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Unit 5 Nelson Mandela a modern heroWarming upWhat qualities does a great person have?A great personhard-workingintelligentdeterminedgenerouskindbraveconfidentunselfishhelpfulhonestGet on well with othersNever lose heartBe active in society activitiesDo public service work without payMake great contributions to mankindenergeticpassionateAre these famous people also great people?William Tyndale(1494-1536)He wrote the Bible in _ so all could read it.He died for his _ but his work is still used in the _ Bible today.EnglishideasofficialNorman Bethune(1890-1939)He fought against _ Nazis and _ invaders during World War II.He worked selflessly in China as _ and saved many Chinese soldiers.GermanJapanesea doctorSun Yat-sen He founded the first Republic in China in 1911 after many years fighting;he strongly believed in the three principles:nationalism;peoples rights;peoples livelihoodMahandas GandhiHe gave up a rich life for his ideas and fought for his country to be free from the UK in a peaceful way.Non-violent Non-cooperation Nelson MandelaHe fought for the black people and was in prison for thirty years.He helped the black people to get the same rights as white people.Nelson Mandela was elected the first black President in South Africa in 1994.For the first time ever,South Africans all races are citizens.The vote came on April 26,1994.Neil Armstrong(1930-)He was the first man to land on the moon in 1969.He said,“thats one small step for a man,one giant leap for mankind.”On Jan.1,1863,Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation,which eventually led to the freeing of all slaves in the USA.During the Civil War,Lincoln gave many speeches,including the Gettysburg Address,a short speech in which he stated how a country must be devoted to human freedom in order to survive.解放宣言Confucius,or Kong Zi,was a thinker,political figure,educator,and founder of the Ru School of Chinese thought.His teachings,preserved in the Analects,form the foundation of much of later Chinese thinking on education.,论语Einstein(Albert Einstein),the world-famous German scientists in the United States,the pioneers and founders of modern physics.the General Theory of Relativity E=mc2A well-known Chinese physicist,the worlds leading rocket scientist.He is remembered as the“Father of Chinese missile,“Father of Chinas rockets,King of the missile.世界著名世界著名科学家科学家,空气动力学空气动力学家,家,中国载中国载人航天人航天奠基人,奠基人,中国科学院中国科学院及及中国工程院中国工程院院士,中国院士,中国两弹一星两弹一星功勋奖章获得者,被功勋奖章获得者,被誉为誉为“中国航天之父中国航天之父”“”“中国导弹之中国导弹之父父”“”“中国自动化控制之父中国自动化控制之父”和和“火箭之火箭之王王”,由于钱学森回国效力,中国导弹、,由于钱学森回国效力,中国导弹、原子弹的发射向前推进了至少原子弹的发射向前推进了至少20年。年。Considered as a father of the computer,Babbage is credited with inventing the first mechanical computer that eventually led to more complex designs.Charles Babbage was a mathematician,philosopher,inventor and mechanical engineer,who is best remembered now for originating the concept of a programmable computer.Cofounder and chairman,Microsoft Corporation王选王选 中国科学院院士,中国科学院院士,中国工程院院士,中国工程院院士,第三世界科学院院士,第三世界科学院院士,北京大学教授。北京大学教授。他是汉字激光照排系统他是汉字激光照排系统的的创始人创始人和技术负责人。和技术负责人。他所领导的科研集体研他所领导的科研集体研制出的汉字激光照排系制出的汉字激光照排系统为新闻、出版全过程统为新闻、出版全过程的计算机化奠定了基础,的计算机化奠定了基础,被誉为被誉为“汉字印刷术的汉字印刷术的第二次发明第二次发明”。Leo TolstoyAlso known as Leo Tolstoy,he was a Russian writer,philosopher and political thinker who wrote novels and short stories.Tolstoy was a master of realistic fiction and is widely considered one of the greatest novelists of all time.He is best known for two long novels,War and Peace(1869)and Anna Karenina(1877).A composer,violinist,and conductor of Austria The Blue Danube John StraussThe inventor of jeans.The founder of LEVIS jeans施特劳斯an Austrian neurologist who became known as the founding father of psychoanalysis.精神分析 Freud弗洛伊德弗洛伊德Li shizhen is one of the best-known medical scientists,pharmacists and naturalists in Ming Dynasty of China.His masterpiece Compendium of Materia Medica influences later medicine and natural history deeply.本草纲目本草纲目Martin Luther KingI Have A DreamConsidered as a peace maker throughout the world for his promotion of nonviolence and equal treatment for different races,he received the Nobel Peace Prize before he was assassinated in 1968.In 1986,Martin Luther King Day was established in his honor.Kings most influential and well-known speech is the I Have A Dream speech.Mother TeresaIt is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do that benefits our work most.We cannot do great things only small things with great love.Mother Teresa,devoted the majority of her life to helping the poorest of the poor in India,thus gaining her the name Saint of the Gutters.The devotion towards the poor won her respect throughout the world and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.贫民窟 I have a dreamMartin Luther King,Jr.(January 15,1929 April 4,1968)was an American political activist,the most famous leader of the American civil rights movement,and a Baptist minister.Considered a peacemaker throughout the world for his promotion of nonviolence and equal treatment for different races,he received the Nobel Peace Prize before he was assassinated in 1968.浸礼会 She is a Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest-ever Nobel Prize recipient.She is known mainly for human rights advocacy for education and for women in her native province of northwest Pakistan,where the local Taliban had at times banned girls from attending school.She is the second Pakistani to receive a Nobel Prize and the only Pakistani winner of the Nobel Peace Prize Mao was commonly known in China as the Four Greats:Great Teacher,Great Leader,Great Supreme Commander,Great Helmsman.Mao Zedong,also well known as Chairman Mao,is a great man in human history.His dramatic personal life,his military talent,his artist poems,his political skill,his famous third world classification theory and his dictators leading style in his years have influenced generations of people.伟大舵手 He is internationally known as the most formidable politician.His confidence,grace can be seen through the eyes of foreigners!令人敬畏的 令人敬畏的 令人敬畏的 令人敬畏的


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