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课堂教学设计课题:新目标九年级第四单元第一课时 What would you do?(你会怎么办?)指导思想与理论依据:根据初中英语课程标准要求,面向全体学生,突出学生主体,尊重个体差异,倡导体验参与,学用结合、学以致用,引进竞争机制,鼓励学生大胆发言,多给学生肯定评价, 使学生获得成功的体验,享受学习的乐趣。教材分析:本单元以你会怎么办为话题,语言功能为谈论想象情形,要求学生掌握一些生词、短语、句型,语法项目为虚拟语气,学习策略为使用所学知识和合作学习,另外本节课设计的话题是为把意外之财用于协助他人,对学生的道德目标和价值取向有着渗透启发作用,本节课为第一课时,对本单元的学习有着引导作用,能否成功直接关系到整个单元的学习。学情分析: 因为本学期接替一位退休老师的两个班,对学生不是很熟悉,还在培养预习、听课、记笔记和整理笔记的习惯的阶段,不过学生在课堂上能主动发言,积极参与,上一单元出现过虚拟语气的句子,而且提前几天课前播放歌曲If I were a butterfly,学生对此语法项目已有初步理解,能够通过本节课的学习完成学习目标,而且本节课我要求学生完全使用英语, 叫作TIP Class,即No Chinese,有局部学生基础差,接受水平有限,需要给他们协助与鼓励。教学目标:Language Goals: To listen and speak about what you would do in imaginary situations.To learn to understand and use subjunctive mood.Ability Goals: Improve the students listening and speaking ability. Moral goals: Teach the students to help others and be thankful to parents.教学重点和难点:Important points: New words: million, medical, researchExpressions: put it in the bank, give it to medical researchStructures: What would you do if you had a million dollars? Id give it to charity. If I were you, I wouldDifficult points: How to use the structures correctly Some students will have difficulty understanding the teachers instructions.教学过程:教学环节教师活动预设学生行为设计意图Step I. 组织教学问好,说课回应、理解本节课主要必须说英语,No Chinese明确告诉学生这节课要学习的内容和方式Step II. 歌曲欣赏播放歌曲、提问问题欣赏、跟唱、思考启发学生感恩父母、引入虚拟语气Step III. 复习生词英语解释积极参与,兴趣高涨利用学生好胜心理,鼓励记单词Step IV. 头脑风暴提问、启发说出自己的想法、大胆想象鼓励学生开口讲英语,练习重点句型Step V. 听力播放、提问听、获取主要信息锻炼听、说水平Step VI.调查组织、巡视、协助小组内自编对话、上台表演把自主权交给学生,培养预习水平、合作精神、使学生使用所学语言知识Step VII.写作提出要求读范文、思考、仿写锻炼使用所学句型写作的水平Step VIII. 课堂小结组织、提示、点拨归纳总结本节课学到的单词、短语、句型、语法让学生自己总结,培养学习水平Step IX.布置作业讲解作业要求课后完成分层次布置课后作业教学流程示意:Step I. Organization1.Greetings 2. Lead in and tell the students what they will do in this period. Step II. Enjoy a song Ask the students to listen to the song If I were a butterfly and ask them :1. What animals did you hear and see?2. What do you think of when you listen to the song?Lead in the objectives of this period.Step III. Revision Review the new words by asking the students to say the words according to the definitions.Step IV. Brainstorming(1a)Ask the students what they will do if they have ten dollars. Ask them what they would do if they had a million dollars. Give some hints when necessary.Step V. Listening (1b)Ask the students to listen to the recording finish the two tasks: 1. Number the pictures. 2. Fill in a chart Ask some questions about the conversation.Step VI. Make a surveyAsk the students to work in groups of four. Every student asks the other three what they would do if they had a million dollars and report the result to the class. Example: Tom would travel around the world if he had a million dollars. Lang Yu would buy an expensive car if she had a lot of money.Step VII. WritingAsk the students to write about their dreams using these structures:I want to be a spacewoman. If I were a spacewoman, I would have a space ship. If I had a space ship, I would travel around the space. If I traveled around the space, I wouldInvite some students to read their compositions.Step VIII. SummaryAsk the students to summaries the new words, expressions and structures they learned in this period.Step IX Assign homework:1.Oral work (分层次)A&B层: Recite the conversation in 1c.C层: Recite the tape script of listening material.2. Written work (分层次)A&B层: Write a conversation using the structures theyve learned C层: Write the composition My Dream板书设计:Unit 4 What would you do?Important words: million,medical,research,snackUseful expressions : put it in the bank, give it to medical research give it to charityStructures: What would you do if you had a million dollars? Id give it to charity. If I were you, I would


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