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Unit 1 Space Exploration1学习交流PPTIn this unit you will:1.learn about how the universe works and mans exploration of outer space;2.familiarize yourself with words and expressions related to the theme of this unit;3.learn to use these words and expressions;4.learn the ABCs of news reporting and listen for key details in news reports;5.practice listening with other non-theme-related audio and video materials;6.learn how to accept or refuse an offer using the proper expressions and sentence structures.Learning objectives2学习交流PPT 3学习交流PPT Section I Science Report Section II Science Report Section III Talk4学习交流PPT1.Do you want to have an experience of viewing the earth from outer space?Why or why not?2.Do you agree or disagree with the statement that space exploration is propelling the advancement of modern technology?Lead-in questions:Unit 1 Part I Section I Lead-in questions5学习交流PPTWord Banksurge/sd/n.汹涌,澎湃汹涌,澎湃planetary/plntr/adj.行星的行星的alignment/lanmnt/n.调整调整(成直线成直线),),准线,定向准线,定向dire/da(r)/adj.可怕的,悲惨的可怕的,悲惨的Biblical/bblkl/adj.圣经的圣经的cosmic/kzmk/adj.宇宙的宇宙的ultimate/ltmt/adj.终极的,根本的,极限的,最后的终极的,根本的,极限的,最后的astronomy/strnmi/n.天文学天文学astrology/strldi/n.占星术,占星学占星术,占星学immemorial/mmril/adj.太古的,极古的,久远的太古的,极古的,久远的baffling/bfli/adj.令人困惑的令人困惑的usher/(r)/vt.引导,护送引导,护送usher in引进,开创引进,开创Unit 1 Part I Section I Word Bank6学习交流PPTdivine/dvan/adj.神的,神圣的神的,神圣的grid/rd/n.格子;网格子;网intact/ntkt/adj.完好无缺的,原封不动的,未经触碰的完好无缺的,原封不动的,未经触碰的constellation/knstlen/n.星座,星群星座,星群zodiac/zdik/n.黄道带,十二宫图;(中国的)属相,黄道带,十二宫图;(中国的)属相,十二生肖十二生肖canopy/knpi/n.苍穹,天篷苍穹,天篷continuity/kntnjuti/n.连续性连续性reign/ren/v.统治,支配统治,支配recurring/rkri/adj.循环的,再发的循环的,再发的in the way of在在 方面方面ascribe/skrab/v.归因于,归咎于归因于,归咎于Unit 1 Part I Section I Word Bank7学习交流PPTNotesUnit 1 Part I Section I Notes1.Florida A southern state along the Gulf of Mexico,also called the sunshine state.Florida is the fourth mostpopulous state in the US.2.Georgia A state located in the southeastern United States.Georgia was established in 1732,the last of the original Thirteen Colonies.It is named after King George II,of Great Britain.Georgia was the fourth state to ratify the United States Constitution,on January 2,1788.It declared its secession from the Union on January 21,8学习交流PPTTask 1 Watch the video clip and then decide whetherthe following statements are true or false.TaskUnit 1 Part I Section I Task 11.Richard Noone is moving his family from Florida to Georgia because he likes mountains better than oceans.2.The rare formation of the five planets on the fifth day of the fifth month is a sign of disaster to Noone.(He is moving because he believes that a major surge of the Antarctic ice sheet triggered by a unique planetary alignment will produce tidal waves that will destroy his house and other buildings.)TF_9学习交流PPT3.Ancient people were so confused by some heavenly events that they turned to supernatural forces for explanations.4.The constellations of the zodiac were used by ancient civilizations to predict the coming of disasters.5.The recurring cycle of light and darkness formed the basis of the first religious belief of worshiping the sun.FT_(The constellations of the zodiac were thought to exercise a mystical influence over human lives.)_Unit 1 Part I Section I Task 1F_(The recurring cycle of light and darkness formed the basis of the first organizing principle of our natural world,day and night.)10学习交流PPTTask 2 Watch the video clip a second time and then complete the following sentences.TaskUnit 1 Part I Section I Task 21.On May 5th of the year 2000,a planetary alignment will that will destroy coastal areas.2.Astrology is the belief that the heavens life on Earth.3.From the dawn of history man began to observe nature:disappearing with the light and its warmth,the rising moon ,and a light show of distant stars slowly .trigger/produce the surge of the Antarctic ice sheet exercise a supernatural influence overthe setting sunushering in the cold,dark night materializing_ _11学习交流PPTUnit 1 Part I Section I Task 24.Systematic observation of the heavens begins .For primitive man the sun .5.Our earliest ancestors had little .Therefore,it is natural for them to to natures most basic questions.before recorded timereigned supremein the way of knowledge ascribe supernatural answers_ _12学习交流PPT1.Do you agree that what happens in the heavens above influence life below on Earth?Please give examples to support your point of view.2.What is your zodiac?Do you think it decides what you do and who you are?Why or why not?3.Is astrology science or superstition?Please give reasons for your answer.4.Do you sometimes wonder if there are other life forms in outer space?Why or why not?Task 3 Watch the video clip again and then have a group discussion based on the following questions.After the discussion,each group will give a brief report to the classTaskUnit 1 Part I Section I Task 3【Script】13学习交流PPTScriptUnit 1 Part I Section I Script Richard Noone is moving his family from the Florida coast to a new home in the mountains of Georgia.He probably wont tell the buyers of his old house his reasons for leaving.Noone:On May 5th of the year 2000,a major surge of the Antarctic ice sheet,triggered by a uniqueplanetary alignment,will produce tidal waves that will destroy these buildings behind me.From the earliest time it was believed the heavens above influenced life here below.On the fifth day of the 14学习交流PPTWord Bankhabitation/hbten/n.居住,住所居住,住所premise/prems/n.居住,住所居住,住所Martian/mn/adj.火星的火星的domed/dmd/adj.圆屋顶的,半球形的圆屋顶的,半球形的enclosure/nkl(r)/n.围墙,围绕围墙,围绕ultraviolet/ltrvalt/adj.紫外线的紫外线的terraform/terf:m/n.创建仿地球生存环境创建仿地球生存环境nitrogen/natrdn/n.氮氮eon/i:n/n.千万年,永久千万年,永久Unit 1 Part I Section II Word Bank15学习交流PPTarid/rd/adj.干燥的,不毛的干燥的,不毛的earthling/l/n.凡人,俗人凡人,俗人preposterous/prpstrs/adj.荒谬的,可笑的荒谬的,可笑的mimic/mmk/vt.模仿模仿vessel/vesl/n.容器,器皿容器,器皿simulate/smjulet/vt.假装,模仿假装,模仿terrestrial/trestril/adj.地球的,地上的地球的,地上的microorganism/makr:nizm/n.微生物微生物Unit 1 Part I Section II Word Bank16学习交流PPTcarbonate/kbnet/n.碳酸盐碳酸盐scheme/skim/n.方案,计划方案,计划drilling rig钻机钻机;钻探设备钻探设备probe/prb/v.探测探测water table地下水面地下水面visionary/vnri/n.梦想家,预言家梦想家,预言家Obayashi Corporation大林组株式会大林组株式会社社 (日本五大建筑公司之一日本五大建筑公司之一)Unit 1 Part I Section II Word Bank17学习交流PPTNotesUnit 1 Part I Section II Notes1.Colorado1.Colorado A US state.It encompasses most of the Southern Rocky Mountains as well as the northeastern portion of the Colorado Plateau.2.While the visionaries perfect their fantasy Martian 2.While the visionaries perfect their fantasy Martian colony they grow frustrated at what they see as colony they grow frustrated at what they see as government foot dragging.government foot dragging.While those who have ambitions and visions for the future make their imaginary project to colonize Mars better,they feel frustrated because they believe the government is deliberately slow in supporting them and their project.18学习交流PPT1.What is driving the Japanese company to develop permanent human habitations on Mars?A.Sophisticated technology available that enables humans to travel vast distances.B.Funding from the Japanese government for outer space colonization.C.The belief that water can be obtained from ice lying in the soil on Mars.D.The conviction that Mars can be terraformed into a blue planet like the earth.Task 1 Watch the video clip and choose the best answers to the following questions.TaskUnit 1 Part I Section II Task 119学习交流PPT2.What could threaten human beings once they move to live on Mars?A.Lack of crops and fuel.B.The deadly atmosphere on Mars.C.Ultraviolet radiation from the sun.D.Human ambition to colonize the entire planet.3.In thousands of years,what will Mars be terraformed into?A.A planet covered entirely by water.B.A planet with earthlike life supporting systems.C.A planet surrounded by greenhouse gases.D.A planet accommodating millions of people.Unit 1 Part I Section II Task 120学习交流PPT4.According to scientist Julian Hisscocks,what are the Mars jars used for?A.To grow organisms under simulated Martian conditions.B.To test the level of carbon dioxide organisms can put up with.C.To see how many stages are required to make Mars habitable.D.To prove the feasibility of various terraforming projects.5.What do the speakers mainly talk about?A.Planetary engineering.B.The arid planet Mars.C.Rediscovering a watery Mars.D.Terraforming Mars.Unit 1 Part I Section II Task 121学习交流PPT1.Why does the Japanese company Obayshi want to establish large,domed enclosures?2.What will Mars ultimately be like in the eyes of the visionaries?Task 2 Watch the video clip for the second time and then give a short answer to each of the following questions.TaskTo protect human immigrants from the suns deadly ultraviolet radiation and violent Martian dust storms.It will be transformed into a planet adapted to human life._Unit 1 Part I Section II Task 222学习交流PPTUnit 1 Part I Section II Task 23.What is terraforming?4.How long will it take to change the face of the whole planet?5.How can the dry planet Mars be turned green?6.Who is working on terraforming projects?It refers to the process of providing Mars with a life-supporting atmosphere similar to earth so that humans and animals can breathe freely.Eons/thousands of years.Water will be released from rocks and soil under the surface of Mars as well as from polar caps.Both professionals and enthusiastic amateurs from American and Europe._23学习交流PPTTask 3 Watch the video clip again and then make a two-minute-comment on the topic of the video clip.Prepare to answer one or two questions raised by the class or your teacher after your presentation.TaskUnit 1 Part I Section II Task 3For Reference:For Reference:Projects with the ultimate goal of making Mars habitable for humans have been under way for some time.Scientists and amateurs alike are planning to warm Mars by the deliberate release of greenhousegases and its own greenhouse effect,which will gradually release the vast,hidden reserves of water through the melting of the subsurface ice.Finally,in thousands of years,there will be a life supportingsystem similar to that on earth on the red planet.Thus 24学习交流PPTUnit 1 Part I Section II Task 3【Script】Questions:1.How do you like the idea of turning Mars into a green planet and making it habitable for human beings?2.Suppose scientists could colonize the moon and make it suitable for man to live there.Would you like to move to the moon?Why or why not?3.A British company is planning to take travelers into outer space.Would you consider taking such a space trip in the near future?Please give your reasons.4.China has quickened its pace in outer space exploration.For example,it has launched manned space flights and sent probes to the moon.What is your attitude towards these programs?5.Are you interested in space exploration projects?Why or why not?25学习交流PPTScriptUnit 1 Part I Section II Script A Japanese company,the Obayashi Corporation is already preparing to develop areas on Mars forpermanent human habitation.They work on the premise that it will be possible to obtain water from icebelieved to lie in the rocks and soil beneath the Martian surface.Large,domed enclosures will protecthuman immigrants from the suns deadly ultraviolet radiation and violent Martian dust storms.From here self-sufficient colonists can grow crops,manufacture fuel,and set out to explore remote regions of the red planet.26学习交流PPTWord Bankevolve/vlv/v.进展进展,进化;展开进化;展开capacity/kpsti/n.能力能力,容量容量,容积容积;资格资格,职位职位disposal/dspzl/n.处理处理,处置处置,布置布置,配置配置atlas/tls/n.地图集地图集chart/tt/vt.制成图表制成图表Hayden/hedn/n.海登海登planetarium/plnterim/n.天文馆天文馆internship/ntnp/n.实习生实习生Linkoping University林雪平大学林雪平大学Sweden/swidn/n.瑞典瑞典Lower East Side下东区下东区 (位于纽约市曼哈顿岛)(位于纽约市曼哈顿岛)Manhattan/mnhtn/n.曼哈顿区(美国纽约市区名)曼哈顿区(美国纽约市区名)Unit 1 Part I Section III Word Bank27学习交流PPTcollaborative/klbrtv/adj.协作的协作的,合作的合作的realm/relm/n.王国王国,领域领域galaxy/lksi/n.银河银河containment/kntenmnt/n.控制控制,遏制政策遏制政策afterglow/ftl/n.晚霞晚霞,夕照夕照exoplanet/eksplnt/n.(太阳系以外的)外部行(太阳系以外的)外部行星星magnitude/mntjud/n.大小大小,光度光度,(星星)等级(星星)等级update/pdet/v.更新更新,补充最新资料补充最新资料trajectory/trdektri/n.轨道轨道ingeniously/ndinjsli/adv.巧妙地巧妙地Titan/tatn/n.泰坦泰坦Unit 1 Part I Section III Word Bank28学习交流PPTMercury/mkjri/n.水星水星divert/davt/vt.转移转移sub-Saharan/sbsh:rn/adj.撒哈拉沙漠以南的撒哈拉沙漠以南的Ghana/gn/n.加纳(非洲国名)加纳(非洲国名)ghetto/et/n.贫民区贫民区Columbia/klmbi/n.哥伦比亚(南美洲国名)哥伦比亚(南美洲国名)Cambodia/kmbdj/n.柬埔寨柬埔寨(亚洲国名亚洲国名)aqua/kw/n.水水(液体液体,溶液溶液)Nepal/npl/n.尼泊尔尼泊尔(亚洲国名)亚洲国名)Lhasa/ls/n.拉萨拉萨(中国西部城市名中国西部城市名)Tibet/tbet/n.西藏(中国一自治区)西藏(中国一自治区)haze/hez/n.薄雾薄雾Ganges/gdiz/n.恒河恒河Unit 1 Part I Section III Word Bank29学习交流PPTNotesUnit 1 Part I Section III Notes1.And so I think we can roll the video that we have.I think we can play the video we have now.2.The flat horizon that weve evolved with has been a metaphor for the infinite,unbounded resources and unlimited capacity for disposal of waste.The flat horizon has been leading people into believing that resources on earth are boundless,and the earth can handle unlimited amounts of waste.3.Voyager 1,Voyager 230学习交流PPT1.Why was the Digital Universe created?A.To help position the earth,the solar system and the galaxies in the universe.B.To better understand how man and the earth are related to the universe.C.To keep up in pace with the latest development in digital technology.D.To better illustrate the speakers point of view.Task 1 Watch the video clip and then do the following comprehension exercise.TaskUnit 1 Part I Section III Task 131学习交流PPT2.Why do people associate the flat horizon with infinite,unbounded resources?A.Human beings are not intelligent enough to see beyond the horizon.B.The vastness of the earth suggested by the flat horizon is too overwhelming.C.A flat horizon gives people the false impression of an abundance in resources.D.The flat horizon stretches peoples imagination and association.3.What is Uniview?A.It is an interactive software.B.It is a digital camera.C.It is a comprehensive map.D.It is the name of a company.Unit 1 Part I Section III Task 132学习交流PPT4.What does the speaker mean when he says“as we move out”into the universe?A.He means“as we move back to the initial stage of the universe”.B.He means“as we move backward into history”.C.He means“as we move away from the earth”.D.He means“as we move towards the center of the universe”.5.What is the speakers purpose in giving this talk?A.To show what digital technology can do in mapping the universe.B.To call on the audience to put human beings and the universe in perspective.C.To redefine what home and the universe mean to us.D.To convince the listeners of the vastness of the universe.Unit 1 Part I Section III Task 133学习交流PPTTask 2 Watch the video clip a second time and then complete the following sentences.TaskUnit 1 Part I Section III Task 21.This actual flight path and movie that we see here was actually flown live.in a cafe called Earth Matters on the Lower East Side of Manhattan,where I live.And it was done with the Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art .2.And so as we move out,we see continuously from our planet as we see here,light travel time,how far away we are.I captured this live from my laptopfor an exhibit on comparative cosmology as a collaborative projectall the way out into the realm of galaxiesgiving you a sense of_ _34学习交流PPTUnit 1 Part I Section III Task 23.These are the paths of Voyager 1,Voyager 2,Pioneer 11 and Pioneer 10,the first four spacecraft .Coming in closer,picking up Earth.Orbit of the Moon,and we see the Earth.And we can add in new data.4.Here we see the complex trajectory of the Cassini mission ,ingeniously developed so that 45 encounters with the largest moon,Titan,which is larger than the planet Mercury,into different parts of mission phase.to have left the solar systemThis map can be updatedcolor coded for different mission phasesdiverts the orbit _35学习交流PPTUnit 1 Part I Section III Task 25.Were actually with the first sub-Saharan planetarium in Ghana as well as new libraries in Columbia and a high school in Cambodia.6.Id like to just say that what the world needs now is in this much larger condition now and a much larger sense of what home is.Because our home is the universe,.sharing tours of the universethat have been built in the ghettosa sense of being able to look at ourselves and we are the universe,essentially_ _【Script】36学习交流PPTScriptUnit 1 Part I Section III Script Its a great honor today to share with you The Digital Universe,which was created for humanity to really see where we are in the universe.And so I think we can roll the video that we have.The Himalayas.Carter Emmart:The flat horizon that weve evolved with has been a metaphor for the infinite,unboundedresources and unlimited capacity for disposal of waste.It wasn t un til we r ea ll y l e ft Ea rt h,go t above t he atmosphere and(had)seen the horizon bend back on itself that we could understand our planet as a limited 37学习交流PPT Section I NewsBasics38学习交流PPTNewsBasicsUnit 1 Part II Section IAccording to the Dictionary of Canadian English,news is the “information about something that has just happened or will soon happen.”Look at the following two examples.The first one informs readers of an earthquake which occurred in the recent past,while the second one tells of an upcoming fireworks concert.e.g.e.g.A magnitude 5.9 earthquake struck near the coast of Papua New Guinea early Sunday,the US Geological Survey said,but no Pacific-wide tsunami warning was issued.e.g.e.g.Thousands of people are expected to flock to Edinburgh center to watch the fireworks concert to mark the end of the Edinburgh International Festival.39学习交流PPT News has such different genres as business,technology&science,politics,world,local,entertainment,sports,health,etc.Regardless of the variety of genres,news reports have some important features in common.They include elements of when,where,who,what,why,and how.A news report more or less conveys to readers information related to the above six elements.They are organized in an objective way and should never be fabricated or falsified.Unit 1 Part II Section I40学习交流PPTListening SkillListen for When,Where and WhoListening SkillListen for When,Where and WhoWhen,where and who are the first three important features of a news report because they give readers the basic framework or setting of a news event.When sets up a temporal framework,that is,the time when the event occurs.Where establishes a location for the event.Who involves actors and recipients in an event.In the following example,“for more than four hours”and“late Sunday”tell us the time,“man”,“truck driver”and“police”tell us the participant,and“the side of Interstate 20”tells us the location.e.g.A man who held a truck driver hostage for more than four hours surrendered to police late Sunday after they fired tear gas into the cab of the 18-wheeler as it sat disabled by gunfire on the side of Interstate 20.Unit 1 Part II Section I41学习交流PPTRule of Thumb 1Rule of Thumb 1:whenwhenTime in the news has various expressions such as for three hours,on Wednesday,yesterday,2010,next month,tomorrow morning,this summer,within a few years,every year,in the 1990s,in November,over the last 10 years,etc.Make yourself familiar with these temporal expressions.Rule of Thumb 2Rule of Thumb 2:wherewhereLocation(the where in an article)also has various expressions.Examples of common place names are house,city,street,bar,theatre,museum,bridge,etc.Examples of proper place names are the White House,the State of New Jersey,Capitol Hill,the Pacific Ocean,the Persian Gulf,Los Angeles,Osaka Prefecture,Mexico,etc.You should enlarge your vocabulary of proper nouns.Unit 1 Part II Section I42学习交流PPTRule of Thumb 3Rule of Thumb 3:whowhoWho in the news usually refers to animated beings such as humans,animals and even microorganisms;however,you can also find inanimate objects,concepts,and entities such as typhoon,car,hurricane,death,deforestation,report,survey,CNN,FBI,FDA,etc.Pay due attention to these three things that can function as the actor in the news.Unit 1 Part II Section I43学习交流PPThigh-profile/haprufa/adj.高姿态的;立场明确的


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