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八年级英语公开课教案Date:2015-6-9 Class:Class4,Grade 8Teacher :Huang Mingzhen Content:SectionBTopic2 Unit8Teaching aims and demands:1.Enable ss to learn and master some new words: gatekeeper,suit,attendant,enter,knee,occasion,correctly,take off,on every occasion2. Learn the following sentence patterns:Its + adj. + that It is + adj. + (for sb.) + to do sth.It is important to wear suitable clothes on every occasion. Its impolite of the man to wear jeans to go to the formal party. Its suitable that we wear business suits in a meeting.3.Go on learning the object clauses(III): Can you tell me what I should wear here? Could you tell me where the special shoes are?4.Review the sentence patterns that they have learnt in Section A.Teaching important and difficult points:1.Enable ss totalk about suggestions of dressing on different occasions: You should wear a business suit. You have to change your leather shoes. You should take off your shoes when you enter someones home in Japan. You should wear your sports clothes. People should dress correctly.2. Enable ss to master the usage of the object clauses(III).Teaching aids:Computer multimedia projector; the videos about the activities in different occasions:Teaching method: Aural-oral Teaching MethodTeaching procedures: Step 1 Greeting Greet with students commonly!Step2 Revison1. Play the game “Pardon?” to review the usage of object clauses.2. Ask and answer questions to review Section A.And then lead to learn the new section.Step3.Pre-listening1.The teacher lets students look at somes pictures and lead students to learn the new words: gatekeeper,suit,attendant, gatekeeper,suit,attendant2.The teacher lets students learn different dressings on the other three occasions .Step4.While-listening1. The teacher plays the recording sentence by sentence.2. The teacher plays the recording without stopping.3. The teacher asks students to read the sentences in 1b and mark T (True) or F (False). 4. The teacher asks four students to tell the answers. 5. The teacher lets students read the passage in 1c. Let them understand the meaning of this passage, and try completing the passage. 6. The teacher asks students to read the conversation of 1a and lets them check the blanks they have filled.7. The teacher asks two students to give the answers. Step5.Post-listening1.The teacher lets students watch the flash of 1a and find out the sentences about object clauses with Wh-questions and the sentences giving suggestions.2.The teacher asks two students to tell the answers. Stress the order of object clauses with Wh-questions.3.The teacher lets students read 1a in roles and perform short plays in pairs. 4. The teacher lets students read 1a and find out the sentences of Its + adj. + (for sb. ) to do sth.5. The teacher asks two students to tell the answers: Its important to wear suitable clothes on every occasion. Guide students to change it to Its + adj. + that (Its important that we wear suitable clothes on every occasion.)6. The teacher asks one or two students to check the sentences on the blackboard. Give them a hand if necessary. 7.Get students to make sentences with the given information orally ,using Its + adj. + (for sb. ) to do sth and Its + adj. + that .8. H ave each student write two sentences on the Bb based on the pictures and the key words. Finish 2.Step6.Project (I f time permits)Suppose you would go to a party. What should you wear? When you go out to do some exercise, what should you wear? Please discuss in groups of four. Then report your answers to us. ActivityWhat to wearattend a partydo some exerciseStep7.Exercises in classStep6. Assign the homework:1.Collect some information about wearing suitable clothes in different countries.2.Finish Section B in your workbook.3.Preview Section C.Teaching reflection:


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