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2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.第七讲第七讲业务战略业务战略 2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.主要内容主要内容 业务战略的概念 基于产品、市场、方式来定义业务战略 讨论不同的业务战略差别 用五力分析法讨论业务战略.不同业务战略的风险The Wal-Mart BusinessBusiness StrategyProduct Product MarketMarketFocusFocusGoalsGoalsCoreCoreActivitiesActivitiesValueValuePropositionPropositionEveryday low pricesAlways in stockCourteous,reliableBranded general merchandiseValue-oriented customersDevelop easier markets first:work from regional hubsIntegrated logistics:supplier to checkoutIntensely managedLocal tailoringDominate marketsLowest cost systemHigh growthDo it Wal-Mart way2008年金融危机后,消费者减少支出,在高价咖啡的消费方面支出减少,星巴克面临历史上第一次销售收入的减少。星巴克在吸引消费者的体验质量上的下降,开始逐渐失去竞争优势 星巴克的业务战略调整 星巴克 CEO Howard Schultz决定关闭了900家在美国表现不良的店面,重新聚焦于创新 更强调顾客的独特体验 到2011年,星巴克40周年,推出新的LOGO,新的产品如VIA,新的支付购买方式如可以用iphone来支付,在全球市场特别是新兴市场如中国、印度发展。重新取得差异化竞争优势。2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.一、业务战略:如何在特定行业内竞争一、业务战略:如何在特定行业内竞争在具体的产品市场上,公司用来开发核心竞争力以取得竞争优势的一系列整合协调的行动。如何在特定的产品市场上竞争的一系列选择。企业的核心战略。任何一家企业都必须有业务战略国美和苏宁的在家电零售业务的竞争 2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.在单一的产品市场和单一的地理区域使用单一业务战略。单一业务战单一业务战略略 有多种业务就需要形成多个业务战略,决定公司在哪些不同业务中如何竞争多业务战略多业务战略2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.业务战略的关键问题业务战略的关键问题2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.顾客方面顾客方面:谁是顾客?谁是顾客?满足什么需求?满足什么需求?2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.市场细分将需求相同或类似的顾客划分成单独的可以识别的群体决定满足谁的需求?决定满足谁的需求?消费市场产业市场2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.消费市场细分因素消费市场细分因素 1.人口因素人口因素DEMOGRAPHIC FACTORS(age,income,sex,etc.)2.社会因素社会因素SOCIOECONOMIC FACTORS(social class,stage in the family life cycle)3.地理因素地理因素GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS(cultural,regional,and national differences)4.心理因素心理因素PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS(lifestyle,personality traits)5.消费方式因素消费方式因素 CONSUMPTION PATTERNS(heavy,moderate,and light users)6.感知因素感知因素 PERCEPTUAL FACTORS(benefit segmentation,perceptual mapping)2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.产业市场细分因素产业市场细分因素 1.最终用途细分最终用途细分END-USE SEGMENTS(identified by SIC code)2.产品细分产品细分 PRODUCT SEGMENTS(based on technological differences or production economics)3.地理细分地理细分 GEOGRAPHIC SEGMENTS(defined by boundaries between countries or by regional differences within them)4.共同购买要素细分共同购买要素细分 COMMON BUYING FACTOR SEGMENTS(cut across product market and geographic segments)5.顾客规模细分顾客规模细分 CUSTOMER SIZE SEGMENTS2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.决定要满足顾客什么样的需要?决定要满足顾客什么样的需要?顾客需要同产品的利益点和特征相关;顾客需求没有好坏对错之分;成功的企业知道如何为顾客在其需要的时候提供恰当的产品服务。2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.公司运用其核心能力来创造价值满足顾客需求;公司运用其核心能力来创造价值满足顾客需求;价值意味着公司能够以低的成本提供给顾客恰当价值意味着公司能够以低的成本提供给顾客恰当的产品的产品或以可以接受的成本提供差异化足够的产品;或以可以接受的成本提供差异化足够的产品;只有那些能够持续改善、创新和升级其核心能只有那些能够持续改善、创新和升级其核心能力的厂商才能满足或超越顾客需求。力的厂商才能满足或超越顾客需求。决定如何满足顾客的需要?决定如何满足顾客的需要?2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.如何满足:业务战略的目的一如何满足:业务战略的目的一在业务战略中创造出同竞争对在业务战略中创造出同竞争对手差异化的地位手差异化的地位完成活动的方式差异化完成不一样的活动完成活动的成本不一样2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.如何满足:业务战略的目的二如何满足:业务战略的目的二业务战略要为公司明确一个审业务战略要为公司明确一个审慎的选择即在价值链上从事什慎的选择即在价值链上从事什么样的活动来创造价值么样的活动来创造价值2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.满足的方式:创造竞争优势满足的方式:创造竞争优势 达到比竞争对手更低的总成本达到比竞争对手更低的总成本 以不同的方式完成部分活动,减少处理成本以不同的方式完成部分活动,减少处理成本 提供顾客认为可以接受的低成本产品提供顾客认为可以接受的低成本产品 具备以特别的溢价提供差异化产品和服务的具备以特别的溢价提供差异化产品和服务的能力能力 完成有更高附加价值的活动完成有更高附加价值的活动2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.五种典型的业务战略五种典型的业务战略STRATEGIES FIGURE 4.2 Five Business Level Strategies2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.目标市场目标市场 厂商在行业范围内从事业务,在众多细分市场上竞争宽泛的目标宽泛的目标市场市场 厂商在单一细分市场上竞争,为特定细分市场定制战略狭窄的目标狭窄的目标市场市场2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.五种业务战略的有效性五种业务战略的有效性 没有哪一种战略具备普适性和绝对的优越性;每种战略的有效性取决于:外部环境的机会和威胁 内部的强项和弱势 关键:成功的业务战略关键在匹配上述两者形成核心竞争力2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.二、成本领导者战略二、成本领导者战略一整套集成的活动,旨在以最低的成本向顾客提供能满足顾客需求特征的产品和服务。也就是能够以比竞争对手更低的成本提供顾客可接受的产品和服务。相对标准的产品 产品特征能够被很多顾客接受 最低的最具竞争力的价格2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.美国西南航空的竞争优势来源美国西南航空的竞争优势来源 所有活动的紧密整合 成本领导者战略 独特的公司文化和顾客服务2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.西南航空的活动及系统西南航空的活动及系统FIGURE 4.1 Southwest Airlines Activity System2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.成本领导者的战略逻辑创造的价值=顾客可觉察收益-厂商投入成本V=B-C2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.成本C生产者剩余P-C消费者剩余B-PB顾客可觉察收益PCV创造的价值2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.成本领导者的三种表现方法:一、企业相对竞争对手一更低成本提供收益平价。即提供的产品和服务的B同竞争对手持平,但成本明显更低。如厂商利用规模经济优势来降低平均成本,这就比生产完全相同的产品但产量较低的竞争对手拥有成本优势2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.二、企业能实现收益近似,是指提供与竞争对手相比略低的收益B,但具有明显更低的成本。当企业采用自动化生产工序,生产效率比手工生产效率更高,可以少雇佣熟练工人,或购买更少的昂贵部件,或保持相对低的质量标准。尽管收益略低,企业的成本明显更低,出价比竞争对手更低。即企业的成本优势大于它同竞争对手之间的价格差异,有利可图。2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.价格P 单位成本C质量QFEQfQePePfCeCfPeCB企业提供的额外消费者剩余2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.三、企业可以提供质量上同竞争对手存在差异的产品。企业可以依靠重新改造产品,从而相对于传统定义的产品,在收益和成本上产生巨大差异。例如:一个以前有高利润的产品重新改造成在生产或分销上存在明显规模经济的产品,又同时能够给消费者带来收益。当一种产品价格和质量都比竞争对手低很多时,只有成本差异超过质量差异,就有竞争力。2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.成本领导者的价值链活动成本领导者的价值链活动 价值链分析:识别厂商哪些活动可以创造价值那些活动不能创造价值;在物流后勤方面的竞争优势对成本领导者战略而言比差异化战略创造更高的价值;入厂物流后勤:材料处理、仓储和库存控制 出厂物流后勤:仓储和分销等2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.成本节省活动成本节省活动 使用更有效的生产和分销方式 建设更有效的规模化设施 更严格的控制生产和经常性成本 最小化销售、研发和服务成本 建设更高效的制造设施 控制好外部机构的活动成本 简化生产过程2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.成本领导者的价值链活动成本领导者的价值链活动2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.成本有效性导向的管理信息系成本有效性导向的管理信息系统统更少的管理层次更少的管理层次简化机会简化机会一致的政策一致的政策有效培训有效培训容易使用的制造技术容易使用的制造技术在技术上投资在技术上投资发现更低成本的原材料发现更低成本的原材料管理供应商活动管理供应商活动将供应商产品同生产过程直接联将供应商产品同生产过程直接联系系规模经济规模经济有效的规模化设施有效的规模化设施高效的供应链高效的供应链低成本运输低成本运输良好培训的销售队伍良好培训的销售队伍恰当的定价恰当的定价 为成本优势重整价值链为成本优势重整价值链2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.重置价值链重置价值链2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.沃尔玛的战略回归沃尔玛的战略回归 Walmart 期望从竞争对手处取得更大市场份额,偏离其成本领导者战略,引进有机食品、重新设计店面,减少商品种类,提高部分货品价格。Walmart 意识到其错误,重新回到成本领导者战略上,增加产品种类,增加大卖场。2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.基于五力分析的成本领导者战略基于五力分析的成本领导者战略Threat of new entrantsBargaining power of suppliersRivalry among competing firmsBargaining power of buyersThreat of substitute products现有竞争者现有竞争者 基于成本领导者的地位 竞争对手在价格竞争方面缺乏勇气和实力 缺乏价格竞争能带来更高利润 竞争对手只有依赖其他因素来竞争2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.买方议价能力买方议价能力 促使价格明显低于竞争对手导致驱逐竞争,使议价能力回归厂商 强大的买方能促使成本领导者降价但价格不会低于行业成本次优者的价格。Threat of new entrantsBargaining power of suppliersRivalry among competing firmsBargaining power of buyersThreat of substitute products2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.供方议价能力供方议价能力 基于其成本地位能够消化供应商提价带来的成本增加 能做大批量购买减少供方议价空间 通过外包来建立良好的供应商关系Threat of new entrantsBargaining power of suppliersRivalry among competing firmsBargaining power of buyersThreat of substitute products2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.新进入者威胁新进入者威胁 新进入者需要更大的规模才能进行成本竞争 需要再学习曲线上花费更长的时间 成本领导者通过持续努力降低成本改善其毛利水平创出更高的进入壁垒Threat of new entrantsBargaining power of suppliersRivalry among competing firmsBargaining power of buyersThreat of substitute products2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.替代品替代品 在替代品方面率先投资 购买替代品专利 更低的价格保持产品的价值定位 同其他竞争者比较有更灵活的选择Threat of new entrantsBargaining power of suppliersRivalry among competing firmsBargaining power of buyersThreat of substitute products2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.成本领导者战略的风险成本领导者战略的风险 竞争风险竞争风险 由于竞争对手的创新使成本领导者生产分销产品服务的流程和特点过时老化 过分关注于成本控制忽略理解顾客的差异化感知和需求变化 竞争者通过模仿来复制成本领导者战略2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.三、差异化战略三、差异化战略差异化战略是指以顾客认为重要的差异化方式来生产产品和提供服务(以可接受的成本)的一整套行动 焦点是非标准化的与众不同的产品焦点是非标准化的与众不同的产品 适应于当顾客对差异化产品特征比产品适应于当顾客对差异化产品特征比产品低成本低价格特征更看重时低成本低价格特征更看重时 厂商仍然需要以有竞争力的成本来生产厂商仍然需要以有竞争力的成本来生产差异化产品以降低顾客支付的压力差异化产品以降低顾客支付的压力2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.差异化优势的战略逻辑具备差异化优势的企业能够以同等成本或更高成本提供比竞争对手的产品有更多收益B的产品,进而创造出更多的价值。它要求差异化领导者的成本劣势足够小,以至于它创造的价值B-C能够超越竞争对手创造的价值。2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.具备差异化优势的企业可以一、实现成本平价,即相同的C,创造出更高的B,如日本轿车进入美国市场,以更高的可靠性和油耗经济性赢得市场。二、实现成本近似。即成本不是比竞争对手高太多,但提供的产品和服务优越很多。三、以较高的C提供非常高的B,如礼来公司的新药品替代青霉素。2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.差异化战略可能的差异方面差异化战略可能的差异方面 不同寻常的特征 对顾客服务的响应 快速的产品创新 技术领导 可感知的地位优势 不同的品味 工程设计和性能表现2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.基于价值链的差异化战略基于价值链的差异化战略2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.基于五力模型的差异化战略基于五力模型的差异化战略 差异化程度高能带来更高的品牌忠诚并降低价格敏感度,减少竞争压力 基于差异化战略能形成声誉优势,保持其持续竞争力Threat of new entrantsBargaining power of suppliersRivalry among competing firmsBargaining power of buyersThreat of substitute products现有同业竞争者现有同业竞争者2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.差异化降低顾客价格敏感度减少其议价能力 顾客愿意为能满足其独特需求的产品支付一定的溢价,特别是在没有发现可接受的替代选择前。Threat of new entrantsBargaining power of suppliersRivalry among competing firmsBargaining power of buyersThreat of substitute products买方议价能力买方议价能力2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.因为其较高毛利能帮助其消化高质量零部件带来的成本增加 基于顾客对价格的相对不敏感和品牌忠诚,厂商可以将源自供应商的提价转移到顾客Threat of new entrantsBargaining power of suppliersRivalry among competing firmsBargaining power of buyersThreat of substitute products供方议价能力供方议价能力2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.顾客忠诚构成比较突出的进入壁垒 新进入者要开发足够差异化的新产品超越现有差异化产品面临较大困难 新进入必须要以更低的价格提供至少性能同样好的产品构成壁垒Threat of new entrantsBargaining power of suppliersRivalry among competing firmsBargaining power of buyersThreat of substitute products潜在进入威胁潜在进入威胁2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.基于对差异化产品的忠诚会导致:顾客减少尝试新替代的动机不愿转换品牌Threat of new entrantsBargaining power of suppliersRivalry among competing firmsBargaining power of buyersThreat of substitute products替代品替代品2013 Cengage Learning.All Rights Reserved.May not be copied,scanned,or duplicated,in whole or in part,except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.差异化战略的风险差异化战略的风险 竞争风险竞争风险 差异化竞争者的产品价格与成本领导者价格差异过大导致风险 差异化竞争者没有能够持续提供顾客愿意支付的差异化价值点 不断重复的体验减少顾客对差异化价值的认同 对差异化产品的不断仿冒和改进逐步减少差异化价值 伪造


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