against which medicine has made great progress but stil has a long way to go. More importantly, I also saw children healthy thanks to advances in medical science such as infant breathing support, powerful new medicines and surgical techniques and the entire field of organ transplantation. My desire to tip the scales in favor of healthy, happy children drew me to medical research. *2 My accusers have twisted the truth into a fable and cast me as the devil. They claim that I have no moral compass, that I torture innocent animals for the sole purpose of career advancement, and that my experiments have no relevance to medicine.Meanwhile, an uncaring public barely watches, convinced that the issue has no significance, and publicity-conscious senators and politicians increasingly give way to the lobbying of animal rights activists. 3 We, in medical research, have also been unbelievably uncaring. We have al owed the most extreme animal rights protesters to creep in and frame the issue as one of animal fraud and hatred. We have persisted in our belief that a knowledgeable public would consent to the importance of animal research for public health. Perhaps we have been mistaken in not responding to the emotional tone of the argument. Perhaps we should have responded to those sad slogans and posters of animals by waving equal y sad posters of children dying of cancer or external wounds. 4 In the animal rights forum, much is made of the volume of pain these animals experience in the name of medical science.Activists deny that we are trying to help and say it is evidence of our evil and cruel nature. A more reasonable argument, however, can be advanced in our defense. Life is often cruel to animals and human beings. Teenagers are flung from trucks and suffer severe head injuries. Young children barely able to walk find themselves at the bottom of swimming pools while a parent is occupied with something else. From everyday germs to gang violence, no life is free of pain. Physicians hoping to relieve the eternal suffering of these tragedies have only three choices: 1) create an animal model of the problem to understand the process and test new therapies; 2) experiment on human beings (some experiments wil succeed, most wil fail); or 3) leave medical knowledge static, hoping that accidental discoveries wil lead us forward. 5 Some animal rights activists would suggest an optional fourth choice, *claiming that computer models can create animal experiments, thus omitting actual experiments. Computers can imitate the effects of wel -understood principles on complex systems, as in the application of the laws of physics to airplane and automobile design. However, when the principles themselves are in question, as is the case with the complex biological systems of human life under study, computer modeling alone is of little value. 6 One of the terrifying effects of arresting the use of animals in medical research is that the impact wil not be felt for years or even decades. Drugs to cure infection wil remain undiscovered, surgical and diagnostic techniques wil remain undeveloped, and fundamental biological processes that might have been understood wil remain mysteries. There is the danger that quick decisions by wel -meaning politicians wil create resolution to diplomatical y satisfy the smal minority of loud protesters while the consequences and damaging impact of those decisions wil not be apparent until long after. 7 Fortunately, most of us enjoy good health, and the agony of watching ones child die has become a rare experience. Yet our good fortune should not make us unappreciative. Protection from serious sickness and drugs to combat heart *disease, high blood pressure and stroke are al based on animal research. Most complex surgical procedures such as heart or hip surgery and organ transplantation surgeries were initial y developed in animals. Techniques to replace defective genes, the cause of so much disease, as wel as the development of synthetic organs are presently undergoing animal studies. These studies, and any subsequent advances, wil effectively end if animal research is severely restricted. 8 In America today, death has become an event isolated from our daily existence. As a doctor who has watched many children die and seen their parents infinite grief, I am particularly angered by any minute expression of caring for the suffering of creatures and so little for sick and dying human beings. People are too protected from the reality of human life and death and what it means. 9 Make no mistake, however. I would never advocate needless cruel treatment of animals. The animal rights movement has made a contribution in making us more aware of animals needs and the need to search harder for suitable alternatives. But if the more radical members of this movement are successful in threatening further research, their efforts wil bring about a tragedy that wil cost many lives. Hence the real question is whether an uncaring majority can be aroused to protect its future against a loud, but misdirected, minority. Language Points: 1 Animals or children? A scientists choice (Title) Meaning: A scientist is now facing two choices: in favor of animals or children. 2 I am the enemy! I am one of those cursed, cruel physician scientists involved in animal research. These rumors sting, for I have never thought of myself as an evil person. (Para. 1) Meaning: I am the enemythe one who is condemned as a cold-hearted physician scientist doing animal research. These rumors make me upset as Ive never considered myself as being evil. Meaning beyond words: The physicians ironic tone in the sentences well reflects his indignation and anger at the animal rights activists. 3 I became a childrens doctor because of my love for children and my supreme desire to keep them healthy. (Para. 1) Meaning: My love for children and strong desire to keep them healthy drove me to be a childrens doctor. Usage note: supreme, superior, super, superb *supreme, superior, super, superb 都是形容词,且词形相近。它们都没有比较级,也没有 最高级, 但它们的词义和用法稍有差别。 1 supreme 基本词义表示最大的,最高的,极度的,一般用在名词前作定语,修 饰名词,其副词是 supremely,表示极度地;极其,常用于强调不好的品质。例如: The Supreme Commander was in bad temper as the task for him had changed abruptly *and fundamental y. 最高指挥官很生气,因为他的任务突然彻底地改变了。 2 superior 表示更好的;更强的;更有效的,明显含有好 的意思。例如: *A few years ago it was virtually impossible to find superior quality coffee in local shops. 几 年前, 几乎不可能在当地的咖啡店找到品质上乘的咖啡。 *superior 后可以接介词 to,表示 比更好的/更强的/更有效的,在句中一般用作表语或 后置定语。例如: *For all babies, breastfeeding is far superior to bottlefeeding. 对于所有的婴儿,母乳喂养都 远远优于奶瓶喂养。 *We have a relationship infinitely superior to those of many of our friends. 我们之间的关系 比我们许多朋友之间的关系好太多了。 *superior 也可以用作名词,指上级;上司;长官,其反义词为 inferior。superior 不能用 作副词。 3 super 表示极好的;了不起的,能兼用作副词表示极其;非常。例如: *They have gained market leadership by sel ing products that were of super quality. 通过 销售高质量的产品,他们已获得了市场的领导地位。 Lee is very straightforward, super honest and he always knows what he is talking about. 李非常直爽,且超级诚实,他总是知道自己在说什么。 Did you enjoy the film? Yes, I thought it was super. 你喜欢这个电影吗? 我喜欢,我 认为它超棒的。 *4 superb 的词义与 super 相同,表示极好的;出色的;卓越的,superb 在句中不仅可以 作定语,也可以作表语,其副词是 superbly。例如: *The fact is that the telephone service is superb here, as is compared to postal service. 事 实是,与邮政服务相比,这儿的电话服务是一流的。 *I am highly aware of the superb reputation of your school. 我非常了解你们学校极佳的声 誉。 4 During medical school and residency, I saw many children die of cancer and bloodshed from injurycircumstances against which medicine has made great progress but still has a long way to go. More importantly, I also saw children healthy thanks to advances in medical science such as infant breathing support, powerful new medicines and surgical techniques and the entire field of organ transplantation. (Para. 1) Meaning: When I was studying at a medical school and being trained at a hospital, I saw many children die of cancer and shed blood from injury situations that modern medicine, though has advanced a lot, is notable to completely handle. On the other hand, I saw children healthy because of the medical achievements such as infant breathing support and so forth. Meaning beyond words: The comparison and contrast between the cases of children he witnessed effectively il ustrates the importance and necessity of animal research. 5 My desire to tip the scales in favor of healthy, happy children drew me to medical research. (Para.1) Meaning: My doing medical research was driven by my priority to keep children healthy and happy. 6 My accusers have twisted the truth into a fable and cast me as the devil. They claim that I have no moral compass, that I torture innocent animals for the sole purpose of career advancement, and that my experiments have no relevance to medicine. (Para. 2) Meaning: Those who accuse me of having no moral standards distorted the truth into a legendary story where I am depicted as a monster that tortures innocent animals only for my career advancement and my experiments have nothing to do with medicine. Meaning beyond words: The paral el structure of that clause evidently strengthens the angry tone of the physician and it obviously is a plus when arguing for ones viewpoint. 7 Meanwhile, an uncaring public barely watches, convinced that the issue has no significance, and publicity-conscious senators and politicians increasingly give way to the lobbying of animal rights activists. (Para. 2) Meaning: At the same time, the general public act like bystanders, believing that the issue is no big deal. The senators and politicians, who are familiar with the public issues, keep making concessions to activists advocating animal rights. Meaning beyond words: The physician is unhappy and dissatisfied with the indifferent public and condemns those politicians who acted too softly to the animal rights activists. 8 We, in medical research, have also been unbelievably uncaring. We have allowed the most extreme animal rights protesters to creep in and frame the issue as one of animal fraud and hatred. (Para.3) Meaning: It is incredible that we who are doing medical research have also been ignoring the issue. We even gave permission to the most radical animal rights protesters to gradual y impact on our research practice and accuse it of animal deception and hatred for animals. Meaning beyond words: The medical researchers have been too soft to the animal rights protesters that they got themselves into trouble. frame vt. deliberately make sb. seem guilty of a crime when theyre not guilty, by lying to *the police or in a court of law 陷害;诬告 Jack would never cheat at a exam, but his classmate framed him as a cheat who had *used iPhone connected to the Internet. 杰克绝不会在考试中作弊,但他同学诬陷他是个作 弊者,说他使用连上了互联网的 iPhone。 9 We have persisted in our belief that acknowledgeable public would consent to the importance of animal research for public health. Perhaps we have been mistaken in not responding to the emotional tone of the argument. (Para. 3) Meaning: We have believed firmly that knowledgeable people would agree how important animal research is for public health. Maybe, we have been wrong in not reacting to the animal rights activists emotional expressions. Meaning beyond words: The implied meaning is that they, the animal researchers, have made mistakes in believing the public and dealing with animal rights activists. Usage note: consent, approve, agree consent, approve, agree 是一组近义词, 这些词均含同意;赞同之意, 但在含义和用法 上有区别。 1 consent 是不及物动词,表示同意、允许别人的请求、建议或者满足他人的愿望,着重 意愿或感情,且是带有一定阻力或困难的赞同,而且常有居高临下的允诺之意。常见结构有 consent to sth., consent to sb.s doing sth., consent to do sth.。例如: My father must have made some inquiries and been satisfied, for he consented to my *choice. 我的父亲肯定去打听了一些事情并感到满意,因为他同意了我的选择。 The owner wouldnt consent to our making any structural changes in the flat while we live *in it. 在我们居住期间,房主不会同意我们对公寓作任何结构上的变动。 The Queen has graciously consented to open her London palace to the public for two *months every summer. 女王已欣然同意她在伦敦的宫殿每个夏天可向公众开放两个月。 *2 approve 在表示对所呈报的建议、计划或做法作正式或者官方的批准、认可时,用作及 物动词, 后直接接宾语。例如: *The White House approved the new deal. 白宫批准了这项新协议。 *approve 在表示赞成;同意;赞许时, 用作不及物动词,常与 of 连用。例如: *Catherines parents now approved of her marriage. 凯瑟琳的父母现在同意了她的婚姻。 *I dont approve of cosmetic surgery. 我不赞同整容手术。 3 agree 在表示同意;赞成时,指对某事与他人有相同的见解和看法, 可用作及物动词和 不及物动词。用作及物动词时,agree 后接 that 引导的从句,表示接受或趋同对方的观点、 计划、建议、方案等。例如: *I agree that your plan is better. 我同意,你的计划更好。 用作不及物动词时,agree 后常接 to 引导的动词不定式,或介词 to, with, on, about。 *agree to 意为同意,接名词或接不定式表示同意某事。例如: *I thought it was a reasonable proposal, but he didnt agree to it / to accept it. 我觉得这是 个合理的建议,可是他不同意它。 *agree with 意为与一致;同意;对赞同。例如: *We cannot agree with the alternations and amendments to the contract. 我们不能同意对 合同的变动及更改。 *agree on/upon/about 意为就达成协议;在上意见一致,宾语常为共同支持或取得一 致意见的事物。例如: *Since we have agreed upon the details, lets put the program into practice. 既然我们在细 节问题上已取得一致意见,咱们就把计划付诸实施吧。 10 Perhaps we should have responded to those sad slogans and posters of animals by waving equally sad posters of children dying of cancer or external wounds. (Para. 3) Meaning: Perhaps we should have responded to those sad slogans and posters of animals in a tit-for-tat way: showing the posters of children dying of cancer or external wounds. 11 In the animal rights forum, much is made of the volume of pain these animals experience in the name of medical science. Activists deny that we are trying to help and say it is evidence of our evil and cruel nature. (Para. 4) Meaning: By way of the animal rights forum, activists have said far more than enough about the pain these animals suffer from medical research. They use it as an excuse to deny the efforts we are making and accuse us of evil and cruel nature. Meaning beyond words: Here the physician is criticizing the animal rights activists for being dishonest to the public. 12 A more reasonable argument, however, can be advanced in our defense. Life is often cruel to animals and human beings. Teenagers are flung from trucks and suffer severe head injuries. Young children barely able to walk find themselves at the bottom of swimming pools while a parent is occupied with something else. From everyday germs to gang violence, no life is free of pain. (Para. 4) Meaning: To defend our argument, we can provide more reasonable evidence. Life is cruel to both animals and human beings. We often see teenagers thrown out from trucks, suffering severe head injuries; little children, yet unable to walk, are found dead in swimming pools while their parents are busy and distracted. We are surrounded by potential il ness from common germs and viruses and by potential dangers from car accidents to gang violence; no life is free from pain. 13 Physicians hoping to relieve the eternal suffering of these tragedies have only three choices:1) create an animal model of the problem to understand the process and test new therapies; 2)experiment on human beings (some experiments will succeed, most will fail); or 3) leave medical knowledge static, hoping that accidental discoveries will lead us forward. (Para. 4) Meaning: According to the author, to reduce the never-ending suffering from these misfortunes, physicians can only have three options: create an animal model, test on human beings, or stop doing medical research with the hope that one day some miracle will happen. Meaning beyond words: The authors position is indirectly stated that physicians can only choose the first choice among these three to save the lives of human beings create an animal model of the medical problem to imitate and understand the process of the medical treatment and to test new treatments. 14 Some animal rights activists would suggest an optional fourth choice, claiming that computer models can create animal experiments, thus omitting actual experiments. (Para. 5) Meaning: Some animal rights activists might suggest a fourth choice to solve the problem: use computers to model animal experiments so that animal experiments can be eliminated. 15 Computers can imitate the effects of well-understood principles on complex systems, as in the application of the laws of physics to airplane and automobile design. (Para. 5) Meaning: Computers can model the effects of complex systems if the principles are well-understood, just as we apply the laws of physics to the design of airplanes and automobiles. 16 However, when the principles themselves are in question, as is the case with the complex biological systems of human life under study, computer modeling alone is of little value. (Para. 5) Meaning: However, computer modeling wont be of great value when the principles themselves are questionable such as the complex biological systems of human life which are stil under study. Meaning beyond words: The fourth suggestion is obviously not practical since it doesnt work with complex systems. *Sentence structure note as is the case with 句型 *as is (often) the case with 句型中,as 引导非限制性定语从句,可以放在主句之前或 之后, 表示跟的情况一样。这种句型通常是倒装结构,由 as 引出的从句紧接动词,as 本 身是一个连接词。例如: *As is the case with most children, Tony likes to play with smal animals. 跟大多数孩子一 样,托尼喜欢与小动物玩。 *He was late for school today, as was often the case with him. 他今天上学迟到了,跟他以 往经常发生的情况一样。 17 One of the terrifying effects of arresting the use of animals in medical research is that the impact will not be felt for years or even decades. Drugs to cure infection will remain undiscovered, surgical and diagnostic techniques will remain undeveloped, and fundamental biological processes that might have been understood will remain mysteries. (Para. 6) Meaning: Here is one of the terrifying effects if animal research is stopped completely: People wont see the negative consequences till many years later. For example, new drugs to cure infection wont be discovered, surgical and diagnostic techniques wont be developed, and fundamental biological processes, which might otherwise be understood, will continue to be mysteries. Meaning beyond words: There will be substantially harmful consequences if animal research is stopped. 18 There is the danger that quick decisions by well-meaning politicians will create resolution to diplomatically satisfy the small minority of loud protesters while the consequences and damaging impact of those decisions will not be apparent until long after. (Para. 6) Meaning: To meet the requests from the smal number of noisy protesters, the politicians, out of good intention, will make quick decisions to diplomatically resolve the problem. However, these political decisions have disastrous consequences which wont be seen until far into the future. *well-meaning: a. intending to be helpful, but not succeeding 本意良好的,出于好意的 *A lot of problems can be caused by well-meaning friends. 很多问题会由好心办坏事的朋 友引起。 Note: Wel -meaning is a compound adjective, a present participle preceded with an adjective or adverb, such as good-looking, ugly-looking,easy-looking, tired-looking, hard-working, and ever-lasting. 19 Fortunately, most of us enjoy good he


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