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1 教资英语全真模拟及答案解析-初中 1.is a voiced alveolar stop.A.z B.d C.k D.b 考点:语言学-语音学-辅音 辅音 2.Which of the following indicates a more polite request or invitation?A.Come around tonight.B.Come around tonight.C.Come around tonight.D.Come around tonight.考点:语调 2 3.Mary a lot of Japanese by communicating with the native people in Japan.A.picked out B.picked up C.carried out D.made up 考点:语法-词法-动词词组辨析 4.The conference was held to discuss the effect that tourism has the wildlife in the area.A.in B.on C.at D.with 考点:语法-词法-固定搭配 5.Itll be another 50 years China is expected to reach the level of a medium developed country.A.since B.before C.that D.when 考点:语法-连词 6.Do you enjoy your present job?.I just do it for a living.A.Of course B.Not really 3 C.Not likely D.Not a little 考点:情景交际 7.Mr.Sawyer started his career at Stanford University,he became Professor of Physics in 2002.A.which B.where C.when D.that 考点:语法-句法-定语从句 8.When a speaker expresses his intention of speaking,such as asking someone to open the window,he is performing.A.an illocutionary act B.a perlocutionary act C.a locutionary act D.none of the above 考点:语言学-语用学-言语行为 9.Which of the following is NOT a compound word?A.Landlady B.Greenhouse C.Uplift D.Unacceptable 考点:语言学-形态学-构词法 10.Which branch of study is not included in the scope of Linguistics?A.Syntax 4 B.Anthropology C.Pragmatics D.Phonetics 考点:语言学 11.English teacher Alice stopped Toms reading and asked him to follow her and repeat the word“eat”again and again.What can we conclude from the description above?A.The teacher concerns the principle of accuracy.B.The teacher should stop students reading to correct their pronunciations.C.Toms pronunciation is poor.D.Every pronunciation is important in English.考点:教学实施与评价-纠错 12.Teacher John wrote“well-will;big-beg;ship-sheep”on the blackboard.What is he teaching in this class?A.Vocabulary.B.Grammar.C.Discourse.D.Pronunciation 考点:语言知识与技能教学-语音教学 13.When teaching the words“so that;therefore”,what content should the teacher focus on?A.Denotative meaning.B.Usage.C.Connotative meanings.D.Learning strategies.考点:语言知识与技能教学-词汇教学 5 14.Teacher Tom gave the topic of“Send a Letter”,and then asked students to recall the words they learnt such as“post office,stamp,envelop,address,zip code”.Which memorizing strategy did he use?A.Memory systems.B.Association.C.Dictionary strategy.D.Internet assistance.考点:记忆策略 15.One English teacher asked students to read a single word some times,and then read a sentence,and then a paragraph.He corrected students pronunciations while students are reading.Which teaching principle is he focusing on?A.Basic.B.Long-term development.C.Comprehensive.D.Pertinence.考点:教学实施与评价-纠错 16.When learners come across new words,they are required to focus on .A.spelling B.semantic features C.form,meaning and use D.word formation 考点:语言知识与技能教学-词汇教学 17.Which of the following activities would help students develop the skill of extracting specific information?6 A.Inferring meaning from the context.B.Recognizing the authors beliefs and attitudes.C.Using information in the reading passage to make hypotheses.D.Listening to the flight information to see if the plane is on time.考点:语言知识与技能教学 18.Which of the following materials is not appropriate for a teacher to use in listening practice?A.Materials with different dialects.B.Comprehensible authentic materials.C.Materials with comprehensible new words for students.D.Materials with contents beyond students comprehension capacity.考点:语言知识与技能教学-听力教学 19.may be defined as any kind of engaging with the language on the part of the learners,usually under the teacher supervision,whose primary objective is to consolidate learning.A.Presentation B.Practice C.Production D.Preparation 20.Teachers believing in the model in a general sense usually follow the sequence of teaching new words,sentences and then the whole passage in the reading class.A.interactive B.bottom-up C.top-down D.interactional 7 考点:语言知识与技能教学-阅读教学 二、简答题(本大题共 1 小题,20 分)31.请说明英语自主学习活动的意义和价值?(12 分)怎样设计自主性的学习活动?(8 分)意义和价值:(1)自主学习活动有利于培养学生自主学习能力。自主学习能力是课程改革的首要目标。基础教育课程改革纲要在谈及新一轮课程改革的具体目标时,首要的一条是:改变课程过于注重知识传授的倾向,强调形成积极主动的学习态度,使获得基础知识与基本技能的过程,同时成为学会学习和形成正确价值观的过程。(2)自主学习活动充分体现了学生学习的主体性。传统学习方式过分突出和强调接受和掌握,冷落和忽视发现和探索,自主学习活动则为学生提供独立思考、探索的机会,有利于建立学习自信。(3)自主学习活动是提高课堂效率的需要。过去我们认为教师讲得越细,学生学得就越容易,课堂教学效率会更高。但这样做会养成许多学生不动脑筋的习惯,只是被动地听课,不愿主动地学习。其实书本上大部分知识学生通过自学都能够解决,老师的讲反而更耽误时间。“先学后教、当堂训练”,学生自学积极性更大,效率更高。(4)自主学习是教育的终极目标。在科技信息化、经济全球化时代,人们要处理大量信息,应对迅速变化的环境,仅仅靠在学校接受的教育已不够受用终身。要适应未来的社会,人们必须终身学习、不断自我发展与提高,而终身教育又要求人们能够培养可以独立于教师和课堂的自主学习能力。如何设置自主性的学习活动。(1)因材施教。教师要深入了解学生的实际情况,包括知识储备、学习态度和习惯、性格特征等,根据学生的具体情况安排符合学生特点的学习活动。(2)明确目标。活动之前教师要向学生明确活动的主题、具体的活动要求、8 活动目的等,让学生充分了解活动规则后再开始相应的自主学习。(3)教师适时指导。自主学习活动不代表教师“撒手不管”,“放任自由”。教师要充分发挥组织者和指导者的作用,对于学生遇到的困难和问题进行指导和帮助,促进学习活动顺利开展。(4)及时反馈。积极的反馈有利于帮助学生建立学习的自信心,提升学习兴趣,也为下次的自主学习活动做好铺垫。三、教学情境分析题(本大题共 1 小题,30 分)32.下面是某教师的课堂教学片段:T:Today I have brought something special to class.Can you guess what it is?Look,whats this?Ss:A box.T:Whats in the box?Ss can not answer the question.The teacher shows them a box made in 1901 on the PPT.T:Whats in this real box made in 1901 and whom is it for?Ss:Something secret./Money./Noting in it./Treasure.T:What information can you get form the surface of the box?Ss:To the citizens of Colorado Springs of the 21 century.T:For whom was the box?Ss:For the descendants of the 21 century.T:Whats the name of the box?Ss:Secret box./Memory box./Time box.T:Time capsule.Today we are going to read a passage about Time Capsule.请根据材料回答下列 3 个问题。(1)这是课堂教学的哪一个环节?(10 分)(2)该教师用什么方法授课?该方法有哪些利弊?(10 分)(3)分析该教学环节的优缺点。(10 分)9 (1)该片段属于课堂教学的读前环节。教师呈现一个实物盒子,并通过 PPT呈现更多关于盒子的信息,就盒子提出相关问题,引发学生思考,产生互动,引出将要阅读的材料的主题。(2)此片段教师主要采用了直观教学法。即通过实物以及多媒体演示来进行教学。优点:实物和多媒体呈现,直观生动,能够吸引学生的注意到课堂教学活动中来,活跃课堂氛围。缺点:如果教师使用实物或多媒体次数过多、时间过长,会浪费课堂时间,降低学习效率,也有可能分散学生的注意力,不利于完成教学重点。(3)优点:教师自制盒子,又展示图片让学生猜,能够激发学生学习的积极性,为接下来的阅读做好铺垫。同时提问问题让学生回答也让学生有开口讲英语的机会,提高学生的听力与口语表达能力。缺点:为了引出关键词 time capsule,花费的时间较长。前边让学生猜盒子里的东西没有必要,教师可以直接通过 PPT 向学生展示与课文相关的图片,再把关键词引出来。所以教师应该注意,读前活动在激发兴趣扫清障碍的同时,避免过于拖沓过于形式化。四、教学设计题(本大题共 1 小题,40 分)33.设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计一节 20 分钟的英语听说课的教案。教案没有固定格式,但须包含下列要点:Teaching objectives Teaching contents Key and difficult points Major steps and time allocation Activities and justifications 学生概况:某城镇普通中学初中二年级学生,班级人数 40 人。多数学生已 经达到义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版)三级水平。学生课堂参与积极性一般。10 语言素材:Doctor:How can I help you?Daming:I feel ill,Ive got a stomachache and my head hurts.Doctor:I see.Have you caught a cold?Daming:I dont think so.Doctor:Let me take your temperature.Hmm,there is no fever.What kind of food do you eat?Daming:Usually fast food.Doctor:Do you have breakfast?Daming:No,not usually.Doctor:How about exercise?Do you do any exercise?Daming:Not really.Since I got my PC,I havent done much sports.Doctor:That is the reason!Eat healthy and do more exercise.I will give you some medicine,take it three times a day.1.Teaching contents:This is a listening lesson.It talks about.2.Teaching objectives(1)Knowledge objective:Students can read and recognize the words/phrases such as and learn the sentence pattern.Students can get some information about.(2)Ability objectives:Students can improve their listening abilities and grab the key information through listening activities.Students can express their opinions about by using the target language.11 (3)Emotional Objectives:Students can realize the importance of.Students can cooperate with other group mates actively and complete the tasks together.3.Key and difficult points:(1)Key points Help students know the meaning and usage of the new words/phrases and sentence pattern.To understand the content of this lesson through listening.(2)Difficult point How to talk about the new topic correctly and fluently.4.Major steps:Step 1 Pre-listening(6 mins)(1)New knowledge teaching With the help of,the teacher will guide students to understand the meaning and usage of the new words/phrases and sentences,including .(2)Prediction Before listening,the teacher will organize students to make a prediction.Some hints will be provided to help them.Hint 1:Words and sentence just referred.Hint 2:Title of this material-.Hint 3:Some pictures/videos in which students can see.(Justification:Through above activities,Students will be prepared to listen and can understand the material better)Step 2 While-listening(8 mins)12 (1)Extensive listening Students will listen to the conversation for first time to check their prediction and conclude the main idea of it.(2)Intensive listening Students should listen to the conversation for the second time and do the following tasks:True or False (T/F).(T/F).(T/F).Matching/Form-filling/Mind mapping (3)Listen and repeat Students will listen to the conversation for third time and read follow it.They should pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.(Justification:Through above listening activities,students will not only understand the main idea and details of this listening material,but also improve their listening ability.)Step 3 Post-listening(6 mins)Students will work in groups to discuss the following question/do a survey about by using the key words/phrases and sentences.Seven minutes will be given.When times up,several students will be invited to share their answers.Then the teacher will comment on students performance.(Justification:This task can arouse students interest and involve the whole class.Also,by group discussion,students critical thinking and autonomous learning ability can be developed./They will be more confident to share their opinions in public./They will be willing to cooperate with others.)13 复习策略:1.主观题目先行,客观题目补充;教学设计 语言教学知识与能力教学实施与评价 语言学语法 词汇 2.真题刷题由远及近 13 年-20 年 3.APP 模块刷题 做一个自由又自律的人,靠势必实现的决心认真地活着。势必拿证!请阅读 Passage1,完成第 125 小题。Passage 1 21.Leadville got its name for the following reasons EXCEPT.A.because Tabor became its leading citizen B.because great deposits of lead is expected to be found there 14 C.because it could bring good fortune to Tabor D.because it was renamed Para.1.At any rate,a few years later he moved west to the small Colorado mining camp known as California Gulch,which he later renamed Leadville when he became its leading citizen.“Great deposits of lead are sure to be found here.”he said.22.The word“grubstake”in paragraph 2 means.A.to supply miners with food and supplies B.to open a general store C.to do ones contribution to the development of the mine D.to supply miners with food and supplies and in return get a share in the mine,if one was discovered.Para.2.It was his custom to“grubstake”prospective miners,in other words,to supply them with food and supplies,or“grub”,while they looked for ore,in return for which he would get a share in the mine if one was discovered.23.Tabor made his first fortune.A.by supplying two prospective miners and getting in return a one-third interest in the findings B.because he was persuaded by the two miners to quit supplying C.by buying the shares of the others D.as a land speculator Para.1.He did this for a number of years,but no one that he aided ever found anything of value.Para.2 Finally one day in the year 1878,so the story goes,two miners came in and asked for“grub”15 24.The underlying reason for Tabors life career is.A.purely accidental B.based on the analysis of miners being very poor and their possibility of discovering profitable mining site C.through the help from his second wife D.he planned well and accomplished targets step by step 25.If this passage is the first part of an article,who might be introduced in the following part?A.Tabors life.B.Tabors second wife,Elizabeth McCourt.C.Other colorful characters.D.Tabors other careers.Para.1 Among the more colorful characters of Leadvilles golden age were H.A.W.Tabor and his second wife,Elizabeth McCourt,better known as“Baby Doe”.Their history is fast becoming one of the legends of the Old West.26.The most significant reason for womens cult of beauty is.A.the changes in their status and attitude to physical beauty B.the build-up of wealth in the economic field C.the decrease of other fields influenced by the general depression D.the new privilege in fulfilling social functions Para.1.The cult of beauty must therefore be symptomatic of changes that have taken place outside the economic field.Of what changes?Of the changes,I suggest,in the social position of women;of the changes in our attitude towards“the merely 16 physical”.27.From paragraph 3-4 we can learn that.A.the beauty industry deserves energy and money B.the surgical and chemical aid free women from aging C.the healthier way of life leads to womens staying young D.the beauty campaign has achieved great success Para.4 It is a success as more women keep their youthful appearance to a greater age than in the past.This desirable consummation will be due in part to skin foods,facial surgery,and paints,in part to improved health,due in its turn to a more reasonable way of life.28.The example of the porcelain jar illustrates.A.the importance of shape and surface B.the gap between appearance and contents C.the connection between inner and outer self D.the ugliness of appearance and spirits Para.5 The answer is definitely:No.The beauty of a porcelain jar is a matter of shape,of color of surface texturing.The jar may be empty or tenanted by spiders,full of honey or stinking slimeit makes no different to its beauty or ugliness.But a woman is alive,and her beauty is therefore not skin keep.For real beauty is as much an affair of the inner as of the outer self.29.According to the author,the cult of beauty should focus on.A.giving people a good knowledge of health and disease B.increasing peoples awareness of health problems 17 C.promoting the development of the body and the soul D.encouraging people to live in harmony with nature 最后一段.It is not by improving skin goods,by cheapening health equipment and electrical hair-removers,that the human race will be made beautiful;it is not even by improving health.All men and women will be beautiful only when the social arrangements give to every one of them an opportunity to live completely and harmoniously.30.What is the real concern of the writer of this article?A.The promising future of beauty industry B.The praise of beauty-cult as a success C.The understanding of physical beauty D.The importance of inner qualities 18 全真模拟 1-初中(笔记)【说在课前】今天上午是倒数第二节课,模拟课先讲初中。建议大家保持每天一套的做题练习,保持做题的感觉,对考试有很大帮助,也能够查缺补漏。1.is a voiced alveolar stop.A.z B.d C.k D.b 考点:语言学-语音学-辅音 【解析】1.考查辅音。之前几年初中考查更多的是元音,辅音是高中的考试内容,但是最近几年辅音也是初中的考试内容,所以初中同学元音和辅音都要准备。可以用正向选择法,明确知道辅音的分类,还可以使用排除法,stop 爆破音只有 6 个字母p t k b d g,那么可以排除 A 项。Voiced 浊辅音排除 C 项,k是清辅音。Alveolar 是齿龈音,舌尖抵着上齿龈发音,D 项是双唇音 bilabial,排除,B 项正确。【选 B】辅音 19 2.Which of the following indicates a more polite request or invitation?A.Come around tonight.B.Come around tonight.C.Come around tonight.D.Come around tonight.考点:语调 【解析】2.考查语调,可以通过已知的学习知识推导未知的内容,通过所学习的内容排除部分选项,做题的正确率更高。选项是一个祈使句,通常是降调表示命令要求,题干问的是下列哪一个表示更礼貌的请求或者邀请,那么关于降调就要先排除掉,排除 B 项。A 项用的是升调,只有一般疑问句才使用升调,排除。C 项正确,反义疑问句当中会使用降升调,前面是陈述句后面是一般疑问句,翻译为“今天晚上过来可以吗”,这就是一个比较委婉的邀请,可以类比反义疑问句,符合语境。祈使句的语调有几种情况,降调表示命令和要求,表达恳切的请求、责备、关心时可以使用降升调,通过以前学过的理论也可以选择出来。【选C】3.Mary a lot of Japanese by communicating with the native people in 20 Japan.A.picked out B.picked up C.carried out D.made up 考点:语法-词法-动词词组辨析 【解析】3.考查动词词组搭配。题干翻译为“学习到”,pick up 含有“不费力气的学会”的意思,翻译为“她不费力气的学会了日语”,pick up 还有捡起、收拾、获得等含义。A 项 pick out 表示挑出。C 项 carry out 表示执行、实施,例如执行一个计划 carry out a plan。D 项 make up of 表示占比,make up 表示化妆、制成、编造。【选 B】4.The conference was held to discuss the effect that tourism has the wildlife in the area.A.in B.on C.at D.with 考点:语法-词法-固定搭配 【解析】4.主句是“被举行的会议讨论影响”,从句是 that tourism has,属于定语从句。翻译为“旅游业的影响”,修饰限定影响,that 在从句当中充当成分,因此是定语从句,定语从句起修饰作用,那么就是 effect 和后面的 the wildlife in the area 进行搭配,固定搭配 have an effect on 表示对有影响,B 项正确。【选 B】5.Itll be another 50 years China is expected to reach the level of a medium developed country.A.since B.before 21 C.that D.when 考点:语法-连词 【解析】5.题干翻译为“如果中国想要达到中等发达国家的水平,还需要50 年左右的时间”,“it is/will be+一段时间+before”翻译为“过了才”,这是时间状语从句,遵循主将从现,时态符合句法规则,B 项正确。A 项如果是since 通常用 It is/has been+时间+since,从句的时态是过去时,题干当中是一般现在时,排除。C 项要构成强调句,看是不是强调句就把结构去掉,不符合句法结构,因此不是强调句,C 项排除。使用 when 的结构为“It+be+点时间+when”,例如 it was 2 oclock when I had lunch.题干当中是一段时间而不是点时间,D 项排除。【选 B】【答案汇总】1-5:BCBBB 6.Do you enjoy your present job?.I just do it for a living.A.Of course B.Not really C.Not likely D.Not a little 考点:情景交际 【解析】6.翻译为“-你喜欢你现在的工作吗?-我做这份工作仅仅是为了生存”,通过语气可以判断是不喜欢的,B 项正确,not really 表示委婉的不喜欢。A项表示肯定的语气,排除。C 项 likely 是可能的意思,not likely 表示不可能,不符合语境。D 项表示非常、很,不符合语境。【选 B】7.Mr.Sawyer started his career at Stanford University,he became Professor of Physics in 2002.A.which 22 B.where C.when D.that 考点:语法-句法-定语从句 【解析】7.考查定语从句。题干当中有一个标志是逗号+横线+句子,此时要看是非限制性定语从句还是状语从句,要看充当的成分,不管是非限制性定语从句还是状语从句可以先排除 D 项 that,that 既不能引导非限制性定语从句也不能引导状语从句。A 项代入 which,在句子当中是关系代词需要充当成分,题干的句子是不缺句子成分的,因此不是非限制性定语从句,排除。题干当中有时间的概念,不缺少时间状语,因此 B 项正确,表示“在斯坦福大学成为了教授”。【选B】8.When a speaker expresses his intention of speaking,such as asking someone to open the window,he is performing.A.an illocutionary act B.a perlocutionary act C.a locutionary act D.none of the above 考点:语言学-语用学-言语行为 【解析】8.考查言语行为,分为言内行为、言外行为和言后行为,C 项表示言内行为,表示话语本身的意思,A 项表示言外行为,表明一些意图,B 项表示言后行为,强调产生的结果和影响。例如说“今天是 2 月 14 日”,言内行为就是单纯地说日子,言外行为是要买东西,男朋友去买了东西那么就是言后行为,题干当中出现了关键词 intention 意图,强调言外行为,A 项正确。【选 A】9.Which of the following is NOT a compound word?A.Landlady B.Greenhouse C.Uplift 23 D.Unacceptable 考点:语言学-形态学-构词法 【解析】9.题干要求选出不是复合词的,D 项不是复合词,增加前缀和后缀的属于派生法,D 项正确。A 项表示女房东,B 项表示温室,C 项表示向上抬起、举起。【选 D】10.Which branch of study is not included in the scope of Linguistics?A.Syntax B.Anthropology C.Pragmatics D.Phonetics 考点:语言学 【解析】10.题干问的是下列哪一个分支不属于语言学的范畴,A 项表示句法学。B 项考查人类学,研究人类的生理、心理等。C 项表示语用学,言语行为、合作原则都属于语用学。D 项表示语音学,元音、辅音都属于语音学。【选 B】【答案汇总】6-10:BBADB 11.English teacher Alice stopped Toms reading and asked him to follow her and repeat the word“eat”again and again.What can we conclude from the description above?A.The teacher concerns the principle of accuracy.B.The teacher should stop students reading to correct their pronunciations.C.Toms pronunciation is poor.D.Every pronunciation is important in English.考点:教学实施与评价-纠错 【解析】11.题干表示英语老师让 Tom 停止阅读,让他反复读 eat 这个单词,说明要读准确,A 项正确,老师在意的是语言的准确性。B 项老师纠错除了看活动目的之外还要看错误的严重程度,局部性差错还是全局性的,如果问题很严重 24 就及时纠错,如果不太严重就不纠错。C 项 Tom 的发音很差,说法不正确,只是eat 这个单词不会发音。D 项表示每一个发音都很重要,需要看活动目的,如果情境理解了能够正常沟通。【选 A】12.Teacher John wrote“well-will;big-beg;ship-sheep”on the blackboard.What is he teaching in this class?A.Vocabulary.B.Grammar.C.Discourse.D.Pronunciation 考点:语言知识与技能教学-语音教学 【解析】12.题干表示 John 在黑板上写了“well-will;big-beg;ship-sheep”那么是在教发音,D 项正确。【选 D】13.When teaching the words“so that;therefore”,what content should the teacher focus on?A.Denotative meaning.B.Usage.C.Connotative meanings.D.Learning strategies.考点:语言知识与技能教学-词汇教学 【解析】13.题干表示当老师去教“so that;therefore”的时候老师应该重点关注什么,“so that;therefore”是同样的意思,都表示“因此”,意义相同,那么就不再进行意义上的教学,两者的不同在于用法,so that 在口语当中常用,therefore 常用语书面当中,B 项正确。D 项表示学习策略,教学生如何学习的过程和方法。【选 B】14.Teacher Tom gave the topic of“Send a Letter”,and then asked students to recall the words they learnt such as“post office,stamp,envelop,address,zip code”.Which memorizing strategy did he use?25 A.Memory systems.B.Association.C.Dictionary strategy.D.Internet assistance.考点:记忆策略 【解析】14.考查记忆策略,题干翻译为教师给了“寄一封信”的话题,让学生回忆之前学过的单词、词组,问在使用什么记忆策略。A 项表示记忆系统,强调记忆的时间、方法、策略等,排除。B 项正确,有联系,涉及到了主题和分支之间,类似于头脑风暴,给一个关键词可以联想出来的内容,想和主题相关的各种内容。C、D 项排除。【选 B】15.One English teacher asked students to read a single word some times,and then read a sentence,and then a paragraph.He corrected students pronunciations while students are reading.Which teaching principle is he focusing on?A.Basic.B.Long-term development.C.Comprehensive.D.Pertinence.考点:教学实施与评价-纠错 【解析】15.英语老师让学生先读一个单词、再读一个句子、再读一个段落,当他在读的时候老师会纠正学生的发音,问老师在关注什么原则,C 项综合性原则正确,在进行语音教学和词汇教学都有综合性原则,没有简单讲单词的发音,而是把单词的发音融合到单词、句子和语篇当中。A 项基础性没有强调放在语篇当中,只是讲单词的发音然后反复练习单词,B 项指长期发展,指的是学生长期发展,而不是知识长期发展。D 项指针对性原则,例如针对湖南、江西的同学在发音的时候要强调 n 的发音,例如在讲字母发音的时候可以使用最小对立体,针对性强调针对不同学生、针对具体知识进行操练。【选 C】【答案汇总】11-15:ADBBC 26 16.When learners come across new words,they are required to focus on .A.spelling B.semantic features C.form,meaning


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