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Warming up1.How many planets are there in the solar system?Mercury(水星)水星),Venus(金星)金星),Earth,Mars(火星)火星),Jupiter(木星木星,Saturn(土星)土星),Uranus(天王星)天王星),Neptune(海王星)海王星),Pluto(冥王星)冥王星)My Very Earnest Mother Just Served UN a Pizza2.Who is the first man landing on the moon?Armstrong (America,1969)Total lunar eclipse(月全食)月全食)Total solar eclipse(日全食日全食)Meteor rain(流星雨)流星雨)Brain Activity Do you know each religion(宗教)宗教)or culture has its own ideas about the beginning of the universe?Please give an example if you know.Legend V.S Mythology(神话学)神话学)V.S ScienceThe beginning of the universeLegend:Pangu creates the worldPangu separates the sky from the earthHis whole body then turns into all kinds of things in the universe.Mythology:in Christian ReligionIn Bible,the world and the whole universe was created by the God.Then the god create the first man and the first woman Adam and Eve(亚当和夏娃)亚当和夏娃)The time table of the God day 1-light and blackness day 2-the sky day 3-seas,trees day 4-stars,sun,moon day 5-animals day 6-the first man(Adam)day 7Sabbath(安息日)安息日)Science:The Big Bang(大爆炸)Scientists believe that around 15 billion years ago,a huge explosion happened,creating our universe.There are several famous scientists such as Newton,Einstein and Stephen Hawking.They all have their own opinions on the universe.Let s come to our text bookto see how life began on the earth Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the stars Fast Reading 1 What were produced after the explosion(大爆炸大爆炸)?Water vapour,carbon dioxide,oxygen,nitrogen and other gases2.What helped life to develop?Scientist believed that taking carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and filling the air with oxygen helped life to develop.Harmful gasesPlants in the seasLand plantsInsectsAmphibiansReptilesDinosaursMammals including_waterLand animalsHuman beingsHow life began on the Earth.3.Dinosaurs died out long before human beings developed on the earth.They are the cleverest animals because they have larger brains than any other creatures on the earth so far.After the“Big Bang”,the earth was just a cloud of _ dust.It _ loudly with fire and rock,which were _to produce the water vapour,_ and other gases.Then small plants grew.They _and filled the oceans and seas with oxygen.Many millions of years later the first green plants began to _on land.When the plants grew into forests,_ appeared for the first time.They produced young generally by _eggs.energeticexplodedin timemultipliedappearreptileslayingcarbon dioxideWhen dinosaurs disappeared,_ became more important.Now small clever animals with _appeared and _all over the world.As time _ they covered the earth and they are putting too much carbon dioxide into the _,which _heat _ _ from the earth into space.Whether life will continue on earth for millions of years to come will _whether this problem can be solved.mammalsspreadhands and feetatmospherepreventsfromdepend onwent byescaping Discussion TimeDo you think that humans are the cleverest animals on the earth?If yes,why?If no,why not?Humans are the cleverest students,but not the most important ones on the earth!All living things are equal!Language pointsexplode(使)爆炸(使)爆炸The army took the time bomb away to a safe place and exploded it.vi(因生气,笑柄而感情)爆发因生气,笑柄而感情)爆发 He exploded with/in anger.in timeEventually(最终)最终)sooner or later(迟早)迟早)Soon or early enough(及时)及时)Dont worry,Im sure things will get better in time.Shall I be in time for the train?loudly,loud,aloudLoudly:adv.大声地大声地,吵闹地。强调声音高、不,吵闹地。强调声音高、不悦耳悦耳。Loud:adv.+adj.,主要指说话声和笑声。常与主要指说话声和笑声。常与sing,speak,cry,laugh连用。连用。Aloud:adv.(指人)出声地,大声地。为使指人)出声地,大声地。为使人听见而发声人听见而发声Allow sb.To do sth.;allow doing sth.Permit/advise/consider/forbid doing sth.Permit/advise/consider/forbid sb.To do sth.Spread传播、蔓延、伸展、扩延、流传传播、蔓延、伸展、扩延、流传The news spread like wildfire.In the last five years the city has spread out rapidly in all directions.If I tell you the secret,dont spread it around.Depend onDepend on/upon+n.Depend on/upon sb.To do sth.Depend on/upon it that-It/that all depends.你迟早会成功的你迟早会成功的.我的车与你的不一样我的车与你的不一样.站在门旁边的那个人是谁站在门旁边的那个人是谁?他总是第一个来他总是第一个来,最后一个离开最后一个离开.既然你已经长大了既然你已经长大了,你自己决定吧你自己决定吧.Youll succeed in time.My car is different from yours.Who is the person standing by the door?Hes always the first to come and the last to leave.Now that you have grown up,you can decide it yourself.


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