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牛津版七级下教学工作总结(共3篇) 第1篇:七级英语下册Unit教学设计牛津上海版讲义Unit 5 What can we learn from others How was their life Did they want to get wishes from the Luck Fairy Fairy Farmer and his wife I am going to give you_wishes.Although we are old,we work in the fields every day.C.Change although into but in pairs.4.Make a dialogue in pairs.5.Skim paragraph 10 and answer the questions What wishes did the Luck Fairy give them at last Inferring2 活动3Posttask procedure 1.Read and act out the text in roles.2.Retell the story according to the table.3.Have a discuion: What can we learn from Fred and DorisHow can we have a happy life Why 学_要点:学会用所学的形容词来描写人 eg: Long ago, there was a poor farmer called Fred.学会用一般过去时谈论过去发生的事。eg:One winter night, the Luck Fairy visited them.理解though/although句型的用法。eg: Although were old, we work in the fields every day.中文:_ 课前预_:New words.(单词) 根据课文36页的词汇表,写出下列单词的中文,词性和音标。 中文 词性 音标wife _ _ _ 3 hut _ _ _ fairy _ _ _ hard-working _ _ _ although _ _ _ earn _ _ _ gold _ _ _ coin _ _ _ comfortable _ _ _ reply _ _ _ greedy _ _ _ happine _ _ _ forever _ _ _ disappear _ _ _ 2.phrase(词组)请从课文第32页和第33页找出下列词组。1向别人学_ 2.很久以前_ 3住在一个陈旧的小屋_4。一个冬天的晚上_ 5幸运女神_ 6。辛勤的农民_ 7对彼此微笑_ 8。给某人一些金币_ 9过得幸福 _ 10保暖_ 11表演_ 12。满足某人的三个愿望_ 13在田里劳动_ 14。祝某人永远快乐健康_ 活动6阅读测试4 词汇: Fred is a good f_.He and his wife Doris lived h_together in a tiny h_One day,Luck Fairy v_ them and wanted to give them three w_.But they didnt want anything.At last,Luck fairy wished them happine and health f_and then d_.A:Report:One winter night, I visited Fred and Doris.Id like to give them .But they said “No”.Although , they.They were not greedy.I wished them at last.I hope other people will learn from them Names: _ Job: _ Three wishes for them at first: _ They said “No” because:Although they were poor, they lived happily.Although they were old, they _.Although their hut_, they thought _.Although their clothes_, they thought _.My wish for them at last: _ B: Look and match ( )1.Peter is busy a.he always helps his clamates.( )2.Maths is difficult for Kitty, b.she never gives it up.Although ( )3.Jill lives far away from school c.she is never late for cla.( )4.she is busy, d.she always helps his clamates.( )5.Alice is not strong e.she always helps her teacher.( )6.Sam has a lot of pocket money f.she never wastes it. 5 C: There was a king in Greece.He loved gold more than anything else in the world.One day, when the king was counting his gold co, an angel appeared and said,“You are very rich.” He replied,“I am not rich.I have very little gold.”The angel said,“You are not satisfied with (对满意)that much gold.How much more do you want He loved_most.2.What happened when the king was counting gold co _.4.How did the king feel when everything he touched became gold He understood that_.6.What do you think of the king get on with “进展”; “与相处 (融洽)”Im getting on well with the preparation. How are you getting on with your new clamates7.hate to do sth.= hate doing sth.不喜欢, 讨厌 I hate action films. (I hate seeing action films./ I hate to see action films.)8.Its an action film and its very exciting.action film (武打片,动作片); love story (爱情片 );用心爱心专心cartoon (卡通片); exciting film(惊险片); cowboy story (西部片); horror story (片); police story(警匪片); documentary(纪录片)9.be full of “充满,挤满” (状态)be filled with “灌满,装满” (动作)The bottle is full of milk.(The bottle is filled with milk.) At lunch time, the school dining room is always full of people. Our English teacher is a man full of energy. The street is full of people.(句意不变) The street is crowded with people.10.-How long is the film It lasts 80 minutes. The duration of “Swan Lake” is 80 minutes.11.How much are they going to pay for the tickets altogether Sth.costs sb.The coat cost me 90 yuan last Saturday. The experiment cost him two years of hard work. Sb.spends on sth.Every morning Peter spends half an hour on /(in) reading English. I spent one and a half hours doing my homework last night. It takes sb. to do sth.It took us 30 minutes to get to the Grand View Garden by car. It takes me five minutes to walk to school in the morning. You can take a bus there.(You can go there by bus.) We took a cable car up to the top of the mountain.Welcome to SheshanSuggested questions: 1.Where is Sheshan in Shanghai 3.How can you go there and what do you think of Sheshan25.see do sth.“看见某人做了某事” (动作的全过程) see diong sth.“看见某人正在做某事” (动作正在进行)Its interesting to see butterflies flying around the flowers. I saw her go into the teachers office minutes ago.I saw the boys flying the kites in the park this afternoon.26.What does spring make you think of 2.What did you buy for her 4.Where did you buy it 6.Did your mother like itA present for my mother Last Sunday was Internatial Womens Day.On that day I bought a present for my mother.It was a key ring.It is used for holding keys.I bought it in a toy shoping centre of the city.I went there by bus.When I gave it to my mother, she was very excited.She said she liked it very much.Although it was not very expensive, it was my first present for my mother.(75 words)27.silly 头脑简单, 傻头傻脑的; stupid 智力差的, 反应迟钝的;foolish 没头脑的,缺乏常识与判断力的 Stop asking such silly questions! He is very stupid in learning Maths. It was a foolish thing to ask for the moon.28.There will be plenty of food in the forest in winter. There is a bus every five minutes. There was a very good film on TV last night. This road is very dangerous.There have been many accidents. Im going away tomorrow.Ill do my packing today because there wont be time tomorrow. There will be a large garden in our school.用心爱心专心29.He collected food and took it into his house. Would you please take the suitcase into my room for me (5) 做事情 take a walk; take a rest; take a look; take away; take care; take good care of; take down; take out; take off; take ones time (Please take your time! 请慢慢来!) ; take ones temperature30.He looked for food everywhere, but he found nothing. nothing = not anything He found nothing.= He didnt find anything. look for (寻找的动作过程) find (寻找的结果) He has looked for his lost key, but he cant find it.31.He felt cold, hungry and disappointed.系动词 + 形容词 (系表结构)-You look tired.-Yes, I feel tired. The boy looks sad.He looks sadly at his mother for help. It smells good. The price sounds reasonable. Silk feels smooth.32.The ant heard the grahopper and came out of his house. out of 用法很多,请注意:out of action (失去作用,停止运动) out of breath (上气不接下气) out of control (失去控制) out of date/out of fashion (过时) out of doubt (确定无疑) out of kindne (出于好意) out of order (不整齐) out of ones power (力用心爱心专心所不及) out of place (不适当,不相称) out of question (毫无疑问) out of the question (不可能, 成问题) out of shape (变形) out of work (失业,下岗) I saw him come out of the supermarket with a lady yesterday.Maybe it was his elder sister. Fish can not live out of water. This will happen in nine out of ten. The ship is out of sight. The traffic accident was out of carelene in driving. We are out of tea. This paragraph is out of Marxs works.He talked his wife out of buying the new bicycle.(他说服妻子不要买新自行车了)33.Whats the matter (with you), my friend= Whats the trouble with you= Whats troubling you / Are you able to speak French 你到底 / 究竟为什么不跟我说实话?(表示加重语气)36.Perhaps people in different countries will all be able to speak the same language. (same 前一般要加定冠词) The students come from different parts of the world. Those shirts are all the same size. different from / the same as The cultures in China are different from those in foreign countries. Her hair is the same colour as her mothers. Tom is the same height as Jack.37.I hope (that )there will be enough food for everyone. hope to do sth. hope (that) 跟宾语从句 (宾语从句常用一般将来时或情态动词) I hope that I will become an astronaut. Tom hopes that people will not pollute the Earth. I hope to go to Qingdao with my father at the weekend.I hope多用于对好事的盼望和预想; Im afraid多用于对坏事的预想I hope it will be fine tomorrow.我希望明天天好。Im afraid it will rain again tomorrow.恐怕明天还会下雨。38.After ten years, we can open the box and see how things have changed. after 在某个特定时间以后, 也可用将来时态: The film will be shown after 8 oclock this evening. They will start working after 10 a.m. in 从现在起的一段时间以后, 用将来时态: They will start working in half an hour.用心爱心专心A hard-working clamate Peter and I have been clamates since we came into middle school.He walks to school every morning because he says it is useful to exexcise more.Although Peter lives far away from school, he is never late for cla.He gets up very early in the morning, and he practises reading English regularly.At school, he is always ready to help others.He also helps his teachers although he is busy with his studies.He is one of the top students in our cla.Once he told me that he had a lot of pocket money but he never wasted it.He has decided to buy some books and send them to the poor children in the west.All the teachers and clamates love him very much.What a hard-working clamate Peter is!The problem I have ever had.Suggested questions: 1.What was the problem you have ever had 3.How do you deal with it 这蛋糕是你亲自做的吗? The work itself is easy.这工作本身很容易。 (3) 作表语: (表示身体或精神状态)Im not myself today.我今天不舒服。I am feeling myself again.我觉得身体舒服了。 (4) 用于口语与固定用法中:Help youself to the cakes, Kitty! 请随便吃蛋糕,Kitty! Make yourself at home! 别客气! Dont upset youself! 别自寻烦恼!He cant make himself heard (understood).Module 3 The natural elements Unit 9 The wind is blowing Unit 10 Water festival *Unit 11 ElectricitySports and our life Suggestions: 1.Whats your favourite sport 3.How does the sport influence (影响) your life Perhaps people will have robots.The robots will help us do all the housework.Perhaps there will be computers and vision phones in every home.Children will study on computers.Perhaps people will fly to the moon and live on it.I also think people will be able to build many beautiful cities under the sea.We can live under the sea and watch all the living things under the sea.How wonderful our future life will be!42.形 容 词 的 比 较 等 级(1) 原形容词后加 er, est 构成比较级和最高级:cold colder coldest; young younger youngest; fast faster fastest; cheap cheaper cheapest (2) 原形容词词尾是字母 e 时,加 r, st 构成比较级和最高级: large larger largest; nice nicer nicerst (3) 原形容词词尾是辅音字母+ y时,去 y, 加ier, iest 构成比较级和最高级:dry drier driest;friendly friendlier friendliest pretty prettier prettiest; easy easier easiest; (4) 原形容词是重读闭音节时,双写词末辅音字母 ,加 er, est构成比较级和最高级:big bigger biggest; hot hotter hottest; thin thinner thinnest; wet wetter -wettest (5) 部分双音节及三个音节以上的形容词,在其前加 more, most构成比较级和最高级:beautiful more beautiful - most beautiful; comfortable more comfortable - most comfortable; difficult - more difficult - most difficult; expensive - more expensive - most expensive (6)不规则的变化须记住:bad worse worst; good / well better best; many / much more most (注意: 原形容词最高级前须加定冠词 the)句型如下:A.同级相比(肯定) as as; (否定) not as(so) as B.比较级: 形容词比较级 + than C.最高级:形容词最高级 + in 群体用心爱心专心Translate the following into English: 1.我的风筝没有你的大。My kite is not as big as yours.2.你的风筝比我的小。Your kite is smaller than mine.3.他们的风筝没我们的更有色彩。Their kite isnt as colourful as ours. (Our kite is more coloueful than theirs.) 4.我的风筝最大最漂亮。My kite is the biggest and the most beautiful.5.她的(风筝)没你的漂亮。Hers is not as beautiful as yours.6.Joe 的风筝比 Kitty 的更有色彩。Joes (kite) is more colourful than Kittys.43.Strength is not always important.(力气) He hasnt got enough strength to remove that stone. I havent the strength to lift the heavy box. Union is strength.团结就是力量。44.Mr Wind was very proud.He liked showing off his strength all the time.(proud adj.骄傲的,自豪的, 得意的) Im proud to be your friend.做你的朋友我感到骄傲。 She is proud that she is the cheerleader of the school. be proud of / take pride in (为感到自豪) We are proud of (take pride in) our motherland. show off (炫耀, 卖弄) The Emperor liked showing off his new clothes. He is showing off his new mobile phone.45.I think Mr Sun is stronger than Mr Wind. I think 后如跟否定句, 则要否定在主句上:I dont think Mr Wind is stronger than Mr Sun. 我认为风先生没有太阳先生厉害。I dont think he is good at learning English. 我认为他不擅长学英语。(误) I think he isnt a good boy. (正) I dont think he is a good boy.我认为他不是个好男孩。用心爱心专心46.That man felt hot and took off his coat.(脱下) Youd better take off your coat.Its very warm ide. Put on more clothes when you go out.(穿上) The plane will take off in 20 minutes.(起飞) The sports meet was taken off because of the bad weather.(取消)How to be a good student Do you know when to set off 你(们)准备好了吗?be ready for = get ready for = prepare for 为做准备 The students are getting ready for the exam. be ready to do sth.= get ready to do sth. 准备做某事; 乐意做某事Are you getting ready to run 2.What will happen if we change the forms 12-13 (下) 第16-20期责编:阮尧 学生双语报配合牛津深圳版 七年级8.Why not buy some flowers for her 10.Ill go to London with my parents on holiday.III.听对话,根据对话内容选择最佳答案。对话念两遍。 11.W: When are you going to see your grandparents M: Its sunny.13.W: Is the short girl with long straight hair your clamate, JeffM: Im planning to go to the sea.15.W: Hi, Tom! How are you getting along with your study 4.They opened a door and found a girl in it.5.I saw that a mouse was behind the vase.II.听句子,根据所听内容选择最佳应答语。每小题念两遍。 6.What is the furniture made of 12-13 (下) 第16-20期责编:阮尧 学生双语报配合牛津深圳版 七年级8.What can I do for you III.听对话,根据对话内容选择最佳答案。对话念两遍。 11.W: Do you like working in the zoo M: I saw a cat in the tree.I took a photo of it.13.W: Bill, where is JackM: Sure.What will you do with the woodM: Yes.They are clever.In fact, I like many animals, such as tigers and elephants, but pandas are my favorite.IV.听短文,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。短文读两遍。(M) Here is the news at six oclock.Last night there was a fire at the town school.Two buildings were burnt down.The fire started at about twelve oclock and the firefighters were fighting the fire for four hours.Three other buildings were destroyed, too.So the students will not be able to use the art room and the computer room for several months.The firemen are looking for the reason of the fire carefully.It was perhaps an electrical fault.参考答案听力部分I.1-5 CBABBII.6-10 BABCCIII.11-15 BABACIV.16-20 ACBBC 笔试部分I.1-5 ACBAD6-10 BDCDB11-15 BACDB16-20 DBAACII.21-25 BDACB26-30 CABAA III.31-35 CADBD36-40 ADABD41-45 ADBCD46-50 DACBC 51-55 FECBA56-60 EBCAF IV.(One poible version) 61.discuion 62.apologizing 63.leaves 64.millions65.laughing 66.final67.digging68.convenient 69.importance 70.careful V.(One poible version) 12-13 (下) 第16-20期责编:阮尧 学生双语报配合牛津深圳版 七年级These years, air pollution is more and more serious, and it brings us many problems.There are many reasons.More and more people buy cars, and those cars produce a lot of harmful gases and waste a lot of energy.A lot of factories produce harmful gases into the air.It makes our city and sky become grey.And many people cut down trees to make paper, so trees are fewer and fewer.We must do our best to protect our environment.本次作文是一篇关于造成空气污染原因的文章。文中主要应该阐述造成空气污染的各种原因,表达自己的环保理念并呼吁大家保护环境。写作时,要紧密结合提示要点,不能遗漏要点。时态应该用一般现在时。文章完成之后,要通读全文,检查语法是否正确、要点是否齐全。阅读专项训练(三)Keys: (One poible version 选择题和判断题除外) 阅读训练营1-5 BDDBB6-10 BCDBA11-15 CDACB 完形小测1-5 CDABD6-10 CBAAC 11.us 12.give 13.traveled 14.had 15.get 16.saw 17.leave 18.helped19.so 20.feel 非常解读1.F2.Hong Kong3.Just for fun.4.They thought her voice was special.5.当她还是孩子时,她和家人一起住在伦敦。6.F7.entered the church8.They stood and sat to follow what other people did.9.Because only the new babys father needed to stand up.10.我们在模仿别人之前应该明白人们在做什么! 阅读专项训练(四) Keys: (One poible version 选择题和判断题除外) 阅读训练营1-5 CBDBA6-10 ABDBD 11-15 CDCAA 完形小测1-5 CADBD 6-10 CCABC 11-15 DBCAD16-20 BCBAA 非常解读1.F2.in good health3.15, 000 yuan per month.4.You can talk to them.5.如果他(她)懂得一些汉语更好。6.F7.leave the field8.The other teams flag.9.36 meters wide.10.如果一个队的所有对员都出局了,他们就输掉了这场比赛。 Units 5-6基础知识归纳与练_Keys: (One poible version 选择题除外)12-13 (下) 第16-20期责编:阮尧 学生双语报配合牛津深圳版 七年级单词归纳与练_I.1.journey 2.voice 3.dropping 4.through 5.moment 6.conversation 7.bank 8.rules 9.battery 10.on II.1.fresh 2.add 3.test 4.formed 5.cookers 6.change 7.return 8.electricity 9.anyone 10.quantity III.1.salty 2.valuable 3.replied 4.tidy 5.foolish 6.continued 7.pipes 8.experiments 9.chemicals 10.to lock 词组归纳与练_I.1.to turn off 2.a bit 3.to add; to 4.pocket money 5.is; made up of 6.part of 7.a packet of 8.is connected to 9.drops of 10.to tidy up II.1.dried up 2.took a shower 3.are waiting for 4.at least 5.make sure 6.washing machines 7.power station 8.tead of 9.to switch off 10.In a way 句型归纳与练_1.Remember not to leave 2.Its not easy; to finish 3.are ready to climb 4.Before you give up 5.Lets go to 6.Do not; if you want 7.Its time; to be 8.to divide; into 9.twice as much as 10.told us not to throw语法归纳与练_I.1-6 CDBCAC II.1.May; ask you 2.must get up 3.can play 4.must be quiet 5.mustnt touch 6.doesnt have to go七年级(下)Units 5-6 综合能力测试题听力原文及参考答案听力原文I.听录音,选出你听到的句子。每小题念两遍。 1.Lucy is talking to a drop of water.2.They are helping me clean the room.3.Do you have rules at home 5.My bike broke down on my way to school.II.听句子,根据所听内容选择最佳应答语。每小题念两遍。 6.When did he meet his friend 8.Do you know what time it is in London 10.Where does your energy come from Is it sugarW: Its cheap.A battery costs only one yuan.13.M: Can I help you, madamW: Not yet.But Alex says he will help me.15.M: Do you recycle at homeW: I take short showers.IV.听短文,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。短文读两遍。The mango is the king of fruit.Mangoes can have a red and yellow color like the sun, or they can be green.There are about 1,000 kinds of mangoes around the world.The Portuguese gave this kind of fruit the name “mango”.They first came to India about 500 years ago.They found the mango in India.Indians have enjoyed the mango for about 3,000 years.They think the mango can bring them good luck.In many parts of India, people put mango leaves on the front door.They believe that the mango tree can make their wishes come true.参考答案听力部分I.1-5 CBAABII.6-10 BCACAIII.11-15 ABCABIV.16-20 BACBC 笔试部分 I.1-5 CABDD 6-10 ABABD11-15 ABBDD41-45 CBABB46-50 DDDCC16-20 ADBBB II.21-25 CADCC 26-30 DDBDA III.31-35 CDDBC 36-40 CDACD 51-55 DFECB 56-60 DBFAE IV.(One poible version) 61.dropped 62.salt 63.chemicals 64.valuable 65.electricity 66.foolish 67.connected 68.cooker 69.safety 70.batteries V.(One poible version) The Pearl River is our mother river.The river was polluted in the past.Now the water in the river is getting cleaner and cleaner.The polluted water from everyday use and factories is kept from the 12-13 (下) 第16-20期责编:阮尧 学生双语报配合牛津深圳版 七年级Pearl River.People from Guangzhou began to take part in the activity of swimming acro the Pearl River in .Now they swim acro the Pearl River every year.They enjoy swimming in it.And we must protect the Pearl Ri


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