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Grammar Ellipsis 定义定义I.简单句中的省略简单句中的省略1 1、省略主语、省略主语:祈使句中主语通常省略;其它祈使句中主语通常省略;其它省略主语多限于少数现成的说法。省略主语多限于少数现成的说法。(1)(I)Thank you for your help.(2)(I)See you tomorrow.(3)(It)Doesnt matter.(4)(I)Beg your pardon.I.简单句中的省略简单句中的省略2 2、省略主谓或主谓语的一部分、省略主谓或主谓语的一部分 (1)(There is)No smoking.(2)(Is there)Anything wrong?(3)(Will you)Have a smoke?(4)What/How(do you think)about a cup of tea?(5)Why(do you)not say hello to him?I.简单句中的省略简单句中的省略3 3、省略表语、省略表语 (1)Are you thirsty?-Yes,I am(thirsty).(2)His brother isnt lazy,nor is his sister(lazy).4 4、同时省略几个成分、同时省略几个成分 (1)Lets meet at the same place as(we met)yesterday.(2)-Have you finished your work?-(I have)Not(finished my work)yet.II.主从复合句中的省略主从复合句中的省略1 1、主从句中有一些成分被省略、主从句中有一些成分被省略(1)(Im)Sorry to hear that you are ill.(2)(Its a)Pity that he missed such a good chance.3The sooner(you do it),the better(it will be).2 2、not/sonot/so常用来替代从句。常用来替代从句。(1)Is he coming back tonight?-I think so.(2)She must be busy now?-If so,she cant go with us.(3)Is she feeling better?-Im afraid not.(4)Do you think he will attend the meeting?-I guess not.so常用于替代常用于替代_方式的从句,而方式的从句,而not常用来替代常用来替代_方式的从句。常见的动词有:方式的从句。常见的动词有:_ _等等 及及_。这种用法常见的还有:这种用法常见的还有:一定一定否认否认 think/believe/suppose/expect/imagine/guess/hope/fear;say/speak/doIm afraidHow so?Why so?Why not?Is that so?III.并列句中的省略并列句中的省略 两个并列句中,后一个分句常省略与前一分句两个并列句中,后一个分句常省略与前一分句中一样的部分。中一样的部分。(1)My father is a doctor and my mother(is)a nurse.(2)I study at college and my sister(studies)at high school.(3)When summer comes,the day is getting longer and longer,and the night(is getting)shorter and shorter.IV其他从句的省略其他从句的省略1.1.宾语从句中常省略连词宾语从句中常省略连词thatthat,但也有不,但也有不能省略的情况。能省略的情况。I think(that)it will clear up this I think(that)it will clear up this afternoon and that they will come afternoon and that they will come to say goodbye to us.to say goodbye to us.2.2.在定语从句中,在定语从句中,that/which/whom/whothat/which/whom/who在从句中作宾语时可省略在从句中作宾语时可省略.Here is the man(whom/that/who)Here is the man(whom/that/who)youyouve been looking for.ve been looking for.3 3、在某些状语从句中,从句的主语与主句的、在某些状语从句中,从句的主语与主句的主语一致时,可省去主语一致时,可省去“主语主语+be+be部分部分IV其他从句的省略其他从句的省略 When(he was)still a boy of 10,he had to work day and night.She tried her best though(she was)rather poor in health.If(you are)asked you may come in.If(it is)necessary Ill explain to you again.More examples:V不定式的省略不定式的省略1.1.省略作宾语的不定式短语,只保管省略作宾语的不定式短语,只保管toto,但,但假设不定式假设不定式toto后是后是be/be/完成时态完成时态/have been/have been,那么须保管那么须保管be/have/have been:be/have/have been:(1)Are you going there?-Yes,Id like to(go there).(2)He didnt give me the chance,though he had promised to(give me the chance).(3)Are you an engineer?-No,but I want to be.(4)He hasnt finished the task yet.-Well,he ought to have.V不定式的省略不定式的省略2.2.不定式符号不定式符号toto的其他省略情形的其他省略情形 并列的不定式可省去后面的并列的不定式可省去后面的 to.I told him to sit down and wait for a moment.(2)help 当当“协助讲时,后面的宾语或宾补的不协助讲时,后面的宾语或宾补的不定式符号定式符号to可带可不带可带可不带.I will help(to)do it for you.I will help you(to)do it.V不定式的省略不定式的省略2.2.不定式符号不定式符号toto的其他省略情形的其他省略情形3介词介词but/except前假设有实意动词前假设有实意动词do,后面的后面的不定式不带不定式不带 to.如:如:The boy did nothing but play.The mother could do nothing but wait for the doctor to come.He had no choice but to wait.V不定式的省略不定式的省略V不定式的省略不定式的省略(5)主语从句中有动词主语从句中有动词do,后面作表语的不定后面作表语的不定式的式的 to可带可不带。可带可不带。All we can do now is(to)wait.The only thing you have to do is(to)press the button.VI.if虚拟条件从句中的省略虚拟条件从句中的省略连词连词ifif在部分虚拟条件句中可省略,在部分虚拟条件句中可省略,但后面的语序有变化。但后面的语序有变化。Had they had time,they would certainly have come and helped us.(2)Were I you,I would do the work better.(3Should there be a flood,what should we do?Exercises about Ellipsis.Exercises about Ellipsis.3.Rewrite these sentences by taking out the unnecessary parts.The burn that she got from the iron was red and it was very painful.(_)P37(_)2.A boy was on the left side of the sick woman,and a girl was on the right side of the sick woman.3.She has a daughter who is in hospital.4.He went to the doctor because he had to go to the doctor.(_)(_)(_)5.Did she pass the first aid test that she did yesterday or didnt she pass?or not.(_)6.She could not decided whether to send him to hospital or not to send him to hospital.7.When your nose is bleeding,you should bend forward so that the blood runs out of your nose and the blood doesnt run down your throat.8.Only some of the students have done a first aid course but most of the students havent done a first aid course.notThese sentences are correct.However,one or more words have been left out.Can you tell your partner which words are missing?1)The cottage surrounded by a wall belongs to the local government.The cottage(which is)surrounded by awall belongs to the local government.P37 4.2)The first book I read this term was more interesting than the second.The first book(that)I read this term was more interesting than the second(book that I read this term).3)To her teachers surprise,she did better in her first aid exam than expected.To her teachers surprise,she didbetter in her first aid exam than(she was)expected(to do).4)I dont think they have returned from the hospital,but they might have.I dont think they have returned from the hospital,but they might have(returned from the hospital).5)He wanted to help the accident victim but his friend didnt.He wanted to help the accident victim but his friend didnt(want to help the accident victim).6)You can borrow my first aid notes if you want to.You can borrow my first aid notes if you want to(borrow my first aid notes).7)Sounds like a good idea.8)Anything I can do for you?(It)sounds like a good idea (Is there)anything I can do for you?a10.The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise,if _ regularly,can improve our health.being carried out B.carrying out C.carried out D.to carry out 浙江浙江202111.Some of you may have finished unit one._,you can go on to unit two.A.If you may B.If you do C.If not D.If so 江西江西202112.Whats the matter with Della?Well,her parents wouldnt allow her to go to the party,but she still _.A.hopes to B.hopes soC.hopes not D.hopes for 江苏江苏202113.Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday?Yes._,Im going to visit some homes for the old in the city.A.If ever B.If busy C.If anything D.If possible 安徽安徽202114.Do you have any idea what Paul does all day?As I know,he spends at least as much time playing as he _.A.writesB.does writingC.is writingD.does write 重庆重庆202115.We all know that,_,the situation will get worse.A.not if dealt carefully withB.if not carefully dealt withC.if dealt not carefully with D.not if carefully dealt with 2021全国卷全国卷I16.Dont take too much of the medicine;it does you more harm than good if you _.do B.take C.like D.have 江西江西202117.I was wondering if we could go skiing on the weekend._ good.Sound B.Sounded C.Sounding D.Sounds 湖北湖北 2021Thank you!


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