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Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic1 What a nice coat!Section Acoatpantsshirtraincoatdress sweatershoes jacketshortsT-shirtjeans n.牛仔裤 scarf n.围巾,领巾overcoat n.长大衣 handbag n.女用皮包,手提包sock n.短袜 hat n.帽子cotton n.棉布,棉花,棉制的silk n.丝,丝织品1.What is Maria wearing?She is wearing a Chinese Tang costume.2.Is it a cotton one?No,its a silk one.3.What does Jane want to buy?She wants to buy some new coats.1aLook,listen and say1aLook,listen and sayJane:Hi,Maria.You look great today.What a nice coat!Maria:Thank you.My father says that its a Chinese Tang costume.It feels quite soft and smooth.I liked it so much that my father bought it for me.Jane:Is it a cotton one?Maria:No,its a silk one.Jane:My old coats are so short that I want to buy some new ones.And you know we will have a class fashion show next Monday.Maria:Well,do you have time tomorrow?Lets go shopping together.Jane:Good idea!Shall we meet at the school gate at 8 a.m.?Maria:All right.See you tomorrow.My old coats are so short that I want to buy some new ones.我的旧外套太小了,我想买些新的。so.that.意为“如此以至于”。that 引导的是结果状语从句,其结构是“so+形容词/副词+that 从句”。如:He ran so fast that we couldnt follow him.他跑得太快了,我们跟不上。Key words of 1alook great What a nice coat!a Chinese Tang costume feel soft so that buy some new coats have a class fashion show go shopping meet1bWork aloneFill in the blanks according to the pictures with“so.that”.Marias coat is _ _ _she likes it very much.The cotton blouse is _ _ _ the girl cant afford it.The boy is _ _ _ he cant reach the apples.so nice/beautiful thatso expensive thatso short that2Work aloneFill in the brackets with the words in the box.Then listen and number the pictures.coat skirt sweater shirt scarf jeans shorts raincoatsunglasses overcoat jacket handbag(scarf)(coat)(sweater)(jeans)(overcoat)(skirt)(raincoat)(shorts)(shirt)(jacket)(sunglasses)(handbag)1234563Pair workLook at the pictures and make similar conversations after the example.Example:Jane:Excuse me,could you tell me where to buy a scarf?Saleswoman:Sure!You can go to the Womens Wear Section on the third floor.Jane:Thanks.And what about hats and socks?Saleswoman:Theyre in the Shoes and Hats Section on the first floor.Jane:Thank you.Saleswoman:Thats all right.一、单项选择。一、单项选择。()1.He was _ tired _ he fell asleep as soon as he lay down.A.too;to B.so;that C.such;that D.enough;that()2.Look,here is my new mobile phone.Its very nice.Could you tell me_?A.where to buy B.where to buy it C.where will buy it D.where I will buy二、根据句意、首字母或汉语提示完成句子。二、根据句意、首字母或汉语提示完成句子。Many women have a _(手提包)with them.This T-shirt is made of _(棉花).The s_ around the girls neck makes her more beautiful.The cowboys(牛仔)in the U.S.A.like wearing j_.BBhandbagcottoncarfeans1.Learn some new words:cotton,silk,scarf,jeans,overcoat,handbag,hat,sock2.Learn the structure of“so that”:I liked it so much that my father bought it for me.My old coats are so short that I want to buy some new ones.3.Learn how to ask for help:Could you tell me where to buy a scarf?Thanks.And what about hats and socks?4.Make appointments:Do you have time tomorrow?Could we meet at the school gate at 8 a.m.?1.Prepare a family photo and describe the clothes of the people.2.Preview Section B.


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