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M5U1 Getting along with othersLanguage points1.I feel betrayed by my friend Hannah.betray vt.1)出卖、背叛 2)叛国、泄露(国家机密)betrayer n.叛徒、背信者、告密者 betrayal n.背叛、出卖(的行为)betray A to B for C.为了C,向B出卖A1)What kind of man would betray his own brother to the police?什么样的人会向警方出卖自己的兄弟?2)The people who betray their country for money are shameful.那些为钱出卖国家的人是可耻的。betray ones principles 背弃自己的原则背弃自己的原则 betray ones ideals 背弃自己的理想背弃自己的理想 betray ones beliefs 背弃自己的信仰背弃自己的信仰2.We have been best friends since primary school.since (ever)since+表时间的短语e.g.1)Since the first day,I have known he was not to be trusted.2)Since 2001/ten years ago,we have known each other.(ever)since+句子(一般过去时)3)Since we met at school,weve been friends.(ever)since 单独使用,一般位于句尾 4)We came to the UK in 1974 and have lived here ever since.3.Other children say we are no fun.fun n.(U)有趣的经历/活动;嬉戏;乐趣e.g.(1)What fun(it sounds)!(听起来)多有趣啊!(2)make fun of sb./sth.嘲弄/取笑,拿开玩笑The kids at school always make fun of Jills clothes.(3)Dont get upset,she only said it in fun.别苦恼了,她只是说着玩的。(开玩笑似的)(4)We drove all the way to the beach,just for fun.我们从老远开车到海滩去,只是为了好玩。Practice-fun vs.funny fun adj.1)仅用于名词前(活动/经历)有趣的,好玩的 2)(人)有趣的,能给人快乐的e.g.Her baby is great fun.Basketball is great fun.(有趣的人/事)funny adj.1)有趣的,滑稽的,使人发笑的 2)难以解释的,奇怪的1)It is not _.Im the one who is going to get blamed for this,you know.2)She is a _ person to be around.3)I had a _ feeling that something was going to happen.4)It is no _ to be working inside.funnyfunfunnyfun4.I must have sounded very proud of myself after the quiz.“must+must+完成时完成时”表示对过去事情语气比较肯定的推测表示对过去事情语气比较肯定的推测。e.g.I thought that Hannah must have told my classmates about my grade after promising not to.(page 2,lines 1920)我想汉娜肯定是出尔反尔,把我的成绩告诉了我的同学们。They must have been laughing behind my back.(page 2,line 20)他们在我背后一定是笑得合不拢嘴。She said that someone must have been spying on us in the washroom.(page 2,line 25)她说,当时一定有人在洗手间里偷听我们讲话。表示肯定的猜测,表示肯定的猜测,用用 must e.g.1)Theres no light on they cant be at home.灯没亮,他们一准没在家。表示否定的猜测,用表示否定的猜测,用cant/can not can+hardly/never(表否定的词)2)He can hardly have intended to do that.他几乎不可能愿意做那事。“must+完成时完成时”结构的反义疑问句结构的反义疑问句 疑问部分应根据must后的动词形式采用相应的形式,可用have(has)。但若句中出现但若句中出现了过去时间状语,则只能用了过去时间状语,则只能用did。e.g.He must have read it,_ he?他一定读过它,是吗?He must have left yesterday,_ he?他昨天一定走了,是吗?hasnt didnt5.I felt so ashamed.(page 2,line 11)ashamed adj.(1)(因sb.的所作所为而感到)羞耻的,内疚的,惭愧的be ashamed of doing sth.e.g.I was ashamed of having lied to my mother.我为自己对母亲撒谎感到内疚。(2)(因sb.或sth.而感到)不好意思的,难为情的be ashamed of sb./sth.e.g.Sherry is at that age when kids are ashamed of their parents.谢莉正处于因为父母而感到不好意思的年龄。Shameful behavior is so bad that people think you should also be ashamed of it.可耻的行为,影响恶劣,以至于人们认为可耻的行为,影响恶劣,以至于人们认为你也应该以此为耻。你也应该以此为耻。shameful (行为)可耻的,丢脸的 ashamed 1).(因sb.的所作所为而感到)羞耻的,内疚的,惭愧的 2).(因sb.或sth.而感到)不好意思的,难为情的6.I admitted how badly I had done.admit vt.承认,赞同;允许加入,接纳 通常指因外界压力、良心或判断,尽管不愿意却不得不“承认、赞同”某事的存在或其真实性。admit that+从句;admit to sth./doing sth.e.g.(1)She admitted making a mistake.她承认犯了一个错误。(2)The old are admitted free to the museum.老年人可免费进入博物馆。(3)I cannot admit you into the theatre yet.我不能让你进入剧场。7.I begged her not to tell anyone else.beg vi./vt.请求、恳求 beg(sb.)(not)to do sth.请求某人(不)要做某事 beg(sb.)for sth.向某人请求某事e.g.I am begging you for help.我恳请你帮忙。8.However,the next day,I noticed that my classmates were staring at me as I came into math class.stare vi.长时间地盯着某物/某人看 n.(C)盯视、凝视stare at 盯着看,凝视e.g.What are you staring at?你在盯着看什么呢?stare at;gaze at;glare at;glanced at stare at 指睁大眼睛长时间指睁大眼睛长时间“凝视凝视”目标或方目标或方向,向,表表好奇、吃惊好奇、吃惊、无理无理。gaze at 指带着有兴趣或惊奇的指带着有兴趣或惊奇的“注视注视”。glare at 指凶狠地或恐吓地指凶狠地或恐吓地“瞪眼;怒视瞪眼;怒视”,强调敌对或威胁的态度。强调敌对或威胁的态度。glance at 指粗略地指粗略地“一瞥;扫视一瞥;扫视”e.g.(1)The little child stared at the toys in the shop-window(商店的橱窗).那小孩盯着商店橱窗里的玩具。(2)She gazed at me for a long time before she recognized(认出)who I was.她注视着我好久,才认出我是谁。(3)Dont glare at me like that.不要那么瞪着我。(4)I glanced quickly at her.我很快地看了她一眼。9.She was really upset and swore that she hadnt told anymore.swear vt.&vi.(swore,sworn)(尤指因生气)诅咒、咒骂 起誓保证起誓保证(严肃的许诺严肃的许诺)(尤指在法庭上)宣誓、起誓10.I dont think I can ever truly forgive her.forgive vi.&vt.原谅,宽恕,饶恕forgiveness n.(U)forgive sb.for sth.为某事原谅某人e.g.(1)I cant forgive him for what he did.我不会原谅他的所作所为。(2)ask for/beg for forgiveness 请求/恳求原谅11.I was determined to win,butdetermined adj.有决心的,意志坚定的 be determined to do sth.决心做某事决心做某事e.g.I am determined to do better than Mike.我决心比迈克做得更好。determine vt.(正式)决心(做某事)determine to do sth.决心做某事决心做某事e.g.I determined to study hard that night.那天晚上我决心好好学习了。determine sth.决定决定某事某事e.g.The experiences of childhood determine the adults character.童年的经历可决定成年后的性格。辨析辨析:determine,decide,make up ones mind1)decide“决定”,强调经过考虑或商量强调经过考虑或商量e.g.She has decided to be a doctor.她已决定将来当个医生。2)make up ones mind 表示“下决心”、“决意”强调打定主意、不动摇之意。强调打定主意、不动摇之意。e.g.They made up their minds to sell the house.他们决定把房子卖掉。3)determine表示“决心”、“决定”,表客观表客观促成的决心或主观下定的决心促成的决心或主观下定的决心。12.As a result of his careless playing we lost.as a result of 由于由于的原因的原因=because of +n.(名词)as a result 结果是结果是 as a result+,+句子result in 导致导致result from 由于由于而引起而引起13.He got annoyed,saying it wasnt his fault if he couldnt play as well as me,and thatannoyed adj.略感生气(烦躁)的,(比angry强度弱)be annoyed with sb.e.g.She was annoyed with Daniel because he forgot to call her.丹尼尔忘记打电话让她很生气。be annoyed by/about sth.e.g.Andrew was annoyed by Matthews clear indifference.马修明显的冷淡让安德鲁很烦躁。be angry with sb.at/about sth.因某事生某人的气 (page3,line39-40)He got annoyed,saying(that)it wasnt his fault if he couldnt play as well as me,and that I shouldnt talk to her in this manner.动词后如果有两个并列的、用动词后如果有两个并列的、用that 引导的从引导的从句,则写第二个句子要用句,则写第二个句子要用 and that 连接。连接。e.g.(page 3,line51)but he said(that)Matthew is just to sensitive and perhaps a little bitter because I am really athletic and good at football,and that I had better find another friend.14.Then we both started shouting at each other and it turned into a horrible argument.(1)辨析:辨析:shout at,shout to shout at sb.“对着对着吼叫吼叫”,通常指发火、发怒的情形。通常指发火、发怒的情形。shout to sb.“向着、朝着向着、朝着喊叫喊叫”,通常指呼唤较远处的人。通常指呼唤较远处的人。e.g.He shouted to me and warned me of the danger.他冲我大喊,警告我说有危险。(2)turn A into B 把把A变成变成B turn to 求教于,求助于求教于,求助于e.g.I dont know who I can turn to.我不知道向谁求教。turn to sb.for help 向某人求助向某人求助15.He accused me of some really bad things to hurt me.accuse sb.of(doing)sth.指责指责某人(做)某事某人(做)某事=blame sb.for sth.归咎归咎=blame sth.on sb.16.But he has not apologized to me.apologize to sb.for sth.因某事向某人道歉17.I cannot help wondering if he wants Peter to be his best friend instead of me.cannot help doing sth.情不自禁地做某事情不自禁地做某事 cannot help oneself 忍不住,无法控制自己忍不住,无法控制自己 wonder vt.(对对).感到奇怪感到奇怪;想知道,不知道想知道,不知道 I wonder if/whether you 我不知道你能否我不知道你能否 表表 客气地提出请求客气地提出请求e.g.(1)I wonder if youd give me some advice.不知你能否给我出点主意。(2)I wonder whether you would spend the holiday with us.不知你是否能和我们一起度假。


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