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SERVICE CONTRACT OF NIGERIAN PETROLEUM EXPLORATIONAND DEVELOPMENT OF BLOCKSCONTENTS 目 录ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS 第 1 条 定义ARTICLE 2 PAYMENT OF PRE-DEVELOPMENT COST 第 2 条 开发前成本支付ARTICLE 3 DURATION OF THE CONTRACT第 3 条 合同期限ARTICLE 4 RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES第 4 条 当事人的权利和义务ARTICLE 5 POWERS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE OPERATOR第 5 条 作业者的权利和义务ARTICLE 6 CONDUCT OF JOINT OPERATIONS 第 6 条 联合作业ARTICLE 7 PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 第 7 条 项目管理委员会ARTICLE 8 FUNDING OF PETROLEUM OPERATIONS 第 8 条 石油作业筹集 资金ARTICLE 9 EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME AND BUDGETS第 9 条 勘探开发计划和预算ARTICLE 10 RECOVERY OF PETROLEUM OPERATIONS COSTS AND CRUDE OIL ALLOCATION第 10 条 石油作业成本回收和原油分配ARTICLE 11 VALUATION OF AVAILABLE CRUDE OIL第 11 条 可得到原油的估 价ARTICLE 12 PAYMENTS第 12 条 付款ARTICLE 13 TITLE TO EQUIPMENT 第 13 条 设备产权ARTICLE 14 UTILISATION OF NATURAL第 14 条 天然气的使用ARTICLE 15 TRAINING OF NPDC PERSONNEL 第 15 条 NPDC 职员的培训ARTICLE 16 SUB-CONTRACTORS 第 16 条 转包商ARTICLE 17 BOOKS, ACCOUNTS AND AUDITING 第 17 条 账薄、账户和审 计ARTICLE 18 TAXES, ROYALTIES, RATES AND DUES第 18 条 税金、矿区使用费、征税和收费ARTICLE 19 INSURANCE 第19 条 保险ARTICLE 20 CONFIDENTIALITY AND PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS 第 20 条 保密和公告ARTICLE 21 FORCE MAJEURE 第 21 条 不可抗力ARTICLE 22 LAWS AND REGULATIONS 第22条 法律和规定ARTICLE 23 ARBITRATION AND CONCILIATION第 23 条 仲裁和调解ARTICLE 24 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES第 24 条 陈述和保证ARTICLE 25 TERMINATION 第 25 条 终止ARTICLE 26 NOTICES 第 26 条 通知ARTICLE 27 GENERAL PROVISIONS 第 27 条 总贝UARTICLE 28 TRANSFER OF PROPERTY UPON TAKE OVER OF OPERATORSHIP BYNPDC 第28条NPDC接管作业后的资产移交ARTICLE 29 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 第 29 条 社区关系SERVICE CONTRACT BETWEEN 本合同由以下当事方签订NIGERIAN PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED 尼日尼亚石油开发公司And 及CONTRACTOR for THE EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF BLOCKSIN NIGERIA石油区块开发商THIS AGREEMENT is made this the day of YEAR BETWEEN NIGERIAN PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED, a company incorporated under the laws of Nigeria as a subsidiary company of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (“NNPC”) having its registered Office at 62, Sapele Road Benin City (hereinafter called “NPDC” which expression shall where the context so admits, include its successors and assigns) of the one part;AND 和CONTRACTOR, a company incorporated under the laws of whose registered office is at(hereinafter called “CONTRACTOR” whichexpression shall, where the context so admits, include its successors and assigns) of the other part.本合同于 日签署,合同一方是尼日利亚石油开发有限公司(以下简称“NPDC”,该简称包括NPDC的继任者和代理),该公司是根据尼日利亚法律成 立的尼日利亚国家石油股份有限公司(“NNPC”)的分公司,注册办事处位于贝 宁湾城萨佩莱路。合同另一方是尼日利亚有限公司,该公司根据尼日利亚联邦共和国法律成立, 注册办事处位于尼日利亚首都雷高斯XX12号(以下简称“承包商”该简称包 括承包商的继任者和代理)。WHEREAS NPDC is the holder and is entitled to hold the Oil Mining Leases (OMLS)XX,XX;WHEREAS NPDC intends to explore and develop the oil mining leases XX,XX;WHEREAS NPDC has the right, power and authority to enter into this Service Contract;WHEREAS the CONTRACTOR represents that it has technical competence and professional skills necessary to explore and develop the oil mining leases, and has agreed to provide the funds for carrying out the exploration and development operations and further agreed to conduct the said operations jointly with NPDC with a view to transferring the requisite technology to NPDC.NOW therefore in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants herein contained, the Parties hereby agree as follows:鉴于NPDC持有,且有权持有XXX区块石油开采许可证(OMLS);鉴于NPDC有勘探开发XXX区块的意愿;鉴于NPDC有权签订本服务合同; 鉴于承包商具有石油勘探开发所必需的专业技术资质,且同意提供勘探开 发作业所需的资金,并通过与NPDC联合作业转让必要的技术;鉴于以上前提及相互承诺,当事人订立下面条款:ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS 第 1 条 定义1.1 In this Contract, including the recitals and the Annexes attached hereto unless the context otherwise requires, words and expressions used shall bear the meanings stated herein:“ Accounting Procedure” means the rules and procedures set forth in Annex “C” attached hereto and forming part of this Contract;“Affiliate or Affiliated Company” means a company or other entity that controls or is controlled by a Party, or a company or other entity which controls or is controlled by a company or other entity which controls a Party; and for the purpose of this definition, control means ownership by one company or entity of at least fifty- one per cent (51%) of:the voting stock, if the other company is a company issuing stockorthe controlling rights or interest if the other entity is not a company. “Available Crude Oil” means the Crude Oil jointly won and saved from the Contract Area.“Barrel” means a quantity or unit of Crude Oil, equal to forty-two (42) United States gallons at the temperature of sixty degrees (60o) Fahrenheit at normal atmospheric pressure.“Budget” means the cost estimate of items included in Work Programme.“CAPEX” means the costs referred to in Article II, paragraph 2 of Annex “C” of this Contract.“Commercial Discovery” shall mean any Discovery in the Contract Area which the Project Management Committee agrees to develop and exploit pursuant to the terms of this Service Contract.“Commercial Production” means combination of production of the first One Hundred Thousand (100,000) Barrels of Crude Oil from the Contract Area.“Contract” means this Service Contract including the Annexes attached hereto.“Contract Area” means the area covered by the XXXX BLOCKS as described in Annex “A” hereto.“Contract Duration” means the period referred to in Article 3.“Contract Year” means a period of twelve (12) consecutive calendar months from the Effective Date of this Contract or from the anniversary of the Effective Date.“CONTRACTOR”means .“Cost Oil” means the quantum of Available Crude Oil allocated to thePARTIES to enable them to generate the Proceeds to recover all non-capital costs and qualified capital costs sustained to carry out Petroleum Operations under this Service Contract, as specified in the Accounting Procedure.“Crude Oil” means mineral oil in its natural state before it has been refined or treated (excluding water or other foreign substances).“Date of Commencement of Commercial Production” means, the date on which One Hundred Thousand (100,000) Barrels of Crude Oil is first produced from the Contract Area.“Discovery” means the finding, by drilling, of an accumulation of hydrocarbon whose existence until that moment was unknown or not confirmed.“Effective Date” means the date of the execution of this Service Contract by the Parties hereto being the day and year first above written.“Exploration and Development” means Petroleum Operations undertaken in the Contract Area pursuant to the Exploration and Development Programme approved in accordance with Article 9 hereof.“Exploration and Development Costs” means the cost of exploration and developmental activities, including but not limited to: data acquisition, data processing, data interpretation, basin analysis, exploration, appraisal, drilling, testing, completing, capping, plugging and abandoning, development, water injection or gas injection wells, the construction and installation of facilities and equipment required for the production, storage transportation and delivery and evacuation of hydrocarbons as well as the installation of secondary recovery facilities.“Financial Year” means a period of twelve (12) calendar months from the 1st day of January to the 31st day of December.“First Oil” means first barrel of Crude Oil produced from Commercial Discovery for the purpose of lifting.“Fixed Assets” means immovable property and include movable property, which has been affixed, installed, constructed or attached to immovable property as part of the facilities utilized for carrying out Petroleum Operations.“Foreign Exchange” means currency other than that of Nigeria that is acceptable to both NPDC and CONTRACTOR.“Gross Negligence” means any act or failure to act by the Operator which was intended to cause or which was in reckless disregard or wanton indifference to the harmful consequences that the Operator knew or should have known such act or failure would have on safety, life or property and approved operations.“LIBOR” means the one -month term London Inter-Bank Offer Rate for U.S. Dollars for similar amounts to the sums in question, quoted by National Westminster Bank in London at 11:00 a.m. on the first business day of the relevant period. If the National Westminster Bank is unable or fails to supply such daily quotation, that of Barclays Bank International Ltd. will be used.“Market Price” means the Official Selling Price(OSP) of the Crude Oil produced from the Contract Area in US Dollars per barrel, in accordance with the NNPCs monthly published price for the different grades of Crude Oil.“Natural Gas” means all gaseous hydrocarbons produced in association with Crude Oil or from reservoirs, which produce only gaseous hydrocarbons.“Official Selling Price” means a price set by NNPC on monthly basis after reviewing the marker crude price over a period of thirty (30) days and adding or subtracting a differential between marker crude and Nigerian crude based on market factors.“Operator” means CONTRACTOR utilizing a team constituted by personnel of the Parties to jointly explore, develop and operate the fields located within the XXXX BLOCKS under the Project Management Committee, until NPDC exercises its rights as set out in Article 6.5. Thereafter, the “Operator” shall mean NPDC utilizing a team constituted by personnel of the Parties to jointly explore, develop and operate the fields located within the XXXX BLOCKS under the Project Management Committee till the expiration of this Contract. For purpose of this Contract “Operator” when used at any particular time shall be deemed to mean the relevant Party at the relevant time carrying out the duties of the Operator.“Parent Company Guarantee” means the guarantee executed under seal by China Petrochemical Corporation (the Guarantor) being the parent company of the CONTRACTOR whereby the Guarantor absolutely, irrevocably and unconditionally agrees and undertakes to guarantee to Nigerian Petroleum Development Company (NPDC) any and all of the obligations of the CONTRACTOR pursuant to the terms of this Contract including without limitation the obligation to provide funds and such guarantee shall be made and submitted to NPDC in phases as per the agreement reached by CONTRACTOR and NPDC for the provision of required funds agreed from time to time for the Petroleum Operations. Each guarantee to be submitted shall specify the guaranteed amount and shall be in accordance with the Form of Parent Company Guarantee attached to this Service Contract as Annex G.“Party” means NPDC or CONTRACTOR.“Parties” means both NPDC and CONTRACTOR.“Petroleum Operations” means all exploration, appraisal, development, production, operations, abandonment/ decommissioning, transportation and crude terminating activities for or with respect to the Contract Area.“Petroleum Operations Costs” means expenditures made and obligation incurred by PARTIES in carrying out Petroleum Operations as determined in accordance with this Contract and the Accounting Procedure.“Petroleum Profit Tax” “PPT” means the tax obligations arising from the Petroleum Operations under this Contract pursuant to the “Petroleum Profit Tax”Act 1959 Cap 354 laws of the Federation of Nigeria 1990, as amended (PPT Act). “Proceeds” means the amount in U.S. Dollars determined by multiplying the Official Selling Price (OSP) by the number of Barrels of Available Crude Oil.Production Costs” means all costs incurred in carrying out ProductionOperations.“Production Operations” means all operations carried out subsequent to Development in order to produce, treat, store, convey and deliver Crude Oil from wells, platforms and facilities to a refinery, terminal or other utilisation or marketing point.Profit Oil” means the balance of Available Crude Oil after the allocation of Royalty Oil, Cost Oil and Tax Oil.“Project Management Committee” means the Committee established by NPDC and CONTRACTOR to carry out the functions set out in Article 7 of this Contract.“Quarter” means the time interval from: January 1st to March 31st inclusive, April 1st to June 30th inclusive, 1st July to 30th September inclusive, October 1st to December 31st inclusive.“Royalty” means the amount payable pursuant to the Petroleum Act 1969 and Petroleum (Drilling and Production) Regulations 1969 Cap 350 laws of the Federation of Nigeria 1990, as amended.“Royalty Oil” means the quantum of Available Crude Oil allocated to NPDC which will generate an amount of Proceeds equal to the actual payment of Royalty.“Tax Oil” means the quantum of Available Crude Oil allocated to NPDC which will generate an amount of Proceeds equal to the actual payment of PPT.“U.S. Dollars” means the currency of the United States of America.“Wilful Misconduct” means in relation to the Operator, an intentional, conscious, reckless, and wanton disregard of:any material provision of this Contract; orany substantial part of the Work Programme as contained in Article 9.“Work Programme” means for the applicable period a statement itemizing the Petroleum Operations to be carried out in the Contract Area.“Working Capital” means the funds required to conduct Petroleum Operations.“Year” means a period of twelve (12) consecutive months according to the Gregorian calendar.1.1 本合同及其陈述和附件中所使用的术语,除特别规定外,均定义如下: “会计程序”指作为本合同一部分的附件“C”中所述之规则和程序;“关联或关联公司”指控制一方当事人或受一方当事人控制的公司或其他 实体,或指公司或其他实体控制或受控于控制一方当事人的公司或其他实体, 为明确定义,控制意旨一家公司或者实体拥有受控公司或实体至少 51的:(a) 受控公司的表决权股票,或(b) 控制权或权益,如果另一实体不是一家公司。 “可得到的原油”指从合同区联合开采和储存的原油。“桶”指原油的数量或单位,等于在正常大气压下华氏 60 度时42 美制加 仑。预算”指在工作计划中包括项目估价的成本。“基建费用”(CAPEX)指在本合同附件“C”第二条第二段所指费用。商业发现”指根据本服务合同,在项目管理委员会许可勘探开发的合同 区中的任何发现。“商业生产”指从合同区块中首次联合生产100,000 桶原油。 “合同”指本服务合同及其附件。“合同区”指在附件“A”中描述的OMLS XXX所在区域。“合同期限”指在第三条所指的期限。“合同年”是从本合同生效日或者从每年的生效日开始的连续 12 个日历 月。“承包商”指中石化国际石油勘探开发有限公司尼日利亚有限公司。“成本油”指会计程序中规定的、分配给当事人的原油数量,该原油用于 回收本服务合同项下石油作业所发生的所有非资本成本和符合条件的资本成 本。“原油”指未被精炼或处理前保持天然状态的矿物油(不含水或其他杂 质)。“商业生产开始日期”指 100,000 桶原油从合同区首次开采出来的日期。 “发现” 指通过钻井发现(此前未被发现或证实)的碳氢化合物储集。 “生效日期”指当事人首次书面签署实施本服务合同的日期。“勘探开发”指按照本合同第九条规定批准的勘探开发计划,在合同区从 事的石油作业。“勘探开发成本”指勘探开发活动的成本,包括但不限于:数据采集、数 据处理、数据解释、盆地分析、勘探、评价、钻井、试井、完井、封井、封堵 和报废、开发、注水井或注气井、架设和装配生产所需的设备和工具、库存的 运输和输送、碳氢化合物的运输以及二次开采设备的安装。“财务年度”指从一月一日到十二月三十一日的 12 个日历月。“头份油”指以获取为目的,从商业发现开采的第一桶原油。“固定资产” 指不动产和以实施石油作业为目的,作为不动产的一部分而 固定、安装、建造的动产。“外币汇兑”指 NPDC 和承包商都接受的除尼日利亚货币以外的其他货 币。“严重过失”指作业者明知或应知会对安全、生命或者财产和批准的作业 产生危害却故意或疏忽大意而发生的任何行为或不作为。“伦敦银行同业拆放利率”(LIBOR)指一个月期间美元的伦敦银行同业拆 放利率,以该时期伦敦西敏寺国家银行第一个营业日上午 11 点的报价为准。如 果西敏寺银行不能或者未能提供此类每日报价,则应采用巴克莱国际银行报 价。“市价”指根据NNPC每月公布的不同等级的原油价格所制订的合同区产 出原油的官方售价(桶/美元)。“天然气”指伴生气或天然气藏所产的所有气态碳氢化合物。“官方售价”指 NNPC 根据市场因素和过去30 天的基准油价,按基准原油 和尼日利亚原油的差额进行增减而设定的每月原油价格。“作业者” :NPDC行使6.5节所述权利之前,作业者系指利用合同当事 人员工组成的联合队从事项目管理委员会项下OMLS XXX内的油田的勘探、开 发和作业工作的承包商;其后直至合同期满,“作业者”系指利用合同当事人员 工组成的联合队从事项目管理委员会项下OMLS XXX内的油田的勘探、开发和 作业工作的NPDC。本合同中出现的“作业者”应视为在相应时段履行相应作业 者职责的相关当事人。“母公司担保”指由中石化集团(担保人)出具的,盖有其印章的担保, 中石化集团是承包商的母公司,担保人绝对、不可撤销和无条件地向尼日利亚 石油开发公司(NPDC)担保承包商本合同项下的任何和所有债务,包括但不限于 提供资金、根据承包商和NPDC不时达成的为石油作业提供所需资金的协议出 具担保并提交NPDC。提交的担保书必须明确担保金额,其格式应符合本服务合 同附件 G 的规定。“当事人”指NPDC或承包商。“当事人(复数)”指NPDC和承包商。“石油作业”指合同区内进行或与合同区有关的所有勘探、评价、开发、 生产、作业、废弃/停产、运输和石油运输终端各项工作。“石油作业成本”指根据本合同和会计程序,双方当事人实施石油作业过 程中发生的费用和债务。“石油利润稅” “PPT”指依照尼日利亚联邦1990年对1959年“石油利 润稅”法Cap 354法则修订的规定,因从事本合同项下石油作业所产生的稅 费。“收益”指可得到原油的桶数乘以官方的售价(OSP)得到的美元的金额。 “生产费用”指在实施生产作业中发生的所有费用。“生产作业”指在开发后的原油生产、处理、存贮、运送和输送(从井、 平台和设备到炼油厂、终点或其他交易点)。“利润油”指扣除矿区使用费油、成本油和交税的油后的原油余额。“项目管理委员会”指 NPDC 和承包商建立的委员会,该委员会行使本合 同第7 条列示职责。“季度”指下列时段,从1月1日到3月31日(包括3月31日), 4月1 日到6月30日(包括6月30日), 7月1日到9月30日(包括9月30日), 10月1日到12月31日(12月31日)。“矿区使用费”指根据1969年石油法和尼日利亚联邦1990年对1969年石 油(钻井和生产)法则 Cap 350 法规的修订之规定应支付的金额。“矿区使用费油”指分配给NPDC的原油份额,其收益等于实际支付的矿 区使用费。“交稅的油”指分配给NPDC原油的份额,其收益等于实际支付的PPT。“美元”指美国的货币。“故意行为”指涉及作业者故意无视:(a) 本合同任何实质条款;或(b) 在第 9 条所述之任何工作计划的实质部分。 “工作计划”指在合适的时期,在合同区实施石油作业项目的报告。 “营运资金” 指实施石油作业所需的资金。“年”指根据格里历,连续的12 个月期间。ARTICLE 2 PAYMENT OF PRE-DEVELOPMENT COST 第 2 条 开发前成本支付2.1 NPDC acknowledges CONTRACTORs obligation to pay a predevelopment cost of Twenty Million One Hundred Thousand (20,100,000) U.S. Dollars to NPDC, in phases, as follows:2.1.1Phase 1: A sum of Six Million Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars ($6,500,000) shall be paid into an account designated by NPDC within Forty-Five (45) days of the Effective Date of this Contract.2.1.2Phase 2: A sum of Eight Million One Hundred Thousand US Dollars ($8,100,000) shall be paid into an account designated by NPDC at the end of three (3) years of Exploration.2.1.3Phase 3: A sum of Five Million Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars ($5,500,000) shall be paid into an account designated by NPDC at the end of five (5) years of this Contract when the project enters into production or upon achieving First Oil, whichever is earlier.2.2The payment made by SIPEC to NPDC as stipulated in Article 2.1 shall not be recoverable as Cost Oil.2.3If SIPECs Internal Rate of Return falls below 13%, SIPEC shall promptly consult with NPDC, making available all economic assumptions utilized, with a view to withdrawing from this Contract.2.4 In the event that Parties disagree in relation to Article 2.3 hereinabove, SIPEC shall be entitled to submit its proposal to withdraw to the Project Management Committee. Approval of the Project Management Committee shall not be unreasonably withheld.2.1 NPDC确认承包商按阶段支付给NPDC开发前成本20,100,000美元: 2.1.1阶段1:在本合同生效期45天之内,支付6,500,000美元至NPDC指 定账户。2.1.2阶段2:在3年勘探期末,支付8,100,000美元至NPDC指定账户。2.1.3 阶段 3:在本合同第5 年末,项目进入生产阶段或者见油(以时间早者 为准)时,支付5,500,000美元至NPDC指定账户,2.2 SIPEC按合同2.1条规定支付给NPDC的付款,不得作为成本油回收。2.3如果SIPEC的内部收益率降到了 13%, SIPEC必须速与NPDC接洽,向 其出示所有经济数据,以商谈本合同的撤销事宜。2.4当事人如对2.3条规定持有异议,SIPEC有权向项目管理委员会递交其 撤销提案,如无正当理由反对,项目管理委员会应予以批准。ARTICLE 3 DURATION OF THE CONTRACT 第3条 合同期限3.1 This Contract shall remain in full force and effect over the Contract Area for twenty (20) years, or until full recovery of the existing reserves of Eighteen Million Five Hundred Thousand (18,500,000) Barrels in Kanuskiri/Korugbagba Field, as provided by NPDC, and other reserves which will be jointly discovered by the Parties within eight (8) years of this Contract, whichever is earlier. Thereafter, this Contract shall expire and immediately be succeeded by new terms and conditions agreed upon by the Parties for the remaining producible reserves.3.2 Subject to mutual agreement of the Parties this Contract can be terminated any time whenever it appears evident that the exploration and development activities in OML 64 and/or OML 66 referred to in Article 3.1 hereinabove cannot be economically attained.3.1就合同区而言,本合同有效期20年或直至完全开采Kanuskiri/Korugbagba 油田(NPDC规定的)18,500,000桶的现有储量及本合同8年内当事人共同发现 的其他储量(以时间早者为准)。其后,本合同期满,当事人双方应立即就剩余 可采储量订立新合同条款。3.2当事人双方同意,如有证据表明上文3.1条所指0ML 64和/或0ML 66勘 探和开发活动无经济价值,本合同可随时终止。ARTICLE 4 RIGHTS AND 0BLIGATI0NS 0F THE PARTIES第4条 当事人的权利和义务4.1In accordance with this Contract, C0NTRACT0R shall:a) subject to Article 8, provide all funds, required for Petroleum 0perations and all incidental costs relating thereto;b) deliver to NPDC, within one hundred and twenty (120) days from the Effective Date, Parent Company Guarantee from China Petrochemical Corporation covering the total amount of the minimum disbursement required to meet C0NTRACT0Rs minimum obligation for the Petroleum 0perations and additional funds which C0NTRACT may be obliged to provide in accordance with Article 8.2 below.c) C0NTRACT0R shall carry out an agreed annual training programme in accordance with Article 15 hereof.d) In addition to the foregoing, C0NTRACT0R shall also provide for training facilities for NPDC/NNPC staff with an annual sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand (250,000) US Dollars for a period of five (5) years from the Effective Date, which amount shall be paid in January of each year into an account that shall be nominated by NPDC and th


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