宾语从句 (4)

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I know Miss Wang.I know(that)Miss Wang is a Math teacher.Subject.(主语主语)Predicate.(谓语)(谓语)Object.(宾语)(宾语)Subject.+Predicate.+The Object Clause(宾语从句)宾语从句)The Object Clause1.We wonder how we shall do it.2.Could you tell me where they are?3.We believe that they have finished their task.4.I am sorry that I didnt know you wanted to join the Party.找出下列句中的宾语从句The Object ClauseI know(that)electricity is an invisible form of energy.(that)he attended an important meeting yesterday.(that)Xiao Ming has read the book.(that)the school sports meeting will take place next month.Conclusion 1:宾语从句在复合句中作主句的宾语从句在复合句中作主句的宾语。要注意,主句的时态与从句宾语。要注意,主句的时态与从句中的时态有密切的关系。主句的动中的时态有密切的关系。主句的动词词为现在时为现在时,宾语宾语从句的时态不作从句的时态不作限制限制,我们可以根据句子的意思来,我们可以根据句子的意思来使用需要的任何一种时态。使用需要的任何一种时态。PracticeModel:It is important to keep healthy.(We know)We know(that)it is important to keep healthy.The monitor knows(that)Xiao Ming has already entered for the high jump.1.Xiao Ming has already entered for the high jump.(The monitor knows)2.We should relax for some time.(He says)He says(that)we should relax for some time.3.Its hard to finish the homework in an hour.(They understand)They understand(that)its hard to finish the homework in an hour.4.Tom will take my advice.(I hope)I hope(that)Tom will take my advice.5.Jack enjoys both team sports and individual sports.(They have told me)They have told me(that)Jack enjoys both team sports and individual sports.He said(that)he was repairing his bike.(that)Mary would visit her friend.(that)they had worked there for two years.(that)John often had lunch at home.He is repairing his bike.Mary will visit her friend.They have worked there for two years.John often has lunch at home.Conclusion 2:在宾语从句中,如主句的谓语动在宾语从句中,如主句的谓语动词是词是一般过去时一般过去时,从句中的谓语动词,从句中的谓语动词也要用表示也要用表示过去的时态过去的时态。表示过去。表示过去的时态有的时态有:一般过去时,过去进行时,一般过去时,过去进行时,过去完成时和过去将来时。过去完成时和过去将来时。He said(that)the earth turns around the sun.Attention:如果宾语从句讲述的是如果宾语从句讲述的是一个客观真理,一个客观真理,一种自然现象等,一种自然现象等,其时态不受主句时其时态不受主句时态影响,仍用态影响,仍用一般现在时一般现在时。PracticeModel:A:I enjoy listening to pop songs.B:What did you say?I couldnt hear you.A:I said(that)I enjoyed listening to pop songs.1.I prefer to be a doctor.2.I know how to use a computer properly.3.Bills job is to repair the machine.4.The school sports meeting will take place.5.Mary has read so many books.Conclusion 3:当陈述句变成宾语从句时,当陈述句变成宾语从句时,其语其语序不变。可用序不变。可用 that 作为引导词进作为引导词进行连接。行连接。特殊疑问句变为宾语从句时,其特殊疑问句变为宾语从句时,其形式为特殊疑问词形式为特殊疑问词+陈述句语序。陈述句语序。PracticeModel:When does the train leave for Beijing?(I dont know)I dont know when the train leaves for Beijing.1.How much does this computer cost?(Please tellPlease tell me how much this computer costs.2.How do the Chinese people celebrate theirDo you know how the Chinese people celebrate their National Day?me)National Day?(Do you know)3.How did he get these tickets?(Can you tell me)Can you tell me how he got these tickets?4.What kind of sports do you like best?(He asked)He asked what kind of sports you liked best.5.How many English words had you learned by theMary asked how many English words you had learned by the end of the last term.6.Who is listening to the radio?(She asked)She asked who was listening to the radio.end of the last term (Mary asked)1.He asked _.(这个学生怎么去学校的这个学生怎么去学校的)2.Do you know_ (他们在等谁他们在等谁)3.He asked _.(谁的书写是班上最好的谁的书写是班上最好的)4.Do you know_ (地球和月亮,哪一个比较小地球和月亮,哪一个比较小)5.Please tell me _.(我们什么时候开会我们什么时候开会)how the student went to schoolwho they are waiting for?whose handwriting was the best in classwhich is smaller,the earth or the moon?when we will have a meeting由由when,who,whose,which,howwhen,who,whose,which,how引导的宾语从句引导的宾语从句Conclusion 4:当一般疑问句变成宾语从句时,当一般疑问句变成宾语从句时,其其语序应变成陈述句语序,并用语序应变成陈述句语序,并用 whether 或或 if 连接。连接。若选择疑问句变成宾语从句时,若选择疑问句变成宾语从句时,其其语序仍应变成陈述句语序,并只用语序仍应变成陈述句语序,并只用 whether 连接。连接。PracticeModel:A:Are those stories true?B:What did you ask?A:I asked if/whether those stories were true.1.Is the pilot flying a space plane?2.Have you seen the film?3.Do the footballers train every morning?4.Did she take part in the English Evening?5.Can Mike drive a car or not?6.Is it going to rain or not?1.He asked if the pilot was flying a space plane.3.He asked if they started training every morning.4.He asked if she had taken part in the English Evening?2.He asked if you had seen the film.5.He asked whether Mike could drive a car or not.6.I asked whether it was going to rain or not1.The radio says it _ cloudy tomorrow.(be)2.Tom says that they _(play)basketball at six oclock yesterday evening.3.I hear they _ (return)it already.4.He said that they _ members of the Party since 1948.(be)5.Can you tell me what they _ yesterday?(do)6.Miss Wang told me that light _ (go)much faster than sound.will be were playing have returned had been Fill in the blanks with the proper verbs:didgoes直接引语和间接引语直接引语和间接引语The teacher said,“John,you must bring your homework to the class.”The teacher told John that he must bring his homework to the class.The teacher said that you must bring your homework to the class.The teacher said that I must bring my homework to the class.注意人称的变化。直接引语中的第一人注意人称的变化。直接引语中的第一人称在间接引语中往往用第三人称表述。称在间接引语中往往用第三人称表述。More practice:1.He said,“I am learning English.”2.Mary said,“I like this book.”3.He has said to me,“Im tired.”4.She said,“The man came at six.”He said that he was learning English.Mary said that she liked that book.He has said to me that he is tired.She said that the man had come at six.PracticeModel:A:I B:What did he/she say?I couldnt hear him/her.C:He/She said(that)he/she Im good at maths.I havent been to America yet.I didnt sleep well.I go shopping twice a week.1.I said he preferred to be an astronaut.2.I said he knew how to use a computer properly.3.I said Bills job was to repair the machine.4.I said the school sports meeting would take place.5.I said Mary had read so many books.将间接引语改为直接引语将间接引语改为直接引语the Object Clause注意点注意点陈述句陈述句 一般一般疑问句疑问句 选择选择疑问句疑问句 特殊特殊疑问句疑问句1.引导词引导词2.语序语序3.时态时态4.人称人称(that)陈陈 述述 句句 语语 序序 主句用现在时,从句可以使用各种所需要的时态;主句用现在时,从句可以使用各种所需要的时态;主句用过去时,从句一般也使用表示过去的时态主句用过去时,从句一般也使用表示过去的时态(一般过去时、过去进行时、过去完成时、过去将来时)(一般过去时、过去进行时、过去完成时、过去将来时)直接引语改间接引语时,直接引语改间接引语时,第一人称改成第三人称第一人称改成第三人称ifwhetherwhether 特殊特殊疑问词疑问词


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