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1JOURNAL SELECTION&REVIEW PROCESS楊哲安楊哲安 博士博士康乃爾大學康乃爾大學 教授教授哈佛大學哈佛大學 國際傳染疾病學會國際傳染疾病學會世界病毒疾病疫情世界病毒疾病疫情 顧問顧問Robert C.A.Yang,PhD4 February 2023 Guangzhou/Shanghai2JOURNAL SELECTION&REVIEW PROCESS Target Journal Manuscript Submission Instructions to Authors Manuscript Format The cover letter Review Process The cover letter Routing Reviewers comments Galley proofs3Target JOURNAL Considerations Ready availability within the scientific community Scope of journal Audience Size Specialty4Target JOURNAL Considerations Publication time Rejection rate Page charges Journal reputation Purpose in publishing5Target JOURNALIn my opinion,the majority of papers I am asked to edit or re-write are targeted for improper journals.6Target JOURNALProper journal selection will save an enormous amount of time and frustrationmonths,if not years.7Target JOURNAL Is it more important to publish the work,or where it is published?8Target JOURNAL Be realistic Not every paper is suitable for the New England Journal of Medicine Just because your manuscript is not accepted by a journal does not mean it is not a worthy contribution to the literature.9Target JOURNAL The impact factor The number of citations in a given year to papers published in that journal in the preceding two years divided by the number of papers the journal published in that same 2-year periodJournal Citation Reports JCR10Target JOURNAL Compare notes with colleagues on their experiences with specific journals Obtain recommendations from manuscript reviewers,editors,and ghost writers11Target JOURNAL Is the work new?The effect of estrogen on post-menopausal women The effect of estrogen on post-menopausal women in New York City(+)The effect of estrogen on post-menopausal women:my 20 year experience(+)12Target JOURNAL Is the work esoteric?Day 3 FSH in 28 year old nulligravidas with tubal disease undergoing IVF who went on to deliver triplets Is the work clinically significant?The effect of red hair on surgical blood loss13THE JOURNAL HIERARCHY The top tierThe New England Journal of MedicineJournal of the American Medical AssociationScienceThe LancetNatureThe British Journal of Medicine14THE JOURNAL HIERARCHY The second tier-specialty flagshipsThe Annals of Internal MedicineObstetrics and GynecologyThe Journal of PediatricsThe Annals of SurgeryAmerican Journal of CardiologyJournal of Clinical Endocrinology and MetabolismAmerican Journal of Psychiatry15THE JOURNAL HIERARCHY The third tierThe Journal of Reproductive MedicineArchives of SurgerySouthern Medical JournalHandStrokeContemporary PediatricsThe American Journal of Bariatrics16THE JOURNAL HIERARCHY The bottom tier-throw aways Contain no original investigation Provided free of charge High advertisement-to-text ratio Non-society publications Considered to be of poor quality compared with peer-reviewed journal articles17JOURNAL SELECTION&REVIEW PROCESS Target Journal Manuscript Submission Instructions to Authors Manuscript Format The cover letter Review Process The cover letter Routing Reviewers comments Galley proofs18INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS Do not deviate from journal style or restrictions Contains useful information How and where to submit the manuscript Article categories Acceptance rate Attachments Conflict of interest Authorship verification Manuscript checklist19JOURNAL SELECTION&REVIEW PROCESS Target Journal Manuscript Submission Instructions to Authors Manuscript Format The cover letter Review Process The cover letter Routing Reviewers comments Galley proofs20MANUSCRIPT FORMAT Times Roman 12 pt.Begin each section on a new page Double space Number all pages Place figures,legends,and tables in order following the references21No-nos Do not deviate from the Instructions to Authors If the abstract is not to exceed 300 words,do not submit an abstract with 301 words.If the title page calls for specific contact information,provide it.If you are submitting to a journal written in English,proper grammar and punctuation is essential.Improper grammar and punctuation may be a barrier to consideration of the actual science.22JOURNAL SELECTION&REVIEW PROCESS Target Journal Manuscript Submission Instructions to Authors Manuscript Format The cover letter Review Process The cover letter Routing Reviewers comments Galley proofs23THE COVER LETTER Short and to the point24THE COVER LETTERDear Dr.Smith:Attached please find a manuscript entitled“Restoration of the hypothalamic-pituitary-axis following first trimester loss,”which we would appreciate you considering for publication in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.Thank you for your consideration.Very Respectfully,Robert Yang,Ph.D.25The Cover LetterDear Dr.Watson:Enclosed please find a manuscript entitled“BK virus DNA:Complete nucleotide sequence of a human tumor virus,”which I would appreciate you considering for publication in Science.Thank you.Respectfully,Robert Yang,Ph.D.26The Cover Letter include:I hope you will accept my manuscript.I really enjoy reading your journal each month.Your journal is my first choice for publication.I want my son to grow up to be just like you.27JOURNAL SELECTION&REVIEW PROCESS Target Journal Manuscript Submission Instructions to Authors Manuscript Format The cover letter Review Process The cover letter Routing Reviewers comments Galley proofs28THE REVIEW PROCESS The Editor Accepts or rejects manuscripts Designates peer reviewers Pre-acceptance The Managing Editor Handles administrative and clerical duties of the Editor Post-acceptance29THE REVIEW PROCESS Instructions to Authors The cover letter Routing Reviewers comments Galley proofs30JOURNAL SELECTION&REVIEW PROCESS Target Journal Manuscript Submission Instructions to Authors Manuscript Format The cover letter Review Process The cover letter Instructions to Authors Routing Reviewers comments Galley proofs31JOURNAL SELECTION&REVIEW PROCESS Target Journal Manuscript Submission Instructions to Authors Manuscript Format The cover letter Review Process The cover letter Instructions to Authors Routing Reviewers comments Galley proofs32ROUTING Upon receipt of the manuscript,it will be sent to two experts for peer review In most cases,the review is not anonymous in view of authors33ROUTING The peer reviewers will generally return the manuscript and comments to the Editor within 2 weeks of receipt(elapsed time,4 weeks)If the reviews are consistent,the Editor will return an acceptance/revision or rejection letter to the author34ROUTING If the reviews are inconsistent,the Editor will send the manuscript to a third reviewer(tie-breaker)35ROUTING If accepted,galley proofs will be sent several months prior to publication Review the galley proofs meticulously.Consider reading them backwards.36ROUTING If revisions are recommended,the revisions may either be accepted or disputed.37ROUTING If disputed,the Editor will either consider the rebuttal or return the manuscript and rebuttal to the peer reviewers.38ROUTING If rejected,consider the criticisms and determine whether or not to resubmit a revised version of the manuscript elsewhere.39JOURNAL SELECTION&REVIEW PROCESS Target Journal Manuscript Submission Instructions to Authors Manuscript Format The cover letter Review Process The cover letter Instructions to Authors Routing Reviewers comments Galley proofs40REVIEWERS COMMENTS:“Check list”A“YES”answer means you are satisfied with the paper relative to that question.If you have no clear-cut answer,check the”?”Box and consider revision of the final manuscript.If you check the“NO”box,the manuscript need revision before submission for editorial review.41IntroductionIntroductionYesYesNoNo?N.A.N.A.1.Is the papers topic clearly identified?2.Is the reason for doing the study given?3.Is/Are the research question(s)clearly stated?4.Is the background information adequate tointroduce the research question?42IntroductionIntroductionYesYesNoNo?N.A.N.A.5.Should everything in this section be in this paper?6.Should everything in this section be here,rather than in another section of the paper?7.Are adequate references cited for statements that require support from the published literature8.Is the writing in this section clear?43METHODSMETHODSYes Yes No No?N.A.N.A.1.Does the author tell 1.Does the author tell whywhy the the particular research method particular research method was was chosen?chosen?2.Are the study 2.Are the study design&Executiondesign&Execution described described in enough detailin enough detail so you can so you can judge their validity and so a reader judge their validity and so a reader could replicate the study?could replicate the study?3.Were the research 3.Were the research designdesign and the and the executionexecution of the study of the study adequate to adequate to answer the research question(s)?answer the research question(s)?44METHODSMETHODSYes Yes No No?N.A.N.A.5.If references are needed to support 5.If references are needed to support anything in this section,are they anything in this section,are they cited and appropriate?cited and appropriate?6.If illustrations,tables,or appendices 6.If illustrations,tables,or appendices would clarify the Methods section,would clarify the Methods section,are they providedare they provided and are they and are they adequate?adequate?7.Does everything in this section 7.Does everything in this section belong here,rather than elsewhere belong here,rather than elsewhere in this paper?in this paper?45RESULTSRESULTSYesYesNoNo?N.A.N.A.1.Does this section provide both a 1.Does this section provide both a generalgeneral description of the results description of the results and and specific representative data?specific representative data?2.Are all the expected findings 2.Are all the expected findings presented here?presented here?3.Does this section 3.Does this section avoid avoid presenting unnecessary data?presenting unnecessary data?46RESULTSRESULTSYesYesNoNo?N.A.N.A.6.If tables or figures would clarify 6.If tables or figures would clarify the presentation of the data,the presentation of the data,are are such tables and figures provided?such tables and figures provided?7.If tables or figures are provided,7.If tables or figures are provided,are they necessary?are they necessary?8.If tables or figures are provided,8.If tables or figures are provided,are they adequate?are they adequate?47RESULTSRESULTSYesYesNoNo?N.A.N.A.10.If applicable,is 10.If applicable,is appropriate appropriate statistical analysisstatistical analysis of the data of the data provided?provided?11.The Results section 11.The Results section should not should not repeat any of the description of repeat any of the description of the methodologythe methodology.Has the.Has the author followed that rule?author followed that rule?12.Does everything in this section 12.Does everything in this section belong belong herehere,rather than in,rather than in another section of this paper?another section of this paper?48DiscussionDiscussionYesYesNoNo?N.A.N.A.1.Does the discussion present the 1.Does the discussion present the principlesprinciples,relationshipsrelationships,and,and generalizationsgeneralizations shown by the shown by the results?results?2.Do you think the discussion 2.Do you think the discussion avoids giving any false avoids giving any false meaning to the results?meaning to the results?3.If it should do so,does this 3.If it should do so,does this section section point out any point out any exceptionsexceptions to the findings or to the findings or lack of correlation in the results?lack of correlation in the results?49DiscussionDiscussionYesYesNoNo?N.A.N.A.5.If it should do so,does this 5.If it should do so,does this section show section show how the how the study findings agreestudy findings agree or or contrast with previously contrast with previously published reportspublished reports?6.If it should do so,does this 6.If it should do so,does this section discuss the section discuss the theoretical application of theoretical application of the findings?the findings?50DiscussionDiscussionYesYesNoNo?N.A.N.A.8.8.Are references appropriately Are references appropriately cited?cited?9.Do 9.Do you agree with the you agree with the authors interpretationauthors interpretation of the of the meaning an importance of the meaning an importance of the findings of this study?findings of this study?10.Is10.Is unsupportedunsupported speculation speculation avoided?avoided?Is Is over-or underover-or under-emphasis of ideas avoidedemphasis of ideas avoided?11.Does the Discussion(or a 11.Does the Discussion(or a separate Conclusions section separate Conclusions section of the paper)clearly state the of the paper)clearly state the authors conclusions?authors conclusions?51DiscussionDiscussionYesYesNoNo?N.A.N.A.12.Does the Discussion avoid 12.Does the Discussion avoid recapitulatingrecapitulating the results?the results?13.Is all of the Discussion 13.Is all of the Discussion avoid recapitulating the results?avoid recapitulating the results?14.Is the writing in this section 14.Is the writing in this section clear?clear?52Typical Notes From Reviewer Typical Notes From Reviewer To Editor:To Editor:Please indicate your recommendation about the disposition of the manuscript.This recommendation sheet will not be sent to the author.The paper should be accepted for publication.The paper could be published with minor revisions indicated in my review.53Typical Notes From Reviewer Typical Notes From Reviewer To Editor:To Editor:The paper should be rejected in its present form,but could potentially be published with major revisions indicated in my review.The paper should be rejected for the reasons indicated in my review.54Typical Notes From Typical Notes From Reviewer To Editor:Reviewer To Editor:Do you think statistical consultationstatistical consultation would be helpful in reviewing the paper?Yes_ No_ If the Editor recommends revision and the author submits a revised manuscript,would you be willing to to review the revisionreview the revision?Yes _ No _55Typical Notes From Typical Notes From Reviewer To Editor:Reviewer To Editor:I you believe the paper should be published,do you think that this paper,if published,would merit an accompanying EditorialEditorial in the same issue?Yes _ No _ If yes,can you suggest an author for the Editorial?_ Signed_ Date_56Funny phrase:宅急便宅急便 In In Chinese Chinese:宅急便宅急便 便急宅便急宅 In In Japanese Japanese:宅急便宅急便 =Courier service=Courier service In In English English:Dwelling-emergency then57English languages British English 6.0m American English 300m Inidan English 1103mworldwide countries where English is an official language,70 countries 2000mthe Earths population hit 6500m on Saturday,February 25,200658Some hybrid English Singaporean English=Singlish Chinese English=Chinglish 2000 pop.1295m Japanese English=Jinglish59Until nowUntil now vs.vs.To dateTo dateuntil now is mainly used to emphasise the change between what has happened until now,and what will happen after now.To dateTo date is used to mean up to now,until the present time,as in To date weve received no word from them.60Until nowUntil now vs.vs.To dateTo dateUntil now,most doctors have believed that certain women would benefit more from tamoxifen than others,depending on the capacity of the breast tumour to take up oestrogen.Most studies to date have shown that people of all social classes and educational backgrounds are unwilling to continue taking tablets when they feel well,whether the tablets are antibiotics,antimalarials or for high blood pressure.61the missing phrase-to date or until now?_,scientists have identified eight Hox genes in the fruit fly and more than 40 in the mouse.The DNA sequences of these genes are so similar that they are unlikely to have evolved independently.62to date or until now Our investigations _have found no medical or scientific evidence of a Gulf War syndrome,or any medical condition peculiar to service in the Gulf.63until now or to date1.The cancer treatment that,_,has been looked down upon as old-fashioned and without merit,has been proven successful in a number of cases.64Cover Letter-an exampleoriginal Dear Dr.Bush,.Please give us a proper response and an estimation of time required in revising this manuscript and your hourly rate for this project as well.We are appreciated your opinion and look forward to work with you on this manuscript.Thank you very much.65Cover Letter-an examplerevised Dear Dr.Bush,.Please give us your feedback and an estimation of time required in revising this manuscript and your hourly rate for this project as well.Your opinion will be appreciated.We look forward to working with you on this manuscript.Thank you very much.66TITLE -an example originalTitle:Title:Concomitant Concomitant HybridHybrid myocardial myocardial revascularization and revascularization and modifiedRadical mastectomy for modifiedRadical mastectomy for an octogenerian female patientan octogenerian female patient This is an original(i.e.unrevised)title for a case report Is this title sound?67TITLE -an example revised Title:Title:Concomitant myocardial Concomitant myocardial revascularization and modified revascularization and modified mastectomy for an mastectomy for an octogenerian female patientoctogenerian female patient:Case ReportCase Report68AbstractAbstract:an example original1)We describe a successful hybrid revascularization procedure and concomitant mastectomy performed on an octogenarian woman with coronary artery disease and cancer of the left breast.2)The patient had an advanced cancer of the left breast without lymph node or distant metastasis.3)Her coronary artery disease involved 3 vessels,with chronic total occlusion of the right coronary artery.4)We designed a hybrid procedure that involved a preliminary percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty followed by a combination surgery that included a minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass for the left anterior descending artery and a modified radical mastectomy with axillary lymph node dissection,performed via the same surgical wound.5)TA-Online Dictionary,Encyclopedia and much more(2)he patient withstood the course of treatment well and recovered smoothly.6)No recurrence of cancer or chest discomfort was noted during the 24-month follow-up.7)This appears to be the first reported case of concomitant myocardial revascularization and modified radical mastectomy.146 words/7 sentences69AbstractAbstract:an example original1)We describe a successful hybridhybrid revascularization procedure and concomitant mastectomy performed on an octogenarian womanan octogenarian woman with coronary artery disease and cancer of the left breast.2)Ok3)Ok4)We designed a hybridhybrid procedure that involved a preliminary percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty followed by a combination surgerya combination surgery that included a minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass for the left anterior descending artery and a modifiedmodified radical mastectomy with axillaryaxillary lymph node dissection,performed via the same surgical wound.70AbstractAbstract:an example revision1)We describe a successful hybridhybrid revascularization procedure and concomitant mastectomy performed on an octogenarian womanan octogenarian woman with coronary artery disease and cancer of the left breast.1)We describe a novel procedure that combines revascularization and mastectomy performed concomitantly on a woman at her eighties with coronary artery disease and cancer of the left breast.71AbstractAbstract:an example revision4)We designed a hybridhybrid procedure that involved a preliminary percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty followed by a combination surgerya combination surgery that included a minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass for the left anterior descending artery and a modifiedmodified radical mastectomy with axillaryaxillary lymph node dissection,performed via the same surgical wound.4)We designed a novel procedure that involved a prelim


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